oRO-No WEEKLY TIMftS THiJ«RSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1946. A lrgeatencanc xiaspreen atI ws n eoquntspeaker ai b oth te Aegloan Harvest Home Servi- sýervice.Atevnigsrice the Ces inl St, Savior' church on Sun- coi Wxchdthemsdelv in their éay. October Gtb. The church %was îgi. M.W. icelsn very beautifuly decoratod Wih fiow- co ors.Rev Sebouneof Cobourg, Give the Times for a Xmas. gift. Ontario Royal Commission on Forestry PUBLIC HEARINGS -NOTICE IS H1EREBY GIE ij ofain of the Ad- vance Notice and Tentative Sclhedule whNlichi appeared in the press in thie early part of September. that Public Heariugs of the Ontario Royal C'omm1ission on iFoirestry wNi1lIho held at thle followving, timies and places: Sault Ste. Marie Oct. 28- 29 Courthiouse 1M am. Port Arthur Nov. 1- 2 Courthlouse 1o a'r.m. hKeiior a Nov. 5- 6 Courthouse 1 0 a.mn. Fort Frances N ov. 8 ! 9 Courthouise 10 a.m. Geraldton N ov. 12 - 13 Ukrainin Hall 10 a. m. London Nov. 18- 19 County Counicil 10 al,m, Chumbher Cochrane Nov. 25- 26 Hîighl School 10 a-lu. Assenbly 1Hall Northl Bay Nov. 28 -2 9 Courthouse 10 a.m. Pemibroke Dec 2 3 1ýowai Hall 10 a.m. Ottawa Dec. 5 - 6 - 7Courthouse 10 a.m. Torontto Dec. 9-10-11 7 niversity of10 a.m. 1Toronto Son(-ate Chamiber Thie Commi-ission was apie to investig-ate and report* uponi the forest resources Of On nori and itheir conservation, management and benieficial utilization fo 'ail purposos, inlclud(- ing thieir relation to other basic ids s atclryfarmi- in-, and their relation to aerai o osrai nad wvater 7ways und w1ate-zr power. Suhmnissions are invited from persons; or ognztoswho May wlf o prosont relevant malterial ,aIany of ithe above hearings. Such) evidence miay be preseuted orally, but the Commissioner wýould prefer samne lu the formzi of written briefs. It is desirahle but not esseutial that such bief s be forwarded to ithe Secretary for study inlllu dvance of the hearing u twhc they are to bo presented. It is requested that persons or or-ganiizations wishing to present oral evideiice utay of the above heariugs, submiit their names to.the Secretury, Ontarlo Royal Commission on ForTestry, Administration Building, Long Branch Smull Arms Plant, Torontlo 11, Ontario, prior to such heariug. W. H. HEWSON, Secretary 'Rand Crafts, (lassware, blina, Nov- elties, Childreni's itemis, eýé SPECIAL-Laeti ed Sillk Pan- ties, Hand Embroidere d and Edg-ed Towels;,' WEl INVITE Y ,Ug'INSPECTION MRS. L. REID - - ONTARIO RED & WHITE STORES LAIMB Legs of LAMB ...... ý..........ýý ý....b. Shoulders of LAMBLI, whole or haîf ..... lb Loin CIIOPS . ,,.,,,.,,.- .-... - lb. 15C. 27c. 53C. BEEF Porterbouse ROAST or STEAK......lb.49c. Prime RIB ROAST .............. l3e. Short RIB ROAST.........l.3c BLADE ROAST...........lb. 27c. ROUND STEAK or ROAST ,...... lb. 41c. SAUSAGE.............lb. 29C. PORK LIVER...........lb. 20c. WIENERS ..... .. ........lb 31c. Order Eatly Wthe Holiday Cream of thle Flocur, 98 lb . - West $2,95 Waxed Tuniips, Elb. - 3e each...... 2e Order Cran-ibernies for Thanksgiving - - - - - - - - - - Local News kr.J.Monof anevitd Vancuverpoisa vsitn wTorMn.oand iMrsa s agesoe ise.wt i!- Audrey BiHings and Mis ,Jue oodýe, f or onto, spent thel wmeek-end at theàir rspective homs Mi.Lena rene nd iM. ari, Mr .R.Cadhl1 , ofportHoe visied WY]hMrs"Tas. Eagleszon re- Alderma ýn thales B. Roberts and Mr. obrtof Cnlalwru - C- cetguests withl Mr. and Mr0 . W. Mnr. andMs.W111. Sta1int'on spent' Sunda lbv titeir so!n, Mn. Mi- o)n Stiniton and Mrsc. Stainton, of Mfiss Be'Yoley P-,yno and Mijs s Gira,-o -Huýdson are taking Secretanial Cussat the Calada Business Col- loge, Toro(nto, Mi.Jamnes Dickson specnt afe das ast week slth her daughtens, Vhrs. Turiey of Belleville, and Ms MýiIlson of Kingston. Mr. and Mrs Wilfred Froste miov- Ad into their new homne con Satundaiy e;vening last, being recently punrcha- ed from Mr J. Fi. Lorriman. v#you tnied Laxo Ceal Foo'ýd an-d Muffin Meal fýor a good breakfast cere(,al ? iSold at youn groeuny stores, ni Orono and surrounding ditrict Quite a nummber of the Or4sei friends of Mrs, P. C. Brown, of Whit- by, attended the funeral of the late Mr. P. C. Broiwn on Thursday las t. Mr. Jack Buckley had his funni- tuno moved front the Kunite Apant- ments to Hamilton, wher-ne ho -and Mns. Buckley and faLmily w111 nreside. TheWo ns Christian Temipen- afce Union are hoi1lding a Silver Modal Contest on Friciay, October 25th, in- Park !St. Sun day Sehool room, ut 8 O'clock. Mr. C. B. Tyrreil retunned home on Wednesday evening of last weeký after spen-din-g the forepart of the ueek attending the RetailDr- gist's Convention in Toronto. Miss PoggyBngaof Winni-peg, and Mis's Hope Spencer, Of Edmnon- ton1 ,1who'are now atteniding Univer- sity Of Torcoto, w o-re ,lhe guiests ofi _M i ssBsnt t Mns. Dickson's last week, Mn. and Mrs. Van Wyngaardeni ýwil sooli ho leaving e:orono for- Fort Erie w"henre Mr. Wyngalarden has rTeceived a position. They a-re hiold-1 ing" a furnitune sale on Saturdaly, 1O0ctob)en l9th. Mri. and NMrs. Geo. Smth Ms. Ceci] Glass, Ms J. G. Jcsnand Mr. Hnrry Aige wpe in Peteirboo on, Wýednesday ofL'last week andvst .ed'I MoiredBullied S", is in the eenooHospital. Mr. Builied is a broiher of Mrs. Jackson, 1Wm. Stainiton picked six snw er-lsfrom] bis stnnwYber'ry pth aes r!osy red as any produced duning the stnawibrry seasoni. One was a perfect specirmnen, being one inchl across. dHe expects tA pick a le, mofe-iflhe fnost holds off. The Orono Hockey Club dance, un- der the auspices of the Oronlo Ama11- teur Athietic Association, which was to have been held on Fniday, Nov- 1emhber lst, haheeni postponed and r \il! now ho held on FnidCay, Nov. Sth. Cther atracios o ltat even- ing necessitued the change, Mn.u Warren inh, of Comeveld 1 who has spent âve mnonths ut bis cottage t t4tte Ilawk Lake, Hall- brocuilled toi sou Ormie Gamnsby on- Wedinesdiay of last week enr.outue h omne. Mnr Pinch wa.s foryesa omaeof !Mn. A. A., asy Ormie'sAddilu mary a hunting andîu 1 Mahing expediion. Two Of Our Oronoladies suffened lard fWi on Sunday night nean Mn. 1arr UMecen's homae. The sîe-1'. S- al'k at that place neuds aIlitte fdx- SUNDAY, OCT. l3th Thanksgivi.g Sna 11.00 am-osip "O ge thank, unto, the Lord for H sgood, for H is mercy endur- eth frever. psadim O4rono aTinshop! Heati..-ng and ORONO TOWN HALL 8.30 p.m. Saturday, October 12 ROYAL THEATRE Bowmanville - Phone 589 TOPS IN ENT\"ERT'AINMIENT Thurs. and Frî, OCTOl(BER 10-11 Unforgettable in the power of its emotions "A WALK IN THE SUN"- Dana Anidrews, Richard Conte plus For your entertajument Short-~lanif the Mayas Saturday Only 0(C1'1;1ER 12 Lum and Ahuier, in "PARTNER IN TIME"l plus The HoosierHtst Mn "THIAT TEXA /Sund'ny TB 13th M dnigjt Show "Outt arts Were Yo ý,g and Gay" Gail Russell - iana Lynn It's refresing!t Charmning! Cartoon - Screeu Sniapshots Shfbrt This is one Show you can't miss Doors open 12.05 a.m. Monday OCTIOBER 14li Thaniksg-iving M31athine! "Our Ilearts Were Young and Gay" C artoon - Secen .Snapshots and ishort Door;s open 1.30 pa. Corne early, iv4id the rush Mon,, Tues., Wed. OCTOBER 14l, 151, 16 "TWO SISTERS FROM BOSTON" Ka.thryui Grayson, Junie Allyson Cartoon lu llColour Fox Late News repesetingthe Duha[ Clunt A well tene ndu tretn meiceting of thoe-otclua oit wais held at the homiie of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Duncian onTusy evening last. Aýfter the buisineýs.a conclu!ided, cards iwoeenoefr terest of tho oveniiing and fresh fruit wscseved. A h1eartIy vote of'ý thnswere gvnMrý. and MiýS. ilucnfor. thir hoslpitLuitýy. AcÀ nttewnas chIoseni to arrang-e for M4r.Clks visit on Novemboihe- h. This will ibeia vory special occasion.- THE INDUSTRY 0F THE FUTTURE F UR F A R/-MINGC Min~k É1d Fox Buy a Trio - We Ranch Tii.. WJILLOW CREEK FUR FARM, C. R. KNOX ORONO, PHONE 42 y 2 ANNOUNOING Our Pick-up Ageney for the Finest Dry -Cleaning- RIDDELL'S BARBER %jI0P - Oro ,fon New Service Cleieers & Dyers Qucen Street - PORT HIOPE ARMSTI Children's 3-piece Tw'eed Out- fits, ulso 1-piece ini bine and pink. Blouses, Newest Styles, just arrived in Sheers, Silks, FeI-. thered Flannel ul nd Cotton.ý Skirts, in Alil Wool, pleateed aIl urouadà or hobxed pleats, colors of rose, gr-een, bîne, sand. Swe-ater-s, in AUl Wool Pull- over aunld Cardigan style, sizes 141 to 36. N-Neest stylos inCat and Hlats arriving etek. ECLIPSE PASTRY FLOUR 24 ilb. 75em, SALT 5 lb. bag CRROTS lb AERXO G' Childtren's Jumperls in, ail wo>o1 Corduroy, Feather FlanneL, size 6 ta 14. Baby Dressos, jluSilk lowe ed Voýiles, Feather FIannels, Smvocked, ini colors, sizes 2 Io 6. Chiildreni's Sleýepers u nd Py- jamas, sizes 2 to 6. -Wom eni's AIl 7lWool Blle BurkeDrse, ewsstl, s"izes 14 t 0 -Also Crepes luin black-a'i c-olors, Sequlin tr-im, ue ani twoa-plece, sizes 1l to 2211. SOAP FLAKES FOR SATURDAY STEýAK Bottle 25c. FRESc 5e. Aylmer, MI PEAS ai CARROI 2 tins TOMAT( JUICE 2 tins HAll R.E. ORONQ- WESTON'S PLUM PUDDING The kids drop a iloc uto the Boweecy . . .n mk chanmps oit o, chamiîps! THE EAS DE ýKID)S, i "COMIE COU ? wNith 1o u orceyýd,lnt z ll, Galbri 1Dell, BiV LBonedict The Rzob H d of the Rane idAgain! DýU-Nt IN RENALDO V iii "TUIE CISC O KID REÈURNS" ,WithMrtnGrrlg (as Pancho) AUtltLs, 3c hlrn1e COMING C (TOB'-ER 19th Double Foature --TIle Genl- tleman Prom Tfexas"',uId Shadows OverCintw il PARK ST. UJNITED CHURCH Miluter