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Orono Weekly Times, 17 Oct 1946, p. 1

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EE OPONO, ONT., THURSDAY, OCT. l7th, 1946 Subscription $ 1.25 per Year tlarke Township Public Speaking Contest, at Orono, Oct. l8th Hiealth Unit Report On Board Meeting For Septemberi 1-(tll of shoo] chil- Fiye Cases 0f Polio of the schools in SUptemIber. ,Sani- ar,,iy inspection of schools, immulolni-Dy eatiU t .aio lies and heahlinispecton ýwr nitiated. A case of poiomiyelitis, in an aduit In Sbmýitting, the mnonthly report aged 51years was adimitted to River- ýfor September to the Board. of d-ale Isolation Hos;pitai, Toronto, on Jleaith on 9th o,-. October, Dr. C. W. the nighit of 8th Oýctber, fromk a farm lMacCharles, ýSenior7 Medicail Officer noyth of Castieton in Cramiahe Town- cHea Ith, reported that sanitary ship. The patient died in hos,-italI on aveys had been carried out, in 98 llth October. Poliompyelitis is uni- chools. In some caSes it was found jusuai at this age. that varîous iiprovemiientb in water A child aged 9 years was adm)-it- supplies,'ec. recomnmended foliow- iittled to Riverdale Isolation Hos- Jng the preliiiinary surveys iast pital, Toronto, on 12th October fromr spring had been carried out. This t'he Village of Warkworth. The autunmn a start has been made onc diagnosis of poiiomnyelitis lias been1 checking on the efficieacy a~ the cnine u the condiion ofI the lighting in' the sehools by the uise of patient wâs reported as satisfactory. a standard iight mieter mieasxring This brings the total number of t he availabie light in foot dandiles. cases thiýs year to five. ýn 137 classrooems al the chiidren Another child, aged 10 years, -in regiven a quiik inspection by the village of Warkw-,,ýorth is under IIe staff nurnse; 180c, hii'dren wvýer-ebservatio)n as a suspect case of excluded because of skýin conditions Pùliomiyelitis. of veieoi and 8 r1 Rhgrnep ofcoinm- ý Belleville fon reading and rpor0t Vhsi family physýician.. X'n'ya Il be il limited o knowa ,n cas;es of tulber- culoais, contacta who howa posi- tive tuherculin, test and patient's re- ferred by the family physîcian as suspected cases of Tueclss t is hoped that this, service will fa- cýilitate Vhsfollow itup Cf cssof VibeculosiÎs and contaicts. In partsi c-f hsý Healtb Anit 9ares n).oV dsre by this cýlîie Dr. Bere ilcn tiuto bold bis periodlic travelling eh est cinica. ThbeDivision of Tuberculosis Pre- veation, Otalo FDepar-tmient of Ilealth, is holding one mass eat;, -r-ay asurvey la hsfealhUnit ares hs autuma t Mlboksatingo hs evening of Vsthe ýand coin ning on hs 16tb and l7th, October.1 Thbis clinic la belnig spnsoed yths ,ion',s Club of Port Hope, and te rKinsmilen Clutsl of Milibrook have iormed a local conrmittee to take 2 carge oa the arraingemnents. The WomeVn',ns Institutes have prornised Vo do the canvass in the rural Lareas. Sanitation - 'Duiniig the mionth -13 finsýpectionis of resctauran lts were ca-,rnied out, 46 bacteriological tests ,vere done on dishes and utenisils, and s 5 pasteurîzed înilk samles wýere ecollected for analysi. Commnunicable Disea-se - A total of 68' ne'w cases of commnunicable disease was reîported during Septem- b ler, 24 of these being cases of cbick- Senpox. Durin'g t1ne month one case rof ipolïimytcIis occurred in an aduit f romk Manvers Townsbip, but no paralysis occurred and recovery m-as uneventful and the patient bas There were four cases of scarlet fever -- 3 prinary cases in separ- aVe loicalit:es and 1 secondary case pd.eveloping in the home. An ont- break of 'wbooping cough localized lo one ares had ga ial eveloped before school opeipned but as the cases; did not dlevelop typical sym- tomis early7 tbey were noV recognized liy the parents. One schioi wvas, closed for a short .period and the outbreak did not spread -beyond tbis a1ares. One student nurse from-r the Uni- versity ofWetr Ontario wss at- 1tachied to the Unit for, one we of bo'ld maork. iitors during the mionth inicluded Miîýs E. squires, SVù!ervisor0j of Pu hlic iHealttb Nur- sing Precott'BuseiH'ealth Un-it, and Miss M. Lowery, form-erl]y Su- pervisor of Public Hleaith Nursing, Dacstern Counities eat Unit, D r. C.S. Pouffer, Acting Ch eief OffiCerI of lleailth, Ontario Dprtetof Heap-,lthi, and Dr. W. Cordon Brown, Alýcting Director, Division nf Vener- ai Disease Contrl Ontaro De- partment of IHealth. Dr. A.F. Berry, Director Sanitairy Engineering D,-ivision, Onitanio De- partmeý(nt of Healti, imade a b iin- spection of the Cobourg sewerage 'ytmand attended a etn of i~h Coour 1own Council on 23rd iof Sýeptembqer. Dr Hlarry Rcm menïded1 that the Town Counci(il en- maethe srie of a cnuta en- Iiee obrn in a repor7t on Vhe, r~weraze system. -.Aduiit Education To Be CaIled Orono Hornecraft Guild "--There wjere more than ixtyý pres- enV for hssecond nmeeting -of hsï hosaigCasses and thley de-1 ,cded o have an officiai itîs. " The l anld it vvas alan deci'ded Vo Continue witb WednLresday even4aig as clasa' niigbit. Mrs. J. E. O'Boyvle, wil l e Secretary-Treaaurer coF hs Guiid. ta hs autition periodl, M rs. L. a ge m co0mp da-iy's, This he di ýhe work id ailI r d so- lini subýe( Mr s. Hesper Deani, shlowed exactly hou' hs kntting, crocheting and ,tatLting so be douns, and mrs. Reid said that finstruction \vil be given iin any other ecrafts desired. In Mrs. F. . Boultbee's asewinig c!lasa, iaprons, poýt-holders; and oveni mîtta wsers Vhseorder of tVhs day. Many of Vhsr ladies h'ad a favorite aonwith Vthem, an others could copy i. 0/Ira. Bouîtces, witb M rs. Bailey snd M/ra. O"Boyie as assist- ants, belped those wthmaterial Vo cut aprons for themaisîves, uising none of Vhse "favorites" for a gujide. Paýt- teras wsre on haad for bot hoiders and ovýenii tta, ami helpad in istruction g 1iven whiere needsed. Thlie patterais exchang-e la goýing Vto be quite popular judging by Vhsi inter- est ahown. Patteras must "be sig-ned for and miay be kept oae wesk. A gýood selection of ýcildiren-'s patterais warotsd mat week, and as1- othiler1 mn1fe ,ber ring -in their pttra lV lan, > lrge ýssortmeat Of izea and aflsfor' ah Vhs lfam1rily shOu11d soon )e onhand. Th rt tis tie a foa ound (lof I'btte, nndtheluklay Local iloisteins Win At 1 Regionat Ci',hampionsh4ip Fair Durhlum count'y entiesddll inî Vh lekeeuî!lComiip e tition at Vhsfifte steili show i d OCher th at> Iii Ibro leVsspeciai Inter- 1Counlty Caîf Club Com1petitio, Iin whjIiCh five couintie-s exhihited e- treDï1uamwas 'firat wth L' tarin second and Hastings thiid. Johin Cr u iek shanýik, IHamn-ptor, showed Vhes second prize two-year- old bieifier and aiinth pnize tbree-year- nid beifer. H. J. Brooks,Bomn ville, and W. W. Werry, bad the third pize Junior Yearlinng Bull. Other local prize winners aere : A. Muir & Sons, Courice, fifth tbree- yeair-old bul, sixth Junior Yea1iîng- bull, s'ixth Prog-eny of Dam', si.xth Senior Get-of-Sire, and eighth h leif- en caif, thr-es-year-o)ld and four.-year- 'nid bifers; 'Garloýs Tamrblyn, Orono, seventh and nin'Vh buli calves; and J. RH. Jose & Sons, Newcastle, sev- entb Junior Yearling 1Heifen. In hs, Gouaity Rend Competition, Duirbai stood third witb Ontanlo firat. COWAN ,4VILLE Miss Helen Halioweil is spending a tweek witb ber aunt, Beuiah liaI- lowell, in Toronto. MAh. and Mm. Lloyd Clysdale and faiiyyvisitedl at Mr. and Mrs. Wes. iStrîn;ger's on Suniday. Mr, anïi Mrs. 'H. Rusk, who bave been living at their daughter's homre aI suminer, bave moved Vo their new home in Port Hope. Mr. Hector Mlison, -Us Adie Milîson, Mvr. Thos. Kiinman aad M1r. and Mrs. Wes Stringer attend- ei Roseneatb Pair. dMr and Mrs. Wmi. Ramnsbottomn, Bruce, Charlié and Dora Ramsbot- lomn an'd Betb Burgess. f eron mande short visits witb Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bandy, Mr. and MNrs, Wes. Stninger and Mr. and ýMrs. J. J. W.! Stringer over the wveek-,efl. Presentation and Address There was a good attendance atj 'Gommlýunîity Clubl on Tuesday night Igsat. They decided tc, bold a H-al-1 ioweien Party and will serve wieners1 an'd pumipkin pie, After he 1business a good programi was enjoyed. At the close oif thre imeeting a double shower %vas arranged for inl honlour 'of lvwo of our girls who, are Vo, be married soon. They are M isses Mvar- ion Moore and -Mary Getlick. Rev.1 Patterson cailed the twýo girls to thei platform Voebe aeated ini decoratedi chairs, and Miss Anýinie Getiick read the fuilowing address: Dear Mary and -Marlon - [tV be-1 becomres mly pleasant duty in behalfi of your friends assembled bere Vo- night Vo reind you that we@ are noV forgetfui of our pivilege in kno'w-l ing you in happy frindsbip. As you 1 leave us Vo join he ranks of the1 wedlded,ý we wil i miss your merryl ,1m11e and kýind1y symopatby-. Re- menbering thýe days maý,de agresablei hrough your aqanacyou r friends now- present Vo you a fe okenls of thieir love(_ and esteemn These gifts are presenited a a tokenii of the highi regard in which yo u areL held biy our mainy friends with theîir earnest wlsbes for your wel- fane andhapns as timie flows on- The tiwo ginijthakedthein friendsU for thie gif'Lýtslnl tire auidienesn "For they are joJliy good flos' Tihe two bie-ob eesoee with confetti. The e (veni ing closed wVithi thesevn of a good l iuch. 1 SW.CT.U._Meeting Tie Otobermetn of the Wo n'lsChiistian Temperance Uiîon was held on Tuesday;, St15h, at the hom-le of IMrs. H. Walsh, with the president, Mrs. Walsb peiig Mfter sinlging thie hymni, "i peo- pielha on earth do dw.ell," the d(e- votional w,,as taken by _Miss Eithl Shenwiin, who grýve 'a very finee mes- sage on Takgvn.S'le said 'we shouid have a thnsivn earit for the great mnany iessings we recive fromi day Vo day, and! for fiend- ships and for- our- homes. rirro - prête hymns were sung duïnng the1 reading. This wa ts followed witb sCent prayer. Thecoesodg secretary read carda of hs nks, and the fruit and loer imission secetary reported. Plansz for the Medal Contest were then made, wbich Will e hsid on Frîday October 25th. The programi comittee, lundh committee, those Vo puirchase boatosjo secure cotetatsand jdgaand imedais weeal! aPpoinited. Tie price will be25c. and 15C. A Th nksgýivinig reading mas giveni by Mrs. Ja1ckso(n, am aThaorksiv - qy , uilPmoin a, deiv rd i -r.,,V! boe ot ,~f ,,~i ~mrs. Gerald Shackleton Orono and districtere shocked to hPar of the passing in Torento Gleneral Hospital, Cof Ms.Gerald Shackleton (n'jee Leora Althea Bail) at the age of tet-ih years, eiMh months. Sot being in the best of h!ealth-, she wa.s taken to Tor-i onGlto General !lospitail eightswes prior to her passiwg, but faiied to repond to medicai treatment. She wvvs the daugbiter of M.vr. and Mrs. Edwin BaIl of Lot 32, Conces- sion 6, Clarke Towvnship. On June Ll7tib, 1ý'12, she was united in ml-ar- niage to Ger-aid Shackleton and liv- ed on tbe 8tb Concession of Clarke,i northi of Kirlby. She took an actve part in the social wvor'k of Kirby United Church aid wil11'be greatiy missed. Besides lier sorrowvqng husbaand and leaves one son; also ber par- ents, and two , brothers. The funeral service svas held al, her late residence, Lot 25, Concession 8, Clýaike Township, on Thursday, _October lth, with ber pastor, Rev. _. Littlewood officiating. Intermeat wams made in Orono Cemneery. The palibeakrers were : Dessrs. Lawrence Harris, Clarence Alin, !Charles Gay, Stanley Bail, Robert ~iClater and Raymond Chapman. o WILLIAM GRAHIAM There pased awýay suddýenly inlý Oyono on, Tuesday, October ta, 196, Willii Gr-abam, aV the age of81 years. Always in the beat of 'heaith bis sudiden passiag camne as a shock Vo his wife and famiily. The iate -Mr. Grahatm wvas bora la TecumisA#h Towniship, Simncoe County, on Septemiber ir d 1868, Ie devoted bis satire life Vo agricul- ture. On Octoer th, 1902 be was united in mnarriage, and la 1933 .novedl witb bis faiily to Carke Towns'hip and carried on farînirg. -around eigbt years agd lie reired omfa'rming and noved into Orono iwhere he bas resided ever ince. "là ~rerigionhe "d-gi ea a' oas time was a membex' of Cloven4ill Orange Lodge ýNo. 89). HIe eaves Vo mourn hits passiag, bis wife, five sons, Roy of Cooka- own, Ceci!, Edward, Vernon and Donald, of Orono, an,,d one daug'hte,, Mrs, Loydî Gainor (Dora), of Tor-j onto, also four brothers and. hreeý sistes. The funeral service w-as held at Vhe ori Funeral Chapel on Thuirs- day, October 3rd, with 11ev. Dewdney and Rey. Atkinson, of New,,caatiýe, of- fieia t in g. Interment was m--ade in St. John's Church Cemetery, Cooka- tewn. ~PaIbarrsat the chapel -were Mcesrs. O. W. Rolpb, Jas-. Eaglesýon, Benjamlin White, W. E. Armrstroa-g, Ic. H. Froate and Geoi-reButtera. Aýt the cemeter'y :Messrs. PtikRm sey, Vivian Beatty, Nom n ap-ý bell, Fred Apperiey, John Couse andl Cfhrie RuaseIL, PRESENTATION A very hiappy eveat 'was h-eld in the local Armiouresa on Th-ursdaýy eveniaig, Octoiber lOVh, wh-Ien; two of ou'r icl tre os copn ied by their brides, were given a presentation and soCSI eveninlg. The burt part nf the evening was given over Vo dancinig, Vhtluseee- ing supplied hy Howi rd Uion ami BIf Fouind. Later on in theI eveing,ý Vhsll two recntlyarrisd couples wiere called Vo the front of the Ar- !mounries wher-e V0ii, etain a mae ach c-ouple werepesne MUIba boX 02tha énilneLedn fromn the insidle. They er l- structed Vto pull 0on th-e ribbon, and whien thley, carried ont instructions ont came numerous llatied onto the rIbboa. Inst'ead of the customaryi pres;ents off furniture, etc., these Vwo bappiy imarried couples were pre- 1s:ented witb a generou)Ls aum of maoney. T h ei-eviag 0of reCfr'e sbhienilt s b)ro-ugýht a very pleatsant eveniag V a close. SALVATION ARMY APPEAL BRIN>LI,'S FORTH FINE RIESPONSE In Vhs Hlome Front Appeal of thie SvtinArmly carried ont in Oronlo and surround-inýg cowntry, a splendiid response was givea o ail Vhs can- vassers. The following amnounts w"eecoiected by:ý Mrs. Wmi. Glanviile ----........... ý25.45 Mra. W. S. 'Cbldc....67.50 Mra. Evelyn HRail....-----........ 49.501 Mr. JT. J. -Mellor...........-------1'21 . 30 Mra. N. IBradsha-w ~(Lesnd)jý--16.25 Anionymous donor...........100.00 $380.0 Vths hymn "Soing la the nmovii1i 1n 1 aHrepeating thie Lo)rd'sPry Athletic News A metngof the Oronio Hockey .luni) a heid in the Armouries on Tuýes-cDay evenling last wt a large re- pre-;ent'ati.on of players frorm this district present. The Oro)no boys are go-üing to Oshawýa on Thiursdaiy, Octoiber 24th, Vo hold their first prcieon ice tliis season. This should give the manag-ement a better idea justht the prospects are for the comiýng playiag season. The boys have sent an S O S calI out to the people of the district for somne tim-bers to reinforce theý new reserve seat section whvich they are going Vto instaîl in, the rink. They ý wocdd appreciate it if anyone couid help, themtý in secuing- these tim--bers. The Club is going to meet again on Monday, October 2lst, with t-vwo outstanding hockey men fronm Osh- aw*a spevaking Vo them conicerning- hockey. AIl boys wehýo would like to try out for the Junior or Midget teams wili have to be at the next meeting in order for the manage- avenit'VO maIbe arrang-ements for the Oshawa Pracice. Your Hydro Mis. Bruce Teonant Given Mfiscellaneous Shlower 01n Sep1-temi-bei-Ir 18V, 'the imernbers of tLhe Orono Girls' SoftJball Club had a iscelianous shiower for Enid Middieton at th)e homne of Ruth Goode. aShe recevedmany lovely giftsaadi ending with a 'weine-r roast ïa Mr. M. H-. Stalples' Woods. On September 'jOth, she also receivedi a 32-piece set of dishes and a sait anod pe'ppecr set from the fellowv workers of the J. Anderson, Smith 'Co. of Newcvas- Vie. Since hier mnarriage Vo Brueê& Tennant, a presentation waz held af- the homne of Connie Mitchell, Vn honor ber with a riisce)Ianeaus shower. Shirley Myles read, the ad.- dress, and after openijng the many lovely gifts, tbey had gamnes and a sing sonig alfter which a very pleas-ý. a n t evening ended with a heartyT lunch. Superintendent the 4? teI "'te1 Wben you wire your Farm for the first tirne, make~ sure that the job is designed ta take care oF present and Future needs. That îs the economical way .. the Only way ta get your full1 money's worth andi f0 pror:it as you shouId from Hydro service. EIectric wiring, like a horse, can be efficient and safe only wben adequate for the heaviest Ioad it May have ta carry. The sale waïy 15 f0 have wiring done by a com- petent electrician. He may advise a littie extra Pirsi- cost for beavier wire and more outiets ànd switches but ke wiII save you time, trouble and the expense oF re-wiring later on. No inatter wbat appliances and motors you start witb, .you will be wanting ta add more etectrical money-savers, work-savers and conveniences as time goes on. You can do that, ÎF you start right wIth cidequate wiring. 1 ORON0.

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