GiilwreekCiil a Glcreel nd Brtih ffcii Plad n Sru Mekasures 11,c reek ) d B ith Gernoienta qi,tofficiaIs labeled t'a mnuntnvo- cv il woand dîcod thSat,-storo hriebeli tion.spsl n Greek reminvier Constonti, Tsa- qetio of order t aqusi ar,"rand decl or e tiestatMýce wi emerge v23 itctrsb s ing ail the Tmean tits ispsai iacn fithoeut any hojcs icy in aking any me,0a NC-ý1e1i outreks n re reported in a ic1tstrng od o? L-leists ap-e thred vila of Pondlpo.n shicb23atoers were tkil' led- he init r sid igiilitonired captured tee doys ogo by 2,00c lotd isti îas retured by' Cor- the ltistsls th kîld,17 cp A itish Fore 1i fi roes- moentsidicbe "1di ot know" he-an ther theil) preeot fitins nor era Greeceof rasein tony wurecon- George l;0 tarbis bro no. Aesenties y h Geoverien lo- mianin Londondals icterepati tai patngauthepreenta aions bin thae niirt , tttc-ispokesmansaidbut vleeved, for asie knew. A Greek Goveroent soes- from the thr ide o? the border." Eleven-year-old Adelber, Hayer, of Senaca, 111., proudly holds trophy as he straddles bis 205- poumd Hampshire hog after the porker had wort GrandI Champion pirze at the Chicago junior Market Show. The hog brought a record price of $1.60 a pound in the sub- sequent auction. Canada Expects Record Output 0f Lumber, PulIp Record lumbeý)r and puip produic- ion is anticipated in 1947, Lab)or Miniter itchll sidreporting On a SuIrvey o? the woods labor. situation, The Mî;nisDter soid forest oea tors were expected tr, em>ploy îmore- thanl 200,000 menI in, the bulsb at fihe Peak oqf die cutting sasnthis win- ter, At present applications for sucb workers -xceed 35,000 and niational eMpînymen-it service offices are re- porting steady increases in thýe (de- As a resuflt of the wtdaa of Gerrnion wor prisoners from the forest labor supply operators in Alberta and northwcstern Onitarjo will look to the prairies for an in- fre-aSed 1n11nber o? Woodswokr as sooni as hiarvesting bias been coni- Pleted. Withl the Imumber of sie men hii'rited operators are providing S speciol triuling to assist nlewmn gcttînlg into production as qu1ickly as possible. m a 1 chie SCl-d Pictured 1 Bond arc24 ct 3 1News dnotice 18 Witin th~ erUio. 20 Musiacal 9 5Gi rraname sound fSoigt b Finipeosh 1 Ngai ,14 Briish cn. 1 ri 1 6 Sll1fH i0i 17 ECentrimeter charge (ah.>staturyab 3 8 3Ll'-eyte ,. 43 Boeeae 1 earne 4-1 Soium for-tobe' 23 Tiellyru 28 Turopclpl 31 Agains 52PrAlsdw s. 53 Suagy 54 Customry .' . 36 Treforai Maybe thlere bas been an 0cto- b)er as worm ,as s one before but 1 certainly dntremnember it. lu fact it isýn' warmr-it is downright bot. It seemns so queer-bot iveath- er and autumleo!(,,ves. It just dIoesni't miakle senlse. Buit then there is1t n't mch that does make sense thlese days, so miaybe the weather- mnis pust sort of keep,,ing in step. However tinigs are stroighiten- rin up a fliteOit: the steel strike and the farmer's delivery strike both hoàving corne to an end it is possile tbeure will be probably so)methingý a little more like' peace o)n t[ehe bome-front-pro-viding the eshiestrikers con be persuaded to stop fighiting iiiong themseives. Then,! of couirse, vwec are al aux- iüously owaiting th de findings'of the Royal Comimissin set up to in- quire into the, production and distri- btonfo? wole mîilk. Whicb re- iiçnds mea ifunny tbing, nearly happecned 'thie other morning. 1 forgot to get our daily quota oi ikfomthe h, aro. The truck picked u p the conis before1Ieven thiouigh o?:,fit. "TeI, Isaid to mlyselif, "it looks as if we shal know what it fee-ls like Io buy i if.- tencetmukfor once in Our lives." And to telî yoi5 the truitb 1 dlidnï't quite relish the tb tought. Buit Parit'uer save(ýd ite day. He remlembered 1 hadn't bjeen after it anld brought me some up in the niik poil, so we were able to drink eigh1t-ýcen1t 1milk after ail. There are siiplenty Of armjs cbanginig bonds in, this nihor bood anld wenaformeýr selîs onit WCe1,n0', just about whlat a let- dtown feeling :it ust give bim. But the othe-r day I, camne to realise that it is possible to hiave that same senise of ls but on the instaiment pion. You seewe biad to corne to the porting (of the ways witb Pecone (of theC gond old faîth- fIis itb ich westarted farning in Ontarin. li,~c e wos thec one iremiinli il ii ith Our early struggles in thiis game o? farmîng, Perchi, along wih;bisteoni-mate, Nel, served 'uS, we(ll tbrough, gond timeis and bad. Then about five years. ago Neli dropped dead in bier tracks while ploughing, pre- An, we le Previewi PuD.zle mI rI INIEI Ip- ILE iNI= Iw AI f riT lu, -~ +E IN&~~4t O~ [MARINE SCOVTtNG ISQUADRON a I~HfivAtAy[Ariow~ NIEISI 21 W"ingjike parit Permit 22 Short letters 39 Wa'Týs seaIted 241 Eradicate 40 Speck 42 Stove part 26 Legality 43 City in Russia 27 Individual 44 Seheme 29 Astraian 5 Beverage bird 47 Pull 30 Certified pub.- 49 Erbiumi- lic vccountant (symabol> (ab.) 50 Abstract being 33 Ocean 51 Dined sumably o? beort failure. That left us; with Perch and Prince, and finially just Percb, although other borses boxe£, of course, been pur- cbased te take the place ni the nid ones. Percb wos quite a character. No moatter wbat horse he wos bitched up with he always had to be a little, abead, it wos the saine last tbing ot nighit or first thing iin the mroru- ing. IHe sceemed absnlutely tire- lesodyet alwoys lokd al?- starved. Buit he ws'-ecud' be n the n a1,;ts tatie ote. We he evasn't workingl Perch wos quite cnntented ont in the posture. lHe didn't worry about anyvth-ing o r anybndy, unless he thought he haâd been left to poisture ton long witbi- out o drink in which case he dl(in't b)other te woit our conveniece but would jump the fence and h-elp3 hïiniself.- In fact ho could junmp any fence he wonted to if lie felt like it but strongely enouigh lhe neyeur bother1ed unless it' was for o special reason. For instance, in bis later yeors, Perch wos allergic te co»(d water, se, rather thon walk tbrnugb-l the creek to get home he mode a detour by jumping a couple of fences. Even this last year when he wvas past work, he culd stili take a fonce 1ike a colt, Yes, poor nid Perch waos stili younig îi spirit righit up to the very end even1 thougb he hod "hiea-ves" s badly bie sounded nmore like o tfractor thon oa horse and ,wostso th -iipyoui could counit bis rîbs The th, fini- niess was ottl'ck oiffoond but jack o? teeth to cb-eýv w t wih.icold ,weatber ho' also hit' a habit of "lgetting down1,"âand ront beiing able to get lup ogainl. Horses con suf- fero lot t'hat way 50 there waS on nlne tinig to d1o anid Partner hlad il on-s il ad poýinless- MÂSTERLY SICILL is used in bleniding Maxwel Bouse Coffee. The choice Latin-Americani coffees it contains each contribute some special quality to eni- sure you cofféethat is com- pletely satisfying, ....................... I I Highight ofthe Nciws Newly eveloeti PisGn Is Swif:ter N'iller Than Atcomnic The scientists of thle wrdseemi to be' in the procecss-)fnisrpa-tssîng the highest anid imost deadly achievements of the toi-ihoxmb,. says the Winnlipeg Er-ce Press. Th1e United States ChemiicalWaar Service anniounçes tlie (deVelopm-lent of a new poison so powmerfnil tht a particle of it, nio !larger than ra cubic inch, or roughlY an ounce, could kili every perisoni living in the United States and( Canada. And it -%ould ki4l, theexrt say, 11Siletl,Y and swiftly,." New Killers Dr. Gerald Wend, wo announe- edthis discovery, stvys c4 it: "If World \'ariIcr nes , which we pray willneehap, it will be a war in whlich m11,t peil m die fror-n suentii, ins:,iius ant1i-u man weapions 1ithat make no sounid, give no (1nin , dst o no fots or ships or citie, buitcnwieot lbuman beings by t1we mill:ins." The new killers, it aparare in- visibl1)e, mir 1c1icinsize,cabe of spreadcing to rhe ery iing enem ondthe conbe asily î11d cbeaply prepared by any 1\'belligeront1 wlio bs s nmucb as a 1brewery anid the skill to) operate it If," sas)r. Wendt. "ony smaill naitioni is corni- petent in ioi gcl afralag nation, ee wt tom1ic ombll, rnay be ellesbefrore it." GisA-nd L,,oes 0f Steel Strikers The 10,500 steetl vworkers wvho went on strike Jly 15-)at 1Homiilton, Sydney and Sault Ste,. _Marie lost between $4, and $4t millions in wages, and cost thie couintry 1.5 mil- lion man houirs of poutosays the Financiol Post. It wilil toke thie 1Hoilton workz- ers alo-ne 226 week at te newv miaximum nirates to gain as mutch oas they wouild haive dlonie lhd th3ey sta-yed a11 work -.11d accepted thie cmaysoffer. ly, vhicl wethiouigbtwvssmore bu- niane thon- keepîng thec poor 0Hd thing arouindclto suffer iond ýevenitu- ally die. Buit still wheni an o10d borse goes and we it is thie ilst of thie orig- inal tc it is like losîng pairt of the ifarmi. However wehavn'tbeen loue- ly for horises just Ltely. A nieighi- bor's team baus -been isýý,iting tus quite feunty ro goverto of his owni fields alid then inito ou trs. One da1y the youlg ilad Camle after thie truants and thy gav'e him quite a run for blis mnoney. But eventually bie got tbem hom011e. Then We weuit inito dilnner. Camle ot aDd fthe 1horse-s were nowbe!(re ;in sigýt- Whichi wa s't su1rprisinýg sinice tb1ey were back in ou'tr field again! Tbat's thie tiiîme when a fatrmeir is ga to have 'aibOy. No Packingbouse Strike Tb'lreat of a pcigos ok erb' strike was ,finialnly removed wben the United Packingose Worrlis of Amria .C0.) anld the Swif t Candian Company signi- edI anl agreemenult, Farm nStrike spde A ïbeavy 1flow o ariÀ lurpro- ducts rolled t!oward mresand distributîn ýg cent'res as leaders of 50,000 AIlberta au"dSaktcen farmelrs onouinced thle indefinite supesofo? te moncýith n(Id d(e- livery strikec for parity betweeni farm costs o nd rtrs At Otw a jo;int A.FI' .FC delgaion cotinue ngotaton wit bfedlerol athriiesonunion demaudsý Auto Output Up U.S. produfictionC'f cars andl tru isin thie paswee set a nw pos-wa reordo? 91,599 vehlicles, a susaEilgain love-r thiereie counit of 8,270 fil the prvýinu1s wek, u mtrilsh1ortoges \w:ll consîderoblv trim O()tictbr Onutpuit schedules, Auitomotve Nwsre- ported (. NzsTo Die Oct. 16 An nipechbi ource re- ported thiat thie il 7ondemowied N1_azi war criinals":l wil b exeu,1ted onle 't aim,ond ot il togethe1r, on- Oct. 16, the f ina day ofthe pe,,riod ten1ces. Somle (oflthe conudenelld imen were eprtdwritinig etter-s and dociuents for postumiiouis rloe Prefers 'Solderly Death Grand AdiriaI aeerbasq ap- peal1ed from ,theNuemer dccree o? lifci eimprisonnlient hie 'vanis a <'odiry"dath senten1ce instead. Over Top of World After fly ing ocrossýth-e top of the world and cestabi;shing -a newv line distanice recordl, Colonel C. S. (Bill) Irvinle brouglît bis Suiper- fortress, thie Pacusani Dreamboot, into John Pa.ynie Airfield at Cio Egypt, withi just enough gas to keep from miakiog a "dead sýtick landing"'. VWith a crew o?, ninie, he flew ,422 iles from H1onolulu to Cairo ;n 39 hiours and 3ý5 nminutes. The ship's averotge speed i 240 miles an hour tops that rcenjtly !sabihe ,y fthe inavy's "Truicu- lent Tuirt' wbichaveraged 2_15 miles in thic fligbt from Australiai to Bocioig Aircraft ofcas thie United States, according to Bujy the newv Cianada Saviigs Bonds The bestineten for Caniadians Denoinatons:$50toi$,0 W'rite or telephOne now. 36 'King Sireet fWeàt Torontio 1 ~Telephone. ELgisi 4321 Wood, Gundy & Company Lhnited MACDONALDS Fine Cut Ifa'kes a kettef cigarette ~ By J. MILLAR WATT Gwenidoline P. Clarke N N N K> N N NE NE N p. NE N y y "NE NE y y y N y y y y N y- y N N y y y s y N N y N N N N s- NE NE N N N N N N N POP-Lazy Man's Way NE -'E .5. N NE. N NE NE NE y y NE NE NE NE NE NE -S. /NEW 9 1 > 12 tablets 1U ~24tabIet29C.W~ GENUINE ASPIRIN 1 MARKED THis WAY p;, PULLEY DRIVE 4 ft. andi 6 f t. Power MAixers ion tires witb air cooled niotors. ENQUIRIES INVITED CONCRETE BLOCK MACHINERY AND OTHER CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMIENT Industries Ltd. 12990play St. àoot , 5 Phosne Midway 9817