ORONO WEEKLY 'rIMES. ic SPEAliING CONEST -Tcovnsii PubiicSpealbng- wilbe !-eld la the Ton caoo, 01 1 Fruday eveming, l8tb , at pm.Slver Col- ,Thi eauiu CAPITOL PORT HOPE Saturday Only "Home Sweei Homicide" W'ith Peggý.y Ann a «aer and Randolph Scott "Cowboy Serenade" With John Garfieldl andf Lana Turner WVed. and Thurs. "Abbolt and Costello" In "Timie of Their Lives" Also "STEF BY STEP1" The regular m"o4h:,ly m1-eeting of the Orono Wmns nttt will. be bield in the d2ýuciVi Chamher, on Fni- daOctofier imitbjnt 230 p.m. His- toricaiReerc'omutein charge aicf tergramme Ail ladies are, welcome. RADIO REPAIR To al nuakes of Home and 'Car Radios.' Aerials Installed. Work Guaranteed Reasonable Rates H1. DUVALL Phone 54 r Il Leskard Ontario Court of Revision COURT 0F REVISION AND APPEAL Notice is hereby given that the' tirst sitting-s of the COURT 0F1REVISION for the Township of Cl ýrke wiil be held in the Town HIailin ithe Village of Oirono, oný TUESDA.Y, NOVEM:ýBE tlv,1946 at the b our Of 9,00 P.m1., o eîar and de termeine the several, m.ýiplaints anld omissions in, the Assessrment Roîl for, the said*(.' Muniipaity for the year 19417. Ail perso>ns haývingil business at the Court are rýequested to attend as aforesaià. 'j Orono, Oétodber J. J. MELLOR, Townkship Clerk. 8, 1946. 1c-39-c. SALE REGISTERS i1 hlave been autbiorized to seil by public( aurction1 at Lot 33, Con]. 7, Clark"ie lïnbp nFiaOtober 18Vb, at 1.009 'iok the propeirty 0f Jam-es F. Balil, 1his horses, cattie, pigs, sheep,' fowl, ipeetec Termls GCash. Jack RidAuctioneer. The undersigned b-as received in- s'truîctins from i Mr. R. J. M~orton, to S'eil by public auction at Lot 10, Con. (,Caa To-,wnsh1ip, 1/2 muiie west of Wh'litfield ScIuool, 2 miles f forth of Millbrooi<, aý 1.00 p.m. on Tuesday, Oecber 22, 'bis horses, Càýttie, Feed, Harness, and Machinety. Ternis Cash. Positiveiy No Rederve. Jack Reid, Auctir eer. The underýigned bas i-eceived in- structions frým . Mr. Vain Wynglaar- den to sel l by public atýL7ctîin at bis residence, Mi Street,j Orono, on Saturday, Oc7t\uber l9tb,iat 1.00 p.m., bis househubt, fu'ni'tui"p, Which is practically alI, new. T~'ens Cash. Positîvely no Reserve .f Jack Reid; Auctioneer.f I have bee i iis t ruc t d by Mr. Fred Gibsoul Vo sel -ypubýic îauction at Lot 9, Gûie soi4, IClark,,!e Towni- ship, atCrkelCek on Fidayt Octâber 25'h, a1l m b is horses, cattie, Iniipiemenlii vegetables anid furr inture. Terms1ç cash. Gi:vung_ up farming. --Jack reid, Auctioneer. James- E. O'Boyle Phone 7-1~6 - Orono Business Licenp No. 1304970;, War- time Prices itnd Trade Bo)ard BUJILDING, CARPENTERING, AL- TERAý-'ýTIONS, RÈ PAIRING, PIT ING. Good work at fa Ir prices, by the hour or the job ESTIMÂTES FREE MARRIAGES MOOIRE -- LOWDEN- In Toronto, 'on Saturday, OtQber 5, 1946, by] Rev. C. M. Curtis of Hlope United Chur',ch, Phyli;s< dauightel' Of Mrs. Loýwdlen -a14iý/the Late Chariles _M. Lowen o~~rooto Alfre(d Moore of Torontý. 0-1SA-LE Two collie pt4às<' Apply to Keri- neth His, Phone 5 r o', Orono. FOR SALE BY TENDER REAL ESTATE The premises in the Township of manvers listed 'belo'w are offered for, sale by tender to the highest bi'dder but subject to reserve hid. East haif' of Lot 1, 100 acres, south 75 acres of thie wes t haif cf Lot 2 and the 'north 5 crsof,,Lt 2 ail in the lst Concession and omi-prising in ail about 225 acres a.n.Icontain.ing about 30 acres of ush b oth hard and soft v,7oodl. / Tenders wvilli be rec ived for the aibove parceis e s a w ý,oie oniy and must be sent ýpst p apaid o- deliv- e-red to the otÉcee f/the undersigned on or beÀ'ore1 Octber 26Mth, 1946, in a seaied e 'ive1.o'e, plainly marked 'Tender for, 11ai âce m.r'oberts Es- tate".1 The tenders {iii be copeneda t 3 pan., Otoerdcth, 1946ý, at the office of theunrigd and those sub- mitting tendiers may1 be pr-esent. Terms -- Ma,ýrked cheque for 1,0 per cent. of tender price to be en- ciosed withi tender, býalance In cash on cîosing April st, 1947, w;ýhen pos- session of premaiseswiib given. Pioug'hing posýsession tisfail. The vendors reserve t-he -i-ghtot reject any tender. W. Rz. STRZIKE, K.C. 40 King Street West, Beowîmranvile, Ont. Classified THALNK OFFERING SEm ICES KedlUnitedi C n Thanik- Olflering Services faday, Octobel, 2OLth, at 11.0 a. . 1and 7.30 p.m. services wi1L çondu'cted byRev. - H. A. Bu1nt. Kiby coir at bothi sýervices. YO0RK'S SHOE RE PAIR Shoes for repar c left to be ~picked iup aLe Hý ar&ware. Oronto, Onte Phone 73 r 16 FOR SALE Smiail Aninex, pra1ctically7(uew. ý30.00. Gor.don Lockwood,O0fnno. a -3 8 - P FOR SAýLE Leiceaster Ramý-, 4-yer-ol34im Rutheiford, Oerono. -8, FOR SALE Findlay Fiirnacetteý, ini goon 01- dition. AMrs, 'C.dVI.Lowe,~n 44-2, Orono. 3-p FRSALE House in South ivnid, six rooms, Good locatin. Ap, to F. G. sis- WILL GIVE AWAY God oledg Vo anyone wal furnisýh hinm a good hiome. Aýt q iy, as 1I would want b)o have hlm fro'- vided for before Sund1ay, October 20. N. BadsawLesicard, Ont, -. WANTED i High School boy wau4 j1o, for al-! ýtexr achool and Sau s; phone, 40ý r, 6, Orono. e-0p. I _________________________________ I ___________________________________________________________________ IlH u rry , 0Lime 15 0lpping ]by3 Ever since 0October 1 5th th ere's bee na sitead y stream of folks fiock- ing to buy Canada ]Savings Bondýs. Airead(y thousands of Canadians have become happy owners of these new bonds. Hurry!-don't delay another day-get your name in for your bonds now. Put ail your present an-d future saving-s into Canada Savings Bonds-u-p to the $2000 limit, of course. If you should need the money you cani cash Caniada Saings Bonds at full face value, with intere st, at any ti me at any branch in Canada of any chartered'bank. Bt please remember this point. These are -Serve Yourself" Bonds. This time there are fewer salesmen. They -wil not be able to cali on everyone. So i's up to you to take advantage of this fine inivestmnent opportunity-without'delayv. You can buy them at nny bank; authorized invest-ment dealer; stock broker; trust or loan company-for cash or by the Mon.thly Sav-ings Plan. Where your employer offers a Payroll Savings Plan you can buy Canada SaivingsB>onds by regular deductions from yo)ur pay. out Of 1 wil&u gain.... CaadatI4ys 8 on ds8 Professiomal Direc tory MEFDICAL A. Fi. McKENZIE, M.D, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office Hours : 2.00 to 4.00 p.m. ; 6M3 to 8.00 pm~ Sunda-ys and Wednesdays by appoinmet only PHONE 47r1 ORONO LEGAL Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT, Phone Office 688 Home 553 W. F. WARD BARRISTER SOLICITORt NOTARY Phones: office 825 Residence 409 BOWMANVILLE, ONT, DR. W. W. SIIERWIN VETERINARY SURGEON Office Mlain St. Ora Phonie 63 r 7, Orono. YP JC. GAMEY INSUIRANCE Fire, Casualty, Antomaobilq, and Liability ORONO - ONTAIUO YOUR MANIJFACTURERS LIFE REPRE SENTATIVE wvill giadLly assist in plannngûv financival security for yourself and your family. DANE FOIJND Phene 8 r i ORONO monuments~j ~iTh UTER GRAIÏEÎý COMPANY Phone 601 - P.O. Box 623 Port Hope, Ontari, Monumenits, Gravemiarkers, Engr-aving, Goldleafing TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Asiction Sales of a al ZZM and at reasonable rate.. Communhicate wlth, him at PpeS P er y,> O n ar ,, o r e e h i . C e r k, A' . E.MoonatOoo fer date. JACKREID Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator Spiecialize in Farmi and Furnituire Sales Consuit me for termes and dates Phoine 1620 - Clarke Do -y Ou Know That, framnaetet-or The Imperial Lîfe Assurance Comn- pany will guarantee bis family $5,000.00 in event of his death prier te age sixty, for between 2%7eand 3% of that amouint yearly. And ïf he ires to age sixty, the Company will pay him tho $5,000.00. Why not consuIt yonr locp- representative FRED LYCET tou.o w-,fhat a plant uuch , ffthin do for you?7 24-hour Service Triips to Trontmo every Theursday Returni at nîght. Phone 73 r 16, ORONO