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Orono Weekly Times, 17 Oct 1946, p. 6

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Anl Error The policemnraised is hjand and the wmnmtrs tpe withi a jerkc "As sooni as i saw youl,iss"ý' flic po-liceman de (clated, "I sidito ysf,'Fortyv-five atiest. womnan."t' this bait thaitmae me Ip ook Sonl. Took Off EnlouL-gh "*It is big tÈime1." said tC reor smer, "thiat we h-ad a monral awa esing Let uis gird our loinis. Let ts take off OUT coats. Let uis bare Our armsl. Let us-" "Hold on!"'7 exclaimecd a tal. th,*in woAn011 near ï th le plftform. "Il thfis is to be a1 moral aaeig dOn't you dare1- to take olffanother Sunple A plitician ,vas being compIi- rienteýd on atn exýcellent spech h le bad made. ",Von are alwaLys £0 convinciug,"' eaid biis admirer. "Ves, you see," said the peech- maker. becoiug contfidciciltiaL. "J always flnd out in advance what the views of my bearersare likey te bc, and then to convince hn is uiteesy." Sharp, HÊ (on the tl'bn) "el dca Ilow abouit -,î, bavinig dinner wÉgce]Mer thisevng" T. WlteilI cour imother l'! be (,%ertbotsever 'clock,." HOLD EVERYTHING 'Ycu sure like your c mot Goc The Li-nit ow ) doyc s1,ell gabc" a flite youg mIn. 'Witb ance "rtwoy?" Tbq' older m nan sighýed "e 1w ýid( at last, -if you are gaing, te is anly. you nnght j as wllgo thi hmit." Fify-Fifty Wbicee bave oubeen?" 1Having my lbaircn" "Yon knoxv you MAn' have you-r hiait eut îIl tthe firm-l's timie." w/cIl, it grew ini the fîrmn's time,- "Noict al of it." "Wecil, 1 didi't blave it aIl cnt Prepared A man, i, ucbing in a crowded restaurant, broacbied ta bis waitreýs the subject of a second nlmp of sugar, and was steruly refuýse,. WMien se bad gane be Mfet atg nt bis sîceve, ald looked Up, into tIhe eyes of aaiOd lady whhad leen siting at dh ext tble. "Here you are, yonrng mn"she wisýpered, :au1dlpressed inta bis band a lump of sugar she bad dreded up frmtde bottam of ber hiaidbag. 1 aîways carry somec. Lu case 1 meet a biorse, -on knaw,ý." Broken Mirror Is aIre supposed ta be s0 xacanather thaitif one oerdies of a broken voaman, who ownied a very baId a fire in the blouse, if the loveb)irdsls suf- iglt amav thie other bird onde re Ii f the1 re ta keep, it alive, irr1or inith ca ogc tout a co and C s 1Itý the ior and ft'UiLLION DOLLAR EAB~ES These two Ottawa girls, employees of the Bar-ilof Canada, know what it feels like ta bug a million dollars of giltedge securities. Joan Gilmour, (left), of Ottawa and Suissex, Englaud, and Gwen Tetlock, of 0Ottawa, each hold two hundles of goverument bonds worth *5,000,000 each. 0f course tbey know, that each individual can ouly purchase ta the limit of $2,000 ini the present bond campaign, but they cai d7reamn, can't they? The date in the photograph is a remninder that Canadian Goverument Bonds are now% o3n salle and tha-t the public cati now satisfy its de-mand for a convenient'way of saving, similar ta war bonds. Banlk and investment dealers are handling- sales. The bonds are available in denominations of $50, $100, $500 and $1000. All bonds are registered and bear 23/4j per cent interest until maturity -in ten years time. Impossible Science cra cked 0t-,e atomi, but nooyconîd do aybigabout toearmy biscu1its we ICremlember. -St, Cathinetis Standard, Look Pleasaut, Please Tourists, says a cynic, areý people who mtor two tbiousand miiles in, order ta take pictures of tbemseliFves standing by the cr Progress? Scnist ae alays tkigall the fiiniaut of ee~.i$~Ti~ r QeecCbironicle-Telegraph. Bad Crosiuýg Record This provinicetops the list for Canada with fatalities at level crassings during the past three years. -Guelph 'Mercury. L îFE 'S LIET HA T That Hat No diplomat is Unicle Hemienway, who, obsecrving bis wife's new bat, said he didn t realize Hlallowe'en was so close at baud. -Christianâ Science Monitor. Motor Trail of Death iligbways of Onai tis year bc- youd anytbIing of the kind everex perîinced he)fore. A gretïy iniceas- ed numbe11r of Iotorists atppear to bave 'gone- spedcray"overniigbt. Thie re.suIts are inevitable. 'The motorcar is leaving a trail of deatb and disaster in Ontario in 1946 that is appalling. .-Guelpb Mercury. By Fred MNeher "Quick, dear, look what baby tanght the pu'p " Fantastic Fcootear Won't men look fimnny Mben, tas one expert predicts, tbey adýcopt bigb heels? But not ais fuinuy as somle of the girls do cîopping arounid ini those sîopp)y,he-es conitraptions they arewern noays -WnsrStar. Simple and Duiff "How simple life wouild bc fUeo ple wanted and (lwere conitent witb only wbat tbey acituaillv edel exclaîmsu a cQiuttlflta# h6ow Simple 'andb (w!dl!' No Trad,-'in au Prof. George A. Pouind, nvr sity of Minnesota, figu1res a farmn- Er's wife is Worth $,000 oo,)to biiim- if sbe's a good one. Hoxvwever, lie 2ays nothing about tradle-ini values. -Stratford LBeacn-Hera-ld. FUNNY BUSIN,,,ESS LfKf-Af Csr y. 'rih ei're aresomle avnaesii u Siinghoe as a sublstitte f Or sugar. It doesn't iremain undis- solvedl in the bottoml of thle Cu1p ivhen ulsed to setnbvrgsas sug,ýar often, does. -iquiid honey, warmed( sligbtLly anid driz-ziedC over the moýring cereal atdds fila vouir and sweeC(tness. It imake,-s Ian excel lent for- fresh or cookýed frits. For example, mxdwt little covsor ciinnýamonitad a nlewvnote 1tobaked 1pea r sor l'art of the sugar maiy be replIac- ed with an euaquantfity of lhoney iii bakinig. Cookies anld cakes re- tain itheir imoistuire longer when C. honiley is ulsed; bot beaue f thlis hy3groscoilc pro,,perty of bioney, that, iits ailt tIasrhad 1hold moisture, it shouild not bie stored in the refrigeratdor or inl a damp lace. 1 t vwIll ah--bsorb oistuire andliégradui- ally become diluited ta th- efint where spo)ilage will occur. Honecl Cy shouild be storecd covered lu a dry pla-e. The pantry sbel1f is as good aplace as -anyI. sol t ïf granlatedhony lcidsar ndwbt-i our esoho wishinig to marr11y .1y)daulgbter?" asked thîe fathier. Pu7zzed, thle youn1g man scratch- ed hbis be,ad, ponidere-d aseod thfen2answ'ered: "i have nlo realson. iniin loveý,." It's Wonderful The only countiiries that b aveu't 211Y industrial toblsare thlose thathavn'tanyindus-tries, Trule enoligb, and thlose tha,-t have mndus- trfial troubles because th-ey hiaveý ind'ustries will short-ly have no1in- duistries and conisequilently mno furth- er inutiltroubles. Pacaini't it Price of Old Age A lady of 96, livinlg in Ch11i Cago attributes lher Ilpnge-vity to Ithe f by amn. T'!S quite a price to pay, if -we may vsaýy So. -Peteboroub Exminer, 0f _No Value U.S. Waýr Asesare ofeifor sale 600,000 complasses frwibi bas no present, use, as thleyonytl You whee oure going, nlot whiere you are. By lierShberger ta fermenL1t, it nmay Le reclAaimed (jby beatînlg s - y ver bot water or by betting thIle conlta1iiner (ifwater- proof)direcly inbot wter, until onyis comipletely liqu.,ilied. Skimi anld cool as qnckyIs psil.It isoa good idea- to give thlis treat- mnlt ta, anyhoeyw ichistube- store in ay quatityfor a lnt of time. The recipeýs for toaieature, ioney, anid ài ssggse thýat any onle 01ftbem woufld makel, a nicer addition to the Takgvn menu. APPLE SQUASH SCALLOP 4 cups squash cut in -. slices- 3 medium pplehs s1icecJ (about 3S cups) '/Àcup boumey î tablespoon water i cup soft stale b-read crunmbs 1 tablespoon fat, melted iteaspoon poultry saon Pepper 112tea-spoon saît Place altern1ate jlayer1s of sus adsliced applesina asedcas- ser o. Drizzle eac layerwith, bone, s 1prinkle, 1cw\itb sajI tland pep- pecr, Add owateýr'Toplatlayer w ith crumbIIIs wbiCý)cb be ixe witb te meled fa, outry season- 'Iug, salIt anid pepper. Baein aý mioderate oven35t)deg. VF for 45 minutiies or mntil squiash anid ,,pples a-re tender. -,Six erins SASHCRE AM 1 taplespoon igelatine ci_,up cold Iwa1ter 2 egg, yolksýc 12 teaspoon vanilla 3tablespoonis fboney (indor grattulated) 2 egg whites Soak gtinein coîd w \,rlà saIt to mllk and bea;t in oul baoiler, Beaàt egyolkýs s1îghl and pýour botm lilk sloly nthm stirrinig coýýtanltly. Returiu to ou- hie boile' blnd cùook until tick-ýened,. abolit ten iimites, or untiil miixtuire oataasivrspoon.Riemox -,e from beaýt, adýd valla and gltn and sir untiil latn i issolchill, lintil mxuejluet 1bgins to 1,lu1k.n then lIfold in meringue madllýe by 'beatinlg hliney and egg viet- ge-ther ut'i"!stiff. Pumr inito iiluud, rinised wt cold waenr ligbt1ly gre-ased, anld cliilI untlil fil-Il Six YOJCA"N BUY pr MaxeilHose C ffeeïi Tinin riporReua Grind, or ini a Glaýssine- By GENE BYRNlES M45TEJ7-DU FFY - -BUMIiF BA$AN' T-OCE13 Ts CS- .SETLED DR A PENrNY CASHI' PAY Ur OR I sTR .uilIG I \JELLY DEAN5! ON MY QWblACCN REG'LAR FELLERS-Comrpleted Case-Almost

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