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Orono Weekly Times, 17 Oct 1946, p. 7

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lain Eu ace cikafrim- Sed o 14 dodprceis. o NotchChiceriéS Gueph, or to ayn.Also Fait hlaIlcded rck. Promtd ier, re ctaoge Il~ ~ ~ ~~~' isntioSO 0 reryu CASH 1 RETURN MRAILFORI your ,!,l CGold eeiey Gl eeth, imodSterin cSlvr, etc. lOi, per cent premîium on go- ( ldcoins1 Satisfationgurated r( are Jeetler ,c1 1) pQUen1Ea, Txn On t. ACCOUTING Y MAIL TO SMALL REETAILLERS AM) IILSI- a rguIýlr bookkeeper we olerlic MAIL CONTACT AC,'COUNTING. OVIOAND) CLEAXNNG HIAVEM', OU AIN 1TH1IE1\G E dyeing or cieaniolg? Write to 1us for \nomtin Ve Iaeg lad te'anil- swver your questions. L)epa r tm e nt E r, arke cr ,s cDyeo Wo r ks Lim itLýd. ~791 yonge Street, Toronto. Ontaie., ELECTRICAL 5tIPE% ton" ngine. D..u350watt 1200 .C. 110.'. Briih asad iee up. Fomstocýk ACI'orD.C.Wed jng 1mach fineselecrdes nd a- portabý,Le lf-)rimingcetfua pujmpa 000gI.prhour, Totai w%eight 90 lbs.Oeats5hur onle guln-15.,6 ot wind- charges with wer $000 2voit larg,, caasu(ity 3260'lý î.06 1soî)t rans- ý ducrsTexpeV-l ivesspo elder2,32 vot DC.mtors -aind( --ih ginder s, etc,. A LLIANCE Monîral -Toronto- aix- FOR SALEI ATTENTION NOVELTY One apple tree. Aoise\lntosh ýbou hardy 1roottoelr3.Bacaand lRed ÇUrrantPlants fr commercial sud privale plantin'g- luthse ws a 17letiies. PlIILLPSý FARMS, CRA. -TEAUGUAY UVILLAGEQUE. 'AUT1O PARTS ANS)ACESIS rai asPrice La nrqet ý isrgist1e red, 3mointha ýýoid, 'hampioll st ock ; males $3ý,5 tfe.. -(na 1e s '$25* -. J.,A ,A fe, 238 A jI ie oAv., T;,ioont(o, M11T, 5058.( FIRESH OY-STE1IS - RUSHES) TO y ou fresh from thl-e sea tcoaisl Of ov SotaDelicieuis. Informia- ~ nfor sam.Ecoïnmy Distribu- ors, lRiogaýtonï, Onit. -CEM1ALE FOXHOýýfUND), 15 Ymoaths, "", 25;:rssrdfoxhouud cli 7u, s monîha ý,old, eithier Sex,$1; (030Savage rifle, lu good service- 9,ble cnitowith rear peep igh;t OXANS) DEER Rjý 1OUND, VER Cid 500 1 Fox Ro-lunid Pup, 4%ý $jnh u 10.00. jFred Da 'tv 1 es, i~p efoe Nvemer.Send for free priceli st toda.t T Jhe J. P. Tanmtoin o., Smmerst3e, ox 36, P.E.1. 0911JN- OS)TYME - C 4OW.RýtoYý ecrs.Large stock, prom'npt de.. ier,11end for- free lis',tingz. ES- ardCIs Mlusi c ose 134Mo unt Pleasant Rod, oronto. upl)i es9,tricoilor, anS dsable iý,a nS !cvry ienalfadwOnt. eSfemanlelve ndwi'te ys Safe-Tee Scot Destroyer Ifyu teve0or f~aecue âmoLe. Weguate our so e ceiburniog steei-orfurlnac ppe anuhimney Gives btter draught and more heat, saves fuel. Pack- age cnaisa"rxiael 0ap- loist ole steve or fur.nace ahn wi i-t er1. SenS mi e order S31. 40C. Po',s tpa id aywee n aad.Use 8 wCeeks if netssid money re- "SEDIE(( lELECT"riC 1M(OTOR èi . Tle loy 'motor that ntfealtures 1h onee , eue cli peration, nnsi - ~ pule, eibtdbase. Limiited mnm- ~ erat o 17.,pspi.Thou- sani]( and CrattaBox 9,Bo TIRES 'We reovrteke t tbe ýpreseutï 1f godusdtade-in ies(ua. anee ,1 be in ecletshape). 6,00 x 16 $5.00 .l orde-rs shipped C.01.. Sp ec ia ï, ,qui prneiltfor vu]lcanziiLgTrc ndFarm Traci(ter Trs FOR AL ~4ni W..T.B Liensemimer )'1for ctur Fe Woeai aalge Bldg,~ Mntrel 18 Qu., WRIE OLIEPUPS WITH SA tl- ble markin ,Il on hed,rested 123ACRSPRETYWELL TIL- ed, oodpastregood buildings. silo Sevn aces bsh.Orchiard, twn indmlls lotf water. Pos- sessin anyime. rice ,0Û00, or withsinct, c00 ad im lets, $1300. Appy Forh haf lot -,. con- ty iu il ,ýe eat of Jnwood, or wrteTom tves B.1, Alvins- UNE 0F T'HE PEST FARMS niWeternOntrro, 216 acres, close to Dutton. Alude cultivation1. ouein goo ape ndpns Filteedînnngwte adele lriricitin oueandha.Ime with omeblack muck forceler anid oin, tlwpli- COWN ERF 1010 anad Bld., Wnd1sor, Ont. O1~EHUNDES) CRES, IiIDIUMI c1ay uiam, fiflen acres, iwooded, balace gass.immeidiate posses- acre-s 1ucate d in thec County or Ox- fod l1-iis les hrth o(f itheVillage- of DIumbo.armailundrcultiva- tnand in good cnito.The bulig oiat ofalrgLshe ateel bsnk h ro wn ith ýcemenlitstalîs and s' ýteel tanhin, -cemen1tsilo and h len l hiouse with souheroe- pýosureon seondfloor. Two storey atone ýhoulse in, gýood sGtte ofrepair. V arm eqippd wth 1hyd1r. Ear:,ly possssio. Fo furherparticulars The Cnnda ermu1seni Trust Co.. Woodsloe,'Mk, eOt8Tio. requst egaringclaisses. [lobert- son' Raidresing Acadmy.137 HUETO HqoVUE SALEsMAN FOR0q asesoap,bau cleanrhoulsehi claning ý and purlifyvin1g p des Write LJihtyProduc ts, Kithnr Ont. fýam a, P, ing% , n itleaiehais. ges star at$60permonthl, yarycon- Bx118ý, 73, Adelaîde WY., Toronto, ad ults. WVitl e, cooký-genel, Ibuts - bnd i- jhosmn and handyman. Ale to dr ivecr.Mde eprt cd Byvie Aveue, earThorn- b. ill, 7 miles, from Toront[o, Box 117, 73 AeadeWToronto.ý FRULIT JIE:THE 1PRINCIVAI, ingrdiets n Dion~ Reedyfor DrugStr,35EinOtaa Rheumtic B i r Neutis t4 o try Dixon's eed. MursDrug 'Stoe,33Egini,Ottawa. P>oestIajd FR11ED ) A MBOflD1IGTO(UN IUYS selî 11s, excI)angýes musical 1instru- Ment, 111 Chburch. Tcoronto 2.ý 301F CA-1NADApý'S LAIGSHO Great Opruiy em Hair dre ssinrg PlaatdignI-ified poesogo wagecs, tosnasuccesaful Itarvei grauaes lAericaE greatest sys- ",n, Iillustrated catalogue free. Writie or cal. 3U8 Bioor St. W., Toronto Branlcheýs: 4 ngSt . 'aIton &74 RdeuStreet. Ottiawa. PATENTS FETERTONIATIG &COMPANY PatentSollr. Establlshed 1890; 14 .1Ring West, Toronto. Boito IMPERIAL QUALITY IS QUALITY AT ITS BEST OUR VYEARROUf)TND ýFAST SERIV- ice adfine ] aotywork vwlll please you. Fr atsacioityImn- periai. u6 or 8 exposure flmde- veioed nd rlinted, SOC, Staion 1, Toronto. FILM 31S DVLOE 25 CENTS. Guairanleed one day service. No waitng.BayPhotio Service, Northt S)AIY SERVICE, FREE 4 X 6 EN- lreetwith ecb6-8 exposure. itou 275e. Reprints3e Crystal Pho- HOTEL bMETROPOLE Easy Way to Treat Sore, P'ainfuil Piles Rare is the chance forevr persen ila Canada suffering, frunm sore, tchmgp, painful piles te tr i iml ome remedy with the prmie ta reliabie firm ite retond the coaI eth treajtmct'I f yo are net satMisi witb the reslla t. SipLFy go te an, dru ggisl sud gel a2 botfle et He-oiS and use as directeS. Rem,-Roid hý an piternal troalmeut, easy sud pleasant t' Lse and pleasLiug resulta ae quicldy noticeS. llching and soreuiess are relieved, pain sýubsides =nd as theetrleatmelle cotinu!eS Ï ibe sOre painful pile tosh-a1 overlevn the rectal] mebae clsu d headlhy. Gel a bottie et Hem-_iteid -ldamad sci, or ycourself wbai an easy, pesstway Ii LüteriS yeurself et mour pd!e misery. lNOTE': Tle-pus of ib,is oi-e i. ar Hiable Sf--, loins bus ýinesl aa forove 20 yer.If yo l etrubeSwib dr,eh lug, paoful plies, lie7-,id tou1-1ep yon qsiekly or-b d- 11pu- s p is i be CLA SIFED DVERTISING CH-AMPION ROOFTOPFAMR MJLl[biONS PLAX RCe %;"s FOR $MiHions$ Yo -u my1 la1 fr un -1AADIA N AN FOR E I4; X stapamni anu:, don approvai. We bj'Jis'ams.1Clude 1La ngl ois, lA Alber lt, V ictoriaville. Que. selection ineaproal Rfud if no"t fllv aisîd.N tah.A loom. 534i 7 Yw,lVan rco uveCan - WOLF- UFO 2- Il-K 1AI'IERs, for artculasit A. E Fisher, l3oxý WANTE-COMANION E ' A T- ford, Otro 1 04 7 1 atilhing1Sason1. Fl js cule d and1 11bl-;o1 dt, edf ree o f chargei un - der C-ermetsuerisonGur- anedprium liii plus hatchabIIIility preminum pad, orfulldeI'. ls vwrite A 1note ,V, u GUNS WANTED $5 cshAdUp paidtfor go ui ity origrfe andshc gns ou t--towni nqu lirv4es 7invite. jvagn A. '1lalman.,1125 Dawes Rd., Toronil- to. Phone OX. 2782 aIni Chin a tike mark iiiupconîyMaLayýa a few, lays eosays TeChiristian Sci- ence Monitor. Ciniesze Buiddhlist priests woarvaidi heeqivýalenit of $ý10 a mo hins1food and lodg- ing,ïannlounlced theliy would conidui no moire paesuntil they were paid $5 a week extra for special prayer meleting,"s. The laborer is probably w ,orthy of bis hire. But wou1(l't ht be a great turil of evenits If the B1uddhýýisîl, et the ressgoý on ,striking and learned te, Pray for themacves? U.S. Timber Stand The timber rsource of the Unit- ed States are steadily dleclïiinig, ac- corr-dling of)Jigure-,s issuecd recently 1b thle Amrc n gvernmenlt, and therI- s 40 jperCcentL ss tadin1g saw tiýmrn'ow than therewa 30 years ago.Thie cauise of thle de- lineis given as thie failuire teo adop proer cnseratin-meas- ures. Shortagýýes -oîf Raw Ma4erials, cars, ol îowilgl tem ithis nexýt yearc. But u1y ait of the lwelve wili bvete wait atleast- two years. This was the liard log,-ic cof the Detroit automobile situiationi as a new obstacle te apciyproduýction replaced supplir' ,tr;jkCs. Clitical shortages of basic raw maeas -cad, abeet steel, p)ig irenl, cop- ver, leather, adbuirlp - wereuF leeinlg bîgger anid bigge-r. Geneal otos bd eneutgb llead te equip ail ils Sep!cbrpoue cars wîthb1btteries, ]but was wo,,rry- iug about October's. GM, tfoun- dries had been d ýowu te as ,littie as oeeand-mee iaîf day's suipplý yfe pig irea. li Vas bosted vitjia store locatedj at teex-gtovermment- owied planit in Utab, buit fre2igbt[ charges inicreased the iron)'s Cest by' b)aîf. Presideuit Caiarls 1E. Wlo said G.M. as etigoniy aou 7,-, per cenit of the ,shleet te(,l il 1weeded. No Cheaper, Ligbter Cars F"ord rdioii produces haIt of ils own11pig iron ,butlt imontbl one ýot its twe furnamcesburnied eut î%v'onit be opematiing aa[ or an- other montbl. Ford is dwnte les than tbiree ees'suply of pigy, and scrap is almioat equjalIjvshort. The difficulty of gettin iaiiýteiais cauied botbi. Ford ad G.. t abanîdon, for thelime biieîntheir plans tetumu eu,('ot cheapejr, ligbIt- weighî cars. G.M. stoppe on struction oui the w ivln pIalatswhicb were te p)roduL[ce a cheaper Ceroe.Botît waultbi- er, prîces for exilig odelaý. 0.- P.A. autborized! a new\si per cenýt. nmarkup fer Fordl;GM is akn rougbly $100 rnore per car, The indslry prodced 87,078 nuits for the w e eded Sept. 14. This was!bette,. tban Ible 7,3 urits of the wýtek efrepBtthOe daily rate feil fromn,14 tIo 415, fr sr oI f tie 430,10;Ënis wltih b ad ben p)rojected during lie enbof \etmbr t the psetrate, perbapa 0,00pas- segrcar iill!bC prodlud Ii Ocoe.The rate lil apt to1-ai 5000the. ret (of 'the year. Thait Nwill 1m a atotal ofr,5000pas- senger -Cars prouce sice V-j Day. Demlauid is coniservatively es- timated at120,00 Worst Shortage Is Leadj Anlother 4,000O,000 cars may!be produced in 14.wilson jjdoesnI't believe bbth nusty vill achiieve ils capaicil-y mate of 5,000,000 an- nually befere late 1947 or early 1948. Sn aboutit of thje ldemandl1( canniol: be filied before 1948. The weorst shortage is lead anid there is no aigu of improvceent. Lack et l abos. at the mines, ini- adequate ceilinga, and oardin-g !by l1ead- scrap dealers are blanîied. But, tbc biggest facter is tlie fail of Ieýad Peru, Auïstrai, adCanadla-frem 300,000 tons lasIt year te a rate of 100,000 tous Ibis ya.The Leadl Industries Assoc-iation b)I;laes tIbis decrease, on a "sýecret ,Igreeliiet,, betwçeeu the State Depar-itmient sudrl Britlnte aliocate larger sarsof bbc ori Iea supiyto Europe. The association says that te dite il bas been unmable {o filiciouwli Aat Ibe agreemetis Nearly Haif Billion Paid To Farmers ducers duir;ig thýe seven yarsfrom1 1931,'te 145, icusvtoIal1ed $410,512,000 ajccordinjg te a revised snrvey recently cemnpleted by ,thle Deminion Departmenî et f Agriculi- ture. Ilff ta b-ogei l Qizmaestro on any vof Ibe ininumeirablecqiuestïi- aud anwer idiD pregrama bap- pens te ask ,-ou wbicb Sport Ian- nully draws fthe greCatclest umber Ce cash cutemers, do.' o 1making the istake we,pesalywol a simiilai,Heenfripso. Foir we, i ouirigoacw l undoubedly ave taýken a stab ai cithr scce, brseracngor base- balil;MAdo.f tIhese is Ibe ýan- swcr hat- w ýill wil yenthe Grand Prizc of a idiam) oid]hndle puty- kieplus two htubeS of Smllo For vwe ow learu that i it hef' comoparative newcoMer onu the sportls Scelle, baskeýtball, that topa Ibeni aIl when ilfcmeio paid aI- tedneand aise, probably, for- thie inumbe)(r of athIetes wbo play il. Am ii many sports haveU their rnoots in tfai ir-distanit past, it 'a as rcenîIy -s 1891 thiat a YMcA inistruclIor firs t 11uni twe ec bakes t pposite edaof -a gymý, turned te boys loose witb an oid sccer bl,( Andse slartedthe wboIIle tbinig.(Ad by thie ay, jIi a week or se ago we fancythat we bongbt onec of thIose samle originllï baskets aI oposite ends, of a gymn, of the same original pache; bu thiat is flie danger o)f looking for fruit braistoolite ounaSa1 r H1e reir,Cania da-cepit for a few spots sucb s FEdmoil0nto- basketbadi, althiouigb ideplayed, bas nýeer been anjy great shakes as a spectaitor paustime;but Ibis is principaily' becauise of iack of pro- per seating accnoodalion-.Buth wayi foîka go for itfee-wbeýre l seco bIy a look at Madisn Square Gardeni. There, wher-,-cle eRaugers calied hockey, sightly ovetluo is flilblotusefor that great ine sprt et te reguilarly pack inr over18,00 or bfi ta- ams lu tum ni away indoes Trhere is aiseo a record ef a basket- bail teumney 1cvwbere the averaýge al- tendance per game topped 23,000. Th'is, ef al places in tlic wnrld, wis at Peipig, China; se il Woold ap- pear a1s tbouigb fie gaule Mm. Nai- smnitb inventeýd to keep b Iis Y.M.-' C.A. beys off dhe sîreets bas travel- led quiite somin slitoymore 1t11an 50 years. Jusat bow v fast and ecîn mlodem askeballbas becomecii zensý of'Trot and peiints adjacenjt wil son ba1lve a chiance of fiuding eut. For, startiv,- x mnttb0 Ciiy is gniing b aveone of the Il profssinalteams iithelintra tionai Bskîbl Assýociaýtioni, with weekly gamles in-yeu mibt ave gLiSessdltderold MapIcesa Gardens wbeýlre life is majt one darued tigafter ano(tIjer suMd thp weary turostiles neyer geta lacce tAtc up on sber Ireat *1* , Ho fg4dIis îealilwili prove ýin aiicin, we re net going te sick on; valuIed neck ottbÏy tryving tn pro- pheisy: ialltlpull theù pedigreces of thle plyesook .very iprssv 1o papes.,, eill h~of tde iy nuWilkins, el, and Patrick Murphy, 5, elecîedJ king and qcnof thýe harvest festival recently staged by 1New Yorlk's Chijldren's Aid Soýcty, pose happily amid corn growni on the-r city rooftop"ar. Tlhey're members of group cif pre-schoolers who agrew veget-ables in butter tubs atop the society's building. Sy FRANK MAANN HARRIS ("A Six Bit Critic") s 4 PlIlESTREETUTOItT rV Moung Mens a ï en 1 Icle and hferrinigbone roî n Uoys'weolsuits w Nilhsot Boys' . .ree . es . . . .-w o doube.kne . . bll .. - inter wegl...blocueand rw S izes 4, 3 6 anS 7 . $9 Meus lvees puliever Wlnei, san id, r'-, anSd lu izeasimMl, 1mediusnsd ag teSo~mon',, ref&mnded. Mo~yOrS<- s 4O.) Mrls ing coacb SadoIwski, Mwbo bas iýbeen- oo leýsa than four rld Cham11- pionisip ou(,tfits. BuIt w a rdc th-at il will otcas ay emI that ever were Toronlto ui-main any;1I sport from at;11least 0e lndoit that Of prsna IatitudeL. for s;omeime iiiýpast i hewy h younIger 1maie enraio ppa'lrs te be srthn pwr.Lletje 01(d Týimer- v hiocold rmebe the d-aysv, ei ladics' knecs were cosierd wY 1up)t wn1, we eaur welIrecli wen giat sx fet bi;gb was acuîe ut l, and ýsix feet liv. o cwasce.ceuionli1. 1Bu11t 1nowa days v , eîry ig Scooi -yard vit lw-yig boca Millin For AirportI der 'Airport f rom Canada fori- 000,0001 Newfouindland Utilities De- partmienit spekesmen iscosd Annual uoperatling cesîs e thle Aipo ite Islandi,'s Great Alui Teriniai, areesti ated $,M50,000, Iou VJ ?jySaîgA The aELogijs iBide Itva' oom Wlýtii[lt Sbowe andTelephoe Doube, C3.50 Dii * Ood Feod Dlepgai a ing Nightlyd

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