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Orono Weekly Times, 17 Oct 1946, p. 8

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OYROINO WEEKLY TIES, THUIRSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1946 Bo nTou onto v 'siîted Ma. Miss Jea RMilig n Pteroreugbto Ma. and Mas.Aaold-i Wade teokiii Mell.viie.ilo bab, swaMrwehbi prents. Ma . . nd as. Eeaadau Jenný! i R a rena ndl.l r~ 1 ,l thieir i Mrs. Clarenuce Ghlmer and arkýville, spent Thaniksgivingl atulations toa Mr. andmi rs1c. fcmLMllen oni the birth of a iy on Sun-day mnorning. atulationis to 1lM\r. and Mms ýi on the bir-th of a baby Saturday. e sorry to report that Mrs. Rovnald G is iiui sbwaHospital at nî.1Vhllga's Th(,pbicseol bil team Iwon aý répctoy oveLxWelIoe team last wee K. ton, -M McGegor- Jolies, Burýlliug to, itihbis moher, Ma1s. W.D, cues. Fièft-seven unaCI in tendaruce at MM aySèhool on Suday orAUig. Mirle Jouesassistant superin- endeu, aslu charge. Ma. ad Mas. Sid 2Lancaster, 'Ma. an Ia.Ca rrol Neosand Mas. W. T Nicolîs Weseyvile, otoaed Ma.RyBurley imet wj"ihauci- dn on Satuaday m- loiug wbiie burxgacavoss thle street during the lieavy ram te get a bs. F.ortunIiately apant from cutýs andbuie she suf- ,feaed nflo serieus in1jury. Sund'(ay eeigaiiuther dog wvas sel injuad 'y . cr e had te be de- stoe.This timie, ee, the driver stop)ped1 a n ci lookedIl sory. That takes sem of th'ýe bitterniess 'eut o)f a dog lover's seul. 31a, andl Mas. Fired Chackley, of Ha'lîito, a.and Mas.« Stafford ¶ickey, of Toronto, Junei Tayl;or,, of PetalirouhMr. 'and Ms-s. L'eonard Walkcer, Osh-awa, Jrm Taylor, of Lindsny, weae visiors WhtbMan jMas. Wim. Millgan. Anniversaury services in tIse Pres-1 byterian Churcb was heýd on Sn- Fbwlerof Port Hptakuing the unasn iii the e venýin g. T1h e Choirta- sitdb a.adMs Redknap )and'. r. -id Ms oey Mas. Ferguson- Bowmnvil 111an Mal. Win. Mitchll1, Orono, wvere the The' WIM.S. h,11 a IMoheýrs' asud B',i1ies'.,arty on Tedyatron thinst. Afiter the ýshort buiness pei'iod conducted (by the'pesdet Mars. Sid. Lancaster had chairge oýf the programme. iMrs, George Sua- pleton rend thýe scripture; Mrs. Ross hEallowell anee a finie piano solo. Mas. qRv. . A. Bunt gave a mes- sage to, the,,others in which she stresîrd the ibppoatanice o'f early Chaistin training by a miothier. L-unch*vwas the-n sierved to tweiity-five adults and 10 children. Mrs. Chas. Morris is, the leader of thse bab«y band and much of tIse successwa due to ber utiing efforts, Ma. ad Mrs. Vern. Joilinsonl and. Paye spent tIse holiday in OshIawa. -Mr. Alec. L-ittle 'was bioume for the' week-end. 'M.and Mrs. Milton Robison had Mr. aud IMrs, Rupert Hamblyni, of ýOttawa, visiting them last week. iMr. anid Mrs. Williamsoni, of Pet- erfioro, spent the 'week-end vith M.r. and Mas. Joe, Gordon. We are pleased to announce that W. E. Davey, Orono C. . Carveth, Newcastle have been poitîuofiiiagents for the leof CanadaSavîongs Bonds IDL ANDSETME LIMTED Hondo Erie BL I Gmei hequesgrantOhe ffiies reeve Fmnt - - - ~ Allowae - 'Z'soEasýy-and privalte-to tlak'a choques fa he bank arounid Mfhecorner. ANM EXTRA cheque every se-condý You may receive Governmenrt cheques. You can cash them without charge at any branch of any charteaed bank in Canada. In one year some thirîy-sb.ý miillion cheques were'issued for Family Allowances, the Armed Services, their dependents, Pensioners, employees of Crown Companies and thie like. More than one for every second of the day and night! (an Y014 imagine the expenlse to taxpayers if this money had to b. clistributed in cashy through thousands of special pay offices . ;i; and the inconvenience of having to go to such offices to get your mqpxey? :ertormed mnany such public services throughout the war and to do so. It is taking these additional tasks in stride play its part in meeting Canada's needs of the future. lmex M1,s. A. G. Dar-inigton iand Bill visited Miss Georgina DainIgton at Ajax over theweek-end Mvý. anid Mrs. Russ Patteso)n Lan -Bih', of Toroo, "ý.visited Ith Ma. and Mas. Wm. Ptesn Mas. Geo,. Clar'k sd is erry Dounelly speiît the lida(y we-n at the frnrssunser homIIIe. Mr. PRobert Alxade ae; nte Mrs. BaeAlexander. 1Mrs. BueAdro n rdi Thorne, Aohrof oul'o, FBert Bos- teck, homne -from ,overseaIs,wa a we- ýorne vsitor l te i lng lst w e ek. 'Misses IHazel and Sirley Theaýtell, Bill and Jc ib n e ik son, of Toronto, visý;ited ar. Roy Sleep. Mr. and Mrs. Andaew Moore, of Victoria HBarbour, were vis*itors Cover the week-end with Ma-. andMsD Va nnatto. Mr. and -r.M. Seoperhave Ms A. Hoskin. of Witby, visiting thein for a -week, a-nd Carmjen and Roy Patton visite over te week-end. Mr. and Mas.l. Haia ami Miss1 S. Mason, of T o ro ntio, spent the week-end with Mr. and 'M rs. F. Stoker. Mrs. Geo. Smithi andMr.Ce Glass spenit Wednesday last in Tor- onto. Over the Tansgvig eek- end Mrl). and Mrs. Glass lhad Mrs. Wilbert Henry and son, of Newmnar- ket. WESLEY VILLE Church at il.,30 with a small at- tendance, and Dr. Oke preaching a fine sermion. Mrs. John Robîb and s'on Jackie, of Osgoode, ,spent last week with Mrs. Edgar Rarowclough. Ma. and Mas. WlrdMilîs, of Toronto, spent the wee-nd wth his brother, Ma. Ken. Mhilîs. Mr. and ý Mas. Lealand Payne', of Newtonville, h ad(1 Sundfay (inner with 'Mr. and Mrs. WilliamPye Mr. and -Mrs. Hector Daake, Dnnaý, and Ross, of Tor-onto, spent the week-end at Mr. Cyril Darkes'. Miss Helen Baaao-w1clough'l, of Eng- lish Seittiement, near Trenton, spent the holiday ut home. Mas. Knowlýver, of Vanceouver, viait- ed her nephew, -Mr. Keni. Miilîs, re- cently. Mas. S. iarwcog spn T'hFiiksgivinig witb her sister, Mrs. S.Milîs of Port Hlope. -Mrs. Hayden, 'of Toronto, cýalled at -Mr. Harold Barrowcloug-h's on Monday. Mrs. Stanley -Mills and niece, Miss 'Wlnoaoa Snell, of Port Hope, were Sunday visitor-s with Mas. Jimi Snell. Mv. and Mrs.. Bishoep and chil- dr-en, of Niagara F'alls, w.ere sun- day visitors with Mr. and ,Mrs. C. IPayne. Quite a number of the you-ng folk chivaried our newlyweds, -Mr. and Mas. Carroll Nicholîs on Tbursday evening. Mrs. Arsrogcf Toronto, and danght er, Miss M.ýaye Armnstrong, of Mountain 'View, were wý,eek-end visi- tors withi Mrs. Arnold Thorudyke. Holda visitoas at -Mas. C. Beigb- lon' were, Mr. and Mr-s. Peter .Clarkýe ad onPiliip aind Bufddo! Ut- tersonj, and Ms Lloyd Dunhbar, ofi Toronto. ,Mr. suMil ajs. Cairioîl Nichonls, Mris. W. Nicholîs, accenspaIni'ed by M.r. t'ud!Maýs. Sydney Lanicastermoored to Orlp, New,ý Yorkc, to attend their Tweny mebersof theWoe' Asýsociation beld tfiir m'ortly meet- inig at Mas. Percy Sie'l's on Wyednies- day af'eUrnoonl. MissZ Sott of thje Hea,ýlth i t, gave a very interesting talký on "tubereulosi."! iWe are gîrd-- to rport tat Mr.l Hary N!iholls, whoIbas hbeeninfn ed t o Port 'Hope Hspitl ter IiaeaIking hree ribs, is pr-ogaessingj favoirably anid epce o returilu SudySehloolwa] t0.0with .a ver lage ttedane.Thrlee echil- diren, Shii1ý ire Eey, Evel yn inse and Ains!ile Bpee eepr t from) thePrm'ryClass, to the Juinior Clas ,nd tw gil-,Dolores Die-ke-r- snadHekl ise omteJn ior Cas to thle Initermediate Class. M.and(! .CarrvolNieblîs rýe,- tuii Ttiou Tuusda fr'om their won- 1dcerfl honeymeon,. mot'oriug ,te thep 1.t;tes ia the Gnnoqmue rde 1Thiey visited rvelatives anilponto itierest iin eStt sof eus- vania and New Yoak, retut rning te Motor Equipment Private Ambulance Northcutt and Smith Funieral flircectrs and Furniture Dealers KINI}NESS COURTESY SERVICE Equipped to take care of the modest funeral at the most reasonable charge as weil as the largest and most exacti.- Telephonie:-Office ý668 - ephiorte ci3lect 'ce: -523 md 72f) Noxema Special 93c.Bodi Size, Noxemna Cream, SPECIAL PRICE ...65c. The spplyis Iiited DAGGETT AND RAMSDELL'S SPECIAL OFFER Large s-ize jiar cf Cold Cream, reguair.$1.0 79c. SPECIAL PRICE . size. COINGI Next Week - Canada's Greatest Drug Sale The Rex Dme ýCet Sale Wednesday, ý;Ursday, Friday, Saturday October 23, 24, 25 and 26 Watch for your Sale Bill this Saturday Agent for Jaekman Flowers Charles B. Tyu^rreli DRUGy Orono, Ont. Phone 68 Orono 5c. to $1.00 Store News Ne alPr.s...._$1.93 Trushay, the beforehand Lotion, or- for powder base, bottie..............4 9c. Hair Roils, pice.........20e. to 39c. Bobby Pins, brown or black, card .......5c.' Windbreaker Elastie, red, blue or bior n, yard . 25c Knitting Needlle s, alumninum, sets 52 or 4, set.. 15 Baby Blankets, col4rs pink or blile, each....52' Sheif Paper, assortjedl colors, foot, k..1e Cue Liquid dcentifjce, two ,lzes...... 19c. and 35c, Paýper. Windlow Sh-ides,?,inte or green, size 3 lit by 6 ft., each .. -- -ý. . ' * ' *15e Scissors, Kleencut4... ointed, pair ..........5â9c Heel Plates, assortedl sizes, card comiplete with Mazda Light ]3lbs; thi-ey hast hlonger-15 2.5, 40 ai-ic 60 watt Bulbs ..... .......5 100 wýatt, frosted ............20e, 150 watt frosted............30c. 200 watt, frosted ..... .......5e GROCERY FEATURES Coupons valid Oct. 17, Sugar S31I, S32, Meat _M55. Quaker Health Branî, 14 oz. pký'g.........2c. Muffets, 2 pk1-gs. for ..............1e. Robin Hood Quick Cook-i-ig Oats, .5 lb. bag.. 27e. Cl-ub Hbuse Stuffedl Olives, 9 oz. bottles.....9e. York,- Canned Bologna, 12, oz tinis......25c Bee-Hive Corni Syruip, 2 lb. tLii,I coupon.....'. 31c, _Maple Leaf Caike Flour, 2 3-4 lýb box ......... 30C. Bologna, Week-end Special, lb ............7 Chice Green Corn on the cob, the last for the season, cdozen.................25C. Shelled. Walnuts, light color, 3 ozs. . . ..__,....5 URONOÉ' 5c. TOU $100ul STORE_- YOUR POPULAR SHOPPING CENTRE il

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