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Orono Weekly Times, 24 Oct 1946, p. 2

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of By Gweadoline P. Clank wc k-may1:1 be becausese uch hasý happenc-d in such a litiwile. Anid by thýat 1 doni't mena evenlts cf wNorld shakinig imiportanice but just ordinary 7Cve'rydayhapenigsluc as nmay occur ;nalmrost any hbome but tvhich, min our case, sem to have covddthiemselves irio One short -week. Thiwe ur e severai meectings which just [ad te be at- teaded, two qultings and a bazaar. Dur Second Neice wvas aise sil'I staying iwith uýs and thee werepre- Parations that hiad te be iacle for weeký-enid gulests. . And tien-, t make tings a litle more coipli !- cated, startlsng Friday niglit, thiere -was a twenity-foulr heuir rairi And the ram wasso aflywet! 0f couirse we aceded ià - everythiiag was se despcmntely dryv , bt it 7fid secin a pity that it had te cerne on a ~ ~ ~ ~~~~o oldywe-n.(Oynare, farners- you are nieyerstiie- 15 thiat whait yenid? To tell you the truthl Friday niighit was a little wet ;n more ways than, one. That was thec nighit our Insti- tarte wvas helding aý bazaar, -,i4ch was te becohowdby a quiz po grain te be put on hy a wtell knowni commwercial party. The "bazaar wenit Off al right. Ev7en ,thouýgh itwa peuring with rmin quite a numbe,,r 6,f people turnecd eut teý buy and te) sgay fer !the quizprra whh was schedled to take place at nine 'clck. ellaine'clck amne- ninle fîfteen1, ainetirty, nine ferty-. fiv-wth vey ïminutte (drangging like an hioti-an1d stililno sio f orar entertainers. To describe the situation a-. embarrassing is te puti it imiîdiy. 0 f -couiirsze ev,,eryene, cvaulywent homne ad whnt really haîppencd te our peri have yt, te le;1rn. HIowever, i wasn'! a maqtter cf hf e or denth, se ne0 doubt the whiole affair wi evenittily be forgiveni and for- gottenl. Dur aextvorry is thiresh-Îiag, a in anticipation cf the nceds cf a %,iunch of fhuntgry rm n1Ihave mast fhiied baking pies. Yspies is what I said. Iaye you remlemb'cer that Iast turne we thiresbed lI had only a, couple of heuirs noticead Couid bujy nihrpies 110r-the, thorteing te make tllein Bt i vvasn'tcau-gli t napplialg a scn time. No sir, i lhave been heardin-g a peuind cf lard for several wecks, ,wnitinig for Juïst suc(h an emertgeacy. 11a witing Ihow (des ûone .indicateC afcet,? 1 don't kaow, se If.can't do it. But if I. con11lddrnw I wouild îjnvstrte this iwith an ulî'ovely Picture Of a sntallishi roomc, a type- w.,riter table at one end, a wom-ian resting her hcad on onie armi at the dek-fast asleep-adi1 the ck' peiating - t twelve midanight. And the womran oud e myscîf, beý- cauise that is what h-appeaced l'ast fiight. I lef t my typing uintil every- .orlecisc had goree tebed and thlat la w1hnt happcned. Oh wcll, it la ow oly Six am.Ti-e thrfesher-rs wont be here Per anothier four isours. Thiere is stili plen.ty c f turne -al 1 have te do is finiÂsh this, get, feedi chiekensi,, ge te tewn, doe semre shlopping, come back, ws dishes, and dish it up te, ten o 'r elevea buangry mca. It will ail get donc, wthSecend Neice te heit, me.Th inern cf course wiil bc busy otitside -- Partncer gctting thlings ready for the machine te coeeil, Bol) am-av te a neighibour's fthrcsh- in. And se it gees. But11after tbreslhrg vwc ea]renlly feel Gthe seasoai's -work is:,-donc. And wear't that bc a grand anld glorieuis led- But itnt suitcvrbd.t meat decidedly Wo0nt suit certain smiali boys whloIhve been coming up f .reom tewn the last few days te c-atch1 pigeonls in the barri. W the mlows are mpty it wvï1 be im'- possible for them lte get at them. They were suich aice wee boys. Each timle thcy camre they Woild 1lPictuired U1. S. cmadofLAVI .E A njaval lae, th-e Atliantie TEATNT p E. -VERTICAL luk fi cý - 13iter Plant parts A T VE A L L 14 Recovered 2 Prayer TIGO EI 15 Wirlwind Il Area mnensure r1 1M Lubricant -I Conducted amount 36 Fruit 18 From S5 Notion 17 Load 3 7 iRa i onal 19 ifypotheitical 6i Compass point 20 Interpfet 39 Peruse Structural 7 Symbol for 22 Scraping 40 Uncivilized unit germanium 24 lialian river 41 Cook by 20 Narrow inflet 8 Prince 25 Half-ern direct heat 21 Czar 9 Crimson 26 Ridicules 43 Station 23 One wvho 10 South DJakota 28 Charger 47 Bitter vetch mimics (ab.) 30 Quoted 48 Removed 26 Wagers Il Lag 32 Stean-er <ab.) 51 Upward 27 Fouintain 12 Siallest 33 Cartograph 53 Cloth meaqurý 29 Upon .3 t 11 Ilj Z3 Mlitary w ~ student 3lBDirds' homes 117'e 1 M3 Digger for _ ceai 21 ZZ Z3 ?4 ZS' 34 Fondie 35 Siamese coin tâ 1993 36 Willow twig 313 38 Equals 41 Stigma 42 Fear 44 pealed 37p 45 RescueU 46 Individuaal 43 49 Dibble 50 Inner Guard 51 Cha]ldean citym 52 Symboi for - 5 3 iron 54 Procced 55 JUlflnps Scarecrows Fail Tc Scare Beavers Beavers Tear Them Apart And Use Material to Build Dams The beaver, topis of the animal world in thie (en'gineerinig pr-ofessionl, ;-s showîing the Mantioba Govern- mnent thiat wc giveýn a zone cf oýýccupation Ihe intends te rua the show irrespetive cf man-imposcd interference, says the Financial Post. Aloi-g the Hfudson Bay Raîlway kine fom- The Pas for abuM00 mailes t.owavrd Cacii beaver are OpCratiag i-. a big way. Th'leir cn sid,,ered opinion ,rsem te bcthat raiiway englacera didar't mit Éthe civerta la the right pla(ces. Tis suýmmer thcey have bcec plugging thcm tiprthdisastrouis msults te the rond bced. Solution îis Deportation Gaine twardeais and section mca h1ave tried al kinids cf achIemers te change benver plans. At thiree peints along the fine tc placed fantasticafly contnived crerw which dicl't scare the beavers at ali. Thcy jst ulled down the sacrstcook the mtraand ased it te plug mà'ore culvertas. Thxe gatine conservation banich bas tried vcytingsort cf poison but their efforts have been. fruitlesa. K-nown cemial epelents were used wvithout su-Lccesa. Now chens- iax haebeenî askcd te prepare aew cn]es, The only imtmediate solution la siglit wste deport thein and this- la whazt is bcinig donc. Afwwck -goi 1-1 were ffewn fi-rm the H-lud- son Bay, vRailway une te Molson Laeand Norway House, about 125 miles iw,,y. *LOCKID ,PNOSES (<l Joys of Soaking Those who advocatc the luxury of the lnzy tub bath as opposed te, the invigerating shower, wiil note with intcrest a aew gadget designed te increase the joys cfsoina combined towiel rack and book- holder, one of the: Peace Conference Endz The 2ofenCe ICt f Paris endcedl ils work by dptn the draft treaty for Finla D.oreign Minlis- ter Molotov, expre-sing dispica- sure ih the treaties, accuised the,, United S,-tats of Leadinig a grou1p of countries withi the desire to domin- ate anddictate. Th'le Foreiga in ,iisters' Councii wili start conisideration- of the treaties in New York on Nov. 4. Thietinme and place ojf taîka 'sWjl be disculssed5; thecy proïbablywilb in London niext Jnay Bushworke-rs Striive A strike which mray affect ail bush operations ia the vast Inorth- cmn Ontario districts of' Cochrane and Thiudr Bay -and stetc cown into Algoma haisbgn So far it is f10lot kownhowman of thie 12,000 mcaemplyed la camps mn the districts have jOînced the walkout because of lack 01 commun111ications withi mos0t o he camps in3 remote acs W1. A. oeaac f the Ontrie F o r Ce s t Industries A -s ciaýInn*", speaikinig for thie operators, said thc qmlyr re net certain of fhe Aspksn for theL'be anid Sawilil Workers' Uionci AFL)sid the mic- anc, $5 a day minlimumi- wage, uo recognitlin a nd improved living condition s. Mr. Delahnaye said wagus výere based largely onpiece won1k ratesý and that an aver,,ge workman maclep $7 a day wîtth more s;killed men xnaking up te $10J. He said thle Compainies pan, teO have 20,000 men a hebushlai the ncxt few wck,vith wne iext time you sce a neiglibor, or fellows Who wor]ks wïh you On your job, tell. Hesa rnighity luky nan-and so arnlIL" operations just ray~to hit thecr stride. - - .Archbishop Seiwtence.d Archblisshiop, Alojzijc Stepil)ac, head,, of the Romian CatIilolic Churcli cf Yugo-slavia, charged with Axis collaboration, wa-s n victcd ,on ail miooit f the indictiient against hum iaaidwa senticced to 16 years' im-prisor- ment at forced l abor. Brunner Mond Strike Settled Oeof thýe imost far-reaching wok toppages Caniada h, eve experieneed enidcd after 400 ove- bers o-f Local 89 of the United Auitomobile Workers (CO) vctcd 1te retuma lite work at the pant of Briunnler 'Monld Company, Cadsnily major pr-odu-icer e soda asbi. The unioniists strulck Jully 12 te eniforce emn T or a $2-à-day wage inicrease, at 40 heuir w week. twe lweeks' vacation %with pa after a ycar's service and un- ion sccurity. Peace terms in.cludd a 12 te 16-cent increase iii hourlýy trages on a g-raduatel,(d scale. Coalition for France France lbas a acew Conistituion, official and virtually coxnplete re- taras sbowing that the voters haýd approývcd thc draft by a majority of almost 1,500,000, The th ree-party coalition won ra victory oe h opposition of former Presidea-t de Galle. H.iatory in Jap Sehooils iistory la being tfaught 1again ïli Japan's schooIs, Inistead of glori- fyîig Shinto and mltnsn now- yourself : Weail are, here in Canada. Yet "luicky" iîsn't quite the word for a peoplewh have the commnon sense and courage lo look at, the higli prices of many unessential things and Say: "Thtis price is too 1bigli. 1 won't pay it," No, 1-t isn'5t luck. It's character. It's what The House of Seagrairn hl'as been prouid to extol as a Canadian virtue-the abilty of the Canadian people to bc moderate in ail things-in their thinking, in their actions and in their habits. Nobody's just"lcy here in Canada; IÎve've just ail helped toG make ourselves flhat -way. And because today's moderation i the key to tomoinrro-ws abundance, the people of Canada eau look forward -withi certainty to an abundant tomiorro-w. ,~4 6 I14Peli L~#~a~n J4a~z~/ THE flOUSE 0F SE ~{ J, q q M78 là, Robbed of Slcep by Rheumatic paini But NO Pain Now-After a Few Weeks of Kruschien A woman's gratitude at being rid of "mauch dreadful pains" cauised her te write this letter- "I used to hv such dreadful pains ;m moy knees, anides andi shouldlers, to say no0tbing of my back, which used te feel as thoug it would break. I had neý ease, especially at nigt ,., . but sinoe taking Kruschen Saits for a few weeks, ùniy, I feel a different woman, thanik goedniess. 1 have ne pains now. 1 feel Lmuch brighiter and better in every way, r.nd shahl certainfly continue with Kruschen."-(Mrs.) M,11. Most rhieuniatic pain îand swelling fa casdby toc mach urie acid ïn the body. Theso painfuI deposits settie in the mJuscles, joints and tendonLs, irritate the nerves, and inflame the tissues. Kiruschen Sahts Rets on these pain-Inaking deposits, by -helping your system to disperse themn and to pass them out of your bod Y. Thim relieves the pain and if you are wise, you, wçiill continlue wiehj the littie morning dose of Kruschien as a, help against furthier a-ttacha. Try Kruschen for the relief of rheumatic pains and lunmbago, 25e and '15C at jorur -neareat drug store.

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