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Orono Weekly Times, 24 Oct 1946, p. 5

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES HTICULURA, -MEETING SAVINGS BONDS SELLING WELL, TIhe excutive and m remiiers (,f the -Hofticultunr Il Soiety neplarnnin g uan interesting ave-nt te) be held in the Orange Hall on Thuradal-,y, Nov. 7th, a't 8 pi.. i. John F 1. Clark, F ild- nifor- the Depariitmenit ef Ariul- turc and Hlorticulture, will give an ilustrted address on the cane and grwing of bulbeand Wwil nwcr quetios reltiv~ e th 1e she There will aise be sev(7railvoa iand musicakl inumiiers anlc unch will be scrvcd, after wich cards and other gamea will h provided for those wis-hing te reain,i for a gaine. Everyonie corndîalýly \elcomned. CorneI and cnjoy a pleasant and profitable sales total for 6 plays of Càiiada', Savings Bond Canmpaign to-day reached $94mY39.504 vanincrease of $17,2977lO o (Ver the prer"ous 'total of $7,742,350. Repprts fromi the cominittee indicate that the coutry people are- out-buying urban resi- dents, ',y Pafair nmarýgin. In Westernl Canada when farmers taks theér grain te nIarkýet, te visit the bond bouses W t urchase bonds. eveinîiig. Thiis is your invitation. Re- mnembier thie date, November 7th, at 8 pm in thec Orange H9,ll. c-40-c. For the Most Interesting Features of Canada Savings Bonds SEE J, J. MELLR. OronoPhone 100 Sub it For WULLS, BUCKLE & COMPANY OEBEU0 THE TORONTO STOCK EXC[HANGE 25 King- STREET WEST - WAVERLEY 4561 Toronto Iland Crafts, Glassware, China, Nov- elties; ChilclIren's Items, including Panties, Lace-triinmned Slips and Pan-, tics, Rayon ý'trjpe Panties, and Bloomers., WE INVITE YOIIR INSPECTION MRS. L. REID ORCIO O - - ONTÀR1O RED &WIIITE STORES MADE FROMV FINEST AMERICAN PEANUTS PURE PEANUT BUTTER ib. 39c LET US FILL YOUR CONrlTAINER Fresh White HORSE RADISH.. bottle TUNA F1511 ... ý...-.... 7 oz tin ,Maple Leaf TOILET SOAP ...à5 bars CHAMP, magical cleaner....2 lýoxes Weston's SOUP CRACKERS ..... lb Aylmer Veg. and Beef SOUP /.2 ins Aylmer PLUMI JAM....... 24 oz tin FIGS, extra choice .........l PITTED CHERRIES...... 20 oz tin 20C 63e 29e 19e 22e 23e 38e 26e Large Hond]uras CONUS WEALTIIY GRAPEFRUIT Cookiag -and Eating 3 foreach6 qt. 27c. 29c, 29e. CHOICE MEATS PORTERILOUSE ROAST or STEAK. .lb 49e SIRLOIN ROAST or 46e ROUND STEAK or ROAST 44c, PRIE RIR ROAST .... lb1634e BLADE ROAST 27e Smaff LINK SAUSAGE......... lb 29e PORK LWVER 20e Rolled 'S HOULDER, boneless .... lb 25c OORNISH & MILLER Local News Mr. RoertLunn has retu[ ned holle atrudron noeain Mr. J. APaesnleft last wveek to visjt bisnmoth-er inlgayAi- b)e r ta. Mlr, O. W. Rolph laerecting a store room at -the lrar ofis hard- Stret Ho)spjital, TovoýnLo, last xveek, udgoefo)ot treàtmenlt. Mrs. Edwar'dWMJilson entertained a nuniber of girl f rieids at bridge on Tuesday evening. M r. and Mrsý-. AI-den Haw, of Tor- onto, were wçeek-end guesta with Mr. and [Mrs. H.,Wailsh, ,Mr. and Mrs. R. H1. Armît4rong, of, Morrisiburg, îspent the w,ýveek-end in. Orono, visiting -withlatlivs Mr. and Mrs. J. Cnigof Osh- awa, visited with Mrs. Jasý. Dion o Sunday last. Mr. and ýMrs. George Denny of Oshawa,' visited with Mr. aund rs Jas. .Middleton. Mr. XVernon Saunders, al Toronto, s;pent Monday night withhs par- enits, Mi. alnd M-rs. Aithur Sudes ,Mr. ExadMillson fnihe iis, course in Business Administratýin ut1 lihe Uni'vesýity of Toronto, recei-ving1 hionou-rs in his final examina-%ttn,, 'Tbe enployees of the Goodye-_arý plant at Bowrnanville were ca,,ll back to work this week, after m oniths, of being on strilke, 'The Durh-am County Club of Tor- 24th, at the IOD.E.Hedurrs Toronto.1 ýMiss Nina Hodgson, Washington, D.C., and Mrs. R. J. Hodglsoni, ofý Tyrone, visited with MUr. and -Mrs. D. Q. Ho-oper lastwek Joan and Pt'ricia Reid, Newton- ville, ýspent the wek-ndwth their graiy,(parents.. Mr, and Mrvls. T. A. ReML ' % î Oui annual notice to thLepulc rilthe person, who b'1orrowd our funce stretchers ind!]ly return same at onice a's we are inneuf te. lhHardwvaie, Viiosover-the we-n Mr. and M\11s. Georgý_e York ere, Mr. and Mis A. Chanabers, of îMîio; Mr1. andmis L. Chumbi-s~ and soni Biea, ,ofNewToron1to, Mr adMrs. R. C. R"osiioic)ough aind Ja-ughteî M_'arilyn, 'of Niagara Fï,la, spent the we-edin Orono visitinrg friends and ttendng the w digof AMiss [agrt Roy. There 'wil he a gîrls' basketb1all g-ame in thie Armoriý(es at Orono on1 Wedne(_sdaýy eveing,Otor th cemumen1cing, at 7.-U m. ewe Bowman ille and Orono Cntna tion sehools, disolt jWeek-endI vi'sitors at Mr, and Ms. J. :D. Bro wn , and m rsG Shrevýe, osblawa, l~rE.Ahtn Enisiler;iMis aro Brown, of Oshawa; Mr. and MUrs. Milton Stýan- ton1, Doro0thy anldCarneofHy don, and IMr, and Ms a.T. rw and family, Newcastfle. Mr* J. D.Brw retuîned home on1 Suniday mînngafter aitndinig. the IntrntioalPlowiîng match l d at port Albert last wVeeh. Wilek there Ur.Brw tîied his hand at plowîng behlind a team of oxen, ibLu daims)19 they are too wahtlly for 'goodplagh ilg. Ag-eniýt a ndclT raffice Maun ag-,er of thIle Domlinion Burlingtfon Mi-s'o. Ltd.,, 'n m àontrea, wh Lhs been -atîtendJingý 'a convention ihi EHailton,On. spent the week-end w;ith bis par-ents, Mr. and Mis ms S t E'v en11so0', Soýuth Ward, orono, ,vedin as Solenrinized at' the home of Dr, and lMis. iD. K. MEroToi- ente, w1hen his -niother, Leta Nl' oble McElroy, widow of the late, Dr. 'W. F. [McElioy, eeoog, was unit- ed J inmarriage te Arthur S. Javitz. Rev. E. oula s, nephew o! the groom officiated. After a metor trip1 to the AdIirondacks,Mr and MiLjrS. Zavitz wvill residle in MHushoka. Mi. Ken. Nýeal cý_eîta;ily holds the chamupionship re brern brqut. H e capuîd n9'212, ncesn ent_ 's-

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