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Orono Weekly Times, 24 Oct 1946, p. 8

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ORONO WEEKLY TIM ES, Ronad Gbbsis w ell enoughi Geo;rge Thdnrpson bais gone Lloyd ' B\adl e- , Toront, .and( bplnsOshwavisited at Ar- cdl te seeisg,"nd- WareToroto, re candarets, Ur.and! iruc Steartand Mi.s. Willis )Ob ttended Tahes"on in Port Hlopel. Jazs. Tbiompson )i, iitn hiS' Georg-e, andsitrMsaB- n)t ed p o r t (Gl'an11y in 0Orono and did rmral dl and ~ r.IÀ. A. Bunitaet- tlhe funeral of thie late Jolin rse, at Gor-e'sLadi ,on1 Mondaylast. winlg fir-stpLcein. th-ie Public spekig -dnest in O 110Frda lVrs. 'old BreMrs. Rnl Eur, ey md Miss arýy Denault visied rs.Frak MM~ulen and the aew1bab. Thusua aternloon wev2nci the peareof atedig ie public ~peaing i te ubliC11001. Nine ~oo prt ndnot one hd obe tiiand told it- el.The pFo, t0 reprsen hs scbl in itibe towni- ship conest beldat Oronlo. Yoýung ,Peopjle'sSocet met on M1onday venn hnpaswere ladFor the 'annui l llowe'en par-ty. iný thie abýsen,,ce of the secretarv, Don Vinkie ac nted zas secretar-y. Thie pro- geramm iie wais in cag of Mlary Bur- ey, mîsoayconvenor, and the (them!e was "Hate isz the costleaýt Sinii the woL andlearninlg to ,aeek,- 7\DOMINION 0F e,ýjý R CANADA BONDS 4%due Novemnber Ist 1956 HAVE BEE'1 CALLED~ FOR PAYMENT N>VEMBEK1'st 1946 These bonds Jhould ýe presented for redemption w>th 4lltcoupons of later date attached. urher interest wilI b. paid on these bonds after this date. lo)veote (î(races y suyn hi backgoun d."- Thestywa te nrt Wmrih cn indian aken sodia nale aid l]np ynm ing ofereat names T mngten the--n enjoyed. Eltven wcre preiit W. I. Meet4ing The Womieni'sInstliute mýetin the hm ofMrs. J. T. Pac onWd ne~~,d~y afternoon, l6th iLt, itb h pre~den, Mr. FankGilmer, pre- idg.A su o-$S.O is b be sentl n to th comiteefor imemrial !-(ioy o h fhuLnder of the îWo- rnn' isit~eMrs. Hols.T.ýie resluios ore voted on in order !,i-to inru.;iict deleýgat'es to Toron.toý Coni- veto.On reading over ýthese reso-i lutýions on1e was convinced womenare no0t satisffied with the moral tone ýof -ur prtovince. A new flag pole for> ,lhe school -was. iscussed. MVrs. 'C. Burley is to ýinterview Mr. Stear on the matter. MrWs. Staniev Rowe was, in charge of the -programmie. Th-e' motto, "The hope of the future lies niot in better human inventions.ý but in better buman relations" was (dis- cuis sed b.y Mrs. Sidn.ey Lancaster. 1 paper "Ran super,,iiority wa hn draince to better wold wile -good- wilI", was -yen by lMrs. J. T. Peare. Agift was then givenj Mrs.l iawrience Gilmer, dthe only war bridel p)resent, who xvas to recelve one. fI was a iovely wall plaque. The otheri three were -Mrs. Ken. Mils.Ms Jack Wade and Mrs. Denny huka Lunch wPs served to twent-ee members andi frienda. HORN 0F PLENTY ItIs a buniper harves.t this year for AIf. Chambers of Symon sýtreet, imi:ico, who reports that lie took !30 )Lllshels of greening apples from jihîs :j'0-yeari-old tree. Anyhbody care to; challerqgebhis record? KENDAL weekend ithUr. nnd Ms. T. HI',- Mrs W V annan and Miss Jeanl Wannan -. pent thfe dy ît ie for- mierl's aens .a nd Mrs'-. Wm. Patterson, on Sunday rs Aia Rug'leylaspndn ile dy wibMr.L Thne Mrs. ,ihorne is1 exn eengto return wir f, bcuer dage to aaoedyti lVI.aNd.Mrstteo. B i nn dm- il, iss B h ett inson and MBrbaLen aNdxo en MTJobner.thCaeisnlaMisso couv e ext ek The auction of fruit and vegetables ,donaýted hy members of 0he comimun- ity look ýplace in thbe Johnusoni store on Sat-uiday ngt Mr. Jamýes Swvar- brick ;and Mr. Laverne loy wvere the auctioneers. Tee and d!eiciousý doýughnuts were' enjoyed hby'the foîkaI ~ftrwads.Thie proceeda wvent to the United Cfurch of Kendal. Anniversary Services *The anniveraary services were well attended oni Sunday last. Inapiring- mnusie was rendlered by tne Kirby choir, aýssi-sted in the mornînz by Miss eom-a andMr. fiewýitt, -of Toroito. an-d in the evening hy Ms Stella Best. M is5ýs Yeo-manis sang tfhe solo "Ilold Thou my hand Dear Lord". The qu(artette in the even- i-ng composed of Mra. Har-twell Low- ery, Mrs. Wm.Wan, Messrs. Jas. Lowery and Yeomans was -reatly (,n j oyed. In the morning the Rev. 1-Vr. Bunt took for bis, text "I waas glad when they snid unto mie, let us go into the house of the Lord", and spoke of thealrmngl aalper-, cent'age of ch-urch goers at the pres- ent time. y : Canadian glass factories normnally prn- : duice MILIÂONS of hott les ~~ymnh The vital iugredient in bottle makILiligis: Sodia ashi. The tonly big aainsd : ashl factory wssrkebmdfor uonthis. Stocwks of soda ash hiav e heen used up: -. bolefaîctories are clo.sed down.. * boules are notbigmdtoa.evrg bottiers and ail producers of: bottledliquida muist hare : your botties back to kee-p go- THing,. Bot[tlingÏ plants wI close down tloo . . . if vou BREWINempties are flot -returnedi.: BREWING INDUSTPY (ONTARIO) TO-mDA And for the Remainder of the Week CANAA'SGREATEST DRUG SALAE THE REXdfALL UNE CENT SA LEt Buy any one oL thiese Rexali Items at the regular price and recei-ve anothier like it for ONE CENT SPECIAL Puretest Asa-Rex Tablets (formerly A.S.A. Tablets) boýx of 24 for ---------- --19e 2 box es for ----------- ---20c Box of 36 for - ----25ec .2 boxes for --------------26c. Bottie of 100 for -- ----- 49C 2 boties for- --------- -50,c SPECIAL Deckile Edged Stationery, attractive gift box, 1 for 75aC/ 2 for ----------------------- SPECIAL Loî-ie Bath Crystals, attrac- tively paceaged, choice of Apple Blossoi, Pie or Laveiider; an excellent gif t sujgges-tion, 1 for .... $1.00 2 for...............------ $1.04 SPECIAL Puretest Halibut Liver Oil Capsules, box of 50- iO -2 for ----------------$1O The store will be open every evening during the Sale until 9.30 P.m. Agent for Jackmian Flowers Charlens B.iTyirreli DRZU G S Phone 68 * e-. Orono, Ontl. Orono Sc. to $ 1.00 Store News Girls' Navy Bloomers, size 32 onl1y, pair...... $1.09 Girls' Genuine HForsehide Ski Mitts., pair... $2.,10 Ladies' Hand Painted Scarfs. .....$19 Children's Lunch Boxes, redl with mnetal tray f acinators, white........... ....$1.00 Listerine Tooth Paste, medium size......25c Fire-King Baby Bottles, wiII stand heat or cold, each ..................15er English Shoe Dubbin, softens leather, preseves and renders waterpr-oof, tin.......15e Black Shoe Dye, 2-in-1, bottle.............15e Nugget Shoe Polish, black, br own or tan, tin. . 12e Shoe B rushes with dauber, handled. ........25c Men's Ail Wool Work Socks, grey mith wýhi-te heel and toe, pair...........75e GROCERY FEAT»-TRES Coupons -alid October ?,/th:, uttter B29; Mleat M56 Rie Krispies, 2. pkgs f.. . .. ..7 Brex, whl-eatï germi- cereal, 2 1-4 lb pkg.....24c Quick Muffin Mx just add -water and bake, pkg 13c- Unsweetened Crushedl Pineapple, giant 105-oz tin..........................$1:79 MeLaren'sCra-Cuad Powderý, flavors Of chcoat, vnilla and butterscotch, 4-oz. pkýg, 2for........................15, McLrens "ree-Eay"foirimaking ice creaml at hom1-fe, 5 o3z pkg ................10 Salada Brown Label Tea, 1-2 lb pkg. -.......,38e Maxwell House Coffee, drip groundl, 1 lb tins. . 50c Fresh stock Citron Peel, Cut Mixed-- Peels, Cut Mixed Fruits, Marascihino Cherries and Candied Cherries. Grýeen- Corn on the cob, the last of the season, per dze..................30e u RO0N0 5 c. TO $l% 1 -00 l'%stTOR E YOUR POPIJLÂR SHOPPING CENTRE M.otor, Equipmàent Private Ambulance Northcutt and Smith FnrlDirectors and Furnitr eir KINDNESS COURTESY SERVICE Eqipped to take care of the miodea;t fuuýergj at the moast reasonalble charge as-well as the ,largeat and f most exacting I Telephione - Office 6689 ResWiee 523 and 726 Telephone Collect ()UnileOt. * .1 MISSING.... rs, ail sorts of glass containers are MISSINGI The shetf, the wcholesail,'s storer-oomi, your retailcr's shop. feigthe bottle shortage,. The skelves that used ta be h Juil boules, -jars and contai-ners are now mtyvr Zor anuifacturer and dealer aure depjendingon, you to se emnpty boutles so that he can refll themi again. YOïl thim tio deliver the goods yOu need. Docsn'ýt il seem- for you io help each other ont ? Rmebe, oboule refui Pleae g p and reîturnt t the dealer ALL magnum

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