the f am-rily, TCar. 1AKS...... ý lb. 32e. .9 ozjar 59c. .~L33c. S IL.35c. catttle valuato,-r, weed inspec!tor-, Y-m caloficrfor. iiCInd-enIts and an. sessor f lor the 1948ý tax roll. WhtyJIunior O.U.A. "C", 1ho- team wiCE play C'e Orono Juni - at the local riInk om Friday everin 0' Jïanwary 1flth. L-,b h. yet to defeatel, sdwe are looking for boys to dIo just tLhat. Cor-ne Out give them yomrvoalsupot - Friendics of 'Mr. and Ms D. ~Hoper ngr{lat them on0,1t 9.5t1h anlniveïrsar,ýy of their s4lver w ding on die 81,st MofDeccmber, 11 wben hey received nmny ca flouers, silver -ami a telegram fi Washiigton, D.C. They also cý lrated 'with fSriends onnNew Ye, Day. Oro"o Midgetl layed tiher 'league gane 0on Tuesday evei last, defeating- Bowniiiinvîlle ,Mïid. by a sooee of 9 to 5, ln th-e Jve 'OP.......b. '3c. 3 for 10C. mathan's. doz 45c. .doz. 19C. *6 qt. basket 29c. .bch 17c. .lb. 25c. Pack, 105 ozs.$1.25 .:A la'nil, a Jfrog-, 'a. uck andiqa ,ik weýnt -nto a building. 141 cosit 0 te get, in. Thvree were able tO in but one conIdn't. Who,v ee to -et ',an ndrwhy? If you en- -ive thle solution o1 thýe sn it is: The larnb lias four, quar- the frog bfas a gree-nback, the k has ïtailbIiHad theskwnk hlad Leon Errol plus eV. W SUNDA ".We Are Cal PARK