ervice o.frdeia 1 mani at lert to young îehundreds of Chris Day services on t t eoialCollege. Th-, nordby thie Brotili i'n Japan. Siinday Sehool t ide MU Jesus' Aut1hority in -i one and C'hurch JoN 2: 101. i saith luntooudoit-on25 lit The iarriage Feast The marriageCfeast adeni of prgrssse era1l ayý s whensome)- -111 S apend hc treaene ed pe ýýj à ra c thebr-der1o1, nd bi al ands e uwags iobmn article e- o11det:ad1 wsoalc asymbl o direction fI-i ed inJeu'epy th in, hijm was in oever Heiý hun Miracle of the W/ine nig feuslte serv-ants fuIi- waerot wthl wateýr and lied ont the conitents. RichI ie fîowed ont firo111the ic theýytens lveiad jui-, thl cte'ar WatrM oieta ,IC onî drete thie opera- îchiiiîg inothing HIimself rfrîn hi irceJeslis failY a pgreatfayot in re bliebarras-melIt.HeIl-o 143motîher. Buit tha - , racle asp mnifes 're nd tha Hsywi menle nîIiighIýt beic o for. -1t,11011use ie t ent ed thJs) cou cl-ortiernsln it 0rý lie theibeach an th o-ne o iloigbin ind'ignatlion b y the sht f cattie penls aILlg with dcay dlishes and. oves equlired in he1w cookilng of 1'soe amb, and lmoney chanig- esplyilng tlîir fraudulilenit trade. Ths eecaio f 1His Fathecs 11louse ias 1flot to ble toýlcrated. Ty- inlg toehrsmall corsl (pobbl n vade wby itwitinig the rutishe Cs &pea'fr Ibedding). lHe made a "scurg." escndig pon thel tradrs, Ne dove hemal Out of he empe" ith their sheep- anljd Cxýeni, land( ojver 1-tulrined thile tbeofthe mnyChanes_ M Faters luse" remlinds u"s of tephrase esus used, wen a t the age of twelveHe attended the asoeanid said itoIfi- parents, nWist ye flot dtat tnînt be about $ 20 .O\valueL cfor $1t,0 0. Men c11's ad(- justLale us taiinleas -,s SteeI lighltwei_ iht braceclets. rce$.0postpaid. Rfn ur anltecd, LIFE LONG BRACELET MG parLimcsit o XVlfare thta Soo, L ait scnool]. Dr. Chase's Syrup of llxiseed and. Turpeitt*ine 4'OM"/OO fA'7I~F laNo Feasy for ction e ~~ matrci ýryeaPdes itk vernghtakin an skY S-- PEDY r , NwRylFaat ?Risicg DyYatputs an end to',0 fthine,"slOw- poke baing.. -titrrns Out fuie-lgt ee exue breaýd in a few hIlours! No muore "settng bread" the night Ibelonetchen you 're tired n o more dkaposng fau- saceease dough spoîîedwhen tule Li~e lt too Wsrm or tnOOc VidWith Niw Fas Risi n g the (la,, when you ean watclh Speed upbaif-eNw Fast rýisinfi Rylfmyour gr-ocer today. Stayr, fuli- Strenigth onyCilrpanitry shelf for wes 4 p2ckets il ahcr packet 11,Ska ag