Ownrsof Farrns Wedouibt if the peopl of Bitan as awhoe wcl take numaisfac- ti1 olt of thie thratf collective fat r-for thait is ht the so- coal czc onuplnrenmsags.u nin cases tOy of 10 the arnerknows bCs In better, te requirenents o)f ýis c'- s better' knowývs the tr- ilig r Lï,e- arioig-nes ~osfrc ni --but ste cmit i owrng long hott * e Élut if the -Govermnnent 1igin lIo hold over hishead a threat that ous landnmay be tainfromhim, ht 's vey duubtfulifbi he is gong to work long hours while othier w'ork- ers are seekinig shortter 7nd shorterÎ hours. le would not be humaii if e dîid inot 7resent the Gvrt netsattitude. indeed, the fariner knows. and wve believe that the Britîsm consunmer!knowýs, fthnt if socialization of land cornes it, will not be scaiainforlplentÉy ïbut socalzatonfor a trennendosyr-~ strîcted fraoutput. The ight- hour Cday does't aply on 011the Cfarm- wherewe,-ather andthe seuýons eni- ter 5o much instite jb of produc- tin people of Caadvij1 watch the expceit in socialization OF farm- icg in Briuin.We have the heï of ià here un CanL1ada. Thait wsone cfthe firsýt planks piaCed in the C.CF.-, prùoiial platform at Cal- gary in 1932, It was taen ont later whenit àwas ifound to be aa thlerna %to famer. Bt the left whing of teCCF at tl e hivs un;oiaizdand owne2rshi and collc7tive farmiing. The Brit- -ih ý Soilist Governmenltt'S acto will norgeteu was te origiial -S or so:aks its food pot'ato p.ý ie. Fo froni notes, Weariness 0f course people got unrd givig duing the warn But it's just pos- sible thaLt the servicecn,,were like- wis weryof f ighting -butthey didn't quiteý quit s'hor-t of Victory and a finished job. Shiah we That's Different Caii you beat it? A Ncv York school offers to tecach a purson thle Spanishla ngmage in 45 houlrs , Aitd a lot of pe,ýople hiave been, tr- ing to learn English for 45 yeaàrs anld lanurder it just about as~ badly à,s they everx did. -St. ThonisaTines-joornal. Practical Joke Two indignant wonen smttog in a telescoped car that bas Set a roadway and crashe-d into the trunk of a tree in a parkb IdlkEs to get rny hvands on the pran1kster wh plne that trcee here." Worth Keeping The sugar-bowl rinay beenpy bt thIey don't throw it away. It's a dandy thiing for keepift tickýets in for fthe nJninan.i --Ottawa Citien. -The Ari Expositor. ThÀink tf- is sýomietiii lia in The Famine'", [ -~Sault Staýr i- - .TO RELIEVE $NIFFLY DWSTRES 0FP ' 0 NEyER NEGLECT e cd toMs-not for one minute! l'ut 0 *a few dops of Vicks Va-tro-noli cacih *nostril to get effective relief fast. lt quickly e soothes irritation, 1helps clear out CongLstion 0 *and niaJe breathing eas'er. Yotu'Ill likthe ei way it works. Trv Va-trio-nol, today! o 0e V C S A T O NG O0q&0q e 0 i 3 eating. I I ~ood Advice By J. MILLAR WATT ROLL >YOLR OW*V SETTR CIGARETTES w/T,, TIIE. FFISTEST WAY 7O SMOKINIG PZEASURE E VERY DA Y EXTRA AMILD à0od Advice WAWY -ro By J. MïLLAR,ýýt.>',,f'ATT