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Orono Weekly Times, 16 Jan 1947, p. 4

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"J1 havoc ,vith the, ofliler entries in mhis lange, jurneed o Orono on Fri- S day eveni.nig tA play Mtr league dhe glaine with Mtihesloaljuios and pulled out a 9 to à win after sixty mf inutes of good f ast hockey. As inil on 'prevîou.s gaines thle Oono players he 1werlýe .I in getting warmied up and S really 4wmtobusiness. uithe flrst perao(Wiib scored four goals, the me. iý,,klsýrLen ibeing 'L. YuJll from Moor1"e 1s to ri Gates in 5.46 of play, L. Yuii ayO fre>i Lorwe in 6.00 niuutes, Lintuer the fromi1MGus 2' t the 9.50 inark, the an d IMeCluckey fironi Lintuer and %vil- ad lîanis, at 10.25 Orono then steadied 'ter dowil and hedd te fast gsng ýe'y 1Whty am'sýoreleFs for tlie last hal -, th peiud Pive penaltiesý gt weré handed out in this period, al -ih of them going to the Wfhirbby players for trernatrippirig, hoardiug inthe second period the Or-ono t'ai ýtty Well beld its own-1. Whiýt- ng by krnrnto topenalties right at wn the staift, tbe la'st one, going Vo Low nls, ior tripping Hfoar uhlen he wars near- 'm, ng tbe -Whitby goal. Inithe m u'Xp liiil Borsa received a gash just above one _n oi hseyes and bad to be assisted es- 1 the ice and given miedical care, aýind was off for tihe reuxaiindÙer of the uve- game. No goalis mere scored Vhen n-1 Witb were plyiug shorthandd. t1y, jWhitby sodthbe rirst goal of toie the iperiod when McýCluskey scored on ai u pass fron-i Lintner at 5.58. Orýonio we scored heir first gow he n C. Coru- ei îsh 'beat the VWRtby goale on a pass a--from Jr. West. Whitby retaiiatedý an- t 8,40 wben M1iteniell scoired ona ock Cas fromn Yufl in front of the Orono hat net. Jr. West bangiýeed liOrono's sc ý'ýin- ond 'na] frorns j'li rn nasit Orono, Tan mb tb leir first penatly of on- the gamae wten C. Flntoifwas gwiln in a o irlute paltRy for trippimg, lie WTliiby aecored their seventhl ade ,oalr'Ia fromn Gates at 12.48. ,on- Whitby- then> wasgie a penalty iPill- 1,Lowe li for e kchng, then when or- bec -was bacýk on tc itcheil Wns 1 gven a penalty foi 1 , b, e but yepair id Western litions. wI e lh. Cl"orniish with and Ruaie w was~ lrway ice and heid first lune fro- line of Cox, Embly, Heoar a-nd Jýoli, for Orono, though not scorlp'ng any goals in the gaine, were in there fighting I-ail the tune and did a anar-I vellous job of back checking, and ls made nrny uses to the Whit- bjy goal mouth, but fa,îled to click on the red lii.ght i;ndicati-n- a score. Honoper in goal played a- good mainel throug--hout and was greatly respon-j sible for keeping the score down. The Orono cefenne of Paterson, Fiýintoif m d McMullen stopped many rushes at t:he bMue line. The defo-nce needs stil mnore practice in breaking , up rushes of the opposing fonxvards, and w'hen tiais 1, ccompýlishIed, Oronno ,xillilhave a xell-balaneed enin, and xvii lie ady for aIl the eains in tbis league. roo-Goal, Hoopor; defence, scored thieir third goa'l olthbe period iuhen rC. Cioiiisbi beat the Whitb)y goalie on a pass froir, Jr. West. Cox for Onono was given a penalty fori liRookinmg, eaving1- Oro-no a nr short. Telstgoal of t'ne period ivent tol Whitby at 19.50, WliasfroinLiaI-i uer, ,Uing the score 8 to 3 for Wlbitb)y a't the end o>f Lhe seconid perîod. 1 in the thirdl and last period Or'on.o outscorûd Whitbjy by 2 to 1. This pier- iod wa's very fasit ýan excitiftg1, vwithl i lh. Oono Pic es giving fheir best try brinig the score dloser tog'ether. Jr. West scored aI 8.56 unassisted. Four players were then gienp- alty ýto for Whitb)y and two fo-r Oro:non, four pliayerýs beinrg in the' penalty bxat the sainme , ail for rouhig.Wli t by scored their last goal of the gami-e at 13. 40 when Lintrer scoredl on a pass from Low. Yaitesç was the'n given, a penialty forl Wlhitby), but bis teani matesý held o ffý1 the Orono attaek,>ers. A t 1.5.101 Oroo s:eeUred t-heir fast goal0,1 e the firstiiune players came down iii Patterson and Flintof;- centre, R uan- ille; riglit ainrg, , C. Corlish; left wýinig, Jr. West; a.1ternaltes;, Joli , Coný andEab, MMuen and Hoar. Referee -W:1alsb, of Toronlto. The Orono Continuation Sehooll pupils are holding a skating party at th-e local rink toig4h-it (Thursday) ý from 8 to 9 pD.mi, thon tbey wiull h av e a lunich 1at thle sehool, followed by dancing. Tie port Ferry Junor OH. A. Hockey lub defe-ated thie Orono Juniors in a scbeduled g1aine in the 'local arena on TÙesday evei-iig, Jan-l uary 141h, with hten250 and -0 p spectators present. Dlue Vo the wAarmu1 weatýber the i ce wvas verysot pre- venting g 1ood hockey from)bing p 'ye.The score at thec en fthe gamne rwas 5 b 8 in favor of Port F erry. PORT irHOâjPE WED. and THURS. "Darling Clemfenine", With Henry Fonda, Linda Darneli and Victqr Mature Friday and Saturday "George On Civvy St." Starriag: George Formiby "THE FATJCON'S ADVENTURE", MON. and TUES. I "id FrOm Br kiÉ I the Toiwn 201h et presented, for 1947, way pro- oe in muary audi- Il lie -ectors i, i- Dr. W. W. Sherwin rwil'I bp sbn4winig coirdpicturJs of 'is trip to Po- [Iind and g-ive an outline of the wýor2k of UNRRA on Fvida'y night, Jarnuary 94,coenin at 8 o'clock, Î7 the Council. ChanIlber of the Towýn HalIl. unider the auspices of trhe Womiien' s lnst itute. An autogrý pli quilIt and S wool bI'ankets voill be auctiolied ai-i lunch served. Adiessioi, '25e. and FOR SALE Framne Hoase on -Main Street, Orono Eiiquire at the Times 4Afice. C-2-p FOR SALE Shect Imon Stove, -practically nw 1 pply to H. J. Soucb, Orono. a-5l p.1 Renl tirw FOR SALE Cook Stove w\ith Warin- arnd Water Tank, iru goodý Apply tVo John ik a-5i-p. NOTICE After Jaýnuary ist, 1947, vue are on u strictly cash basis ectalp-1 proved mioithly accounts. Luri ~Hardwarce, Orono. C-Si-c. FOR, SALE An 8-roomied frame bouse oin Chuirch St. North, Orono, with elec-1 trie lig-lits and furnace, also two Sun roomns, garage and workshop. The1 Estate of the Late W. J. XVartyn, For' particulars apply Ormie Fails, Newq tnvlèP. O., phone Orono 16 r 1.ý F OR SALE DeLaval Junior Crearn Separator,, used just a shiort -whîle. $45.041. Bob Jlanecek, Phono, 4 r 13, Orono.« NOTICE Fleury Bîsse1 -D o ubl 1e Tractor ~Dises will coi11e -throu g1fh about Marrc-h in theise sizes, 14xl16, 12x14 an'd 10X12. Earlyore rs receive e rferenee, al-so tvaetor pl.ows, Lever Harrows. Apply J. S. MVouintj)y, R R. No. 6, Býowmatnville, phrone 25083. MlUSIC LESSONS Tiei-%winter termr hegins this wLeek. Enroîl now for pianpno or ýtheory le - sons with a qualifired, exper-ien.,eed, teachýeir. Studer.,-s prepared for Tor-, ont'o .oservatory 0of Music exa1-ý inautions in F5'bruary and June1. Mrs. W. C. Lynch, A.T.C.M. R.M.T. James E. O'Boyle Phone 7-16 - Orono Bàusiness Licous. No. 1804970; Wfir- time Prices andi Trade Board BUILDIN-11, CARPENTERING, AL- TERATIONS, REPAIRING, PAINT- ING. Gaoos work at fair prieus, by the. hour or the. job ESTIMATES FREEB Radio Service! The. combination of experience, comp- plet. data on ail makes, and modeut test equipmnent will ensure PROMPT, REASONÂBLE AND) EXPERT REP-AIRS Cal R. L. MYLES Phono 79 r 4- ORONO Lawrence C. MasR, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMNANVILLE, ONT. Phone - office ë88 Romle 553 ý W. F. WARD BAR1RISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY office 925 Rêsidenc* 401 BOWMANVILLE, ONT. VETERINARY DR. W. W. SIIERWIN VETERINARY SURGEON Offie Main St. Orone Phoeo 63 r 7. Or-ono. J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casuatty, Automobils and Liabiity 1ORONO ONTÀRIO MANUFACTTJRERS - LIIFE REPRESENTAIVE w'IlI gladly assist in planlning finateial sectirity for yoursesf and youir famlily. DAINEFOUNi> Phono 8 r i ORONO Monuments The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY Phoie i601 - P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Ontario i I Engraving, Goldleafing AUCTIONBERS TED JACKSON Aucioneer and Valuator Conducts Auction Sales of ali sis and atr reasonahi, rates. perry, Ontario, or *£ea hlm Clerh, A. 2. Mo0rton. at oroue, fer date. JACK REIDI Licensed Auctioneer and 1Valuator Specialize in Farni and Furniture Sales Consit me for ierma and dates Phone 1620 - Clarke Do You _Know That, for a man age twenty-four, The. Imperiaïl Life Assurance Cent- PaftY wiIl guarantec his family $5,000.00 i eveut of his death pAr te age sixty, for between 21% and 3% of that amount yearly. And i f he lives te age sixty, the. Company wiII pay hum the $5,000.00. W11Y net cont3ult yeUr lotal I FRED LYCETT ~ emswhat a plan such nsutII. wlU w w, * e e WEDI. "The Seý TAXI" ervice w7 Thurad.ay ),on

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