Paris Peace Conference Itaily vviJl ask the Conifercince of pýtris for the right to lp draw ti-ipacetreaties fov Austria, Ger- iiianmy and Japan. The Finnlish delegation was ejectedI fromi the commission an1d wstold former ne isut pre,-. Sent tir il-views in w-ýritIng unlesa invitd to appea. Prime iister Ping of Canada warned the Conference to stop "wasing ibltalie"and Irpre "decent instuments of pece out enda gn dte future Ay futilediscusions."l Wasinigton lhas preCpared -a note to MncwrejcCtîng Rsiaspro- posai for joint Soviet-Turkish con- trel of the Dardanelles and offering for the first timie to participa1te m theý defense uofthe Staits Commiunists in China Mobilize area-s to miass mblzainforfl- scale civil war aantthe Ch(ianjg Kai-shelç Government. Itwas PfllpTai7ed that Ilit nly trosbut alsoa ýil of Chna'ýs10, being inobilied. THAT'S NO are la-aghing fit ta .1ill-at none other than Charlie Chaplin buriesqueing their er. The Chapfin film', "TIhe Great Dictator," was recently sprung by surprise ýe 400 Berliners, wha ýthiought they were gaing ta see "Kitty Foyle."ý Experi-ment 1by the information contrai division cf American Mlilitary Govrnmient. ARAB LEAGUE KEEPS EYE ON PALESTINE u1 arec or ý6,000 squ sanie as1 t, U. S. )er of the powerful Arab League beclause it isa ýe is j;eeping close wvatch on th Ar7ab-Jewish itua nt and miake its own, decisions regarding- futur rabs and C-00,000 Jews. Problem of Plsiinp Smay be decided by Unitedi Nations. Dei il 0TELLt--Yc RUtNiNING w