yon 1ma hitchéd bis long lege ý2 over ain armior t'he Chair and snot- ~:cd in irritaitîon. "H-oly Milke! What :s 7 ar w-Uroe thugtw were *r deýfiitely out for the h-ig sttuff'-no, more r all time. I hin my legs off gctting dop. on tisVaalicourt guyand iht for? What ha- the bricgroOnm got to do withi seing Otattc friends of the faiiy do't d sînaItch a1 ie ilv'er plate McCiýe tcbckled. He likcd thiîs ' fellow. Rocky joland was more Mak a colleague than an cniployee. He was boad and blond ad a bà k on tue mugh ideoqut he bad clear, boneat blue eyes =nd a loyalty as riin- I o ~~ i you t tea. Til e i? ' aSbeiol", 7CIOt camIIC 1o2n11ic m"U olato'r con thledcka mir hiton, Tn, h big fellIow, "Dllý uke ba 'y pot let hnid Goit a large spcciali serce-thIt of guarding mec an. the wedding gifts That'sber story. ke as But look bee-, She does't ant721 hafadozen i, iu lanited there. Shec iaftec o11Y 0one icnp~osmn rit~1 ltfor tde day of OnheMblig, but tarting now -for tbte dpration, aIl nec- That in itsef is scewy Beside tea thIs that Cse doesn't wat the poîke ~ad shie's turncd d own operatoirs froi abl tbe big 2agencies. T0 top 't %rd cid off, ae acta as tbtaugb the Four Ë farnuly Horseînen oi the Apocaiyp& e 'Y ight ïtracking fber dw. ting ta RocKy's icyes nazirrce. Sl nsou PingtheInylioo~gy, maestro, think 1I do sec a glimmTier of Lighýt suddIen flu other vwords, site oesa't give a -Mird.. bang if' thiewedding fcae s l osy mced Mo with lep aic.She's got .otber Ook hAd said Ai again. ~ 'WelwereCIdO we corne "Yor've got me îthüre. Imnot sure the lady knows hers, but Mt's er"-shie ý ertain. sbC xwants somecone rud le gilts W'r eete, nway. So m-,-y first to tahî e niove is a file onthe-i famiI-i and the? 2rr iving dashinig 1bridtegýroom, , in case. "Nt uciI'naaid."Rocky arasd fippcd openl a notebook. "Shlowed sec up around thes pars aboutt a year wVanitto agT'sfo Nc YokCtr ,0 eo sys.Dcinielyflte HAvard ~ter ber apartrinett on te R01 maC gbfy D oesn't or.Goes veywer Iip Mar- tbth]e Societycod.Tegala the out- do catwes wheneer la mWani marryinlg twntymillonIollïars; MIt cunrt net wcek.Me anytlig nmsr- Gemd cut of that, (To becontiiined) ird berRussia's Whalers 'rtcA >m." A 9000-ton "othe" ai p, Ilar bil Siava, and ei;ght fast ~0tnwhbal- esqiong the firstSoitba- P Y. Sl-,q iïng expCdîtion î, bave siled for the Atatrctic, Msçw adic, said ne- ISSUE 5--1947 No wonder the nieighbor childre-n old Pafl follis, Fort Worth, T doors to therm! If yon rent fronir mnnt1i' rent free. For quintupleý ing things over with hini are Linda Waltie, a:v, andU 11vo 1give yc :r t{apg ah Ray Sunday Sehool L Jesus, the Giver of Li.fe John 4:441; 52-0; Il: 11-3. G3olden Txt-larn the Resiirrccýý- îion, and the 1Lift:lie that )f-- lieve-th inIllme, thou1gb lie wcxre dead, yet shaîl hlivc. e-John 11 :25 Recovery Fromi Death Recovery from th'Oe point () o dath aswrou11ght by Jcsuis for the1' nobkinan's son wlio was Il idi w a fever. Ifn bis ex'tremlity the nbe shnwent to Canal, begging 'the T1he respo)nSe Cof Jvsus to Ibi',ap- peal serstinged withhjarshnetss but in realit it was a stpping-ý stone to h jigher,stogrfih "Except ye scec sgns and vwonderý, ye CHl not believe." The masses wereý too prone to ignlorce he sg- ificance of his Ags and to des regard the wo)rkzce of theew ders. Tbe in-creasing Faitlb of th'e nobi iiann who reiterateL(d is aqppeal -w rew'arded: "GIO itiywayv; tby so livethý,' Itwasnot ne-cessary fi ' Jfeass hould go ini person toe Calpe naumniGndlay HMs bheaiing bar mpon tbe boy's feveýred ýrow; B couild heal at a dsac.The fait thiat s-curcd te icssngcauserd ti nolmnto turn elevngy ro Canla on his way" The Cripple Jeas w ýent lpif trefound a greï people Ilying treii Betbl-esda. It ïwas.t ion thIat tIefrt to step iinto the ek to Jeas s ingled out a nid for tbirty-cighit yaras ft of nisnmercyv. !TheG Fa now gavýe His own recr healin1g: 'Rise, take u (palljet') Lad walk. " Resurrection Froni The Resurecionfrom. f-our ibe tomb was wrought by his de,ýa d and cl buiri(e( Lazarusý, After atttendan taknaaythýe tonte t1l the entranc t te vau.h iîfcdHi cs bèaveuwvv and the lame UBSETI; HERtE'S vyr r ha mtoget acquainte breakfast cerei1 thai't 8* good for ye This coupon Saves Voix 5c on a Package. breakfass! POWS a ,*mFlakes prOvîide roughage food waaîea mnovingD promaptly .. ,hlelp y0v teoes, And that "come-ag.iin» flavor -,mat, -- keeps folks coming back morning after howlful of thiese deliejous bran flakes, Try PsîaBrnFlakes ai onec-. Tal coupon offer while àil asts. E-~37