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Orono Weekly Times, 30 Jan 1947, p. 5

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whiese lies in peaceful memoy wesisail always ke ,en reisemhiered b ansýii Fanily. Clifford,' iro f'sHne ie alScIhool Club iare [dng their annual daince ji the muniity IHJ11,Nwctlon ;Fn- r evening, January 3 1st. Ruse eig-htun admi hicVariety Dance rd of Toronto will furndisJh fthe si. A draw will be held dur- tle evening for the foIllwing9 izes: 'Pressure cooker, Tah,,ie lamp) d a pair ofInyI-lnl'ose. Nli,,s E. Waddell suJffered painful d probaTbly serious in)jur"y Whenl etrip'pedamandf eilidowln the cla ,pped at thfle home c'UIr. Roberti- ressoith ward. Inalher fî seWaddel'1 s:uffered' a brokenrih itali neck inijuies t1hatarno own -at presenit. She was rusheAp ,EovwmllnvilIe hospita'l anid 0o u.siy(to-day) ii Rbe removedl the Qdýhawa hospital for a -a her neck. Vin. Miltjion Cornishl, who has been breeder mofilereford cattle for cornie as, lias eccepted the positkrn als1 ad hedsia for- Col. JR. F. MCA-1 ie, also a breeden of Hereýfords, (i tIlkes over h-is' new position )yI ri! lt. The feins i ýi situated near ýnelorn Faile, siodlthe lmosat up4-tQ te farni ina the ditrit. Tihe manyv eneof 'Mr. and mrs.. Corn!ish miii sorny o !ose thon frons 'ilhe dis-' irt C0MING EVENTS Bowv(manville "YouVth For Christ" an anio&ehr bright mieet;ing andi 'oramlme teobe given ila Ornoo wn Hall on tiie evening of Satur- ýy, EFebary 8 th.l-Fuathen Par- wuar iii appear inext -week. 'MAL TRIS WEEK: ~Baby Carniage Robes, ýes' Bloomners, clearing at >duced Prices L. REID ORONO, Ontario SORES Fresh SALMON Salmon Steak Fr esh ib whole or half Lb lb. 25c. lity ..... ....ý... tn 19C. ce ... ......... tin 19c. 3FJlIE.. 2 ins 2âc. ;t ising....... pkg. 15c. YEAST, fresh, Cake le. k .... ..... 2 lbs. l7C. D PINEAPPLE, 105 'oz, $1.69 CORN, freshly pop- and butterd.... pkg. 10c. E' ...,large bag JICE.... 2 tins .each rted colors. pkg. 19C. 19C. 19C. 15e. ppIes, 6 qt 59C1 lE,288 ........ doz. 29c. crisp..... 2 for 29C. dtender.... 2for 29, WVe havýe just neoeived ashpm t of cil burneir iheatens. Rolph Hr -ware, Orono. Me. 'ned Slsson w .s oveci to B'ownsanville Hoapi Vali on Stre lest by amnbulance. M r. and -Mrs. Aifred Jakec'ni visited fnîends et Sydenhin near Kingston, Tast week-end. Mns. Turley of Belivilie, spent lest week with henumthen, Mas James Ddckson. Mr. and Mas. Gordon -Va.jor, of Bowmanviil, wire Sunday visitors at thse home of MJýr. aiAMrs. Russe]l .Major. Master Genld ]Baovn of 'Brw view *Far-m", Newcaeýstle, visited wt hiýs prandparents, Mr. anid Mrs. J. D. Brw a'st week-end(. The congregationeal imeeting ofý "ý-A 11;t. United Chuncis will llx, held onî Thui-rsday eveninig, J-anuar'y 3Oth, in theS'nda Shooli room. Thie Os-ono Hydro Board moet la tise IEydro office on Monday eveing lasýt. 'C. T. M.Nillèr was appointed chr irmnan of the Boa-d wIth W. J Riddiel1 as ra'èr Mn. and lMs Roy Forrester and Roy- C., attended -the funeral MAon- day afternoon last in Oshawa' of 1 isie o er' brother, the late Dlavid 1.7orrester. Aformer residenit of Or2olnoMr. Ormie Geary, of Heisî-ltonl, has pur- chaeed rs.Wrn. TVartyn*s house on Glhtreh street nonti, anrd will move bekagain Vo Orono. Mr. "'Bihi" Boyd W'ho is dnîving ei creans truck for thse Orono Cream eu,1 bas rented th-e farm of Mr. iton Corniseh an(! miii teke poýssessionI as'ound lthle firýst of ApriL. 1 Ms-s. John Cory-ell and two daugi-- tors, of Ayl-nmer, Queisecý, a-re, visÏting mith her parents, Mr. ami Mrs. H.. Ro ýve, for two monthis, -wlsile Lieut. Conyel is st tocned ,inFs etenhoo.o imms.à. H. LeslePeterborougis, is spendinge two -weeks' visit 'wvîth her parents, 'Mr.n.,OmiMre. W. J, Rid- deli, whiie Dr. Leslie is in onon Ontario. Messirs. Caries Tamîblyn, o£ Oronio, and J. T. Bon of Newcasýtle, are visiting MinrueeoLa and othen points ini the United States in searCI! of suitable additions Votheir aready disoiee hercis of INoîtein caitle Mr. James Nixon, of Bowvnanvile, has puincisedMr. Bd. S1hehfs jssst nortis of JMercer's garagme on _Maiil street. Mrs. Sit)h ami faiily vvill con acopnyler husbanid ini [ o bourg. The _Orono J Police Trucstees hld tllseir iriauguLralilleeting on Monda-y e-v ei ng, J a iuLa ry 27th, with thse trustees alil presenit, 'being W J. rRiddelll, R. lE. Logan and C. T.* Mil- 1er. W. J. Riddiell wae azppointed chairmesi for! 1947. - Tise Durham Central Anclua Society heldthr annuai mIeeting in thse orange Hanl ont Wednesday af- temoonwit agood st umber cf Vhej directors ipresenti. The finaisciall .-I porit inay bo fouid' on lie front pagel, for 1140. The January issuie 9f thse GoocJI- year - Wnfot in"cries a fine ipiotu-re of Marilyn and ,Morley, csl drIen of IMr. and .Mrs. Harold Col?- ,Ilediek.. Cobbledick has been, an omIployee of tIhe BcwnsenaIvijl Good'- yeýr Plat r s everal yer pest. Onle day recontly 'whiile sk-atinig oni tise m nili pond, Harry Lynch-, son cf Mn. and Mes. W. Lynchs, Ibrok-e throïigh tise ico and lungeci into theýI cold , wate;c. He 'mas rescuedi by hisi br1othler Bernard whe.( puiled hlm iont w thie aid ov a hce stick. Tihe third, feurt'h amidffUt formel of our Contiruation Scisoo) aessd thse pupils of thoe entrasie e i-sss travoled te 'ilronto liy bus on WVednesdayI lae. Tritthe ssýrning IhIey visîtedItise' es1-useunsl, hed their dinnen, then tour- ed tlirougls Os:goodoe Hall and thse oacato iaily Star Building. They thoen took in thse Happy Gangpo gi-iamsss-e and elso atte-ndod -a-tShow. On Suindaýy morninig, FeisauarY -91d, thse nse of Park Street Unîted Chunch xwili commence e cenies ofi sermons on "WV(het Protestants Be- ieeand Wihy". 'Ne ougist to knowl thie rea sons of' our faitis end way ofi if e, You are invited Vo these sen- A veny interepsting ovening-ca spent ini tise Vwnhaillon Fiidayi evnm,-cien 'r.W. W-. Shýenwin" Showed elides on bis tnp te ?Poand hast sunmen. These pictures gave SOIlle jidea just what tthe PoMl-ih pep- pie suffered in thie iast ean.IrDyr. iSherwin vi hase other pictures to show at a future date. Three or four canloacis froinsour v -elage motored to Lake Sinscoe cne Weneda norning con a fising party. TIhis ie fising luinluxun,)y, s1it- ting down in a nice heaecd cabHn fiel- ing chnough a isoe in th~e ice. Tihe1 fsisermen being after WhtefielS. Coleman Phone THE MyrnlaDo LOY Amoche "Û50 LGES MY LOVE" Saturday, February 1 A aiew screen thrill for mil- lions, as this great book cornes te the screen "TOM9 BROWN'S Laurel an(' 2 BIG CoLf PrASSA' lit Teclsnic Car-tioon Fox Late Nesý SUNDAY, FI and Why". 7.00p..-Wrh Illustrated Leot shtine and Shaè "'Abstînenece from mCt eS lnatiýonal 1ns Orono T Plu e cosi 29c. 9/"m ff

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