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Orono Weekly Times, 6 Feb 1947, p. 3

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Io Charies street and the laide ieo(aswiii ç Cal nleda wicg room on coud floor.Aboeraian ud tinobtriusive, hadaner kokand led hlm îb1rou1gb a1 hallay, reGeding hip up (hcllycrpetdstair S. room wýas aI the frnùf ible He[avy red dr11aperies ait thte highwiudws ere ahlreaIdy Frail Miýss ilo teod ini ict centire.. smlail aud patricia,ýii ýt the b(-)! ,; t lng mube madiel. ýae do soke i'ss Ade- sa id iin ber saf t, tra1bled "ThIis roomi is ra)e Ver- ing, isni't lb? It basý neyer býeen d sinçcethle 0days Ocf11my arenits lbt akes tce chidren er àn upTbey should be seau. TbIere wa urhearsal ciiircb ti his alron"Sihe [le w as ss s Sýe d ith the tho1ugh1tbtat altbouigb ber veice n'as Calm, unburried, thiere wa s somiething emipt'y aad tremlbiing in lier. lie said bwy bis voice lcwi, 'Terha17ps ye"n have scmethiwng te tei me beore th"othmrs arrve." Slhe loolsed up ç ccîy neefis5t tightly clen.cïed in hber ap. '0Oh, "D)amn)ationi," tbougbit McCaïe. 'Whjat is îh 1matter witbi this wornan? Or is ;tiicmeAn i getting euit ef pra2ctice? J car i sulaly Catch something Msificaurt bi n y own subîle way, but Iis bafses me. V'il stake my life that there ès sosue- tbung Srusly wrorg n hisuroorn in tbis bouse. Sonielbig is going te happen?" She rose and wvalked past hi le the door, ber dress rustlng like dry le'av-e. "I wvafit you te sae the wedding gifts," %vaspailSAsusad, cbsinig thec door et bier mm)i-d shiarp- linbis face. A qick'j black anger flared uip in býim, luis im-pulseý was te sta1k f1rosui Ille 1bouse, but reasen beCld im resnand tlic disýturbinig nrest that had renëaned i bis braîn and nerves ever shneber vmst lebis cf ficee bat mnintg. lie floe ber downsîaîrs. HeCavy douible door1s intricately eaýrved in dei oi f fruit openled off the lo friall mb oanfimne dinling rooni. Tbeand sdbad were oaded witb sîler, lamps , ex pinsive glassware: r-are, beauitifufl. odd, pretentiauls gifts for thie bride adgreini. ~ McCale walked aranid tbe dis- puay slewy. oiM ug at MissBige- lwsrein"1!Sas: eraluab1;le;a heirlom; pricles" anid se on. He was ready ta granit tlhe necessity et protection fr hiscoletinwas begininig t uslaaytht odd buuncb he hdbeen Ilaing al dlay, wbven he feu, rather than saw, a sudden changei his Client. Aquiv'er rKipleÏ oer ber frail shl-«ders. Her Tiands, fluittered biefllessly as sh1e came te a suddlýen frozen Msop. Tey bAd reabed t far end of tbje table,. Re heard ber gasp and beoked down te sec, the te scale, iet a bouise, set i d grounjfds. meInt mwindows, cd patio, it was e f t theplus,,-ul- welnzplace. The ewXC. 100,000 pr)in de-velop tta Jess, lieBred 'or'Life John 6:25-35, 56-58. The Multitude Gathers abou thernidleof Apil auîId Jersalm o osere t. Latein araunld Je5s, us s inicrCasinig aid crowd. Jesuis dLade tat they It - as acrand htaby h1ad a veýry smlall amount cll f pro- viinfive arly aves 'andItc amailfisoe,"lya jboY's meal; y(i thee wre moire than IIfive îIoII- sad ersons te be fed! The Multitude Is Fed At ,JesuLs' [iddinig temitd xvas arraniged il nedcymn uIer. Tbley were d.ivided by the dis- ciple2s mb cxompailues cf fifty anId a bundred 'and comml-auded tLo sit dlown upn the abonidant grass. As to the prciîse metent fthe ïmiraclet Was wogt it is suippo'sed t1hat Jesus broke the bread partially anrd that the disciples carriedi on the proCcess as Ohey gave to each Ont is portion, the bread renbl 1.Incre'asing as they cont"irued to break a nd ditribute it. So thic bun.,ger of everyone was saItisffed and the fragmnlts remnainling were conserved by the. previdentCrs. Thei(, impression m.ia de b y the miracle waýs deep, widespi-ead and whiolesome. At ocethie people ident;iid jestis iith ,tht prophet predicted by Moses, m-eanrinIg thei VMes sia h The Bread of Life Thei e,\tÉday- a 2tCarau Jesuis met ,na.y of these people and spoke te îhem aObou"ýtte Bread cf Life. lie declared ta lie is the Bre-ad cf Life, whicbi means 01hat lie is thie true and oenly sustenance and rorihe o f theso. ' Jesu-s drew a shiarp contrast beý- twecïn the physîi a d te ipri. u:1,1 h-e fater aIe cf the nmainla anid it was lite <ýto thm as tbe-y wand(ered in the wilderness, but evnu lly theydied. !This 'true BIread" wbIiCh is from 1Heaven gives the spqiritu7al life whinbs ne end. pool. inri Ih rear, a sau in the smal, gemericllyplotted garden. Temodel had cdnty en o dUIsplaiy someýwhere, fer an enigra-ved card attached le ue ornIercf thle base readî: CytlCave, N'îaant sye.lier face blaiched(. With and helId up in hýer IrembIlîing fin- gers a long leg2al enve5"lop-e fthat had been lying besid (e the medel. F"ro1 Silhe teek, a foldIcd docume1nt, opndit slewly. Over hier shloul- der, Dukeý saw it vas a deeid, ceýding the property an d bu-iilingsof Chris teph)er Stor-m a t CrY stia1 Cove NahritMss cst ts, teo CTo be continuLed) on 'CFRTAIN DATS, 0f motb? 1 TbÎ8 £e idkine in very c7efoeweto ieMeve painfnl tlitr-enand tired~, ner- ,vous, izrtp.±ble leelingm, cf michd .ay- ,Fhen dleto femiale furctionil piontblY, tnb~es Thosandn report henefit! ISSUE -6-1947 0 rip. wvingspreaa is 230u. sef, i, wu ('f the b-36, has, three timles the war. ft's bigbuit for Armn-y H20W Calniï By Aie Aslec Q.Hncan rvntmltr from finlllg Lcri the eels when CIIgiing froin, a ,C, c l b at A. Try mitesg tlips o-t the fiigclrs, rubhbing tisein Vér the, 1c!Is, the poishng s sua, nd sce if ~~~~~Cit oenîpeeu istotil e. Q.Fi'Cow cai cmke~reai mayonnisuessin"g? A. Add one1uet' cream beat. enl until stiFf, teîIbe mynas desg.Se-rve imdatlOr place ill the rfieao for a tew heurs. Q. FHom, can I drive a1riail luteI a -place weei is d ÉifficuIlt teholdj ilt fitIb firiger-S?- A. ThrusIýï t ireuïgh a littIe strip ,of paper and hl ïolid te cends cf tde pper whie driing. Q. ýHow can I 1air ithe ahr AXhnmak!iug featherm pil - low, mke siïp et strong os- this mbiit be tÀiing and fasten the ends ,witb lass.The feathers cain be removed ea',v fw rairig, znd the tickiug for wasihig. Q. HOw caii 1 prvent aug- nails? A. If pulsbing bc<the Itîc]c causes hangnaiIs, ï-assage it with dered te Filipir I laide I 22 is ap- purple. ~o back n'as a r. She's r

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