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Orono Weekly Times, 6 Feb 1947, p. 4

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ar ie'e 1ary tra1 wAd be very swiIth-e ladies e a sp)ecial effort :e-ýî )y (tie irst [me. Riýun dite hie t t>he Uxbidîge net, and ifrman aISt fnom Jr. y Rundie~p f doi aps r t, followed býyante by Ji'. ru-wy, but the 'Uxh:ridg'e red ~ tIc toolsthefrtby oher lbyPanefrnBrd akuling i 1to'2at1the éwdof' 't p'erod. Three penalties nded oet, one to llaoeg of ~fer hlig ndcitxo to lin[oif, one fpi or bording and el, fo(r tnippingýý. At thie start- period Ilooper ia thle OronIoI hýIiit oiltheide of the:ed e puka glanIcin.g ýblowv, and few m noments wsable toi %oin med fo upldcithe The plant again closed dh thIe latter part ef Dec'embe year and 'bas flot bon oper A- ceti umbilerof offe,-sý received froni pospiective bi Msr. EU R. Weoedyar-dof 01 ileeve of Clarke TowUniPi hest oMfer and' ne-w iads W knwhn, isr a good soýun1 MU an eat the sanie Gli manj w'bich mdýýlI go a long w him secrreOHMoS fe'r 1plant, l1e 'nas 1had quitea career iOronlo in the elec pliauce bsnsand 1e lito say a business that has geat suicces's, and we feel 1fr ieodyard ill make :nt bis uew adrn n: asi turer. 'y e a ' nI 1As the buines ws onIY sold on Uliere ivere only two goals scored Wedn-esday nih.we are in ne posi- the second peio uloe by bot Ion te Say just'At Unes milIb o Lms. Tipper for- Uxbid(ge beIat manufCt ird here. Tirere isnth oper ln tire (Mis uneI)Agingbot disbmat deparîmpent wiich wilI score iun:omfortably clse, 4 to 3, certa>I be carnid o= bu as te the Oroi.seondlibe eounnectedU metalaMid wood departnrents we are, a goalw'ben Joli scored Unau- ntinemd of te seond period.Lam- od adllckbngfo Uxrigere- Spanishlaguacge verions of the ved tire (only pena,1ltes handed ÀoLit N 10on % Fim Board Productiens. u thîrd a- d nl bsI pe'riodl uira eame clu josýe V'wh1e l redrn.aing the scoreý rono1, but afte rthat ,it L. Thi2 Oreoino laveýrs ruperio'u o'0 pe1al o Goal, fioope ;deen iadFliintif!; cen-re, Rn rt wing West; igbltwig ; altenates CoxJo'lI, m pr. ide-Goal, Mýojmkm'aLn; de-: idd 'andHobegfears Stle ad Harwood; 5alter- St. Joh, Muvrray, Painter, ]yJonso an'd, Eric St. are enter- rs here on 8.15. Trhis, une in our retravel- If tbe LDe- r t)heweek. q' l '4, Ir.n played. FuiTirde ndSmalill F'rywili ho dis- trihu.ed tbrughoutSouith meicn Whe-nyo are in mneed of Letter'- hedEnýVelopes, BjiIbheade, State-1 mon-Its, bfsof awy k i, R eceipt fomLed'Iger Fornis, Cireculer Let- iters, WÇýeddin'g Station ery, Programei ',or every ccaslio, RutIeýd Form0 Ticetsu, Guinmcd Labes, oýr ilivtlini-g ie (ce iii tI e lintiO f priInting,% eau thel Tmes office. Making -the pmisbea fi Te crime - ". Chicaoejud"ge esed to senitence somne traffilevilostoa tnip to thie ceeunty mrgete im-prese on)î t1hem the osibe esuIts oft theli- fold'ed at l'his gaie "Miiké" anii0uliices his line-up Bh1 11 Oîk e, "ok" Osbor-ne, "Scotty-" Caileron, "Wink",ý' Winters, Dtc"Os'burnie, John le"Jans Bert îColwel1, "ub"Chartrnn 'Iusiter", Denasem, "ShIiI-ny" 'Moise, Ah.ý piper, "Dub" Piper-, "lPceewee" Martyn, Gog ato,'ien Luxtn, Ed d ie ' Plsh .undle, Frank Jaiesn, i Bagnýeli ar.d Thiere wihý,îl be free skatinglafter theý gam-le, so let's make lt a enda POR T HOP0E WED. and TIIURS. Last Show 8.30 "So Cees rMy Love" With Myrna Loy aid Don Amtedhe ý'CK ANGEL" (ADULT) Witla Daet Duryea and June Výinceat iidyand Saturday Ceecl B.DMie' With Gary aid Ja MON. a-nd Irving Beî "BLUE bl LEGAL Lawrence LC. Mas.l, B.A. Barrister and Soficitor BOWMIANVILLE, ONT, l'hoee: Office 685 W. F. WARD BARRISTER SOLICITfOR NOTARY. no. e-3-p. We cr'qIO )rder, Order AriÎl now. FOR 1935 Ford Coi lSeat; four -goed ylniig coniition. Sorone. with Rumblri1- 1e one 5)2 r 11 MAN WANTED Man ,rho enjoys outdoor w'orký, tC learn Bee and Fur Faringi. Ya rudemploynt. if ernîmaen~t posi- tion tothe rcgt tm- "ot let th b)ees scare you; we bave survived. c R. KNOX Box 19, Orno GIBSON'S BARRED ROCKS B3uy your -Barred Rock Chicks frorn a reliabie lngetbihd O.B.S. Breeder H-atcheiry of ever 1000 bIoGd- tete irds. Fe'ýr bred-in livability, eýL1'arl -J neontLin.uous ,production of large eggs, don't everdook our strain. Take your c'hicks a month carler if Possible. fllatches -weekly. Write fors circular ýn(! piîce hist. AI! inquiriesý imsçweired1 prom-p1ly. Donald E. G"ib- son, Bowmaîinille, Ontarjo; PLone Ciarke 3811. If. LADDERS Extension Ladders 28, 30 32 feet Step Laddlers, 4, 5 and 6 ft. ALL ELL MADlE AND PRICED RIGIIT 'ý4 el/ k"en, Orono Coal & Lumnber James E. O'Boyle Phone 7-16 - Orono Business License ,No. 1304970; War- tintPrices and lTrade Boa BUILDINIG, CARPENTERING, Ail- TERATIONS, REPAIRING, PAINT. INGT. Good wonh at fair prices, 1y tho hour or the lob ESTIMÂATES FE ~NT Radio Service! ýTii comabination of experience, cen- pletle data on ail mnakes, and modern teut equipmoat will ensure PROMIPT, REASOINABLE AND EXPERT REPAIRS Cal R. L. MYLES Phono,. 79 r 4 - ORONO RADIO REPAIR To al makes tof Home and Car Radios. Aerials Inut4aIled. Work Guaranteed Reasonable Rates H. DUVALL -QOI Pho(nea:. - Office 825 Residence 489 DOWMýANVILLE, ONTr. -DR. W. W. SIIERWIN VETBRI'NARY SURGEON Office Main st. orono Phone 63 r 7, Orono. J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Automobileý 1and Liahility ORONO . OINTABIG TOUR MANUFACTURERS LIFE REPRESENTATIV9 ï 1yl gladly aqsatt fii plannýdig indaia security for youruself and your famnily. DANE FOUND Phono 8gr 1 Monuments The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY Phione 501 - P.O. Box G-" Port Hope, Ontario Mo0numents, Gravenarkers, Engraving, Goldleafing AUCTIONE ERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer aned Valuator Conducta Auction 8.1....1 ailaltêufz and at reascinable rate. commincatio wlth îhlM at pogs Periry, Ontari,or Suo hâ. CIok. A, K. Morton, at OrGno, for date. JACK REID Licensed Auctionïeer and, Valuator SpeCOialize in Farmi and Furniture Sales Consuit me for terme andl dates Phone 120 - Clarke DoYrou Know, That, for a. mail age twenity-four> The. Inperial Lif e Assu".pte Cont. Pany wvill guarantee hMu famlly $5,000-00 in evoxit ofIk is deaith prior to age sixty, for between 2% 'pand 8%of that amount yoarly. And If Ho ies tei *ge uixty, the, Compsu7 will pay lm the $5,000..00. Wh,1Y net consult yeur local representatlve FRED LYCE'IT te ueo what a pllan fach a a Vf. lD do for YOLu? YORK'S TAXI 24-hour Service livng- had our car repaired w. awe ready for taxi business agaîn. Phone 73 r I&. ORONO 'E, MUD SURGEON 1P.m:g Mente ~8 0 re ef ORONO ir iýte 1 1-51

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