CAP, 5.1er, On-. CRIOKS ra the r.- of care- ng In O. S. because Lýhon Crob,reds WRiteforfrx fcolder. The Oxford Frer'C-op- erative t'duce Comyp:nny, lim-ital, 434 Mainn treet.Wdte. On- RELIABLE GHICK$ IT MIL,L FAY VOT TO 0ORDER th le beýt and we Jhave tbcmi. Ba rreSc Rocks b1red to lay.Lehr P sired. White (Giants mixed. e ){amps. Leg X BR. MlrsChiek Ha:trher,ý, Fergýus, Ont. i100, lo lly wood leghiorn pullts $26.00, Rockc, raS, Suasex aindH- briS pulleta $22 Qdpet' 100. Big fHum- kv guaranteed to live chicks froir BREEDER UATCFIERY 0F 5000 your chick for >1ï947 to bh. assumed o' gttinig Lalteview Super 1)red cctswhen ý,1'o it 01.thm. ltuy eou r 0c1,i Ck a fro"M 1a 're i 11bte weil ed by JOGO henapurere an Iil itopular hyid-is. Start yu chicks em rily. hlic ks star ted thlnris ho W bigg-,es to-f i ts. Ser1d lfor r>;i e 1LiaI, lar ge il!lust rte-ICal1talogule iltid Poultry (Guide which tel], vyou hov to rashette'r pllelts. A\lan asfor Weeklzy Special L ot f heavy ok erela a'lrd il verbatich I'IhatchIl- da y S pecials, aln dNe w Pot LTyýpeo ue 011 Br1oder1StoveY old orstatedpull'ts -nd mxd P'rcmptddvr. akvw lu- try .Farrm, Weil Pros., Eseter. On1- ment lnsPecteýd reeoders. Sýatisfac- tion g u i antefeda. Purye PEre e da Il mrr edCI1Roc( ,ks,, WhIlit e Leilo rnfi tied12, a'NIilies-e Rock Rd X Liqlht Sussaýx & Le- horî- E , Harred tokmxd12, Pullets 22c,ckeres 4e. AIl higil p)roductioný tris il brpeed s availIahle now Ecls ad ard le per cikdeposit, blance COQD. -7e1etm Hatchery Il- Poultry P>reeinýg Farm, lienl,Ont. DYÏOAND) lEANlIi< RAVE 'OIJANI'THlING N E DS dyeïng- or leanïng? W riîete o UÈ for information. W are glad to ansýwer ,-our uesion. Dpartrmeol H. P1arkrs Dye Worka Umited, 791 Yonga Street. Toronto. Ontarlo> Mt* .i- OIL burnig bl'oûder stoves-, W. have used tilese with outstLýnding ,per- forinance. Booh now for Winter and early Sprîng delivery, 'Xe cap give pI)F'mpt deÀ%very îf yoii aet quickly. Lakrevïew Poultry 2am Wrein Bros',,Exeter, 0Otarlo. rOCI(ET1-1AIA AL, puRiposEl clutting tool wIith 1.'00 uýses Recent invention. Primce$Lot .Husack Mail Order. 6q2 Alextnder Ave., Winnli- peg RETrEA'tD TRS AulL SIZTS. Good as new Firestone desi gn. Wri'-te for price lit. Prince 'T'!re Shop, 77! St. Clair W, Toroýnto. qiLIcUN TUE INTER ESTINO AN-c Profitable shleilcraft hobby. Beein- ners kits $3, CJ, il e com- plate instructions, illustratons anld supplies for hree brooch and ear- ring sets. olcif d. To- ronto 9 TARPAULINS STRD BOWN oRt KilAKI DuckWateurroed Covers with ete ropeýs, ail weights, VWrite for quo- tatijons anjd smle.John iLepkie, ,77 eln nSt., .,Toronto. mahie anjted %withdri hed Write sLatu1ng prieceto 46 South STRAWERRYPLANTS, DUNLAP, le ar.Thouaa;nd $' ,2. ( Q, Lr !- irsmpiebuster $15 Q(o nppid, Jrder etrly. la..Eni 1wer, SUBURBAN PROPERTY FOR SALE $2.0I-6 room rame hou'.. aod, doubie argeif-, oo11ace itid ail cnventiences,-nevI hom shus tc.MC. osseasi lon pî a wroler"Pmt-IApe,! ontp- ut pEo Emu!ItIl M111 ÉR IUA ailable nv,. Flaptctca?,r 600 1x645.H:r$5o.0Ont VT e ar overtokr aito ee 0f gnoa usea rlade j ttIoea Ailmrc, qijp\c ruil', ON lit t eQtl,r ttttn alcrdîn Tolli snnd l'nrmnon.toM Ties Blut 0' CW BLoN2, !Octa ansne D11- ariesir n Alaern.I Co ,GOrDIeIONS, Ont Subs"ite 00W Coplet liI o THEuarS.agYNIAna.C. LBar PtARMS ieWHl «AMI.PLONDON, ONT. FOR SALE - IMPROVED LEVýEL WANýTEDTOOGIL EX- Fat-na, fenIced, good sofl buildings riencedi horseshioer for dairy Ir, wate"r. WieThlos. Mythe, Fus!. large Eastern. Ontarlo clýy. Steadý lier, Sask, Can. year round positon. Excellen Workin.g cniin.Apply BxNo FOR SALE 132. 73 Adelaide W. Toronto. ATTENTION FARMERS FOR SA4LE',Tr"AcTr Ti)u aWANTED miaS. cf rub)ber. suitablo for boIt- Unskilled Tannery Workers ing on te, whtes $M 0each, OPPOIRTUNITY FOR qGOOS)FAT. rear wees;$5,00 eacl-, froni WEFKLY INc", TXVE BONUS. wheels. Wliten ordering state iaifn. EFAEAVNAE.5P- eternid eit 0fWbeel. National WLAEAvATiS A Rubber Co, Ltd. 5 Wiltsire Aclve. 1WFIFK.A$ 1.% IN VRW!ýN. Toront, ont.THE C. S. HY$AN CO, LTD-. ALUMINUM PRODUCT$ OOT HSIA REST1AVERANT SiNii:s, o ons). TRNOHSIA staa m be; ni.tanks,101, to 2W,00TO gallon, tta.le syrun fnd. hc Ot, irl WETO taarks, 'VLtrtaniçe cnoas. 6 , irfor Ward Diet :Kltchen boats, skiffs'. Guarfteed alumiN' Bl-, b ho u uy anS aïx day week. nunt hot watel' boliers. Inquirles GodlI nvondItIonSx. AppsW h)y Invited. 1R1idea AluilisPi ot Ceo t1r rpoo Selcal io~1,, Lis5. U120 Banuk 't.,olt$awa,, ont. ' l4 PaC Il Tl. 'rie, ID mzmxm3Rn LIT Il cdi' 1nocx ia nd on ,,iored ju t en r e te 11 1ols tuula ment rBusiness,, Prfrtown <or 2.4