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Orono Weekly Times, 20 Feb 1947, p. 5

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C . ' Phone 891 /Milton iKriskilien, ýd~vrs W. A c Church, will -ening, February -a good programme, ",g pictures showin by <clXeizîe. Lunchi will be hclose of the programme scl hour spent. Admjission:- cand 15c. LADIlES' SnLIPS f Sizes 36,38-4-46 MRS. L. REID Phonel9 r 7 GiROOOtario 1 REU& 11WIIE STORES_ Graded ",A" LARGE EGCZS Fresh, doz 4 4c. DewIst Golden Waxed Beais tint 16c Carnation iMiIk 6 for 66e White Beans, hand-picked .... 3 lb 25c. Orange Juice, large 48 oz in....tin 33c. Dustbane, avoid dust......... large can 35e. Robin Hood Oats, with Cup and Saucer, pkg 29C. Pot and Peairl Barley.......... lb 6 and 8c. Choice Apples, 105 oz tin......tin Chicken, eanned ........7 oz. tin Blue Rfibhon Coffee, Save the valuahie coupon enclosed . ......... 1-2 Bovril Cordial, the beefy drink.. lb tin bottie 69e. 55C. 29c. 45c. ISalmon Steaks, IL 29c. Oysters, fresh, jar 59c. Scotch Broth Soup ........2 ins 25c. Ayl-mer Onion Soup.......2 tins 19e. Lettuee, firm, .Ierirg.....2 heads 15eC. Parsnips, fresh and firm *....4 lbs. 25cr. Cuban Pineapples........large 29eC. Cocoaenuts ..............each 29c. Co91ing, Apples, "Starks" *.... baskets 39e. OORNISH & MILLER tepublie es with Mr. A wavîl spent Sunday Stain-tonl n WhitLby on Wedhiesday g L st. eOrono bauýd -memb-ers comr- e'nced their weekly ractices on f'uesday evening last: Mliss Ruth Gýooaie's room i n the public sChüol had a few hiolidays the forepart of thïis iveek, owNing to Miss Gocode'silns. Miss Annia and Dona-ldc Staples, of T*cfonto, spent over the week- end with their parents, Mr. adMrs. M.H. Staples. Bobcaygeon failed to show Tup to, play their game againsýt Newcastle in the Juvenile playoff Tuesday niight et the local rink. blrs. Vance Cooper received wvord on Tutegday last, that her mother, Mr's. Wilfred Mclkay had p as sed oQway at the Bowmanville Hospital. Miss Shirley Porter, rsturse-in- traininlg at Or>hawa Hoespital, speinft Sday this we'ek Iwith hner parents, Mr. and Mefrs, Neil Porter. t doesinit seem as if any one in Orono are storing ice this seasoni. Up to the preserît there h)as been ne ice cutting on pond nsý in foirer years. ~Mr. and lMrs, Arthur Bell and famnily attenýded one cf the 1-,arg "'Youth For Christ" rallies be'in.g lield each Snarday night -) Massey Thurs., F, makinig isureserved too! in "Witliout Reservations", also a TECHNICOLOR CARTOON Short: "M iCHIGAN' SKIDAIDDLE" Saturday, February 22 The'ROWERY BOYS "IN FAST COMPANY"9 Aýdded Attraction LflfWi~UTHE iTR SHOOSIER PROISI Action on the Prairie!' iu the Saddlel Romai MUlr. Orme Geary, Hailton, Whc p)urchased:Mrs. Wm. Mart h Ti.ý y n's 'ho)use On Chuirch Street a couple of weekis agoy withoiit seeing it, haýs given up the purchase of the house. Three cars cf young peole ëfyr Oraoo ttended the Presbytery Young People-'s Valentine Party in Ki ng Street Unîted Chiurchi on Mon- day lest. IMr. and fvls. W. 'H. Brown, of' O.A..;C., Guelph, visited the former's mohrat Bo-wmanwillýe Hospital last week-end, a5>nd aliesospe-it sm tiine among friends la Oronoý. Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Tennant ïmcv- ed into rocuis ini m Flintoff's home on Main street <neiorthwa,-rd). Mr. and pMrs, Tenant we-re ocdupy- mng the hionne of Miss ForaCbl- dick for the winýrter nmonths, Mrs. Hmward -W a1qsh and Mrs. flarry fRowNe attended the Ontario Temperance Federation iConvenýtion in Caitton St. United Church, Tor- onto, oan Thursdtay. They represen.,- ted Ormono W.C.T.U. 1 Aronnd thirty-five Tebers ofi the IOOF Lodge, Orono, jourueyed by 'Gaton's bus' lo Trenton on Wed- iesday evening lest, where th.Ie Orono1 deýgree- team' willexmif the thirdl deg-ree on candidates. li-ndividue;,l attention such asli-af- forded 'Iu sraller Continuation and 1ll{igh Schools like our own" is the es-, 1Sence of educational o)ppor-tu-nity. Citizens of the cormmunity sho)uld see to it that tre school is supported and the grant sustainied. Mr. and Mrs. Virtieý Wilson mo- tored teý Oshawa on Monday evening taking with themn Mrs. Harold Alin, Mrs. Wilfred Ha,.wke and Mrs. Erwvin Rainey, wýho teck their iiiainde- gree in the Rebecca Lodge. A good time was had by ail. Port ýHope Junior hockey teami wîll play the Orono Ju--nior-s et the local Areria on Saturday eveninig, Fehrunry 22nd. The lest gamne pýort Ho-1pe played her-ie has; beeu or- dlered ta be repiayed andi this is the gaewhich will decide whethier t~ooor Port Hope "-i nd(s second place in the leeaguestnig Quite a -numbeýr frlomi Orono andj distric-t attended the Orono Hoýme-' craft Guild meetinin the ýutownlhalil ion Wdedyevemnng Mm.E. S. 1Paxtoni, Supervisor cf Han-,d' crtsf the Aduit Educationa BadCf1Tor-I onto, -was present, adgaveani llus-, trated talk on lepather, and exhîýb4tedl varions linosEfindrt. Sing-i' Dancin' Fox Late1 TECHNL'COLIOR qj0~~ 9#de4ecded Sa<ii.f~9 qael? FIBREGL 1246 armas,2t years for PARK Si UNITED CHUF SUYDAY, FEB. 2Srd 11.00 2.30.m-sIhurh hool. 7.00 m-'oshp "To s an, rcm akoho' trîbutea, te (hisin 24 lb bag 75c. NUTS 35c. JAVAX bottiýe ~', I 1

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