ii- lin INSGER FAIM akn tback to the store w cotildthey kn w what h Lwas like? Soi loked upth ress of the wholesale ouse ard t dhe tmabad ~tp them. Te ac- npnin etteür was fiot onec oplain"t, but of inqulry. For o-ne sont 1 felt sure fthere h ýad been ;ip-up somewhere and matht; 1-1paly wouidpref'er t cknow >u .After ail it wsterre- tao at stake-aUiv e stood ID weeks m O hug W .undsi e chanlc we lan Ca o r meo the bi domn ici the snott ub1 ;fafc the1at a numaber 1Il ni izin dèntout :teasa ot and p Charl ie Spiak aHn harliom nett areamong th ig ape ds aý;re cutiglWn tare nucrner h pdaim ' !ie ss tocmuch e c liar fifee euloalr dtht a maf unit Ma dshws out jst asbotaved ai good. Tieaii tlI tascoe Have ou noicke how mand Arhar acnýs w are ac ltcerndtoc, pic onuresuoffvea erybdia- rearecdorhe 1ývýthe I Iardý fihahos 'e I- ' see ae bee along etonathead ecof stry t loehubns , ftbtiscklenabe an Wbre v"Iars th e Minierre te ardyi *.lhe pic £âcail(a lall',V,'Cly ' \Cy Uo ln lî and the fire bas to be let Order to pr y ,oo eth fstoney Coal that h!ave thtluselves between the 3f the ltir ea pro a few a.crobatic stuîntsÏby hafa into the furlaçce ing asltl lcee reces - tempIers are Il?- be a Ibttle sîhort adPa- the zceo markt. beC a great day wsnthe pke and manufactus are compettie bas oh[, is back to, dininer again pose awe shaîl hear tCe 'tn =ew.He is dog an, job to luïs tuc owl- ce dou% se very mu, o f Pt et meaime, whec, be k like i-a hom;-ilgpie. ýeds seeý(d cata- elners alndc ,s gaish; îna-ils>and oyer ithe' 'lt, order- ~edcabe best ot gar- anid early Anîd that' cornle efroIm'i ,Othe c'd re o wiasted retof aren't rn nincit S< ~n as soon. sh ou Id * * lie, dinig 0on t Ittld "B'eef Da',be cause thifat is about ilw'v donc. sfo far. We liglit as wI get every- tihing off our chest at once and th)en Maybe we'l feel better. Wewould be -,-ery p1eased- "I fought off' a pack of hungryshioppers to bcig fhis, package of crisp, crunchy, delicious Grape-Nuts Flakesi"e "Bravo, Sïr-trehb>ald! And I'd be-1 and bones; iron fer thie blood; and ...... leve you if you said you fought other food eseentials." througli a jfugle full of lbons for thgt Toew glngrisvLaad malty-rich, eweet-as-a-niut -favor of "thetw len araoined ind Ps'Gap-Nut, es!k~" ipatdbrlyaemom~nd . .. .. .. .. iosts Gape 3 FakOrape-Nuts Plakces. TIhey're speclly "And of course, Gentlem~en, we mustb reMeme abxp-Nt lksae lended, baked1 and toasted fer flavor, HOTEL. METROPOLEMO. nly narvelloslgydelicois-theyCrseeydistn? N 1A GAA A fA, S zupXly carbohydrates for energy; pro- "1,t us repalr to thsebreakfast ronc MI'p. -C.N.RS TATIOf4 teins for inu.cle; p tosp)ho-rus- for teefi an soo a giant eco packae." Have youl got âs? The word is B4rick. B-R--S-K... as i itu' e.Ys ipon's Tee is bric atng. efresh lively and full-bodied ... so tangy ani satisfYing. . . you'lI sever again be content wîth les Change now te brick testLng Lipton's Tea. framle cd ber, don't Uip 'Obegrea, youlre yug aoli