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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Feb 1947, p. 1

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GilGuid',esz- Ice Carniival, Or Gesture 0f Local ~Societies fIn Healthý Georgeý ,I-Dur-, ed thlat off ered to- ail il w: ng na bse A p 1) oxl t Clarike Ti ver cil thri- 01r0no0Br. Apm reximuï Maaner-s T( liver cil rer-lIcslty of ,e Red Ci Schiool Bt Schccol Bi Ranich cf nlip have flot it has ,,,been SJ 'ýi \7tîelyýI. 1 cf ced liver enI inrithe, es cf the Le- Si S a very bais the sup)- h unit. se u' ut under the teachers2 bl period -1-1( Oisi part lhave ,se siuaîl caip- or wat'er. The ing tfime lest than compen- )ed bealth cf - - o - rtesies cof ,a snli ! ti ctrare the onies wbich pest te the gratefuil audi 'g heart.-lHuenr-y Clay. MaY Inrease Sulgar Rto In Canlada This Year Redi EfCanlada f Ollowýs intte the foot4- inerte eps-cf 1the Ulliteýd States iluregard te lsugar, it is qulte probable that thle the ua ration -may be increas, ed in ticals Canadia this year. Unlitedi States rved residientts wiH get around 17 pcunds Ir il cf sugar pei cLapita more this year ;for than in 1946 under new internatinl nanly allocations. asist In eriitaini linýes cf scarce ecomme11- r.fec- dities in .thile wocrIM, whiern the Uniited Mted Staites receives on in.icreasýe there is almltu genierally an incre2ase in iihat cern- dren, mod0(ity in Canadja. îlt mas explaini- u lthsl' plained that the United States, Unlit- irect edj Kini,,dorn- and Cýaada have been dividiug sungarin u aneqalper capi the ta consumption basis which during the 1945 and 1946 allored each persen rrd, in those curisapprox-ý-imatly 74 dren te 7G) pounds cf sug5ar a year. -lt ,is ,r cil possible that, Canada'ý-s sugar rationi it elY nrgtriscthsyerfre it ,s pros,- OWIi- eut 74-ilte 76oudspe pe ente îugb91 apr1 iaey8 or 83 )pcu-ads peu anc persen. ateiY t the rese t thne in nd Ownl- t3be two sotarilsfer tab)le use t aibeee commodities cern bac rfs o nicet the dcimand, the iLtatien cfl ad He uiý(sewifs wmillIbe umuch impreOvedI. Oad c mlps Buck Kiled By Dogs A yearling- buckwa killed by dog1s on Wednýiesdaýýy afternoon on Ontaieo tetnorthn, nearii the outskirts ofl Of GOobourg. Mr. Epa logtiig resident o-f Otnitarle street, he-ard ýtne beatinglo sounnd 'of L, ler anid the byigof hounds. Hesw the sman'll deer, falter, as it tried to get ovelà a fence ain'd the foriemnso-t cof twc d(og-s grab- ye itb he throat W'ben Mr. --~tiln ot Lip to thie deer the dgs iad fled and the anialwn bledngto deablh froii Ha ashd hrot.Thebc a hieen reported iin that areaý- on a inum becf times. The mient wa. sent to the Ontarlïo Tan Sehiool for Girls in Coug 1 Deer seeml- to be beemiing quite comnimon lathe, UnIited Conities 0,f Noreitbumberiland anld Daf or a dloe was sceer finthe Oronlo dsr ouc day lnsitt week, in the Sixthns d ist ricet. The heavy suow of O this winer aiy hediin the de-rfo thle nrhlan and, whecre thiey .cul d secure mo'ire vege4ation adbe saferi fremwotes.Tt wo'uld semthat thei wolves iare-Iso cmigdewn fromP the noth i; a few haive been shot in the United Couniti*es 5preacè Between And Consumer! a Program tacs;is divided p sl sidesand DuriainCounnty SauJd ike tu sec the iddlem;ans Liea f ain poisct a i~iwa v ol i hMy were net lke aud what we get are two difer- oint the general eut ithîgfor neointerwht is ose end and that dolle, suipply and demlanld w;lu have liave somye knowl-Iits wy.They suLggesýt a filorpice 1receive for theirr equal te cost cf production wculd t ~ b euPr. b staýrt.1 St Oe yev. 1Sthaws had thrmee hings. First, they should hiave1 they wvant ru eutal nntr ýto years shead; sstm e ha i aiolen ea ny b)e i nt e rnt i ioniial lsecond, the cost cf production must[ coultainbe- iemtadi h cuuescuo and producers b ie pV'tie e h cant lie required cut- PSy thepc hntejvrmn wililhv oshiizandti reut of Auae esbsdze!n tid sbpart from the ahove they wonld 1ta1ý kt'a educa- like a labour leader te visi their consurners as wllI foruim -se tat the ther ide ccnld lie presented. inte theiiiatter "Veill ihre Its is and beliee m it believed farm- mtany au heur coult be well spent e pricescf wheat lu dlscuirsing -cil 1the aee Several aiufg; hegs Onie thiutgs cae te the front. Farimers chree years; eggs amre net qagxeed oni eubsidies, they .years ansp pe,- dn't like tche long, cestly ro-ad from ,.They felit that preducer t eacnsumner and they are id be estabLlsbed bgn iii DuriainiCeLnuty te ,priie two years study ro-cQperetive as a m eaus cf CWend eoddoWU îug 1_-aWay With this 1lo-g9road. Tt Ethe amarket any aseseena Votube the opinion cf tari te be. scld nt a foeun tos hu the Province as '-l as in Durbiain, that ns ceeu as Citienshp An Muice TheFerury eei , icf the1 th1e Concl hanijber, with tie Pei dentý, Mis. . J. lmn in thie chlair. The Ctzeshilnmiteudeï. the covnrhpof ,M'rs. W.S. ROy, arranged ,(îthe pregr Ille which w-,as, presented afterùthe bsnessecetion. The first spe2aker ,of âeatenn mas Maga AnotLýt, Mrs. Roy's daughtLer, who b)efore her recent nmariage as on the staff of the WoV ,-1 iaenj's Institute Br,ýnci, Dprmn ,Cf Agriculture. iMrs. Arniott spoke on, "ýCitizesiisip" an The New Cith- enipAct, and said thiat ctzn sbpitselIf we s linked with iniividuial rýigh-ts and privileges, and heing an citze aîah hving fredtom -of thiouight, and freedom te live usp to, one's own idea of right livingý. PTie1 d.uties *n privileges of citizens[hip .-in exer*elsing the franchise tWCýeecx- plinedc, and aise ho-w woeen catn beir iin the lhonie auc! em uuuity iu the eurJ1Y tan of the chl-1, to anl 10o-est ay of life; (,2) te bee dipendable, reliable nnid efficienti; anýd (3) te1h1inor freedom and inot T'le New Ci"*tizeni 41P Act was eadl nn elind by Mrls. AntSm wcmn ee discussed 1and aise how thle At affec trte dida. MeArnotts finle {akowst edcaioelas weill s ey nerest- ng, an!,d left -fond for tho.Ugiht" wý,,ith M1rs. llamm then nrdicdMs Dcreth[ly L \c % ho ae are.- sume cf Cnadian Cepoer and Musi". es.Lyuçh said that aýs the Canadian field fs lnet as well kncwnl th-ere wejrene 'books frem iwhich te obtia uriaterial, but that froin.1, eduatinalstýand1point, music stats wthschicool musi mand that she be- lieved that Duihim Counity was the first ýte have sho m ctaught. An, outline cf the MendfeJbs9hn choir waS given fn$Om its inU,,Lgur tie, and aia 1ý 's't (cf its cendu(ictos. SOmle cf1 tÈhe fanions C,-aata families iu mil-s leC wYere.speen cf, thle Han- bourgs, thle Adaý-skius and thle Lcým- bairdes. Perc2y Faîith and 0 Reg-inald Stewart were ais eietiened, but 1fhe speaker said sihe considered Sir Ernest MMila ite ontstanding Grnadian muî1sieilan cf todaýy. Te) close fier,-very ifraIetalk NMrs. jLynich la a lcveiy paosolo, "In al CounryGardenýý". Laer iie a delecutable luih[, Lengarne d,,Mrs. lync laye fer semDe community singiug, Mrs. ;4ey, and hier comiittee are teo be ceangratul]ated oni a very fine pro- preme ied,i1nda very enjeoy- Orono lloinecraft Guid Coi- plim-ente-d By Cuest Spealker' The Jlomccraft Gnild beld theýir me11eting on Pebmvuary 19th, lun the Co ucieil Chamhéber. This ,-laonth,'L s meetinig was takenl over by the liandicraftt ]epartmeut, under the captable leadership cf IVrs. L. A. Reid, -with Mes. Il. Dean assisting. Mlany beautiful thing,,s whlcb wevre made àt classes, and at home by Orono people, wvere on displry. -Mus, M. staples played for sing-f ing of '"O Canada". aMis (G.Books teacerof OroePublilc Sehboolstaff, sang a demIzihfil scie. Mr, Pla x tonU-11andcr ua ft[sSuLip erf- vieof AutEducation Beard,wa preeu ad gv avr, cteran On Thursday evening, 2 ,am tnebe otme cf 31-1 beciae tihe unmeof on Auiar.Mrs. 'S.l'i t ti salled tbe offcers, makin3, a partcf he "Weonuan's ý Seccty cf Canada" ,Mrs. A. A. Drm tn tMe neaningof "'SGhrtii siip" and the importan eiw axiliary te all. The perid was lu change of ait beKi, and Mrs. J. Majier, S[Ludy Beok w ýS intreJnalc C. Miler. The next imeeti day>, Mach2th, wl be at cf MNrs. Everett Brown, The followviig offlicers were insaled: Presidentut -Ms J. C~. lst Vice-Preytdent- Gamnsby. Recordig Sccary Goode. -Press Secrestary - Yirs. Treasrer- irs. F. L-y Mrs. Eveyn Haml. -MsG.Watsoni. *Tempelance and Ciizc retry- Er. W. A. Rabi( LieaueSecreta"ry - !-. I. Thec E Wartiine Prices and hais annouinced that ;îriy 17ý , ail mafle pro)d ed frmtt ie t cf ves items and ther-efý -Aliia. ýMonthly, cci in Antiech Stcliecoi andti Li humner in Lockhart's, was fui inmprovernent. Mome1 discssed as te the next garding the Sixth Line seli Tire corr,-spondcence cn report frein Kendal cen<, faorabe vote regrn g the Area, and there w-as ais et the Lake Shore Fîtns justrment meeting were and as soon us the rds joint nivein ill be arrai eral enquiries hlave been mleý The Areanerdered the te0 renewrnembershi lu tees' and Aitpyr'I uselOshornle was appý Bis te tne amenut cf0 hundred dollars were Orde Wqarrant Issued For Townîshi.p YMan Afterj Police report that a re Clarkre Townýiship Jhrs bee cf falling te sto)p after -a dent recently iiuicha r.C. B~. îaýrnha-m, Tornc Following th-e nmani'e fail peair lu Bowmanville oc day last week afterbeu a foint ehis arrest police said. The accident occured cr ing tim Pno 1Utr 4041 lus1PoJ.Uicni tFlbruiary 7Plu,t by showing samples et varions -pieces cf lband(crafts made hy pýe1le ar'd a car u- iti thiroughouitCnaaand tn~u.!,S. A.,lhe cwasiateinpting1 metal work, floweirs on sugar cu.bes, Stdbkrte- weaving and feitwok and squeized hlm ecars. Pliesay it John James et the Stat esmian staff off wîtbLout rîdiagi s taff teck pictures cf leaders md 1(1 Mi-.Faruham w1 ocf the asýssanw ho have help Rev. Ms. Seeim ed whhne Gild A diplay of 5-cal etifedthe polie crats werein1 hspicture. -MIi SS Nwate Brooks favomed xwitb a second solo. After speudîug< MI, Stalter, cf the Adlt Educationi the Port Hopqe Hot stafi'of Toronto, gave a short ad- ha b een dress coipirnentiug Orono Guild on StretH~olipîtwh t'heir progre-çýSsine bis visit on OUr, dergeîng plasti epengigtb as fait and gave suig- Hotus woeeki!y Gulde. gstosfor tprther activities- in var- ionas fields. EPe lLft a list cf seveuty- MARCH R.ATIO five possible courses in A-duit Edu- Mlarcb 6t3h - Suý cation, Oorses they are spenoer- meat !175. ing in leamvnin-g Engiilîshand Citize- March 1tfih -- B sbilp for New-, Canai cns, sc s76. Poelish refuigees piiaced on tanis Mr -~~t tbrougbont Ontarlo. 1-A11 . ir

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