DELORO 0. off series in 'Port Hope on Wednoes- amnont attended the day evening. Thle roturri gai-ne wMl he Oromïro Aena on bo played at the 1Orno Arena on Fmi-. ehuaruy 21st, when day evening, F'ebruary 28th. as ontry in t'Ile 0O. lefeated the Deloro ORONO 9, DELORZO 3 ý-side-d score of 11 Th e 0rono Bant.ani teami of th,.e Los nct say that the O.M.H.A. "C" groûp, journýeyed to ýrth seeing. It surf. Deloiro on TuÀesday eveninug for- the ,wasý exciting aIl ireturigaiýne in their p~iayf is anid we w-Ould pro-. with tile 01ro110 boys winning quitei this 'Orono Býmanm andily by a 9 to 3 score on the at they shiould go gaine, taking t5he rolund 20 to 3, and r d tIhe chamiip-iship re non'- Eas'tern Ontario champion s, The boys, on the o f tihe O.M.H.A. "C" class. This isl ira and undor and] have got what it ood player-s. Th.oy quick, on the brea-k handiers, and sone 'od hardi,( shot when-- riodl Oronio scoredi firsýt by Art Nor- by J. Vonner on a, iand the third by his last goal, the battling- for thie in rIQioo net, whilO- ne ayers iy aed t ceear oreakaway so the goal and td no mistake on luis shot. Onîy 0penlalties -were 'given Out du'rngý aine, and these two wore in the t perioid, one te> Chas. 0!-ono and the othier to )A. Muni- for roughbing eacýh other. Theso ng players bave lots of Spirit grd ýe andl taie whatever cornes. n theésecond period the Orono es again 'added three more goals their tohtalhie irt by Keitir West, s econd( by iNolan'and the thbi Spe'icer. In the Mistand second riods,, BiP Hoo.,ey in thre Orono wams caled upon Vo Save 4 or 5 ýs in sIota whch h me teo ýe an loi tmer, Bill in tir net isi ry cool under flic, and Iras tire ckmngs o! a goo'd goalie. n the thid perlod Orono scored C, gCoals. In tis period thley put tir pressure and tome in at the loro goal ture and again, and tbie c liecertanly ad so0m erie certainly a great 'honor, for these- yourig boys, and we are looking for hem to keep rig'ht on going-,. They now take on tire Sutton teami, pylaying in that to'wn on Saturday a£- t iioo, with thre return ganre being played in Orono on Monday evenin'g, M'arch 3rd, conmnencing at 8.15. Thel Sutton tearr and Rihm-ond ~Hill teai battled tihrough four gaines before declarfing a winner, and it is expect- ed fhat thbe Oror.o 1boysz wil have a stiff two gies'ntheir hands if t'hey a re V'o eliminate the sutton team. Turn out and see t'hese youngr stars o! tire future jperform home next Mon- day. It is not sloppy hock, go combmination is always în o'vid'once, a nd they can certainly biacir check. Show thne boys that you ae bh them by your attendanice at the YOUR DONTON WILL IIELP TO 131PROVE LOCAL PAýRK Nnw that we have a littie cash the Board has started to make ar- rangements to have the picnic tables and slides ropiriedl,'but it is limIpos -. sube to d'o inuch w't Iesm a11 amount we non' have, so 'morenine is urgently noed'ed at once if ' tIe park qI pnn is Vo be ini good ro- pair rvhen sunmer C01rnes. It is the intention of the Board Vo get a plan for the park to work 'with sothat tbjey w ,VIll knorw w ýhatth',ey are t.rigV or plish in the 'roes- ent and the years Vo cocue, and so that they can show anyco inter- ested wvhat they hope Vo have when it ýis al finiish.ed, JProfessional ietr MIEDICAL Thre Orono Gir] ing a Carnil-val in Saturday, ~ad ticulars later. les are-,hoki-. ýocai ýrink on Further par- The first social ibeld underi thie auspices of the Wonrin's- Asso- ciaition of Pâr kstreet Chureh, wili be hýeld or, Pridiay evening, February 28th. There wiýýLl a good programme, 1 ncltidinýg mo-ving pictures shown by~ Dr. A. iF. MeKenie. Lunch will be served at tlhe close of the progra-nmni and a social ihour spent. Admission: 25c. and 15C. WE HAVE ON HAND A 1liiiited quantity of Molasses. We a're also buildinig up our supply of fertilizer. Place, your oirder early Výto ensure your needs "or the sipring LOCKWOOD BROS. Orono, Ontario M11AN WANTE1) Mari wvho enjoys o(uudoor -work, to learn iBee and Fur FrS.Yeae rounid emrploym'ent, Permanaent posi- tion to theý right paýrty. Don't let the bees saeyou,; we have survived. C. R. KNOX Box 19, Oronoo GIBSON'S BARRE» ROCKS Buy youe Barred Rock Chic¶vs frein a reliable long-estabhlished O.B.S. Breeder H{a'tchery of over 1000 'bood- tested birds. F:or bred-i livability, learly an'd cotinuous production, cf. larg-e eggs, do-n't ovesilook îour s.train. Take your ichicks' a i onth earlier if possible. Ilatches Vweekly. Wýrite Ifor circulai and price list. AIlI nquýiries 'answened promptly. Doniald, E. Gib- ,son', B'o-wianviile, Onjtarlo; PhIone Clarike 3811. t!. FOR SALE Two Battery Brooders, 0 eg capaeity. Pr-iced $835.0fl each. Alvin ICIemens, Phonc 24-33, Bovwmai ,n vl -.e, 'Garder,' Evan r 14, Kendin. 'ill, phone iL-6-c 1 A. F. -McKENZIE,, M.D. T>HYSICIAN and SURGEON Office Heurs : 2.00 to 4.00 p.m.; 6.30 te 8.00 p.nký Sundays and Wednesdays by appointment only PHONE 47r1 ORONO LEGAL Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. Ilarrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phones:- office 688 Home 553 W. F. WARD BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOYA RY Phones:- Office 825 Residence 409 BOWMIANVILLE, ONT. VETERINARY DR. W. W. SIIERWIN VEPERINARY SURGEON Office Main St. Oronom Phione 63 r 7, Orono ýJ. C. GAMEY 1N SU R ANCE ýFire, Casualty, Automobile and Liahillty ORONO - ONTARIO YOUR MANUIFACTURERS LIFE REPRESEN TATIVE will gladly assist ini planning financial security for youarstlff and your faniiy. DANE FOUIND nis n'aie iinias etne unnaking- fsid'e, hi tuhe erN'aus dai- haveében kcked into tire-net scani l -front o!fthe oal. d Lycetut, o!fOrnorefereed tire te the satî's'!action o! 'fbotir 'S. cio( - 'Goal, Lioeoy; Gilmer, er, Lrii, K. West, B. Hall, C. ,tron, A. Noriard, J. Vernner, or, Fepe, Boyd, R. 'West and R. ' Ge oa'l, "eéns'; defencce, hIe 'ld Joncs'; forwarls, Mani- 'o- Broos;alerasMuin- Brownlee0, 'idkey, Paraikî, l, eea; Grey, sub goaie.? IOUT H l ORONO 3 Satrurday everinig, February 22, >ort- Hope Junior O. H. A. "ýcý y teazr defeated Oroe by thei ;fl lasi Any naolvent, wheth'er smeall, will Ire getly re( aIl yen have to do is eall R. adOîsoffice and gi'ý ntotýe Mss Ajima Cuatt may miail your chequle toj ORONO COMMUNIT-Y MEMORILAL PARK BOARDI Lisit of Suabseribers Balance Feb. 20, 1946----0.0 J. E. ffaoewke ý-- -------- -------- --- 1.00 H. M. Mercer-------- --10.001 W. E. ArLimstroi-g---- ------ --10.001 J. Lyai 'Lowery--------------.. 5.001 Toýtal Vo datc ....$1300 The gift iVo g!-ive i, your Pea,,ce of heatne a pic f your mïnd, CThe 5aufl PORT HOPE WED. and THIJRS. "Captains Courageous" She)wn at 8.00 Oiy "SCIIOOL FOR IIYUSBANDs"ý Friday and Saturday "lAk B ROTHER TALKS TO IIURSES" With Jackle Jenïkits and Peter Lawfo,4rd Also "IPL N CASSIDY' MON. ani TUES. "CANTON PASSAGE" With, Dana Andrews, Susan Hayward zand Patricia tRoc For the World's Finest 'e or j1.. 1 U and IVllihifg Mvachines b'..R Pipeline and Portable ,r yo)u Full time job. Large incomne. Must, have transportation and smnall capital ÂApply in wvriing te Dairy Eqaipinient Company 1200A B3ay Street Toronto - - OntarÎo There are five main tyDes of coni: dent, flinit, l¶our, ýsweýet andpop E~gga s hould be kept t a temperaj- tuireboee 32 an d 4,5 degrees rahirel'he-ft. James E OBoyle Phone 7-16 Orono Busines Licous. No. 1M4970; War- S timnrPrices and Trad, Board BUILDI-NiG, CARPENTERING, AL- TERATIONS, REP"AIRING, PAINT- G.od work at faîr prices, by the heur or the joh ESTIMATES FREEB Radio Service!l he combination of ýlet, datýa on alil makes, and mnodem test' equlpment wifl ensure PROMPT, REASONABLIE AND EXPERT REPAIRS Caiii R. L.. MYLES Phonoi 79 r,4 - ORONO RAIDIO REPAIR o Il maiçes of Homae andl Cair Radfios. ArasInstalledl. Work Guiaranteed Reasonable Rates m nrTrxfTT'% T TT Phone 8r1 ORONO Monuments The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY phone 501 - P.O. Roi 622 Port Hope, Ontario -Monuments, Gravemarkers, Engraving, Goldleafing AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Autitoneer and Valuator Conducts Auction Sales of ail sizes and at reasenablerae Communicate with him at Port Perry, Ontario, or see. bis Clerk, A E. Melrten, at Orono, for date. J A C K R ED Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit mie for terms and datés Phone 1620 - Clarke Do You rK*now Tluit, for a mani age twenty-four, The imperial Lif e Assurulance Com- pany will gunrantee his family $5,000.00 in event of his death prior te age sixty, for between 2% and 3 of that aiixeuait yearly. Andl If he lives to age sixty, the Company will payT himl the $5,000.00. Why not consuit your local represetative FRED LYCETT to se what a pflan, such as thiýs wiflý dto for yu YORK'S TAXI 24-hour Service ffaving- had our car repaired we are ready for taxi business agalu. offiCeý ýpo'-,