A Neaýt Tric- Theesmu iewe At times cb stee n eh liipJiySo s. hereareacis diîsner menu tails for dessert, nd for a fussy dessert, nor-the acensa a recîpe member of tue The ingr~dieuts u be uaed for d sugar; d rn.Ct-l glae.Bet emimng leggs ir unltil douigh ohow fr bo)(ard to /inhtckss pooujalliin centel(r of ec Is togetheir. Moisten ecdges, -hite, speinlle with ugr Agriculture Quvlality Pays Good Dividends made them, 1 "1: sas',atfche wan el bard (IPlatte, a ro whû 1hadfu ver 45',0 0 0 ouC aei poine. HIe sowed i ýý!r iseaon il acresc in-, c41luces apýart-. Tie -17,Cd450bushlels. (lavingsold140 bses e ~ uth'e fail thcsed eaIy 8, 000 bushII-!s, apeoeaiale cr-op a,,t') ïid ad qu it.T i ni L Mota 1lm il iedsee2d al price of $3 abull c, tal(i wiIl st'ilh l'ae coetu .00Jîsiels ef. t0 previous Puzzle Wseîgnt deduction 1 -1 'By -BARRY MURKAR lin u soîetiucs i-ten t0 the do,~o undobt eta i, laugh ont o a Charateýr called 3by Peesoualy wue tin eis the sta ogmforo wn . M Cte Soa dnteen ad lie lu a bugeaikue lune teconte. Mei ràdeu or er 0 the prtofRik o te em e C m; uthe'Caig o tingaBerud raden lu the mSpot vightFbeouse he aisawitiepstoth lik t iowtht ou endo get a ýchce '0Cnadanrai ori audMe. Babnigeenvapea otue Stge "rado het o Sidx unga. A sOCa matterof fact Berard rade îw itî-ls alu- bev tee lays. ât týCa IfWs aunaliv amnam to way these nedx'spapr, m ain an ra dicoteitors arescarng to use magis ed ai ostaio n basa spoli u us Ltmaresme ïl oo tÉofii htteole epecn pepl acn't fusy abou Shake "Smoky, anoter tecuioo shis uoîdo hrle wt ra, nne Bxtr,1n(2(lsan Bruce Cab,,Ï ot s urt te hoe,o butneve tcss,3 on w fll Cna. th h lecnue houeind'teuty- Right here we wo1dlie t thak ilthsesw e s on is have com eue o ticcluu ftora m atiÀo yun pepl,Î,i tha nids, ci ,1o9 te ady n a ficiand. At th a nseofte bear, thav h g-l abtosufru ICan Be IMistake To Piclk U-p Riders hiker0 si he.Unted1Sates re s appren tht efors hveb te ders by sc edesmybe, moýre effe1(cie T1 prcic f feS a ride bas rco stinue ira desiteiar~bcuems fu reman Saaritna a hea t te-5 xvorthyapplicnt bec u s ca volin apec :o3tesa kili Thea other dacicinu HFORrel BHfot eeiss .9sntma r brakas esetiî n ite &m'a The ciothisdes iincrs re g-,oinýg to a c- cetaete1oosti summerilc- eaeîlhl e'stg.A pictvue appeaýàied lu a aly the ,othierClay or iman weLarîng an m-outfit with AND picea ifeen clo.COOL à ll', za ; (ý lili 1l"nIn An4 Pipe( hoare We tosay.Some ýýof the i tc iVait from ýiCFRB at Il a.mc.on Saiturdav moringa f--'or tue 0 latest in iteei -itter. Tnsprograim oni the go ,thiat vesuggeýst as rea'. eneraiînntfor tewoefam1-iiy. The firtlne is "HnryV".Lau- rencr liir trs ircsand pro- duce hs ehiclrtrup.It's h)acked ýup wii t nimpe iecast and, ...... li fce ha.a loti o w