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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Mar 1947, p. 3

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e.lub eCale, and Ann are mInuch buMi~essed by the fealured singer, .Hýhrl Lynn. They are 'surPrUsed te ilota litatShe has a.1mptonat a te. HteIa Cur't Vallaincourt Un, Karen Eielow enes thO cl"b arnd walks majtstLically to the taL1e w«here Vallincou01rt and Shari Lynn am in w A etcnesto.Karenl tesoisimting froim her lhandbag9 ayid hands êl to vallanwourt then turns and goes. WCale nd Am!n noie ephen Bgtljow atanhr tabe. Ho eems,10e lrytng la drawn hbs orrws. CHAPTER VIII AI can' tle you go in.Bsds Le's not there Sybi.Htereally isn't "Hwdo yuko? "I looked." 'Yüu camle bere to sec hini" MYes,es - but he joisntherm Cone e w,ýitlb mle, S'ybil." Tht greque Sybilhesitated a mioment, lier brightfveihts yerbn ar-en's face. Tensîje pushed er forcfullyuaide wt clrishing -arrog2anïce. 'Let mle by,'ý she sai, br voice risiing hysterically-. Thiere was a liisine aI thti ecurb. Krnwle to it, mo1vin1g likeC a slep\%alker. She got inito il wQ2ithiout a back;ward jlance. I toled aa j ta tht ar "Weil, wll"Mccale spokeï as thley seitted back ito thir taxi. "1 ar oethan eùver cnîcdtha thiere is a niiggernin tht Bigctow woodpple. f "Isoudsay "A,'nn siled wearily. "Aýs aur good) pl, Rocky, w ldsay -- ceveryone seemnS onte leap ahead of a fit. "In tht e anthime youi'd better get down 10 thte .ielwbosetr- îy tomacrrow a ýnd ol o forsome1-1 "My good woman11, whlat arn I to îOok for?", IfIwere youi'd okfor a tirne bombL." happnedwasvery mucblike sc lim brn -some1ýthinig explosive aad h 1idden, but tickýing away, set tgo off at a gvn momentl it was stili quite early.Antr niglit, they miigit lbave gon-n( 61ltO one or another oftht nighlclubs, l ut McC.ale was inna110 odfor it. Hetikew ,vAnni's e9-igqasProb- ably spoiled, thoqugh she Said niot- ing. Ht reached for lher banld, ex- psctilg imort of bier inicurable fl hp. pancy, but She, too, seemeid sn in a thocugýtfl depreussion. Whlen they dtvUp lbefoýrc e tapartîment house wheire she lvd h i;ssýed hin ightly before tlrey got oui, Made no remiarký ,ve lie l th driver to wait. As hle ftted b ler Ikey into tht oulstid]e do,she spakýe. Whiat arecyou p toi \Ver art you goings' "I'n goinig to tht Print Club to set jerry Tate." "Oht, ail rigbt. Go ahead, 1I know w1hat your'r lik'e hen ypou semeli blood, ïyou jhound." She seairchiýed his face qicly Dots it l obthat bad. uk? ! erntc, have i)een feng imyseifsil evenlnrg, thoughi'vetried ta telll myself h vas rny poxm t tynu aindelnt of your fabplloulsbuhs" Hte nodded slowly. eail. SaMne- flsing teljlle nitere i'S soi-ltthing very diry afoot.Mi'sony breAkig out in littît places here and thecre. but ther's h)ound t,,)be anl explo- siîon of sanie klin I thtoffig. Vnt short ai' informa1tionl,ba, ar-1 a littît latce(on thteçent\Va (10,do I've got ta doqicy" \Welloaha" $h ghed ims iîîg iin wilih areturn talier oldfaýctiaouSnesi Htecuckled ta hîmself as be gaI back mbettcagivînig tht ead- dress'f thle Print CÎlub. bis fce up on nt of tde adusae tso othtMtaxi asuit bumptdlong Çambidgesîret. Httboghthe -aIdnt lratheýr we inthtlm be bad spent in Boston, ànspie of obtce uch as' bis decision flot to tke divceýcases, nlot ta hld ou doett olce ntto gelin tht way of rvlagenicies. DHt hadnmanl- aged 10 keep bis head abo WAtr andbadacqire arCpuationof honcey and discretionbesides. Thtcab dew p ith a ý,scýreecb ai 'C braks bfore à a lauPra] office buLildjing. Be-txven ,this andi another aide sutr e a *ný arow alley, at, tht ckof wbich !cold be seen a i,'intligheddorvy.MC I maetor tIbis. "rom beind th stak als n ach side f hitb coud har the:-tlumle and roa îhciribone there il * * TtPrint Chlbwas (onithe third fIoor acf tht n1arrow edifice a" i t end afithtalley.Dkepncth door nd wnt u tht windin-g iraDn stars a tt art, undecorlatcd romsxbihwerFe furn-ïished w ýith squiar& ýwoodlen tables. nd chairs ai th kithencarie2ty. McCle vet oerla htbaran aseîor -Jerry Tale. Tht lbarmanii no1ded in thtdirection aï I th thir roniraiinga qjIýizzical eye aI cCae'sformiaI attire. McCrile and made for tht door. Just iniside il, a yug rsilnroslo ing man s ý-at alonie aI a table, play'- îng solitaire. HtC did nat look upif a"s McCale sat dcown facinig him. "Hlelloý, Jry"said cae "Hi, sietb," lie 5said in aF raSping 0oice(. hohrebve yo bee-al dressed up?" -Outta0 inne-r." "Wveil. wel. Times h a veo cbangedo" 'It lehtruti ýBut you set, I bavent forgoten t M aid ays. I carn sîrigbtfrom th iap41-af lx ur ItisitmyoIdpas. I'nî aIl a L,,~ iddinjg. Dukt A'm plad ta fee"you. Ioireer, ýouve probably ga iincaxet "Abouta pgreaL 'big,IRsyhn- sone voung m l i ua ninaed Vilsin- Jer aegave, a loir whistlt andfied cCitwitb a baleful "Sath.yvecaled lm ie htOgpu?" "Tht igeoir. ho elst? HPOW muhyp oa1king t~? "NiSec here, Jerry. bae' "Yo do't aveta.clon'it!have ta be, a dtcienteven a Iousy reporer-to put tira and two ta- gýethecr. Wh'Iat -! cani't gel ovtr is %vbly îhey've it2I il eide along to 'Ibis laIe u da.Yure a bit an the Iar'iy side, ar-e't yoLi?' "li a.Tht .wedding is imxt tksi l'm runnming arouindinl circleýs-buýt fast. ha can- you teli me about him.?" "X\'ery lutile, l'rn araid. Htlie ts th1e igh Spots, dots a lot ai gam- bing, plays a udfast- and loase. Spends lots of dough." "\hrdoes lie gel il'?" "Searcb.-me." "\Vel. rrnorbasil thal i cornes fi !enttF'eows msl. Y1 doubt ifat. Sunday Intimate Fellowship with Christ john 14- 1-65 12-18; 15: 16 Golen Tet.-Ye are my frins T'lhe Tue Vine Te source of fHlowSsipvis ibth perfectvine;nt Merely t viesok, but)the stock wt l branchbes. Tho ateris not o the vin-dreýsser but thle owneer of the inear. tlanlts, protect and prnesthevinle n i tsbraches plucig indue seTon tbe fruita ge. Tht -conecion f th)brandie with th true iisvital. Tee 'necessaCy to thlareranid hg Jie, and iy is throgh the brace thtth;inle bears fru,' ilnerh For !his pr ose hevine, asr panted =Ind ivated; ad o, tn purpose th twbrnches are filleuih~ liing sap and crowned ait, folige. Anud yet pruning is ncessary in order that tht ine tbrough its branchesmy bear more nd ice fruit. Pruning cf The Vine True to thepicture there mIIust bc tue cuting off of certai remoe br olostec.asing at imes be PaiulbutIt isjalaAys Afi,lthtprunýinIg Ir)cess bas taukenr place, the Sax iouruld say toCHisdisciples tatthy e hlad spoke!ýn unt1o te.Bti r dr1 nintaÏin thle ife thuls beglpn, Tale sbuggedj. "oeale "Wha abut is at(cedents?" "Dntkno-v.SrigfomC- '1H0w did he gl abord Ih thteieo fml? "XVel, nw, lt's set. First lime Whlitt 'Way, ie baýd \ictoria 1Bî1g- thupe anid theýre for-awhà e Thien Ibere were whispr-vr esttd-?naprlypaoicwy r ToBe Conited) ISSUE 11-19l47 il~ ~ ~~o wa ncÀ%r trnm ÏG auxu ini irnnd for Hnm3babide Wi Ifthere is no union Aith the hubandman. Bt if tht uio mt Christiitirn ate d sÎinetreý ,1he reslt will be- satîsfactory. Tht Lib of Love Lifewith Christ is ht hfe of lv.Therec is tht coumîandmoen i lav. I sumarzesourduy"ha ye love one antbr"Helaid Sown Hlis hfceffor us thl engt have lîf eterAllyThot 1eiste obedi- geeof lov, dfO oucets tel Us w"e ought i) 10 do the tig h Hecoliimiads u,,s lto do. There i the frîindship cf, lovene we have in Crsth rin thtstickelh dose thn abrotheýr. There ile tht know ledge cf love sinice lie has made kroen A lsaSiitaliHthearci frmthe Faîher. Thne is the faîth- fulness ofloe for cour Best Friendi has coenadappoïinted uLs ta, beaýr tht ý-good frulit hlal wvýill abide. Finlly, hr is tht rewardj of lo-ve; for asiv flfilour -compact of frindsip ithCist, wc are a- surei of the blesings we a»k of the Ilow Cari 1? By Anne Ashley Qj. Hwcap eep th te from runingtbrouiigh tht flowtr in tt botomof tht f lowt-r pots, oDr tht lorbx Q. How can Icome e bys caïic? A.,Give watr as bot as can 1bE tae, nIse itht bot water battît. if this do t nt ive rlifdissolvec a soa miI talel n hll a up aÎ bot wate an gi\e a few tble lpoonfls. Q,. 1How can 1 Ilmoe utmoil g[tdS - tans fa agalrment1? A. ublard on ilt pthe wash inld- wter folowed by a washig in wamwame. This ill reMoueauilln Q.,How an i ,make prlyci A. Wen hiping arstyadd a .ittît salitlO ta il, t wiiý-i hp mul'I finer and tht ic sutalso frshens il. Q.,How tan1Ibrigb-ttn t'ht nickel tinmmine aofthtgas ra nge? 'A, ah~tlhWarm wIater in hibtvatablespoodas of kerosene have been stirrtd. Y.low can L emvekeroseneý spots frmcloth? A. If kroen il bas betu &Pill- edI an cothscouir tht Spot witb turpentlinc, Ëthen Witb s oap 2andý wari m att. shod be used etthe bri!tabl to inicate whJere thtgus ret sit? 2. Wen a ma whos wearig gloves mees-agirl whJ' otr-30 l a gIovCess hnwha-t'3mtçJoldlie do? aI hthses is",îunmariedt orawio, wo flul aci a host?ý s Ï.Wa sont ftems watif any of th-[e gessre lt for dînner? 6.Should wedding invitatiops bsenl-tct hebidsaisawd ushers? ANS WERS 1PLU vubie card%, mhoss 'wih thtbrid's iitias. 2. Rmove bi:S glove a--Sqncl asposbe 3The hoIlste'ss s a rela,,tiv, I f thlere is oe peset, r te An, 4. Tht of eeatng a joke or have badjrtas wllasyn 5.Twenty minuts. 6Yes,itithcoteu ig uepMd am'afotà gale ad lway been craîherilficuPjt t pn i ence landyalrîbutdil 10 Ebraim' shftesnes.A rah oug ew cmer ta ht vllagefranlyutsked w eradseýwage sys"tel, Wl-EV ~F FF TES owrr 1N 7 TUA US. THII H TERESyour chiance Io get cunt 1..breakfast cereal that- as good for yot This coupon sve you .5ce n a palckage. breakfasts ! Post'S Bran FIlales ro'-vde rougliage y( food -wasles moving promply. ,help yos. toes. And thiat"oeaan flavor - mialt - keeps foika coming batck morning after bowlful of these delicionsi braxi fiakes. Try Post's Bran Flakes at oncea coupon ýoffer while it lasts,

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