ORONO WEI t He~os.Mdso all and W. E. owers Dav ey were ini Detroît over thie N)week-end iwith Mr. , nd ýMrs, Pei Cy 1' Lwi ald. faýily, -Mr.. Lawrie beinig pit f a, formeér revidcet *f 01r0110.TheY ýidy, i r eet. at etroit and fr-om thien, until the end of thetr visit wer given a real holidacy. On Saturda tn ýhey Visited Low Epiner poting gods sitoreioe of the largestsot img goods stmo in Detroif, an the Detroit TrUsýt Comipnlv building I hiePerc. works iandi were shown throuigh thie building. They mr then take oGreenrie'1d Villaýgeq,ii(Ï the 'Edisýon Iniistitute at Dearborni, the(- Foprd Rouge coand the 'mus- eum wvýhich was sp.onsored by -ML. Ford and nuamed after his fr-ie,,i Thomas A. Edison. Here a person, couïld sýpend hours 1ooking at thie dif- ferenit anius Sundaiy wus a bs ýge da,1ýMý isngoing to churcI withý ed Porc, 'wh j lay leader of the churchý if ie Mrs. Lawr4e is on may om is mitte ea., In this churcýh they have ij to ldthree services on Sunday to of accommocdate the congregationand ar te plannig on buildig a new $250, ni 0&0 chrchle the near fuiture, a1- h- rea,.dy having purcr sedth-,e site. Iii r- thL atec oriPerc. imotored iusto Il Albion-, 9O -mies from ,Detroit, to see a Harry Lawrie, h*o basentered l ,- be lge r o th-rough;l for a aeia tts prctitiner aso visited Anui Arboýr h- where there are 2500 students en- Lt old.saio and W. E. left De- troit fo"rToot on Sunlday nrighit, Cwhr-e tliey reeved' the good news, 'U that (Cathberinle) ~Mrs. Ardfrn,%Vwa s 1. home and very nvch iiiproved in. 'elt.Bill retuirned home withi Mrs. Pound while Maison stayed over for a fow days, vîsit. The hockey season h Orono has now been brough]t to a close, and our 1 mmd tuims to hasebail for our vabge this sumustr, on'forget toatted S the mieetng in the Armnouries on S Thesday evening, Mareh 18, for the .orginizationi of basebali for th co- MW'i insmmrinonths. EASTER CARDS, BASKETS, SERVIETTES, GIFTS MRS. L. REID pholle 9 r T'i ORONWO,Onao 2tins 19C 'STORES Beait wilh Bacon 2 is25c. TOM'%ATO JUICE, choice quaLltY.. 2 tinls 19c Harry lorne's FRUIT ACID , ... bottie 15c. P"EANU- .T BUTTER,.......16 oz jar 43c. Libby's BOILED DINNER, quiek mea.tin 19c GRAPE JUJlICE........bottie 29c Heinz CIDER and WHITE WINE VINE- GAR .. ............ bottie 15e PUDDING POWDERS, assurted flavors, at.......... ........per pkg 5e SALMON STEAKS ...,. lb 30e. NEW CARROTS......bnch 10eo NEW CABBAGE .....~....... lb 9c RICE DINNER.........pkg 15e Rose BAKINO POWDER......tin 16e MATCHES, large boxes each 10e CREAM of WIIEAT , .....__ . 5 lbs 25e CRUSHED PINEAPPLE . _ 105 oz tin $1L69 CANNED PEACIIES, solid pack 105 oz $147î Vieinz's TOMATO JUICE, f anmy quallty, '"""'"'*~105oz 17c cairpets, rug holstered f urti ? Ber-lou 3Met orless - . - -d ess. The cost lis esit - - - 1or cont caa )r Only 10 ceii ma terial imot' rerlou retaiis i 5. WrIoupresi g proteetsy r we pay the hi part. wli tir 1) of Miss AL A. Taylor is ciirtn bier &Sd biîrthday (to-daiy) ThUrsday. I - The Times office is now ireiving G a fresh cot of p, int insideWhich \,,il] hrigh'ten things up cnieaby A - iVir.und Ms. Cai',ilings pentNISII Suniday with 'Mr. and Mrs. ileber1 souh Orde 'Mlr. R. S. Calcbvell, of Port Hopýe,________ cr lled on friends ina Orcono on Wed - nesday.Clea M-r. jack fMoffat has moved mbo Coean& srn Robert Mlofat's housýe on Church ( suce ~tSouth. Mrndu Mrs. Gordon Muaorn of Phone 8 t the home of AMrý . a rs, Ruisns'e IMr.andMs Cli Mlsa nd Biruce,nd Mr. and Mrsa Doald ïN es vstdfins in Hamilton E last weekend. Mr1 . an',d Mirs. fHar'old Awdle and fnIdy f ono pent Suniday euih cJe fomewr'sý parents, AMr. andlTH 'M1. und Dire. Y T. Brown, of "Brýowview Fnrm", Nwcste mre Bollavtt 'Sund'a visitors a1t the home of MrY anid Ms J D. Br'own, Orono. Mr1î. Harry Baiiey isý in the ciecken ThrM business, andl on Sý urday laest re-Doth eceived another shipmes nt Of 0 u Congrfiatula'tionis to Mvi s Gw en Brooks on having successfully pass cd her to Conservatory Exams mn Eveniing service at Park St. Church last Sunday mas m n-arlked by an in- 0 structive and iterestig lanterni leciture dealinig w ith'l and and Life in Angola", Mrvica, . TECHNIÇOI 7ossrs. Tim CX Carl Flintoif, TraIcy, Emhly and Jr. Wesýt, of th-e Orono junior Hockey teai, put"rl)ose'luFIV] holdig a dance near the 'end of i March. Watch for 'bilîs aninoningBO h1e date and1 place. "Mr. Wýililiamrs of Chiurchr Street Str South reportsý seeing a roin onatud ionday moirning lesýt. This is the Leo Ger 1first robin reported so fair VMs yeariBo 'which is a, sige thlat spring is On its ay. end, M3%and ns. J.T. Paterson, !eft for her bomne on Frid'atheMr Patersoni an'd Muriay accompamied If yau like hier as far as Toronto. a Mr. Henry Hili rmeeved word on Tuesday noon that his father, Mrn AP C Jo lil, o Pot Cedi, hd passed awa'y1 in1h is 9ý'2nd y'ear.1'Pef e110CI will be held on Fiday afteurnoo M iMarch 141h et 2.0o ok't Pr Credit.1 Rev. Fennîing, whose father was ailn. fome mlesOr ofSt. Sav'iour',s are] Anlcn Churcli, made himlself .J Ilnnwn b R lo erv. S. it' odi nTo-ý A 0 ta 0L Wet e a tte ndrtil ,,the ,samue "T e 3% Jr. 1"G. Hooper bas purchased thre bouse fromn the estate of tUn lie sarru 1r Wm, Martyn on Church treet Nloth, and iii tak;e posýsession in the near fue. 1Mr., and Mrs. iffoop' Fox o r haerinliving in tire Misses Alln'shome. iýMre J. J. MVelor, rpesn ibte_______ Couty edratonof Agriculture, attended a rnieefing of the 'ra !Pr duLcers at te King Edward Ho1-1 tel, Torornton ýSuturdayý. COn mon.- ýdfiy eveing:P be atte-nded a mieetinag iof Jno Fanners at Palermo, Hal- t On ICounty. 1 Orono' Boy' Scots&er e the guest iof thec managemient of thle Rouyal e, Thelata-, Bowmnan ville, lestWens day evenumsg, whierethey saw tireý pictujre, "Boys Ranch". Furolder Scouts, Jh BErutojn, Denny Lyncir, Donald MeLaren nd Bill H.ooey, SiTNDA1 -particïpettedl in a pie eeatïing contest with- Don Lrn being tire winner. 11.00 .. AIl_ tre:heoys reccei vawrds frorni 2.,90 -C thie maaemn nd certainl-y ap~- preciated their generosity aind hos- 7.00 m- pitality. Mr>, C. 3. ivrLare-n and âMoe.Florthe IL VrtleVWilsn kindly took their cars to transport thre Scouts. Mercy is ev . 'me tubied coUnrtjies p1oW aria the edrtat Tomvinship plow, are busy opemirng Up thre roads throughout the township, By the end of tis -ek ail roucds that cari be opencd Sirould ire inde pa,,ss ble for cars. S'orne faars ___ are aled diving irtt Lo tow 11h 1Wagons, espcia]ly whe tirey cmeO ronc to tie ighwva. M Lore cars-,from t1he couÀnltry are seen ion our rmain street. Orono Continuaion L~r c~ ?~kNv j- 14 J. 1 %-4 W " of musie, pres, LOR CARýIT( E STAR. WLERSie ay, M1,ar. Icev1 and Iti reen. Yed zChas. Cobuîý [IORT 7el W'a- ANNUAL 1[Waxed