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Orono Weekly Times, 20 Mar 1947, p. 5

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finance oiy in favor of nos et)y am irte; Lu impress upo<n thel Lc al Nedr Wvo- youth of Our province the awful ru j Jn"ion, .!oa iiyrsi< o hs ih~ r aid Ms.Carl Blin visitéd h, at enipjîor-Ling or enga<ged in the liquorifor a fe'w days inTontol'ast w'eek, ithe traffic, aid the foly of partago MieAl. otn spn e * dinoxicants-;W olay kiod or inla ,amdys -n Toronto this w-esk. insgj fIm; tu gathrstatwistic fctsand Mrau dMrs.pR. Esck Rose- rave Alndeols retibtln o Vh traffit ài i- mary and Joyce spent S4lnday with] e- cateing liquorsan<d ake use Of iM,J.Paeden, Newtoniiile. Rowe ile<m lhisuch a way as vil< best M.a' r.Van1ce 'Cooper, Joy lthelp rote the interest oY Vemperane; e ddy. iii MsetSndy il .Vo liartil co-oe ate i<Uliw a. Newtonville. Miss other Temipsanues Societies in con- Mssaseo Truo svat an battig the enie of intemperane, lug rth he dauglter, iss Alice enve- and Vo umte with any other Society u wth erdgtrAl Aie h ler or Ascato whtch l endeavoring Bmt ower ýJus;t1y, aippropiiatsiy and guidedl by Don't forget Vo have your sa1Vage Sey- (hris<tan principss Vo procure more out for he collection la Orono Wh& 'V Vo cdvanced ami striagent legiliation SaVoiday. Miss on t'he suhjeet; te strins by every Mi'. andmin Ii- arýry Bnail'ey, Wryniel ýr on1 iensneinour, powna ems Qrste ami Marijln, Visited with the fori- th'oroug-h c'ilforcemeaet of the Tera- er's npaents Mr. and Mrs. Bailey, of mun perance ia-wa we aied oes. Toronto. meeting closeti wiVh b pruyer S. Watsh, TT. is set Dffif1onmi-ad rsnttos ai vhichla Conýtiinued from page oas> mrs: To ý ws a od Iay and cusd umach Wonea 'ennst for VHie udienýce. Fol- aud la- year-i dames Polard;cMu.Br-as- _____ ey, 'his nihe,,Jen Rainey; Aida!ý BaIehis nnte-'a-i itr PtFys Moffat; m urdock, Alis ~ h~rfren, os Pato; eletJe )N Bradl'epy's IIniii <da Hoo'ey. Thse Poram barought o a Y Close by sirgîing Godt Save tIbe King. 1 ---- ' u RTH ils BATTERIES Mi.anid Mrs. OwenN.J. ae ICE ýAT ALL HPOIRPS (ueMro G. Cooper) are app enx ahl day Sundýay) tü annouaue Ile brt of t1heir son Rubsrt <Michael, on- hrdnmaraIs e.Forbjes, Prop., 19417. in BoIa~ lHospitai. Give a FinishÈing Touch tEo that even- intg gownt or Easter outfit with one of our Jovely iniported. Czeehoslovaiaý-n CORSAGES . .REID OROqNo, Ontario &WHITE STORESIm FRESII 33c GRAPEFRUI1T, swveet ... 4 for 29c MNSII ONIONS, mild Texsan,. 3 ïb 29e EAPPLES, large ...... each 35c ,GARROTS, adds to salads,.2~ bunehes 19c ,CABBAGE, firm in,,d green.....l]b 6c WD LETTUCE, large .,...... 2 heads 29e kist ORA-,NGES, thin skitnned..2 doz 39e BEE HIVE or CROWNN BRAND ýiOUPOflS SYRUP 2 lbs. 30C à5IL 69C Quallty COOKING DATES .....b JAVEX .ý ... .... -bottie Camnpbell's CREAM 0F MUSHROOM31 SOUP .....- ... 2 for Choice GREEN BEANS .......2 tis SPIC AND SPAN, dissolves dirt ..pkg Prime Commnercial Beef Round Steak or Roast', per lb......47e 'Choîce stewv Beef, lb. 28e RMilp Roast, rounid or square, lb .....41C 22c 14e 29e 29e 23c We have a Fine selection of good BROOMNS $1,70 and $ 1,xO Mi'v. îerrlngton, oif Toronto, was in Orono on Tussday of las'tweek at- ea1dinig the fnriof hlateWmn. tut t. Ms.R. H. B!ownl lias returned hioime after s'peninig a ssek Pand e haif 1tLthlionne of le lierie Mr. W. . ibert, ili Torionto. A 1numiiber from Orelo n otored to Toronto on Wednesday evenirg Vo se Vhs hockeLy gamîe bewe n na- dians and, Mle Toronto Ma<pie Leafs. AiltiLvities have corne to uaclo)se at ilhs 0Orono arena for thiswntr !We wonýde2r what eXtW'linter Will brinjýg in thie lins of Cnd' national sport - hockey. Thle Orono ) youn<g people w ouldJ likea lage urinout at theiir meeting on Monday, Mardi 21Ml, as they iront Vo make preparations for a so- Mr. aniMrd oyA. JForrlester and- son John spent eover Vhs epast wveek- end la, Toronito, visitjing wthMiC. D. ec a1ndfamnily. 3rBuIthee has purchased a 5- cre farm just ve<st of Gwafton, and wi'l take poseuSio MefIrst or se- ond of April.. This l'l ow 1M4r. Bouithes Vo expand his nmbnk busi- Ah. and Myr, lsb urgese an'd anly'of near Crcoked Creek, mov- sed into the hiome recentiy vraeby Mr. anti Mrs. E.Smt just nrl ofý Mecrsgarage, anid -niow owned 111y MUr. jamI-es Nixoni ofRomaile Th Ue Orono Women-t'.e ýInsItuts heit Pheir St, Parlcka up)er àla îVhs bfasement of the tVown hall on WMon- dlay eveiýng, -Mardi l7thJ,. The turn- out ans noV as l'arge as expected ' due nIost likelly Vo the bad coutil ion of of the roads. Mr. ant Mr's. Arthur B1is'liopan aghesBev'erley an'd Jacqueline,1 o f N ia,-,ana Frails, Onilt. , _Mr. ad M(174r s. R'obert T'aylor-, Clinton,vs _edMr'. -tud MýVrs. Miilton TamcIblyn while at- tendiuig thse Meado'e -.,ýDJimond Weti- ding lanPort 1Hope. On MndyMarch 1l7tm, Vhe Orono younigpeople ereentertaineiu y vhtLi Ki'by p-u people. On tUls occa- ,si')n aà gýoo'dynummher turus'd ot0 n enjoyeti a sociail evening of games put on Iby VhseXrh Unon Oono had char,,ge of Vhs dvoton l siodi. Lunh ch asserved. Orono, citizens,- did thteir pa_,rt dur- inig waýr years ln suppoýrt of Vhs Re'd Cros Let us do our share now in cairing for our verernsi, and oui' other lm ,ovan oik ln Ontario. The campa1ga cloes Vhsendl of1V1ls Iloh. Leave your donatisac, t eiýter W, J.1,Riddîe]1, O. W. opo at Vhs fank cf Commiierc-. LadtSAturday anas a trylng Ihimefer travelling oni',Vhs road be- Vwmeen Orono andNecsie There wse -fixe or i ras-ps hs h<av3ing dane onto Vheir car or truck xeve, tVhs Forestry Vruclk, AI. Hsi~V amytruck, A-Tsnan'scar, Jalhn Tasubýllyn's car, at a couplý"e miore. Mi'r. andi Mrs. MilVon Tanijhiyu, Mi.and M-rs. Wesliey Cwè and Mm. George MitellP were guests aV Vhec dininer on Saturday evýeniug la i P'ort Hope, giive-n la honor Of MY. and Mm. ýW. A. Meadows, whloceha- eti teir DamoudWeýddin1g on Sn d', IMrcli 161h.11, . Tamiryr and 31rs. Cawker alo assited aV ths re- cetion oncriSu-nd'ay eno n ad Dunhaii Couty Club of Torent inili o1 i isV meeting for this seas4en on T011 sclay,1Mrci 27Vh-, at i which colortone mvngpcueV~ vs4logue ord urhamu Gouanty and Ai-1 goqin ark mili b le pmessnited by Dýr. J. C. DevittBornavil, at 25i'. C._R> 'Carvethl, of NIcs laso siection ef officers for iVhs ensuing year. M.James' L, Huhes iii be Vhse onvenor af Vhe socilhour. Oj(rme says h lie\i"[attend if Ihealth, wethr ndtransportýation permiits. On Tùeday orning iast i'. Ed Bail, nrhof' Oro-no, nupon hearlng b11is yon pup hrigolit la Vhs yrwent Vo see junstwavewau! disoveed lage deer usai'hisý hum. -"ý Le cWied Ms.Bail woas A fatl ror, lias; mgof 1 Warim Ataco Ss n1 woUId d would on page Bowmn, "She mWrote1 Adided AVu A flluh in 'EarI Ci TE N SE' TA TheK-i 11.00 an- "The Test "If î maun s', iet ia Do 'Y oi Goal, SALMON STEAKS 1 COD FILLETS ' 35c. 30c

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