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Orono Weekly Times, 3 Apr 1947, p. 2

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things. These lazy bat sit on their haunclies most or the, day ranch near Te Awauiiu. 1 (orI's h Albrta ets prin in knte Ametcan il ompaîles bav )ddings iii:Ca! aaa, Venezul, ,Ar- :tinia, Colmbi, Peu, nngry, ilimni, elîrnd EstIndies, -aq anld SuiAaba h ast is e of the xostimlportanit, say1S tains 5,250,000 10,000 square ~e as -Texas), cd oases-and servoirs of oil as eqnalling reserve of 20 pxng ta 1taxIe tne oxx otor tba Last Cekýpiaxîs Ce, etfor thec fol- wol' ags ieie 30,0 arrels Daily xe sl1î 1ps Tl lxenw hexiib Oinches iin ekwho wi - t eat30,0barsday tiY.- apc ty, ig Icb1 rm east 1,5 ilsbtonly 124Incbes in :lm darneer, ith 250000 arres ta bays paiy) twllm ro bran s but~ ~ ~ ~~pc s-- otbewr tîonb Tans- cks ~ ~ ~ i the Jrdan o a S tianportinjth ~dUUi WJII, su, lic palO Sm keless Lotgs fromn Powdered Coal r-epocrts I tLfilis expet- thle smloie uianecan-,be of~ ~ ~ M th rces epasses Iv ided coal1 coni î!tinoly- rt. Atatepeare a 00 tý derees c i nt igr1-a detc fomtlm olng, brd"ons" in ptacticall I dustries. TJ'le Cxnoki, a pecia j"ai- mile" whose habiat yis So1uthes- whe iti e vlcm.Itcoes ton, in Summiller, wbieni t is one o f thoe vryunweklc h ot vinds îvhcb itber crop's î in 48 ours if ha bave't 2a lot-,of Imoist urepat ther oots, relattes the Ltbig Hlercld. I1t's in \Vînter, eof course, tht e braýg abot or Cbiinook wind. it nilay e 40 belov: in themrnn and (40 ao'-e by 1m1i d-aftL.ern IqoonA, Not longago the ercury heýlre wetfroini34 blwzr a4 abov îvtb 6 hurswhile the )rest, of thec Prairie \est wa]lftsier inig. Jt's little nonder îwe jboast.1 Last 'veek we bdaCio Pefore it got unider îvay i0ail its glor-y anld vigot- South Albecrta's foot"lîil ran1ge country waýslagy covered witb Sniow, anid ranichers i -ere woýrryil1g vwhetber tbey iwould have euau ftcfo acarry their cattle tbrough tiu Sping. Elle Cbinook wied Mhe now ont wihi four dayl, an the cattle eft the -nu es aMd 0iokto tje hLm"iS" e thie range grass, crdls al a wi aîing for tbemi just as;, before tlle bsffalo. The reslt is th:at thec rancer hve býeen ve a breathler, an)d th"ey ~ilbe ]hopjeful now of grazinig for thle rest of the xinter s;o thlat teIrdsa1ppecaringl ay> uppieslil be, saVed forIuse during psil spmog blizards. M"en of'ih Ill eorlg calsr- vices and sientifi experts do not \Vbere doesit crefo n o aparnty omng acr-oý7ssztihe mutisat 0Q to 15-000 fedt \Ve learned in ont blig] cbo p1lysics classes 1t1atair-îvben hciat- edl r-iss nd CoIld i nt taIke 2ils place. Buýt the Cîook aeasta oertein evre.Hre iswarxn; air coninlg dw rx abov_)e 1tf dislace the heavier frigid! physics in dtut case? tannic'a teîsLnS, "is a namiegie or no-th overlte RockyMont a'ins, wbre lit esensas r win, wtm n Xintert and lcool ;,l Summiiler, JI is u to acyclone passig nothwad,"ad contiinues frafew iboutitl svealdas It mderaes1te climnate of theý astern RockIes te snow elting q[uickv'ly naconto t, att anid vaibngo ccounit ofit dtyes, ~ tatit is said t liup' th nwfrom lthe lops lu th san ie tority w er thlat Cblinook is Lîenmeoa trilbe of _Inswohedte re Iloglte lmoutlî of the Columbia ventilation 50 had-ly ?" I -~.-.- .-. - - river in Oreonan as tlle Chinj- ook cornies fron11itatgnrldec tion w upoetatswer h wwnd Puotts One. Atoanyrethe geneal ipresionis that the hin ook getsitsarmtboni tm e japan CuLrreut in the Pcfi whicb also gî-ves the P acifiecc oast its 1nild teml- perature. Bult we are still styrnlied when weV try ta figure ont how the Cbiînook,ý blowinlg ta Letýlbridge oert!1e Rpockîes at, a îb of 10,000 ta. 15,000 feet - Mýount "Cleveland ini Gljacier N-'ationlal Pa r k-,directly southwce of Letbbridge, is 11,000 feet-stil[ cornles ta eartbi on a 40- belo day as a warmWoind It u~n' in the physîts books. RselHB.ennentt, of the silo- dleree Ranch On the ,Watertoinrie frings of Waterton Nï1ationial Park, an enClgineecr by profession and af ranlcher byChoi-c, tells lus in bis book,"TeC pea Rabr, tlîat thle Cxnlook, gets its wnmbby tte -ass of air being forced in from the southwest and bing comipress- cd between cold air masses aroundj it and, pusbed by the weigh of the, wveathecr mass àic sate i ver the mnltains, bcComing warm lby friction, so that it cornes down fron the ilountlain peal-s in a heateýd Staite. His explanlationl looks as ]ogitalj as thlat ofthe cytoadaBni- taica, at least. At aniy rate w have oftenl seenl thé Chinook reach Cadtnor Pincher ,Cretek, there ta 1-n11nilpagainst an imiovabl mass of friid air, and ban g along t1hat front for hours on end, 40de grees above on tble western ide4 below on t% eastern side and, nithler side apparenjtly abe- witi nt in the battle. And aimeon have toldus, tvuof goingup Fuon Let- bridge air-port dniring a sbzr day on the ground and findling tie Chinlook 40o e at 2,000 fet- wbicb milay or nîay nolit be wait Ithe pbysics teachers tautii] u. At aniy rtsv'ein the Cinook belt whiclî brinigs us Spting on oc- casion in tlle middle of Wintier. Perhapj-s we 'sbon]dn't worry 50ý;L mach about the physis of it-le t'he eýatb cx- maxido ithe \votrying S.pcialUnif Orms Canadlian Boy Scouts may Son be \vear-ing a ne style iesr uns- form istead ,f thetrdi-tional shoýrts anid sitbut raoalgatrb is lot 1beinlgdiardcoptey coniiîssoncrfor tlîeC (anladlia Bo Scou Assciaton.The traditional shorts anid shirt, won h sou ofn 51 naitions, v'ould oiy g, ive way in the vnr nîonllths ta omhn more siabefor ithe cllimate, 'hee said. Discussion on Cheese A reader reasonial]y asks: -WhVy is it tlîat Sw'iss chCeeubs aI l te haleýs wben limburger mneeds tile POP-Voice From f0-e CeIlar qU.Sd 1RVA. .5 :)y IS C LGN SYMBOL Q<' 14eet "TimMy," 9-ea od Oshawa lad wlio lias been selected to be thelvngybo for the Otarlo Sciety for Crippled ChLîdren canipaign wic is be i h roughout the province March !9 to Avril 5. "Tir-ny," sliown here playinlg with his inseparable com- pani'on, Lassie, is one of scores of simiiarly hndicapped youingsters aided by th-e Society thirou-ghl its mledlical ai,5 ur:i-ng service, ortho1- aedcapli.ances and suimmer camps. To raise funds to conitinue thswoklow in its tet-it year, fnrty million br-ightly col- ored Easter Seals are being distributed across Ontaria. VOICE 0F THE PRESS Egyptians Surýprised Heail-îaed Egyptianis have been1 dimayed tolearnitbat whenl onth de partureof theBritih tbey have tA undertake theirOuen de- fent itwiiladdbthe eqivaent of a quIarter7-)of abilo dollars to theirnaialepntu. -Otmtawa Citizen FEnterprise cRevival Colciefarmiers iii theSovijet Unio becefrthare ta -get "pay- .lent by rcut, nta f "a standard paymient eql for I."jj Sounlds rather like az revival of privateenteprse! --Ottawa journal Worst Yet to Cone B3ritish irbore toops are ]being detailed to pt dow rioting in thie una.What wo l te people of jIndia hv donle ad thie Britiblh trLoop)s xith dr aWil1monrths ago? WlIat vill they (do when the Britishi trcOops evenitually shake thle dust of India fromnthel(ir feet a couiple Of years hience?, themi with LINI1M ENT lw> Rub on freely, and note 35c quick- relief. Greaseles, LARGE ECONOMICAI. 11'St-ryulg.No strong GILS! kWOMEN Iv TRY THOIS IF YOU' E On 'CERTAINs DAYSI Vegetable Compouind ta reheve' of The Month! ~ csmtm.Ti iemdcn is ueryefec, v for thîs purpose! Do fermae functional xnonthly For over 70 years tliousands of disturbances ïniake you feel ner- girls aInd womien hv reported 1,ous, fidgety, cranky, s0 tired and benefit. just see if you, too, don't "dra gged t"a such tunes? report exýcellent resuits! Worth, Then do try Lydia E. Pinkhain's trying. Rat Hunt This va s a Gvrmn el to) a question from thle Oppositioný iin the BrDitîsh H Iouse (of Commonls thie other day: "The total niiubr of people emi- plydin 'lie rat-catching depart- mienit of the, Minlistry of Food i, 298 and thc e cst is $540,00:;194 of these people are engiaged in admii. straiveanddentcal work anid 104 -Hamilton Spectator). Democratic Proceduire An ppsitonparty imembelr ini the PhÀIlippinesç is uni-de-rars fol tossýÎing za hand grenad(ejat Pei dentý Manl] Ro-xas, becauise lie dlidn'lt k bispoies Over hiere the oppasitioniists trwa tin of nncndecfollowed bya couiple ofamn ets -WindsorStar. the Quick, easy j' BY J. MILLAR WATT ut- aland liorses udciAai on th S'a 0 j aln

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