Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Orono Weekly Times, 3 Apr 1947, p. 6

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* * * VL 4 Carrying 3 de-vice tor 5 Lubricant ke Us ice 8 Sea cale "Cokce D Life (Col-rib. 10 Wager 16 uponl 19 Numbers - (Pb.) (a.21Make a m-istakze 22 Çornmon tal pleas <Iab.> 23 Father 24 H1e is a Staic j P. Çlarke Last Stra -a eln ittît m)ore ene,,rge-tie thlan usl nd osavc the house au extra spccial ritcallv t'i tht vîsitors cdid to drive and e grl re îlIIm CL 5inco, iLoac tht 11m-11e an Cggs farmis ors filîct u t em thereIare ixe au gi e ui ivmîg1xva ix licd sîels 'Xm iv ea Biitaiîi ix iii gem mci c htit. i ammd hacemi fioiîi Dciîmuuark, simd mviii pa~ lîi~hcr pi mec for it, uimd ce a nexx Amuglo-Damîisim s g t c e ni e n t an- iiriuiimeiî ereemirix - I)eiîiîiaile agm ced te im cm ea c h-r tond ex 'ici t-, - ~o tue iimîîiieîl cîtemît possilîle", i~ ix as mer e ctcd, Im, adeli mmmi t butter c miel ha omî, che xxiii ~eimnI Bm itaimi 30,000 toua ni j c' atees crtriiig mite iiCXt ibre imieiîîli~ sud -~tî,coo Semis ef iii ~st. dlii ~î a caîrle or mi oz-xmi iiieÀ. duî up 11147. 'ilie I iii Ce om mîci t xxii imi Uer tir - 'ii- e te r rit ce liritter 'i iii, -t cil S lîe i - <md .1 pr cet ci xx~ at is ssi e I f r eî-pcîrt e mli h c mît te blisaîn. iy BARRY MURKAR, 01ne of the m11osf inîeretîngargu ments Ie hve[d !l, il! a on tim on wbether or not cre , golor Ind ilei beril; ip in a tueen cil'b. M 1y inid ws ftliecopin]ion mtjat ilt woud sve lt of trouble an i i! feigbe-tween naioaltisif whee teycould ceujoy flo l w'ith euach Iothe a or e 1II tir or offenidîng one f, anotîiier coloo belief. We agree w\ith i s to ,ýa point. On htheher hand, if %we the way f ufoseigabetrue- standliing betweeun peo)ples of 'lîle- enýt counitries<. W elthat the ol say in1g. "uu1ited -estanld, Idix Ided We faîl",app Immereas WC!i M discoveed the ros andcons ofth inatte, ndaf'ter anlhour o(f dis- coliu.d iethat ,for- .ttne beinig, oudbe argtt ev itt "oech i own. 1fy ' mssth rorm. "'Town Meigonterdolast Tbnrsdafy ruigb) t, you lmissedcia dandyfý. A grouip of temiers fromil dhiffereut taes mt t ieî openly on tbe s ýjr, fthe quio n of wheter mariage lîu! ble iutiroduced hinto chool edulcaimon%, as part of tbe euainof nue you'1111 poe.We besitalt mn pas opinions on sncb a qUeýsîionl, becauslle opposi- tion is likely to) arise 1fro'icerltain qu1arters, tbe- saille as it did ou thle radio prograli. Thosetenes er ou thle bit. Piety sarp is thtc rigbt epressin. April sîwesbrfug May flowvers --accordîing to somecone. Aprsi ho rsalt-o 1)bring prîng ndsý ald stieker fsîîg eeis aspr thlat den'iee itbteapr'a1 of ail, but eau be a'tlot of ful. \Vec tidit ISet yr -for the 1 rîtime.C Wedidui't ge:t anly fisb. buit 1the tun of poking .slong a Suil creek withl a igbt Sirs u lp tbeciruain esecaly vcu youinkyubv a fisi sud, in youirectnetsi aud faîl il). If thit apn o a bnild a lire an-d, if yon bave tpome- tb1ing to fry, n akeabnuto tht firast turne we h Iave meitopsm filu[0to sometbliulg we b5ave vlte àeor Icvti en ttlitto prinit. A fredjust ropdin asud, %n-he we ;«re answeing tbe phon e i stared to reoad tbis copy. Ht doesnl't are xiibour settiement ou tbe cedclrpoi u tbins we slîuld do evert&iigt brinig !the p els tgte.\e heprobably is ib-ahpro Berar BadnCBCraioacor wvritýer1-direF-ct or, a t a dIý innrc itii weetwieubepresented (the CBPC problem as if affcts unss, r(i entertairer-s andtbe list[eninlgaui enI cc. Timere is unl() douhtabtte lact that andian ail pol have a barld itime niaingu a NA MIE for tinîevs.wlensososbre are 10Lot mutees indlu hiidim1g ig p th ppuc rtyof theL popqle on thecir pr-ograniiiesBraenhmmzseîf stre iu raio )about 194(1 su:d silice liat fiielias pgone along waýy îin makinlg s inefortiusf auîog rdio irees.He stated that few peopIce l Camîsdan ec1ioare ifledar in lie'e11emi11 Recorss l acr ol xiili(,ai s Lared GodîiToiin1v1 D1sv 7ýý, Actîr lacw and c"mur. sudon licotîer idewe av Ilem t oiat Nmte,202t inirtu iîgPrvnmn ntt ee F armrrer in Nra Pz frm Ba t lNowry in sorne of tde Mod hav log bencombiiuled. Pet eut- ly, however, thepeak of ficec m cmbuiig and anid water in agicultuePas reachcd by a cer- tafjord farmer wO ws "Ci't lîw iý fîe'Ildfroml a fishng ý>boat., 1 e arner [had a ifil l uose ,to the ede of he fjrd, andy rig- pIo, e poîeda furro(w in rec- A long ailean pilla tefar a furro1-( cId epoedl fainr IeMjClikattain, d thle ilu the yoked version ost Iis dirul, or- in tht cparty frouk tbloe shndrStrapsl Make ù trm40 both ways, thy're so ente! Ibis p1tteru, esyto iuse, sîile to sew, las ted (Ifor fit 1mcne conîp],leeiluLstrate Ld insrtioiis. Pati-ru 402 ÏLu izes2,46,8 i0 o ize', wjtiîyoke tai-es 1/ SendTWETY IVECENTS acpd)for this patIiter ,> et 42 1, 71AdelidýeSt. XVest, T syntheticSoap Asyntîimie bar of soap wîCAh as gond as the ceai thng Alatobe pro)dlludl'y anl Englisbfî nin ed byMrFssronsî.ecde the maîfcueOf soap). Striingent tests bveproved ttII t lîe ew product il a equa'l to snap for mosf purposes for vhicii it is geurIerally use.i is ýai- ue- eîvrof istasîms s iy 43 Paid notice 45 Bc-verageý t cad 46Nocturnai rurluta lying lbol a0a týiau 4 7Arrivai (able god 49 Route(b. rican 5 Va se et 52Pedial digijt 1,53 AISoD 55 Biblical nboij ponu Witb the eomlliulg of Spring, a eseof joy anlld hppns secms to nveil donmainsý. TesnJi Mud anature souls. Men!, ane sd cbi]deng aboutl',tlieirbsnesas iftheýy haýd shd a heay burden. The anias aI1pso fel the cihnge, tuethens or along enug ndstr ayingtili Yesd, sprilingisa xodeflis-ao but- omtims efoe ts on surpllusfnd m ictltake the!ort apaegg ugmgî eojcin stie osomeapop ,ti cnes no il witn h spedo we 1abiesing. u s uerSectib ofte ominion De 2 a 1cpcsiof ugegs ii he ay mea I s pe elry al pi andpanis Eg 2 sip baiecontbao sini inebon chopped Cli'r Elentablespon f H or te, re i11111 cned toad sli r2 micup chAopedbceoer, sat auiid and pefrotppers Hltinarcok gg: ovr na depthý of one in ch dwt odwaehett 1 sboilpin setbrewtril keep b-sot n le sad1 int While eggs arede ooking, eutbao 1n snaii pieces ad co nil ri Renbove baon cfi-ni pn an oo onon luthe bacn tM n th clar peppr an ceery ndsime 2 inut e. Add bacon, sIt adIll r( eriîg isb. P u bot ace oveoeggs. Six sernersM i ablspoon ufavordg.ltu ¼cup cold ate l'cup s iling aerforO 2taepoons vkingapr i easpoon sail iteabspoon chopped parsle i Ablspion g rte ond a ure lsgius htio sîidry, Gadd ti Serve n ýcip letue r t yer s sud gradualy beat in reminias il Cup s ugar and flavoungs. Foli baîf tCe Stify beatenwhàiit thle yis hnadd tbe flour, miixedl ud itd \witb tbe bakinig powder, sti rig lgbty.Fold ln u the e- iigtiygrase 8x 8" cake Pau. Set ilu a pan of blot ,water and oven- F. or0 te o 40mites. Cnt lin square and srve w'itb thlefoow inig sue to 10 serviuigs. Fruit Sauce i sbksooncornstarch 2 cu.-ps juice frocan crned frufit i eapo n lnd extract Mix he crustrcb ithlittie of the coi mireand bleuld until smooth. 1-lealreaiuîing juice sud gauiyadd ithe crntrc nix- tueadthe s ait, Cooýk about 1C miues tirring constant!yly ouil tickeed Add flavoinlg. Six Princ Pbiip ni Greece bsof- ficially bcm plainl Lieut. Piîip Mouthatenof thie Royail Nav'y TYhe hndsome cyouug prne often mntiouied as aposlebs baud for Princes Elzaetias b)çeen grauted Brýtishi citiz-ensb;ip, the Loudon Gatette auuounced. Pbilip is a second cousin of Prin- cets Elizabeth suld is tbe, uepbew of V'iscoun1t Mollnutbat tenl, receuitly iuamled Viceroy of lu dia. His father waUs Prince Andýrew ,and !bis nmother was. Princess Alice of B.ttenburg. Thlýe Greek R oyal Fsm-ily, wbIich stsrted witb iu George of the H!eijenCesw was prince of Dm- mark, las no suruame. The Dauns% Royal Fsmnily is nule of toeanl- den ruiugfalleis %wbich baàve nonce. For this reason tbere is no sur- n!ame ou'ilthe fstber's sidie whliclsd Prince Pbiiilp eau fake 0ou becomliag acommnouer. Ile therefore foolc the surname of bis motbe's- famlily -Mount'batteu1. How Do You Rate? AuilAmenrican w,ýriter vejtures the opinionu that not oue persýon lu 50 Cali write dowu thie usmes of thtc 48' sýtates from meumciory iin 15 min- iltes, even jiwbeu ipermiitted to .IiIrc- viaite. \Me'e prepa'red to wsger that there isu't one aduit person lu every bundred ilathis Province wbo came name Otario'scampstisfot meus- ory if givenl a baîlf d-ay to d(o itf. ra fact weý douibt if -a lot of theml couîd Dsneroinmeorthe colnnues brrngL'ake Erie wvifltb thir ceunty towns. Try it, starting wi;tl Esse-x lun tbe est-S.Thomas TABLE TA LKS I»eavle a ,- nký_f /f $0rML To get more out of brisk tasiing Lipton's Tea:- Scald the teapot . c ; use one teaspoonful of tea for emcli person tt e ; apply fresh, bubbly, boilingvwater ;;; then stir.; let tea brew for five minutes t th, en stir agarn before serving. FOR MORE REAL TEA ENJOYMENT- ýl

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