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Orono Weekly Times, 3 Apr 1947, p. 7

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Synopsis Vailaixeort bti t;lnseis liniewt i!erori, .oniteiw;nath- Bigel'oîvmn igion CrstoherStrm oeml udl CHAPTER XI "Wl, tvile he' ý,vas hnviug 1is stort, the wv.if e camles ini. She too)d heeinIllte daorway-, looinig dag- gers at him. 'Going out, Stee?'she gays, and he Wacksby lber witbout a giance. Shie pujtlber baud aj ttj, !but be brushed ber off." "Sbie's kinid aofeiles vher isconcernêd, I gues" "ipes!Yor gat 1ber d'oCceted aiwrong. Shie just wat-lcedbm go and gave me a bdg iy star. Thea Kinlg, the maorda a ais ber ta the phone anid she Zgarsou" "'She hadi a phbone cali?" "Yep. Aiter wbiib e bar¶gedj hkf aut of Ithe piano for nohe "- bil bhour." "She went ont, you say" "'),es, shie id. She wný,s't goneý long, About an hour. A-hen sCe camie homle, she )messed around -theC ivories luntil hurbby rolird in], abouit twelve aelak. hen thie l aCce quieted dwnfor the nîght" "Stephen ci ameithomlte" "Y ms.iave heard Iber 7~gOing in, 'c ause a door opeurdt( up- litairs. 'Tie pianlo stopped.Ilie shouted sometbiling or otheýr at, ber mfore doorssam d. "That the story?" "Aibt mania. Thres n I éie-blard. If there's anitliig roýcks mny boat, i's the 01id gais tbat wo't jgive up the Sbip. Shïe sopdK il'Itle hafl nnd alçdfor Sehn she alimost dropped sl vhen ble told _ker sonnIy bys on b on the butier reported thjat Karn ad gonïe out toca, cshe m ade aibýerline for the up)stairs. In abouýttiet m-îinutes, she cam an aa c-ý)ab aad mrade bier exit."' Wbndid sheý .get home?"ý t JUst bfor Srvy-oy Sî came ncin, or fotdi,«udbe Pmore lke it. Sire hl just go-t the esbock aiofber Ilue. No ;act "tliq imle. I ctally hadIta bep ber uptair, t Fublil biet se autreeme thley feilIun for a fewmi, ts The figmienit aIbis imiaginatýio-nwa jiumping abouit was lmuirer ftan evr hat tragedy sjtalk- cd tbe BigrsFinally àit etue-haifdsdain, hall dmpaur -hec iaunlcbrd itOaadecito imrfat Itle Ab " Wen bc hnd finised, lie ocked k> an eebrowloinig iuýterrogatively zt bis frieand emplyee Rockýy said at iasýtsivlTe Ï!hing that sticks out frhscif ali least, as J1sueei- "Is wbat?"ý "Is wblat Mr. Curt aaicrt blrideg'-oom-to-be, SeemjS t ea bIsy as a be, aiutLing bimlseif rigit inta a1coýrnier." At- rtbît tat atron iluke MeCale staod before the ire- place in the upstairs drawig 1r1o r<>1Ille Bac fstleouselie a.s Iacing AdljieBieIo1 lý]a bde nthle carfier aoaVf tr '-ýaissofa. There was somjetbjIug bld t,.4ackc in becr a stuldied renmateness. MeCale had been talking qieti, in Pa voice wich suIrrri!sed isMselfC At tos Owp compassion. lY.'ihave ta pardon nie if I Say you have been-shai T sy- extremely Britih abontthi-,S situ- tion.Yulhave made aacncssin hep, an appem~ment thecre, 1jttu iis quite futile ta 'take any cton Youl bave c id mein ath a "Mi-c, e, hrewsa ih toucb of huteurin lber toue in spýitc of hrsif you arecrsmn ton ucb. ITcnled yu in 'to look after the hs duTrg thie .vccekaf the wdng." "lIlim sarr, 5buit that -»S is nt thet trutb. eyer oce fhave I beiieved ,ou camile lto 11y office witb tatin mod. I unew yp u were i troubl even thouigh youwthedycour con- fidence. Even now yau AHl not ad- mit it, even ta yqurself. i have gone oni that prcmise from the first -thiat yau vae e tafinidoatt tbinjgs wtou venithe rspon)sibill- ty on your part of teliing me wvat." Siie rose st;iffly, with-ou1taner înand crosse(d the room ta tise1 front vindow. "i xvih ta xitbd(raw from the cas, Mss igeow.There's notb- Ang I1can do or you." lied in the benavyatopeem - nified tesie in the vsîeso te rQm. "It is ncetssary for m1e, îceyt soil not confie in me, t I eolyon exnctiy Mat it is that is botAbig you-ivbatà it i ht yau fear, Ya see, I know. Wbnt is ài?" Milss Býigeiow trndanldNlc- Cale saxv itio 1ber immid quite easily. "So alny tings as We Ovanttbemta be, nlor as wve beiiev- edOtbem ta b,"- she said. Ureyeb cloudd.-plat do yau knowf" M1 know that a certain Young mian of udnai hysýical attrac- tion is mryigthirty Million dollrs extîvek. 1 know tbat in yoursubhconscious nmmd, yau be- lieve him ta be an adventurer. I know tbat you shouid have mIvesti- gated biim înonths ago-that yaU arenîso lbotbered by the fact that younr enire fam1ily seems jeaus af bis mnarriage ta yvour niece. Nat jelous, nmd, ofàbis erhaps aving tiw bene fits of a grent fortune, hut jnusin a;Imore personal way, as iif screty tbey were ail in lave i im and wanted himi for tbemý1- Yiou are so-rigbit," she faltered. Ueir eyes lit uip in adiration. "Hwin tbe cworld- I nm arair.ed observer. It is my jà ob ace wbat others miss. Tben, taa, 1i bave sources of infor- -1'Io knaw , e venut on, bis îoicc low ,anld impajýtàit no ,'tbat '0ou mus1t haLve noberasan, for sure- ]y you are niot cauight in ibie trap) tbis fllow sets for tie 1unwary. Are vou nfrnid \Veronica -,iii iavish too, uch ai tbe Bigelaxv neiy an him, forgetting tbeOtuers? You sel, I haveheard tOitshJeinherits tbe buik of it upijon ber mar-iage" ',I1will tel! ou"sie said sim1pl Y. "Veroniica's father, mybrte, she hecgan, mnltiinig bim ita it "wýas a bard manl, 1I sppose, but tý,liunusuiif)r is timeI think liH lee d t1at womnen h1ave no hecads for bineiirss-caninot, handie, many. iewas heir 1ta mly ftherý's bISuiess and fortune af about tlillion' dollars. Witb l'cal estate and clever investîing, hec malre thlan doubled tht ortne Th ere was no m-iaie h1eir ta ho be could leave it, you see." "There was3bis adopted son, "Yes, sEheiesltated, 1"but fot i After a Noird cians of upass Conueertf future ~ are p tt the naav leanig nv'ie Tan audec by taking sidus on dbtn tennIs, by be,"ing màster aIcre manies oc ahite igtatte tanrink.Tufct heseaenh That's haw Kate Aitken put it i nanigplans forte public sekn opttost taeplace tth aad S a'- tianal Ehbto, ootthis Fati.Thmeeis a Ptotal*aMU0in caS mon" , -bronze uedats Alter a h-arrowing winter ai aw rentury, the English are Maîidstone, Kent, wears bool the children's laundry ta keý flow, which is swvi: ýe wofr s naws and bliz7ar< agued wvith flaads. Thisv n her owni home whlle she iout of the Riv;ýer Medwin gÎ rlght thraugh .the 10rooi. ver,- Sunday -Sehool -Les THE RISEN LORD John 20. 19-21, 24-29; 21: 13-17 Golde tex.-Asmy father ha setme ven so send Iyo1 John 20O2. The Resurrectiorof jesus of Naaehis the one gre:at ryp, of ighIt, hope,) faithi, and insçpirationi nl whajlt, wîbat ha tct,wul be aý gI)lomy wald Sc, if the grave ÏIs the eýnd of--'i, al, t1he joy and hIappiness are shlort- lived, and thec glory, no mlatter hIow great, is tarnished. The greater the, lii e and ithe more splendid its achivement, themore starlig At end, Wyhen news came to tueWorid af the sudden deat of the late Preident Rooseveit, he shock to the nation was mpore, than the passig of a foremostWood fig- lire. Mc of the shock "vas at" the facýt of death îtel-tatdatb couid sol suddenly end a career of sncb forcefulness. it ;is in the presecCe of death that ,we sek som edene that caný assuage it's sadness and cre- aite somle oçrawrnghoe n confdence that can bing iight inta darkness and taey n there, is noevdneinaue lii , or historyexcept)thleeiec of the Resurrection of is the onle supreme art And Iwhiat eiden1ce hv cof that RsretoThe eiec of discipleswhelieotok and actions werecbanged hyh fact that tbey saw H11%aftr Ris cruppciin Tbey wevre affcted byH, deCatb jusýt as tve are aIl affec ted( by thIedet of onle ve love. Buit byod her sadessv s the intensity of a greatdiapnt mnandicument enthe blast- ing of hopes dhat had been great enoughi to induice themn tolev eîverything and follow a maýster' aboutt to establish a kingdomn. Thien suddenly their cmlt despair wvas transfoýrmed ýlinto a r-- vival aifanitbý1.Intha(tnefod faitb their -vain aiionýIs .about ox-vn flesh and bîood. But thiere tvats certainlly Stephien, Atonc tnme, 1 think hintne for Stpent inherit, Buit Stephený, int bis eyýes at least, proved îasi unoty lybi always spoîle him, IHe grew up peoioscx- trava.gan-t. le ran away once andl joined thle navy. A bitter eprec for him. The more so when hc found that JoeI cauid no doubt ha've procuired -an1 appoinItme]nt ta Annapolis for him. Marriage ta Kar-en hais straigbtenied im oi ut 4"So the Bigeiowfotn isbd (TO DE CONTINUED) basolasbe te r ttediCpe ihs e li men od's gift ai eiernl- The Qua1iïty Tea 'e tb~ mil at 2 par'- ret ta XVaan~- tivitipu IGrouulds a, xvbmn ~xiee ta cho Il ead colds ýcanlt thecir dacto: ifciniay ý,be CI tbyc- ai!cemore 1J pI Setter y ou look y_,our very best, S!iim, smotb-siriig and you'll loüve the Ulevs iTe ebadeysa cn Pattejjru87'5 lbas tran-sfer for ecm- broiery.Teeage dress pattern in sizes 10, 12 14 and 10. Laura %Wbeelr's nwimproved paIttera ia kes uieedlewýork so simi- plecwitbîs catphotos,coie directions. Se"d TWENTY-FIVE CENTS in coins (stamps caunat be aceept- ed ,fr this patferi to the,1 edc e ce Dpt., Roam 42,, 73 Adel'- aieSt. et oono rn p Finy ATTERNNk JBEFR, 'ourNAIIE ad ADE Dake in 4007, Soven about 15 mnts ±$y <oberta >Lee- is i in îdivdluai oe?,. vmenIt and an ivitationbesntt the same cper1san? l.Wina e nlier is ready ta' leve souda gil geýt Ibis coat: îand bat for imi 4. When îin 2a C)ckta1 il loun gec vith la mn budawmntl bier escart what shIe wnsorgîe bier order cçrectly î t te aier 1 WOU kind of trousrpsAuid be 'wornSiAba morningcoat for a fomidyiefunictian?, 6Watsbouiid 'a mail caîIlubs wîewhen itrdu ingbr ta bis empayees? Answers: L N;taealittîe oai thesati tie salt!spaoiInîorwitb the end i a dean kî Iuif e andapl'ace it, on1 the sid* osf thledinner plate, or the bread and butter plat. 2& No; ven am invitation misosnt to a persan, it !18 not nýcessary -ta send this one ase aMnuneent. 3. No; she shi4M jet lie man wait on huimsf 4. SAe shoud tl br scrtwbat sk-2 ansto dik.&Striped trousers,' ORANGE PEKOS

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