SYNOPS CRAPTER XI: is Bi cw oud Il*e ta ri uffte Wedl Wbt !I euwJflig afacth ubiit Whle Une d IIeal a aiie tliey a eut te winow. Sddeni ineyhear eeu ! ho its1 un niagy away Miss B', i(l aSd Oie r5cb Oie front bal ut a Valljuc r v0t i dy1,,, g;'l a1cbu0Let woul is delt, MlaebsOi uirr i ce' Clel'e li ps eut etOc ,(-1 .f h cosd lie ey s aled shuddring lreathescape liearlis fronsly. He theglit she miý,V;gi _fint.orteCfpenei lie,-r eye ud n"At flres'tatee va ony ur comiiing Iup tPe stepa fre th ati (-at ent eross liilfr-on1 Charke Cs>dlihd "Ikn - lite a i firdsor c, nd eyr oeO a ala. Tere was as aa wm an-è coing along te ener waik Thae "A11woruan biu greeîî?" -Vesh re." Selec fnigterdn 'There xvAdsnen enoae Bpacn-Seet tward te louks.IMindt seoe plru e i. Te heronwas uý;e aot drctyune ; Itg en-onj Wddrt." "Bnt is side cf t ýý( le street hcever0it avs lad cros0ad the st1reet, the, fetefiueadbe jooed.Thcajt rsoneone Fmý![ ust av i n clalmeist 1at t ooilien lt rhotvas frei he m îurderergl "Man or xioman! " ie sa pp:-tler- ,I-I cuidn'lt ti. t!wa wci-n iýrgG, ïIbald ycu."e, fer a "Bt elit, lYc said -,]he fges' hat. r Sk, Iury yen celd recenize the sx fro the ia? ZoInjust can a reneerxxbt lip cpened taterCumt daude Cemaulo iitrealmost mpliet at the gleý, but tbe was alittiapie ( ad.t hogi lie rned is ha te lekatlir I'n ot ure. TuldeI' "Ifrry. iî'sei ofs ýearld. hr, a just te shot , 0 eiosed my eyes i rawdI id no-itice îsonet onthe of- ce ep *of Then sie ventte anthold bltre esk ttstod n-À a cenercf ter rocin.cPressingianspning ha. "Pned a secetw r sheteck- 4' th hne i serc Id, beyd be bound c(lte fid iti."iili 11 eteck ewit oertoedtheligit and saw ritirwas temerest oiier off yu oe pomiseNtme,!0love "Tn -vonan>«,l rcuwii beours "Thi tin," he sidztrgliten-ly lioked for a moment doxvi inte an abss cf sheer terrer. "I-I donýi't know," she faltered. Disappj)ount an id uxratli fash- ed across biu eyr, wa as quicly gene. fHe ouyaid, "ouaeten ilil-sey6u onrrw. Slic put onlitcc' ld im)pullsivel1y, as if popedt xpanawybs disill»sn i ber.Ainm oenw t passed. SIc,,turncd te the fiie. He Ther, exxaone ein the hall. »lie bey cf Curt VAilancur lay logand drod lifeiess, hlaf in, liaif eut o te î gitthroxvn by the scenels c(1 eaci(sideocf:a console tabl1e. MýcCaie st1opped !bY the stili forin He kjuelt nd cd that Curt iad heýen shet a lýite above the heart, at dose0 ange, s if someone.had ialk-,upte li-n and îlt lin have it.Lttvs a miracle lie liad 4 agcd te get np the steps a t ie door. - A iess virile person wou!id liave dreppcd dead in lis tracks, He friisked 1the body until he came uipon a key ïui tat licld a numlber muti1e tit c ky te the deiad manu's ap Vret ie reýa-rragcd ftic cloti- îng, -aked te lte door, eased it open ianld sipdont. At' Park Squoare, MccCae lippeJ intjo a crnsiiugcali whIici pti in dew at41 csra d iiýin ix min- iues mat. coret ad taij)lC-ss steci. The sl-evc cevator wise lin ite t1Pe third loor. Hec stopped liefore the nmber L 1 and istened carefnliy, ilis earl-te tiOdor Aftr h'd ntced, e tood con- pletely stil], te5în,ý 0,C ileCice tat doo:rway athýis rîiglt gave etac There vere îvo derwaysblack and a lti te elefuof lin as li stoo moioncasin th ceuerof tce caret. mot a board ceaked or "a pin droppeud, buit the h'air on t;l bck pcf li> liead steo0d np1amn He swiveled loxvly, epectli g A womau sîtoed iin te ist ýdoor- wvay. T[ail, dark, voluptueusi, sIc ioupnged, white faccd, lma ïisin a pcuial ailiar attd.Hem face was se SACite he serned ail lipstick in ibbc glane cf se llrnay ughits. If z]he had tlad a cigarette in that muhMeoytngged at McCale and !lie knew it wa1s Sllani Lynuii. sPe xx'orC) a dank green wo dre'ss -Whio aeyn"lie said liuskifly. She mroved slxvy oward lin, eyes xary. For a mýomîent le igner,îed her. "Yen xvere a feel te came dirctly hee"lie said 1tien. Apprebenien xwened hem eyes for a mnoment, biugin-g eut unusual p)ected huiies inhe face. Shc sat donunstead1ily orn achair and rau nervoüns 'f-ingers tîriougi dark dyed 5he's s caýrcdî, McCaie thouglit. "Curt Viaicur as just been sbt"lic saidi, WVachug lierosey lie xvas cer- tain that àt wasn'nexvs te ber- thtseaiready knewv. "Wo re yeni-a dick? Idd' "Yen wucthene." She was guamded uow. Hem eyes nianowed anid she Lcltcled the glaS Witu saking fines."You'vc get te frove thiat, cpe, "si'neot the PolCE" 1 "Thein xvo are yen? WMat areo yen de1inig bn apnivae dics. arn, how- JET LI Ad CM rlee asote THÉ KINGDOM STRENGTHENED AND ENLARGED 2 Samruel 5:3-4, 9-12; 781 anld grew greatýi, and itheý Lord (God thie Battie of, Saratogýa in tdie ~ deet and sred erof eea Burgoynec,smen reaedt the eooit dmSxt,'h authior of "Thle Wat fNtos repied I"Tere is aa eidelf doýoiin ii ,a naion." b~~~~o th hor f aionls, tpr haps ohr oepitdyta in thle history of Irc.\'e n been survial atail. in thle very bgnnn' vente armIieýs of Irelwnt ewnt defeat, with S ali, whoad rbegun- his ru-tle se upcosyasiieon the ield CP f baý'tti. utDaià m1an of-l'the swrd ater than thrie 4harp, son ruade ii roe,>flt Then 1came ,theign f ol (Ioiopb, a, lonmg peniiod cf pe-ace ad aparen prospeity-but with ppesin Peter ýý1saysin his Secondise thlat "hoiy mlen of God paeas ithey were m1oved Iby the HoIy' write with theicand1i(or c eis an'd trnthl, for thie ins c f Daid,àl secalyite Smof, aditerya-nd the(, murder cf the man womfie had w.ïrcnged, are set dow beideC isgreat qulýities f orcimtenI dernesa Pressed a2 loniging for a drinik freoii the w11c1Bthee -ù hee ar riorswenttbreh th eney Iunes iskinig their lives te binýg Jit te hi1Ju. Bul"t it, was tocsa1rd-fo hiru e dink It w'as, ie saîd, the biod -cf ]len who had put thir lives ineoary Se hef poured it Out (on-!thegrua as a, sai:cd offerinig HOW many of lus lhave thauifi toward the manly mnil-and ome ife,lbrtanld lhappînas. War Duration For Volunteers Ends Sept. 30 Ail men who elite orarim v-ices wil be eOut e uifr b ti Septemlber :W, or be in the swa active forces, Miister cf Ntoa Defenice Brooke C 1laxton ncuc il, hCommôns ol astwek "A ïrelativ-ely ml ubrxh enllisted for Ilhe duraopar1b)n the enld c0Sptmbrof tIsya te assist in putting thle ariled force-s on *a post war bsis"1f, cempieted the men se 1rig vi be progresýsiveuly redclic andail will be eout cf un1iforin bySeptem ber 30. "T i i te dte y vü bevr man whe Ilojoined np11,for- the drto cf the war w7 ill ha,'ve returnèd t ciiinempîcyýment or enisted hi thle pswracti\vefrs" eýver, investigating Cuirt Vian ceurt's murder." Curieusly, shie s(ceemed-,r1lieve Ne soon fcund eout whv. Acat look suid into her eyecs. Sieams smiled. "Listen, then., iii net syn don't kznow Curt 1had beien 1k,îlled. -ilenlike te s, gov eauc li m by simiply tiiinînii A, nesuggested remied'y is-,te tae tb1espeon0flcf ialseed anid ho t fo anl heutrni àa pint f o waiîer. iain anti add t i te jnice cf one leon and a tablespoonful -)f sua. ake a teaspeenful Oc- Q How cain remove an odor from the hands? A. Put a ljittîe dry mus1ýtard in 1,o1 d;] ater- and mitliit cu thle ns thnrins'e i0 Cnld vWaiter. QHow e u Ipcvetgreenpep pers f rom Iturniing brcwnf A igeen peppers are ciled flrst beoe aint1iey wil! net turnI Q. Hw cani hi n boiled pe- bcligintedof pei te clos potato, just peel a nro snpen- tlie akn lslip off siy Q How canIi evntmaera frein stretchig oeLut èff1hip-- when A.Bsearounild t e neokIju nd amhesaftcr cnting, -ani the gocdsivilnet srthotof sae H6W>T- Set Table For EainîlY Events Six table setigsrrentg tce six Ume importavts fin a wolman'is ife, will be tstc tAs year. They vIii dmonsree mn- gag<Ieentart, weddinîg part, Se t up in thiemanncte comlplýeewih ii-rlien fo Iand flovwers,hoeakrfei coast te ceast ivîlitkabu wektfies '. it is piteout.lParticul1ars îon test maybe ctaind nw liy vr!itinig drc e Wre Section. C.'N E. GondTo- 91odem Etnquetee Ey Robenta Lee xvhenjsan u9Y moodor feçlig epressed?ý 2,Is ,it cligat'ory ýitatrl iîe eugaged girl? sheldeeadrs tesrvants as Mr. B-'rewn ajUnd Miss Jns 4. sinceartebwac tire henmeting tî aepn sonw a nmbr ftuesisce- ier, rbnut îoud ieaiofcd 1 A crac'eed fu ac fiee alow fipste sae î honse canld lcas ash ito lie 1»/v7 «ye19ee7'?, *NOra tion coupons amýi a f alti- ver "'1 N N N ANN N N iMso Manuiaclorers of C, uimuer; Alturiciaprone with a ceokbock, rie seles or', three recýipes she cCoi promlising, wntte her anid read off lber iist cf ingî A quarter pound cf whiite grape, re orange, t appe, Othrcoves, the hf a chichen, a can of pig's pr-in1g onion, a zcio leeks and a haof Pintof dris eyed peas. The grocer paled as lie1 1Lay,"he aid, "what ý makig-a pitn? Moderr Day Skveptic A dirct dsc oan f plier Clmuspaste yach"ýt teAmerica, We nie hlm, th11ougi, that this ti learned ecoinoiats who h( 42- 20401 Conforlct anid stlelC osgard Pateu45.6 lrýilgs yen- ovel piayuitANDa jacket ,se yeni'!ll wear it over naniy ou Pattelm 4536 in- sizes 12,1 18b, 20; 40. Size 1C everlils 35-%. uap; jacket dus yds aLccepteýd) fertis pattcmn t 421. 73 Adelaide St. VVest Tc Prit panly SIZE NAME' D)RESS STYLE NUMLBER Earth Reai ly ES Yew yen coget a snut idecf ,hexv the carth lod-Its maxiýi te unooni. TPic itdstates N V-2 rovt iscn p pictuire cf ic cîtfreuinaj tude cf 1on rulis, iglesi nealicd l'Y th casnellira's eyC Tiil o i a it roun Thile Crcket xvîti tIccan ,iiil ticni w s ire utow 11cc,11fron )the -Wlhite Sanils, preving grud 11Thçcaimera grinidinig aa at thte peak andtin va blewîî dean States and inortiemu Mexd cov -s!îîarea etniî 0 ilauýd fri-nntlie Pacif-ic Oce" soucti. Idniidbyt1e1( avy in companîng aktCIi are tPe and nnru it uf arc, clouidfomto.