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Orono Weekly Times, 17 Apr 1947, p. 4

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Bet:vween foui snow fel'o Ti Botter to baïve ilt Job Plant. là Qui- wOrlý CI, us, tia-ny.tiy y cf a ~ent-s. Set of 1,Cnff e erated by ý GN E W 'It's smart tlu dine at. the iswy 13-17 With Louis Hayward and Barbara Britton "SNIGo,-NiTHEtaIL, 'Mon., Tues., Apr. 21-22 'TERAZOR'S EDGE"I Wfith Tyronle Powver, Gene Tierney and Star Cast SHOWN AT 6.308& 9.00 W'ed., Thur., Apr. 23-24 "The Shiocking Miss Pilgrim" and "otun"(Adult) Jng as.AS A CAISHCRHOP n May. Toma-itoes are 'a top ranking cash tr-op. Ina11946 there v;ere 43,000 acres contracted la Ontarloand re- BE illion dollars. 'The 1947 price bas L been increas'ed lt-iwnty percent, wvhic-h shou5d encourage more farmiers tol gro'mw this proftabe crop. Providing this xeuop is of suitable quality, a toimato conitraet aýçssures 1you of market and price. A grewer can concentrate on large produto 1and foitunately highl yioldgeray 11ensures quahtîty. 1 Tomiatoes are well suited toai i8th ixe<i or 0daiîy farn programme. They are quite often used in four or five year rotations follocwing a crop fail «f hay. Beidesbteing a geod source of eash incoîme a tomîato crop -ii clean up ýthe gw7ound and leave the S soil in a high state of fertlîy foi '/the ifolloming cîop. Stock farniers will find tbey Can use the mioney RT froni an acre cfT 'omatoeh to hny al the feed that an acre could prodce ài and stili bave a profit Ierft, A few of tefdne ntats ,oproitble 10- Oi mat growing are--solection of open -ell-.rie l1~well worked' ýfild p rover. ferti],ization (anid in this re- gard the soiLs ini)s dsrc ae ,on sou ltests are big'h in itoean 1ow in potnsh) thorougb cultivatin andflaly proper and carefuilick- kng nieths.1 Considiering ail these ifacltiti olbvj&Ù tn ts Lmpityo-ui eons-id- eration as a real source ol revenue on your fani., The labour ivolved is rnet as grealt-a many believe. Twýo Wpeople can~ handle five acres and Ibis acreage can r)( njade thie most profit- able oryour 1farm.-i Don't forget te attend thle Oro'no' Junior Hockey Cub Dance at Newv- castie Co1n11niuiy Ma 1il ' on FPriday T eenigApril lt.Dv Grant anad bis Mater _Musicians, cf Toronito, il be în attendance. Admnission, 75c.-pe- perýsen. SALr- REGISTERS The undersigned auctionIeerlhas received instructions from M :r. Fi-ed Munroe, Lot 15, Con. 7, lHope Towni- ýsip, at Gardon Iii corner, to sel 'yy public auctioni- on Wdedy April h3d is hlorses, catt-le, poultry, swine, feed, harness, iniplernints, and souiie furniture. 'Sale ýAt 1.00 TraCash. Posit ,ively no Reserve. -Jnok iReid, Aitoeî -1 have iieep instructed by âIr. J. A Paterson, Lot 32, Con. 4, claîke Townvïslipi, V2mile -wet of Orono Forestry, to selli by public auction 0on Friday, April 25tb, at 1.00 P'm., bis hosscto, Swinco grain, barness, poultry and a ne-w Ford Tractor and a -ul line -of ne,,, Cockshutt nia - chinery and other atce.At fiAc sa!ine tijnie nd plaýe tlhe f-arnii, coin- sistïing of 100 acres (ir or leis) excepo'tionalhy w el bul on, fiveI arsii3 or-clard, wili ho offere,,d foir saIle svIbject [o a reerv bd. Terrms Cashi. Fositively un.Resorvo. -Jacký RoidAutionieor. The undervsigiied bas recoeived in struetionis from Mi. W. C. Evans and Sýon, to seili by public auction at Lot 25, Cneso 5, Claurkoc Township, one mnile east ff Orno, opposite A- tiocb clooon FrIdaY, Apr i î8tb at 1 p.m lit-ie ede os eiesand steers. Te r n is Cs Jlack Roid, Aucit'ioneei. 'AIL P RI1CES and District April 1Gth, 1947, for 3owmanville thracite Ton $9.50 8.75 7.715 8.75 /zCord 10.7,5 9.75 8.00 4.65 of one ton or more Rates FARM FOR SALE 70 acres cf sand,,y loam, on-rt,.haIf mile fi on Orono 'and No. 35Hgh ay.Six-roosned fianio house, nerw ,ýte- barn, pig peni, iben bouse, miik bouse and diriving 1-sled. Eleetrieity throngot, aIsu wnter basins in cowý stable. Oýrchard and sismaïl fruits; good creek lu Ipsture. Arppl)!y to Lewivs J. Wood, R. -R. 1, Oýreno; phone 84 r 4, Orono.c--p DAYLIGHT SAVING Undicer tbe othrî f- tihe Police Tru,,steýes, Daylight Saviug TuYe vwill commenice in Orono at mn-iîuht on April 2CYth and continue toDnih Septibirer '27tih-, 1947., Wmn. Riddell J. J. MIellor Chai,;r manfiS ecreta ry GIBSON'S BARRED ROCKS Buy yonir Baried Rock Chieks from a reliable loisg-eýstablisbed 0. B. S. Breeder Hatclhery 'of Over 1000 bloed- tested birds. Fr h red-in livahility, early and continueus produ-ction cf large Êoggs, don't Ove,'nlook our isrin. Tae cur ïchiche. a -month arleif possibyle. TEdetbes weekdy. Write for circulai ane, price iist. Ail iniquiries anstwered promptly. DnadE, Gib- so, Ee'wmanv'ille, Ontaiio; Phone Claiko FOR SALE Thre.piceGibbard Solid WaInut Bed, Chiffionreer and Dressing Table and Berich, Quen Anne de-sîgn, Fer partculas equre at the Tues Gf- For.SALE We)I brod Olyde ýMare, 6 years old bokepnto ai! work; Gra&e 1Hlak- ney Colt, groy, 3 yoir-)!old; aleo Pure.hred Yorkshire BRoar, 1 year àld,. A. H. Keane, Pl-uno 5M- r 3, O-rro*o,. c-14-p. Five or six roonied ieouse li Orono. Louis' McFeeters, 56 Con- cession S.EsBwsnilDay tinie phono 6 (74;Meving 860. 1.50 STRAYED Onito the promises o'fIl. Rans- berry, Lt 25, Concessîin 8, about a 4.50 week ago last Sinday., one ewe. 450t Ownoer niay bhave sanie by proving propierty ansd payinig expemses. c-1!4-p. 5.00 WA'-NTED To biuy rabbits, any kïnd but An- Grd goras. Apply at Tunes ofcOrono. 4-25 VTan ¼T on 41 Up at the yard 50c.- per ton creffit uis to %$ 40 Radio Service! nt ecombination of experience, comc- pliee data on afl makies, and modem test equipment wili ensure PROMPT, REASONABLE AND EXPERTREAR Professional Directory 31EDICAL A. E .McKENZIE, MUD PHYSICIAN andSURGEON Office Hours : 2.00 to 4.00 p.m.; 6.30 to 8.00 P.M., Sunidays and Wednesdays by appointnurent offly PHONE 47r1 - ORONO LIEGAL Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. Barrister andSocto BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phontes:. office 688 Hlome 553 W., F. WARD The Orono Wosrnen,'s Institute hi-1 CIt aiadies to juin in their rîeet- iig 2.»0 ,m. 1U'ridýay, April 1lSth, whnMiss Ree'd, Nutritiorist, Red Cro's a Hoaýdqua.r-iters, Toronito, will speak on coniunity nutrition, n she and Miss Scott, R.N. of Filt Unit, -,vii tead a deusin on qus tiens 0f intereost to iSocial W.eïfre. Rdefroshdiments and social periodi. The Blackstock, Continuation Schýoo,!lwi present the play, "The Mmix froni Mcissouri, in the Town Hall, Orono, on Ap'ril 25th, at 8.00 [p.m',, undor the auspi-ces o(f the O.C.S~. [Liteilary Sociýety. Admission, 35c, and 20ic, b-14-,c PICTURES ON WILD IF~E The iuImrha Federation of Sports- m-enviii shoiw pictures on the pre- servation ocf wild (le in Newcastle Co-immuniity M11o n the ovening of W;ed-nesday, April 23rd, Silvor col- lecti mi. FOOTBALL MEETING A football meeting -wlll be heid in the Arniouries on M"ondiay night, A4pil2'ltat 7.30 p.m. Ail those interested please be on hand. WANTED TO BIJY One hall stand or hall tree. P:hone ,35 r 14, Orono. a-13-c OMSWAINTED 1Lady xants mne or two unfurnish- ed roonis in Orono. Phone 53 r 3, Orono, -8p FOR SALE Quniyof Carutier Oats, cýhoice 1qu'-lity, suitabie for eed. Mrs. Rurs- seil Best, phIonoe 51 r 10, Oroo.~ SoLiciltOR NOTARY Phornes: Office 825 Residene 4019 BOWMAN VILLE, ONT, VETERINARY DR. W. W. SHERWIUN VETERINARY SURGEON office Main St. Orouê, Phiont 63 r 7, Orono JC. GAMIEY INSURANCE Fiie, Casualty, Atmbl and Liabillty ORONO -ONTARIO MANIJFACTURERS R E PR E SFNTA TIV E will gladly assist in planning financial security for yourself and your farnily. DANE FOUND Phone 8rl ORONO Monuments The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY Phono 501 - P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Ontarlo Monuments, Gae akr Engraving, Goldleafing AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Auction Sales, of al -uîze and at reasonable rates Communficate wth Iàrm at Port Perry, Ontario, or see hi, Clerk, .L E. Morton tOrono, for date. JACK REID Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales ConsuIt me for terms and dates Phone 1620- Clarke DJO You K now That, for a man age twenty-four, The Imiperial Life Assiuruance Corn- pany wîihl guaran.tee his famnily $5,000.00 ink event of his death prior to age sixty, for between 2% and 8 of that amiount yeaîly. And If he lives to age sixty, the Co.MDany will rpay lm the $5,000.00. Why not consuit your local representative FRED LYCETT to see what a plan sueh ns thls w;I do for yon? When you âare n need el Printinig,Y'- eauIl tbe Tues ofFce, Wo pint everything in fine ,printing - Let- tehedEnvelopees, ýWeddirig Sta- tion, an, leder tn 4r+. BARRISTER racite Briquettes ..16.50 ?allaNut..... .......... 16.00 Intas ned...........<.> reened...........60 Ilardwood.............. 21.00 1Slabs....... ...........9.00 Slebs............15.30 1 Trt J charge for bagging......1.00 V, (

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