ilMr. anti Mss. Wm. Mlitell wish tao announcée the engagement of' th-eirý d1 gheroCnne Lta Vr, Butirnri Kittimer; the weddin'g to take ae Vulcanizing; Ojil and Gas heen o he NEW TUBE-US A-ND TIRES also BATTERIES BYRTHS 1Erne,,t a ncf Jean 'Bowen (nce SERVICE AT' ALL ITOURS Sout~) W&s to annaunethe busthof (Open al day Sunday) Vhtleir baby caughter, Lyndate Jeaýn, it vrpBowmi-aiiille HoIspiia on Thiursday, Ge.Forbes, 1Pro )p U 1'th,1e7 Red Clover, Tinrnthy, Alfiaif a, Sweet Corn, Serason, Formaldehyde Richmond Paint AT THE OLD PRICES Aluinumntn Roof Paint GARDEN SEEDS Inl Bulk an-d Packiages GARDEN FERTILIZER VigroGaren<teSoilade, Huniiýon,SheMar, Bonie Ieal, 4-8-10 Weed Killer; Garden ilose, Garden Cultivators Sand Flower Pots JUST RECEIVED OUJR I OPr, 0 Frost Fence and 56,0 Fence Posts, 7 feet. ROLPH HARDWARE Phone 43 r 1 ORONO * M -c il <i~ 'Vfamec4a« Q4~ Shopps" Glassware, China, Novelties, Hand Paintings, Trays Lingerie-, Ladies' Blouses, Girls' Blouses, sizes 3, 5, 6 ye-ars. 1MRS., L. REID Phoane 9 r 7 -oRONOo, Ontarlo WHTESTO0RE S Asparagus, imported, csp and tasty, lib. .29c. New-lon Apples, large ze -,~..5,for25c Rhubarb .... lb. 20e Sweet Pqtatoes, 2 lbs :27e4 tin ,, 59C. Spanlish Onîins, 2 lbs 19e ripe.......... lb 14c. heads ý.. ........ 2 for 129c stalk 19e )ÈI*ons -' b.15e - IL.10Oc Aylmer Vegetable Juices . ....... 2 tins Sardines........... ........ 2 tins Corn Starch ................2 for Kaffee Hlag Coffee, caffein remnoved, vacuum packed.ý.................. lb Waxed Paper, food saver .......,... pkg- Javex (2e. refund oni empties)...... bottle Ref Ugee Beatns, choice quality......2 tins Ilabitant Pea Soup 2 tins Post's Corn Toasties........3 pkgs Lenion Juicàe, pure Llarvest Canned Peaches ý.......105 oz tin 29c. 14c. 9-9c. 14e 29C 25C 99e 10e $1.1 sweet., 2 tins 27C MILLER Local Newvs If you have any local news Phont 9 r 1 or bring it jutea the Times office Mrs. Miria Smih lecvséting Wth Mws J1 T. PenrceNewtanvUlle Mîr. adMrs ' Rg. hmsoo Tooto pent he eekendwith Mr. ndtiMrs.Brooks Gowan. Mis Dooty Sgge, from the Taronto Normi Schaol, is a student taerthis weeký atAtic, under M C. S. ae. Don Mo1ffat is this week tKh4by 1sýlho'l, andi Joan Harness' et No. 9. Thesýe last two girls aea1 tedni aot.Nr mai. as tenii ü-oo ýIr. iiid ýMrs. Lelanti Reat visited Mr i dMrs. -W. E. Davey, retur- * ir,- 'home weth tlieir dau.ghterwh spent he Eacer vanatianwith lie grandffather. Mr. andi Mrs. O. Cha'pmann en M'.John iT h ompo n attendedi h Aon IWedding Reception ofM%. 1md1 Mes.ý Franik ThoenpmIson, of; Taun- Btvd1., Oshawa, on Gpri th At, (the Aheie'etng'edin the Armuries' On Monde ýy evenl-injg iast, thiebsns of ti.he hockýey season wais ron up, and it aU deiddto hl.olci a p-esentaion da n ce tfor t he BEantami hockey teams aronnd Mey 9 th. Mrrs. JTohn Moffatt, Enterprise, her s'o)n Aflen ~Moffatt aiie of Bo- nan-ivî11'C, and -Mr. AMilton Wriglht, cf 1BFeth'aly, ettndai !tChefuneral of their ecousin, Fred Wriet. ý%tn,1 forinerly ci'(Marks, mn Thursday; lest. Two bus loade of brethiern Fraie o'f Greenville Lotidge, ot, on Fn7- day evening osiast week. 17%t of thfe local mieilbers attendleci. Drn the evein*g GenrlleIdge put on Phe second degree, erdn, the in.usie for ithe everiing a suipplied byý the Oron-eoC,21sonie Brý'a se Quartette. iTh-ere 'were 250 ýpresenitatgter Aot1thiry nmembe"rs of the Wo- niani's Mfissioniary Society (et' Park St. UnttChur-cli at'tended ibyinta tin the Enster ueeting of St, Paul'i WMS, Bowsnanville, cii T1'uesday, April lS'th, qand poidta iost i- teresting 'Enster progrannme. SMrs- Littlewaad ras guest spaker. A so-' cii thuie -v'es mch enjoyeti after- wad hen the o.m rnv 1 emn i- bescsrved 'a ailoty 'lunc'h, Quite a n1umiber attevide'd the Oronoo Chanib-Jer ofConurc eeigon Mjond(jay ever2inglet The genier2- r outine of biusiness a t'set The question arase cneigsorne Iemmo or persons mdumig refse le- ta' tfhe creei< et the northi end of- the, town, wvhich pollutes the water in this creek supp-ying wrter fo-r the swm in'g tank in the park. familyBowrnvnile, wih Mr. andi I!irs. John ~og M'ns. H, b)wen"Cott le 'vi'stng wt frieis in Os lwltiswek :Mr. anci' Mre. Jii ate2rsan', Tor- onto, visited vith ie parents,Mr andi Mm. John Paenson. MAr,. Wmrn Ruilter Jasta iikcow iast -weelt. Mr. eorgeý' Fogg le bucy ren1-derin, Sap forr naking mapie syrup. ATTENTION TEENS T'neApril miecting of Teen -,To-wn- clipî1l' be bellI on Satuarday, April 19thb, at Oronoi Town ffi 1-2') rm 8 tl il. Again -we say-thîs is net for the No-quteThirteen-'s, 'but we want ail the Teens and 'Twentiec, Coine andi !et us knw -î'at fon you -manit these meetings' toatae an"ýd if yau ii1 giVe your support te the organizing 'of aSpring dance 1for funtIs t#ruther Tfeen Town interests: Your eciaivehe doiiateti five dola o'wa-4rds teMemaiýrial Park F ir d. We kneîw this has your ajp- proveil, after al if Teeni Town wamts a voice in the ccmninity they muest give itsaefnela support, KIR BY Mrs, patterson jes pending a fe'w days ie Oron.. Mr. Milton Corni-ah 'as beep con- finc'et t'hicborus-e from ithe"fu Mr. Bd!i Boyd spent .Sunday wfth friend~s inBlaksmtook Quiltea inuiibe)r fa eeattend- edi league last M,\crud(ay n,iît in )rono. Little AMi'ss io AICdread i eer- tainet a rnimber of iber playmates' on 1'on day on ber ninrth h'irhday. Mr. Ronrald Duekworth, of Uxa- bridge, srenit Sndyri Mr ai IMiesBetty GCI'ap-îan 'antri j1>11 spyent SElster week with rel-atives in Toronto. Mi. Oral Chapmnn ac been bucy draining 'wter o('Thernd.Lucky comieone thiniks of oron £cds. Mr. antiMe M ilton UUriCorish ' ,lare Golerado Seeti Seecl Cieaiig P>:Ila an'd mother gootiïcý Pili, hae' 51r:3 >d size skins 10i IC BROODERS sîze.ý....... SVariety A CARTOON Saturday "HOME ii AkDDED AI, As long as thýe this picture wi FOX kATEj 11.00 a.îI Cr I"'But as e- ta tiiem gï crneth 0 thepir Mr1- On Ilighway -No. 35 Du Unions