parsnnto!Agriculture, Tsrn ma hue utstaning peacerfo-r a serie-s of mleetigstoconluethe ,inter V e,n-1 .Ail1 the p leespeci'ally p'a - Ients, are cordiarll y livited Vo atten"d any of the foilownýing meetings sher p, 'PIayTui 1 ilame arrau'ged 0ytjp, e sho'ws ,n- og-,lt VlI Mei esper Dean 50 ',win.........50 500P .---..10.-- E5.z0 ----- -- -- ---5 .0 0 5.00 - ------------ .10,00 2.00 5.CI00 ....... ........ 5.00 500 111..........5.r *00 ............5.0 ...... ..... ---5.00( --- --- - --- - 2 .0 0 5.0 .. .00o A 1 Ne-N A 1,00 .10,00-Mt .10.00s OUM pitaipointOut 5.00t !,,es5,0o sany avantag 5.0ve .10h ur.00i e' hunn odth it in, health offleer An Wadv'aantae oe and.wit cae il nee xbi m lSaturday i McGurk" uce Beery ION B. C."- ¶ Tuesday lat, 8.10 p..i c. Other psro-i the 'Yt herraft FRIDAY, MIAY 2nd, 2;.30 pmr. to, 'Gatting Along With Otiieral"'.U- order the auspices of the W. L'a of the oudis t ricrt. f- FRIDAY, MAY 2ntd, 8.00 p.rn. "The Schooli daLeisureTie, andi programme arranged by the Homecrait Guild. Ai!, meetings -will '11e hedin luthe at eac'h meetinig. Mr. andtMrs. 'Clinton B'rown. 0-f 0ewtnvli, sinouncetheegae mne nt 0f ti p d a ugh,,bt er, Bernice Er,,ma, to 11r.Predie-rck Oliver Hen- droson o.1 'IMr. and' l,1rs. George Henersn, ewtnvile.The rmu-r- nae o té;kle çpiae early in ay TRUL -flr adMs Lloyd A. Trufl 'iou h inthof a, dam g'h- ter at hhe Kigto e-neral Hoisipital on Suniday, Aprîil 2 ,th, 1947. OROte"NO TIM'ES WANT ADSI SELL BUY RENT HIRE FIND NOTIFY Phone 9r1l to-day! SALE REGISTERS I hiave Ienautirorized tVo sel by Public cifor -RusseNil:J. Sh'ort, Lot 9, Concession 3, Darlngton end of paivement 'on. Manrwens Road, ý(- ,mile 'easiid noith, conr'Monday, Avril 2SMih: 7 hersýes, 12 attle, nia- chliery, 'cedexr postsa and a quantity 0ffurniture. Sale at 1.00 p.m. (D~ST.).Tera' Csh.Elmer Wil- fur, Auctoneer. Tre undersîgned bhasreeidin stutosfrouai tne Executors of tche Estate o0f t.he Late Hiarriet Lo'wes, to seil bypileauOtion ail, ber late re- dience, Ionypol er entire bouse. hold effeects, on Fridlay, May,2nid, Ters Csh.~-JhnPayne,' utin 1 haecieeninsýtrL1c-ted by 11fr. J. A. Paterson, Lot 32, C'on. 4, Clarke Town'shp, Y.mie west co! Orono Forestry, Vo seil by public auction oni Fr-iday, April 25-tb, at 1.00ý p.rr-, b is orscattle, svine, i, harness, po'uldtr.y nd a new,- Fordt Tractor anc1 n MuI Mle of new CockeUs.ïtt3na- $L50 The Orono BntinHockey Cl'nhý, Eastern ttrl Camin , ae stqý-ag ia Concert an.d ane onthEl evening cl tMay 9%h at the Orono Town Hall fatrig Ry oreser and his po"pular danilce orchestra.ý MWac hispper -next xjeelk fer fur- threr aricu-!L)rs 'Of tIs.-great nighit in Orono. FOR? SALE GoodJualty Cot~lerPotatoes,', grwn rocerifesece, $1.25 pel bag 0f 75 dlbs. A. 'IL Kean-e, ph one 51 r 3, (1Ono. c -16 -P. ________________________________________________________________________ I 11FR SALE1 1941 Che v oet 'Co0ach, ~1ro -oo; -4 good tires, engin uA shape; General Mtors heter-. 'Roiýbent Keane, 'Oroýnù.a-4p Bray Hatchery bas chicks val ile, ,,orn ree , iumiediate de- livery,, Newý Hamp- shires, 'LS. x 'N.11. etc- Also soïne started heavy breed ýcocekerels, re-a- s naibi e prices.,, promnpt s1ip n)en t. Asi, for parjticulara,. Agentý-,Jack HUdson, rono. FAMFOR SALE 70 acres 0fd sandy laon'e,Ïhalf. mile froi Oroni-o and No. 8I5 Hi*gih- waý,y. ix onid ran7ie house, new àeel haon, Pigpeil, hen b'ouse, mik hnouse anrd drivîng sb'edJ. Ei'eerieity throtýcughou't, a1so wn-jter basiÎ1ss inco stabiec. Ore-haird and imllfruits; godcreel in P'asture. Appiy t'o1 Lewis J. Word, R. R.-' 1, Onrouo; phone 8.4 r 4, 0 n,o. ac-p GIBUSON'S BARRED ROCKS Bujy youq- Bàrrecl Rock Cicefrorn a rei',Jable lom-g-osabised OB.s. Broeder Hatlh'ery cf )'ver 1000 Obiooud- testedbrd.For bred-in Ivbiiy large eggeý,dnt ov'erlook our strain. Take your clie a iï'onth erier if pos*ilye. atc'hes weekl . circ2ular ýaîi price list. AUl inquiYies, 'r;weeoed prom'rptiy. Donald E. Gib-1 son, Bo avleOntario; P Cho1 FOR SALE Thre.~pece'GilibixiSolid VWýainut iBe:d, Ch-iffioý-nEer and Dressig Table and Beach, Queen Ar-ne dsg.For paiiuars enquire ont he Timnes' e!- fiee, Orono-(-,-p FOR SALE WeiII bred lyde Olare, 6 years8 oid, broken to alilwork; Grade Hnlck- ne-y Cot, grey, 3 years eMd; aisýo oll. -A. H., 'Phone 5M r 3, ron. cou4-p. WANT TO BUY Pire or sýix roorned fbouse- in Oro)no. Louis' ,,MJFeeters, 56 Cn ,essÎi nSt, East, Bîmanile. Day, time plione 674; eeig861) STRAYED onto the IPremises o1'H. Rans- beýrry, Lot 25, Concession 8K about a weelk ag-o laest Sinday, one ewe. 'lnr a h a ine, ,yTproving prepe(rty aud pa.yin'g expense, WANTE D To buy vvrabbits, anýy 1k11d b-t An goa.Apprly at Turnes ofieOronjo, TheC combination of elperience, ceUra- lete data4onn'aIl mkeani mdr test equipmenyt wiilesre EX,'PERT REPAIRS ANNOýU CE MENT Ille iB--ktok C tiuin Sceliool ýwll present the pl y, "h Mmipx fXrni Missouri, ini th-e T Hallr, Orono, on i,prï-l 25t', t i0 p.m., under the asicsof the ,CS. Litemrr lSocýiety,._Admi,ýissioni, 35C. AlilOl"(-Lcrsariand fMenbers c'0f Heath - ex Rebk&Lodge No. 3,34, p1lan to attend reguilar imeeting Thursday, April 24thi, at 8.00 q~m., ii the Lo&ge Riooen, when Sister gan, D.P., and Sster Disn'ey, P. P., of Oshla'wa, 'wii fteour guest -epeakers. 2-13-,P COMING EVENTS A dakce wil1 be held ilu ithe Oro ,Twn (Hall (on thcevening of Frid'ay, IMay 16th, -undeýr the asucsof the ne'wlýy for,,ïid 'Heather Lodlge No, be given ýat a inter daite. kïeeip this date open. W. F. WARD lBAEWSTER 1SOLICITIOR NOTARY office 325 Reinc40 BOWMNVJLEONT. Poe63 r 7,Orn INSURANCE irCasulalty, Auitomobile' and Liability 1ORONO . 11ONTARIO- iMNIFACTURERS LIFE RE PRE SENTTV will glaedly assist l in m1n finaincial securlty for yourseltý adyour fa-mily. DANE FOIJND Phone 8r1 ORONG , The RIJTTER GRANITE COMPANY P-honekc 501 - P.0. Box 6229 Port Ho-epe, Oiitario TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conducte Akuctiosn Salese, flalil s1ue alla at reasoenable rates Communicate uihhl t PotS Perry, al, or see hie Clerk, .A. E. Morton, at Or-ono, fer date. J ACK1%',R EID Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator Speciaize in Farm -and- Furniture Sales Consuit me for termns and dates Phonie 1620- Clarke DoYou Know That, fer a man age twenty-four, The imperial Life Asuuac er-m paywjll guarantee bis farnily $5,000..00 la event of bis death prior te age sixt'y, for betweeil 2%-70ani 3 of that amount yearly. And If he lives te age sîÀxty, the Companw wl p 1ay 1h2M the $5,000.OO. WbI-y net consuit yo3ur local represetatire FRED LYCe'ETT te see what a plan sn as thie il- defer yOU? ca!Wibe o rel ee !pinii, .. eerylhin lufine p, -mting - 1* tionery, ledger1foris, sta terneýnte kidbleUterpraes, invîta--, 'ina n. en+ A.1 F 3MCKENZIE ,.D. PHYSICIAN. and SREN Offlice Hoýus: 2.00 te 340 p.ri.; 6.»0 te8S.00 pm Sundays and Wednesdays by appoinimerit nly PHONE 47r1- OON L EG AL1 Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE. ONT. Office 688 Home 553 >lant. Our prie work is of the I W