ORONO Aily -peraon artÀho oldie to doý-l miate o the ne--w BwanvlJospi-! Valtht wiL >ee ilcaýn dosu c-, ka'in~ thir onetîo 'wt Mr. JI J IMlowho has hecn 1 intd o Orno. Any pCesn froia "larkeuý To'wvnsA1ip cn also laeterdn- i ttlon wikh r. Mlot, neas th'e r'ono- esdat. lti iieba e. Vtai l $OOOwsn'eeded to -ý2He1eug moey or he re « the osipiAH ldonaïtios ag er snaiwill ha g ratefully received A goodcly inumbier ofCa(ImkeTo- AÀ reord! player wrs fitted 1u1p il: the councîl haanfber Vow'hch the child'cren danpced for a eboua's. At lu1oinhwas aerved, and -an nyae eveninîg nraîs'spentbyal Send your frienid the 'rono Timesî GARDE .N SEEDS ln Buolk and Packages; GARDEN FERTILIZER Vigoro, Ga1Ydenite, Sei1ade, Humusont, Sheep Manure, Bone 31eal, 4-8-10 Weed Killer, Garden Hose, Garden Cultivators and Flower Poets Red Clïover,, Thaothay, Alfaif a, Sweet Corn, Combina'tion Gaqrdoni Seeder anrd Cultivator. $21.00 Gardo"n cultivators $7,50 and $10.5 Durnn'RlrSikates .. ....... $3.7,5 JUST RECEIVED OUR SIPMENT 0F Frost Fence and 500 Ffl Pence Posts, 7 feet. Richmond Paint AT THE OLD PRICES Aluiminum Roof Paint ROLPH HARDWARE Phone 43 r 1 ORONO China, Glassware, Novelties, Hand Paitîigs, Rand Work of various Your special requests and orders are gi'ven our promipt and careful atten- MRS. L. REID PhonoSr T - RONO, Outarie SRED &WImITE STORESI Dessert Pears ...............tin 20e Lyons "Batamix", for Yorkshire Pudding, pkg 19e Roger's Golden Syrup, 2 lbs......... tin 3.5e Klik, an all-pork produçet .... . tin 40e Pan Yan, "sweet pickie relish . ý.... bottie 39ù iMint Sauce, for lamb *. ....... bottie 2'2C Canned Apples, 28 oz.. tinl 23C 105 oz. tin 69C Daly's Green Tea - .... lb 95e Dustbane . ... lb tin 15e Veg. Juices, contains tomato, carrot, celery and Beet Juices, 2 tins 29e Canned Hlerrings, in tomnato sauce U....tn 19e Old Country Style Beef Dininer .. 15 oz tin 73e New Carrots, with green tops .. 3 buntches Parsnips, washed....... ...... 6 qt. bjasket California Orýanges, sweet, juicy...... -2 doz Celery,crs and tender ..~........,.. eaeh Pink Grapef ruit, full of. juce......4f or FloridaàJuicy Oranges,21s.....do ffR NIH & MFLLE R 25ec 39e 19e 25c- 3 9e, If you have Noclews Phoà 9r1, or-r ii into the Times offi ViMr, J J Mlr s a peaer flt the 'Boy Scout banquet hid iinB'w- hin i sat îFriday niýghr,- Mr, and .W .Bclyie 'weked istors cat thehe ! o (,f Ms. Mi, J(offn A. tReid and cliildren Pa- tiqicia and Charies, !Cro'joked lCreek, visite'd with ýMr. and Mis. T. A. Raeid. Mr. 'Rotiert Cooper, TovonVo, suent last week-end Njiti lis parents, Mr. [and tWns. P. O. Cooper. Mr. anld Mr'. Roy 'P'owers', of Tor- on<ýto, eailld tVo see 'lis 1m-other, Mi C. L. P(ýwere ,ý on Suinday lat, Mrs. C. L. Powers left on Wednes- dt-y last to visit -witlh Mr. anid M,rs. Jhmes Pcrwersi at Campfiellvile. Mr. Glennl. Tairnblyn has c)ntpleVed his, examis' in thie University oîcf Tor- onto and is nwhomneon a Vwo w-,eeks' holiday. Mr. and iMrs. 'Bol-, nsy n famjy' a '01!io, Paida fl yillg on' Tuesday lest, rFiteen newtnembars weere- caived hinto thecnrgto of Parkl St. United Cihurch last rSunday ng. e The Conarunlion 'Servicel'ow cd the reguldar ni,,ngwrs'p A nnihrOf n ýïbr ii ie local Odîelwand iteekh ode atteided ivin sericent St au' PrehyeranCihrch, 'or op, at Sund'lay nîghl company xilh thier lodgesof the dstrict On on.ayof tis ee a num"- lier oýf the mlelibers of Eat og No. 334, Ooo vsdSuash;ine Log, sawin cnmmrbo a1 the latlter'is Zth 'rhdyas a lod(ge, and report a erypleas;an(t evening. Thne Loal esperance Union mut in Park St. !Suaday 'School onr M1on - d'ay, April 2ltx it-h twenty you-ng chiidreen present. The programnie osltdof îeadings, choruises, fol- lwdb- a light Jlunch. Mi Robert Keane on Moaoday last cmetdthe deal when lie purchias- ed' the resîdene M rM F. C. Bouit- lbee on Churc-h Street Soùu t'a, a nd takaa ,possessioniinmdîtly Mi. an(! Mrs, ïKeanje have been ocecupyinPg roojme luthe home of Mrs, . I tr 'Orono wllgo ondalihtsa'Vingý tinie'at midnight on Sa-turday, A,,p,nilÎ 26t(h, and<w,,,ill bye in lina wiitli other places in the district. Be sure yotw turu youî dock a'head one hour be- fore retirin,,se that you wvll nrot rndýss curhSunday mornling. D)on't fe-g, o ated he rplay la Orno eTown Hllon (Fîîday eveninig whien hI-e Blackstock Liteirary So- cîety wiIlpreseuit their ly,"h Mmx From Misouri", undier theý aus- pices of teOooCniuto Sc-3hoolLierrySociety, Re.S. Littlew,,ood,ý who has beeni the minitaer in charge of Park St,! C0hurch, Oronio, for the pas' ei'ghtj years and tenl, n hpreadhes his ftnal sermon Îyl Orono on sunday, aif- er which he wýill leave for lis newv Hange at Bocaygaon, near ,indsay. A arge nme attendJed the Orono Junior (ockey Clb ancein Ne-T cas(tle Cnunity all on Frîday avanlng alst -wfeek, vwi'îthDBaiV e Grant and his Master 'MusÎcia'1ýsOf T'Joronto :upyngthe ui. ie pa:Yinig ail. expenises iLt 1 expected the Cldb will hava a profitor around iuie annber from 0Orýono ut- Newcn'stle Con'u'iHallon Wed- iis'yeve"ning last, hl ne h au9swie'of lihe DaaiFdrt of Sport-s-Yen, whih isniadJe up of mmerd cf Ve difef2rt Hunt andi Fiafi Club etDurham Cý'ounmty. T'he pictuiras -e on 'idandWl Life in CaT2naý luý the Jno "C" Ail SasEus- tern team hchdefea'tdtVe Wes-i ter teni flveof the nineteen piay- esWhere from'i the Junior "C" Lea- gethat Oron,),-o played lun the past win1ter, the play1ýers 'big,goal, H. Hooper, Oronlo, J. Burnett, Poet Feýrry ha.Lintuie, WhbyWmn BraduryUxbidgeandS. Dotzko, of P rt. be Eastern Ail Stars won the~ ~~ glm b core of 10 to 4, -wîth H.Hopethe OroOno goalie, being11 jut bouit the haýýst star onk the ie playing anarvellous g n l th n et. Oldecridents o:f 'thlee comrnunityi niay recýa t 'Mr. ArhurKilpatrck hoenlisted at the outbu.rea'k of wai ia 1914, aud jwho late won t1he eov- ceedCroix de -îýGuer-re nmedlalfor-, bîav- ery in Frane. Rtur Ing VCanada, MiKipaticùeven1tuafl1y fou)'cnd r- plomen wth the GooyearPire aud Ruber"). in 'Bowrnnville, and 1was presentdlast Thursdaty wit ai roldJ wetyyea',)îe in a-t the h o f M ar C emnin OTA 600 x If 89rl Thurs,, JAMi on MON ý The 'LAST ci A Trlig1 ,Satnrday, A Radrph CARIIN aff"' Fred MecMmiuray CART = Panre '2.30~ pâ-Ym o' BON, Orange Juic fancy '3 . 48 roza. Orange & Grapefru it JUICE 48 oa ij