TIC E iing and Launtlry .1 u lîike i t.- lhree Cd Mmrch On nta teron - lii20th. The communnion eric folwdthereg l-a hliservice. jir an Mc. eith liendrso mv ent th faiiy, f SiclbueIIy, ha e en vi;sit- a' ope. if itlis prnsM.ad Ms. isited George Hjenderon and other rda- S tives iin th-e cmui We ar gadto ejitthiatMe. En with n imchimprovedin harlih.NWe row en e he ill son beu Sboeety ie home * and w0ellgan Oshaa, nte&tig progrmme, cnsistig of wit M. cerce an cmmuitysngig v1 enmjoyed lby ah, also a1odeama put 1, pent o1y he eoleolr.Af -t er aGeorgesoeelchsnemjkMe Fd Beimccn~beaskc Re. ad Mca. S. uch ~ ~ i an'itwdt take chairs et the fro)nt Wannanwhen tehy wece pnescned wntha case o ilmiwaun as atokeaof oui ami ad ipreiaio 10rtemduinQtei ~~~~T~~~ 0 Ilr oiun mngu. ahmr. 'lnd Mes.Litlewod nadefitingreplies. ont~o, had A ~bounIlinrch " ssrvdbqh ad .r.ladis. usàng our Ive moved t e hill. ncc Savery and1lý lex. Bely o Ai-thue Fals ýand aniivilîe, had dcinner Mrh . sdMes. Mer. and Mrls. Glatin Curtis and, famihy, Fenelon F; Is pent Sundiay %Vlth -Me. andiMes, cme Flaîs.' Mes. Martin oetuIrnad home wth tham nfoi a vost C0'WA1"N VI LL E AC.and Ms.oyura, ofNew- Me. and MesSid. alwlh ee ans Geralclhad tea withMe. nd Mes. Wa-.- Striegm onWedcsdc)n[ht iitdat M.J. 'J.Srnges manvileselt je weekend Swih lvelhad ia fthelr sehool o01 has heen closeC 1has bea sick wt ýy the 'flu is visingiý 1 Mes. Sid.UIlhlo KIRBY bny l te eriiuiii,\ *ty at cek. Luxenol an'd Minvis:ited atrd at th'le hoe finWWann LaISunday Afteenoo , M.anlýd NinVnemeiicas wcre raceived mIe bm eagegaten f KrbyUnit- WESLEY VILLE m"Ih nid Mh lond Hughes o"'te oit f ,a son, 'Mrs, Simuon i xocoghspa wecek in port Hoewith bler sister, Mrs. S . O. MilIS. Mr. and fls Peter Clark'e anid sonsý have- retyuied te Utterson te rebuiîd thelr homme. Mr.mant Mes. Thomseof Toron, speat Snundaiy aft-cne with1-Mei Hailon re sediga week with Me.ýu anaiu.%îgtn ecal Hapitr spn Snnday igaftec- aioon wihMe nci M e.uC.Paye"r Svndare Siqhoo rs t 1.30.the to"eahers prsn iee piiii Curc henser fiat 1.30was aoie fuvnd s w hPa fie er Mon, pu Dr. Oke. >iilii P y e f roe WreeplMis.cdte report ta Mrs Charica be4g (4 i mpointoate WghCliane. WMsC. arserye cepdetthatrMissr Deras icersns ufer.cd vay Paneu la the g ars etnabherse clipper. th icrdeo M. .P. ne ws.ergeMr. aa Me. lee Paeo Crke CrEel, rs J uelfPrtBrtan The annualmeeingof Newtonvîlle Women Cý 's s tPiuewaa has ld 1ý1a t 'IbmC Y home efd Mi. W.J. Hnceck 0on April d enid Vce oil 111,ngte peingeX- y iethesereae read a lnote of d~ ~~~i Jn'iue'jif ie l r thie seheiol -orchesi_1tra. The repot),f th-e St. Patiýck'sas hewa"da eveestssc- tory blneanld ntion ,was made hiy the Pesdni ef teigbly cen- medbl ork Cf tailomitesiný chartge eof thIý ie.It was decided te send a donion c' f '$10 te tje Bci isbfie victims. 'ulhe s aayna inlrce o wiefoc m1ore nfrm ation rearin te VFifieh Ani vesr fthe W .in Guaelpliin -une. Mes. Holpianintleth foNleing slate of officers for the loming yearHon.WPres., Mes. Hic- 2n VicePrasident.Me.C. Browa; Sec.-Tres>.,Ulms.K. Gmer; assist- aInt ScMes-. J. S a1k; DistrictD-ie'- ente, Me. J. Pc eer; Braa1ch irm- nes MS. Fegsea, Mis. Moris' Mrs.W. arri, MssT. Thempson; ThmseMes. WV. J. Hancerck and Mes. Iltndrsonm: Auits Ms. Red- to a co'.The next meigon?.May 21W1.HIvii held ant tho f Mes. E.Alldcead, Nnaîe MOTR CONTRZOL Nowletiie lima to guiard againsta m;ioth damagýie 10 oue oolc bIana- lIts ýand ohrwinterelcoting. We 1Carry a V-eiplete st (ek of Mo0lli Fume Gstae , hpofGerment BasMoth B 1alle, Larvex ant iBer- heu Liquid. Tyrrcl'a Dieug Store. SALE REGISTER I have been autHoezte eelbby puIblic auti-en!- for Mr. IH.b.Biis Lot 13, Cea.. 3, -Mainvera TewnsIrtp, 28 iles N. E. of Oehiawa, at thie Villageà nf P1oa1typ)ool, on Satu[ý-rday, M'ay lt,1 n mg ech, C MIOTHER'S DAY IS SUNDAY, MAY Illh Beebrher with ne of he many beautiful GIFTS that -we have n dipi a ,amlnd wh aCOTS BETTER GREETTNG C'ARD. See u stand of Bette Geeing Cr inl theneet beautiful desigils. Mteother's Day Gift Suggesâýtions Pefmsand Col0ognes. aIHracIbvl packaged from 60ec. to £5,060 each GitSets by Adriennie, Yardley, Gardenia and Lenýtherici priced ieoini ....... 12,$2-50, $ . 750 tu $15.Ù0 Boxe Sttioeryin new colons and floral desîigns, hy Gage and, C'o., picdfrom...........................---- -- 50c., 85c. and $1.00 Photograph 11Aîlbms................................- -- -------51W., $U.00 "Durand" PotoAlbums..............................._ - - __$2.00 Enlih ups andj Saucers, newest desigias, ia fine boue China, prce ro i ... -- ----------.$---2-,-$-----an--$3.50 "JEWELIE", hyPrie-pliyv-lac-tic, a new and dsiciepreýsentationx oy ne of 1the(leaiderz in 'the brush lndustry. In ardinary use it .is destructable onfly by great heat and lis famous ,3for its long lire and remarkableI beauty.ý "Jewelite" C'ombs, 712 inches, in crystl, Ruby and Sapphire, eachl..... ....-.--.-.-..-.-.--.-------.--...........50c. "jew Vie"Brsh and Conri, 2 piece sets........--- I..$4.50 nd $,.5 Cut Flowers and Flowering Plants. FOR IMOTIIERS' DAY We ,will have a large stock of Cut Flowýers, (Carniations, St)cks, and Snapdragons), per dozen....................----------to$15 Fwe ingPants............................----------- _ 5C. to S2.90 each lu stockt Friday morning, May 9th. Phonie orders accepted, in advance. Long d (istance ordersýý - Attention ! AllMohe'sDa ifts fromi the store are att-eively wýrappedapeed for miailiing aitno extra cast. Orders for flowers, seat bY express or telegraph anywhere Ice lCream-ý Bricks Thi, favorite treat nd desse~rt. eaeh 2&c. Charles B. Tyrrel ORONO DRUGS - Ont. Agenst for Jackmant Flowers NEW LOW PRICE on Lady Beth Nylon ilose 429 Gauge, ail sizes, regular $1.50, for....$1.29. 415 Gauge, ail sizes, regular $1.75, for....$1.49 Electrýie Appliance IPlugs wit.h Switch .f or Irons,.. Toasters, etc 39C. Bakelite Weat-her-proof Sockets, each ........25c Eniglish Brown Tea Pots, dripless spout, 5-cup size ....................69c Decorated Metal Trays, size about 1.92 inches by 17 inches, each ............ -........ 59c, IMOTHER'S DAY, M1AY llth Remember miother wt a card and gift - Mother's Day Cards ......... 5c, 10e and 15C Black Tire Tape, extra large roll......37c. Moth BaIls, 95", pure napthalene, bag.....25c GROCERY FEATURES MJaple Leaf Corn Meal, 2 1-4 lb. pkg......15C. Post Corni Toasties (g-,et Buck Rogers' Ring). 3 pkgs0....or.....27C. McCormicksSodas, 2 lb... box for........45e P-ride of Niagara Green Gage Plums, 20 oz tir, 13e SPECIAL - Canned Bio- logn-a, 12 oz. tins ...... 25C Laundry Starch1-, VIvo o Cofee redy intat- Silver Gloss, pkg. 13r, ]y ln the cup Comfort Flaked Ly 'ie, perl TIN 55c. Lin........ ..... loc. Sheriff's Good Morning Marnialade, containing L-emyon-, Orýange and Grapefruit, 2? botties for, 1 Coupon and............ ..... .... ..54ae Handy Ammi-onia, cuts grease and softens waterl 29 pkgs f or-. ...................Ic SPECIAL -- Fresh Ripe P.ieapilple, eac'h....2 T exsun Pink Grapefruit, No. 96, 3 for........ lic SPECIAL - Med. size Sunkist Oranges, dozen 25e The Above prý.icesý good until WednesdIay,, May iîthj. ORONO 5c. TO $100 STORE YOUR POPULAR SHOPPING CENTRE j' Motýor Equipment Private Ambulance No,,rthcutt and Smith Funeral -Directers anid Furniture Dealers KINDNESS COURTESY SERVICE Equ'iPPed tO take care Of the mokldest funeral at thie most reasoniable charge aos w as the largest and mnost eixacting Telephionie office 66,q ephone Colleet Reai'den-e:' 523 and 726