0OP N0, 0NT. Concert and Dance For Orono Bible Class Give Presentation To Rev. And Mirs Liottlewood' le iCluisis of tire Unitedi ci fîjinis gthered iri h hool roolil on Apail 2501i, ime airr,,ngaei hy a group la -aLarac(-ter andi rici la Thre sing song of hiymniss aîciiý b'y tir-a pasiter, Rav. S. LVl 'd -,th lis. Wni. Lynch at the piano. MVi-. Robait liShanwn lecdin prayer. Aft-er a feîw reiaieks froin the chair- anniaa, IMVr. S. Bery, tIre h n"Bea li-e the Tie lâta Biis" -%vas sunîg. 'libe JiuniiorBaud, com-prisiig ha Lynch Itaothers and -M. Harry Rourn rde'ed tIre anbrentitiai 'ari IGniis" aad "iBriigt Star", Overtura lbyHarold 'Beniintt. A rai-," ~iaTest" by Mrs. Hoîward -Walsh; ~o0lsoin. "We-e iould Iabe Luildling 'iýlteskastillhi unduene" hy Rev. S. L1it- Jteood, aa readlinug, Jcr Jni' ie-o5,by Clairce Allial; Mrs, J î.jackson favoreci v twf tue cce- dîeon sco,"uoih wt e ili-b wel eýneat al"andi"oi di" m Xobrt irawlareaCi n fine aidrasa f-) Rev. andciMr. Little-woodi, mv -ma-ere ta-laen bhy surpri'- wa pe senitec vitlr a cedir chiet andi a Iea- t!Iierbriaf canse tyMra.Ja.Eai an ciMr. S. Bmrto w\cv i an-ciMms.Littnuco-i exressci teir intihn conia- Wood daieilightng pklnn ol-o,'AI- Uias Anfna Ala irie "aThe arnnr few1 i ito me 0111y"; a readfingz S. D. Broiwn, "A Fîrie id's SMr. Bro'wn pai'd great tri - 1MIr. Llttlcwood a-, (1the înany nies theyiýp enjoyed togýetheir itngother socities and bis e services 'whic~h were SG i- a piano solo, "Abidie With' Mis. Lynch; vocal duet by 1Ma"s. H. Walsh, "Lea'd -nme bmme Fî,thler"; a readini inisiter aftrGofrnc"b vhfolIoiwed by "Thei( Mode] in coastume 'by Mrs. H.. a. piano soIo hy 3Mm.. Wm The proignanine camie1to a 7ingllg God be wit1h you meet aa-1.1-1 ityv lunch iwas served by Mi-; 'enid eir OmmIttýee, and a s- e iwas greatly ejyd followiag peettin;a ra eand friand-liS of lia Sa o;f Park St. iave gathrrcb hae I2tIr, j1947, te oa falitll iul Selrvice12.iï rwo Pounids 14 Oz. Troot lakes Prize On Opeuing Day The trcut seasion oipen'od o-ffiiaBly Thuirsday ioqmaiig, May liand tlicuigh wc di i nit a of an-y largo caticheis, thera wer-a sonne nica bDrown taotcauglit tt1ia o vry Ciher AMA arsdimani. As in formier yeaas, Dr. A. F. MUc- Ke uzie off aaad a priza for tibi langes-t trout cauglit on opaiaig day, eiid hsý yeiar lie ý'iloiatieciih priza te -Mr. Tedi Williianis, -who mas fortua-,ta-anou-gI te ian-ci a brownm heirty uihîcl mea- surad 2012Inches lai-langtih and tip- p-eci tire scals at 2 poiincs, 14 ounces. Ted is cona of the hast LlsAccmaa ln uur v mlae' hd as a knak1 ofc aateh- i mg brown tient, runing up a catcýh of from 1<) o 15 duriaig tlia yaar, Other prmima-nt fiheamea la Ormî ara uniahie Vo lnok a browa trout tiouigh itlbey try oftan ePnoimgh. This prlize la onitedfor flir irat ara onauightint la ihaOrone district.'Tire largeatflsh ra(%por-tecl' waîs cauîght-t b BbCrey, anoufton fisirrman, who hlndeci a4l/ pounici howa trout at 8tapihansoa's pond near Bowmaain- villa, wich (duIdnot antitla hlm o tlia priza. Pa'rcy Luanl, ancothroi ef cu111 ardent isemacaught ra hroiwn troutwuhicIhmuei 160nc a ani weýigýIre'd 2r/2 ,pounids, vwiiýTle on Ai sîroiag landcioaae îwlcdrmaasumed 18P liee-nid waighuad 1 poun-ci 10 OUnces. When people bavagoond luck ve hear al! ab!out t, hut mrantha y don' you hearn othing. 'Mis senims to Ire tha casai wilthetiasp'cled trout. Bill RtbaulWmnt teýiris f avoîrite liaut,' tirbe b nneat Leskard anîd caughlt 5 spa)ck, MJrvin una, îwho fisîhec i i tha va'lay tiroug'b IhOono, cauîgt 4, 2 of which ïni-asured 11/" inchas, v'Iile Joues eaigIrt tCrese. Thceaie alVIe reports w-a îecaivad. tlie Stlnda-y Sîchool anîci alI dui t- oa~t f oui Clirmic!irwork. Tre 11hgb quaîiity of youîrfautIrla Ccd axea- pifiec hy you i your daiy ling Iras îaft its mnark upon the liveis ef boVinnId andciyo'unug ivifih)a ha Cuiucir, coiniunîty anc- thnol. RiV la-ith daaip regret we realize ira unai piart for a littie vIrile, as PMro go Vo anoitier CcMMUaiy to giva cyf your baîýst la the service cf our MUaster iresaici He a hiohar shaap- -who neaci iaadaîshlip an hatva ia aIl Ire oaa as Chirist muihaive u's Ise. Our pray7er laý: May God blass a y la youî nîaw fieau f service andi an- alie ynin te giva e th lernithe anme high quality of lead-ersh-ip yo.u hava given Vo us-. Mr. naci Mis. Lititiemooci, a s a ah;igit tolken of tira astQean n hO li ia our liv-es, iv -as-k yoîu Vo accaýPtL thuijs cedar cheat, anduciIs briif case. Wa trust you bath -wHIi haspaneci fr many yaiams to use theni. Signled Onhah if oftira Casa - RE.Sirîin, taacher; M-as. Jamies nge son eocratnîy; 3Mies- Flora Cor-, ýig Drive For Britain 1 From May 8 To May 15ý TIrT cwnsh-pof Cakje fIras been ,,;euIl i -ranizci in theadr1iva to e scure altuagfor the Iitisir FleoodVi- VS. After heiag h oredcut da- muithe war, many of theaBritiAh eahave ada-ithe saci experianica cf halnig floodeci eut durinrg this pst yoiam fl-codi afitar floocd i it-il nearly Pail tieur binuiniga imre lost. Nowm tat ery scioo sectien la heTcowris-hip cf Clarka iras bcean c-ý izctiarere ah-oulci ýnoV bc a boumai hie lotihii u-la nttavailahla Vo ha 'aetoveaseas te holp theseufou- aVeC people. Everýytinmn-g lp:wl e ilencci- at we cana sp)ay-, eytigfoi an ani -V'onien -i'giht dia teyoung ou-it al h tirh seIrvîc PZble Suriplus snkjackets, akirtis- an-cisweaters froua, thair meagme rýsuupply, as Weil as extra pirs of "hobby" sox and stocinisu~to onirihte Vo ithseuc ar-a inidire neeci. Tiie cob-jectiva of tie caniplugaa-crssCumlaniaato ol- let for illion rtclsof loI o n-e frem avery rasidenat c Ontarlo, aIs vel uas quantitiies of nion-parishi- nabe fo-ostuifs. W-a feal sanme that the paople (y! -CaaeToivashýip vihi holc Iup tIer ei in saiag fthat a-lsrlscotr in.g wiîl ha tumnad cliV'o haIp ot la tli ama,ý rge oinucy Evaeuy home ha, unia, rticles tint can ha spaiec uhula otirer -ines hý Iave mnore. Sea týint thesa ara tiurnacinla ow andcido a-oit leava t It ni! tIra ,%sewhn-tcy Orono Citizen To Cc lOOth Birthday No. o t is qu ianhouor for 'y lplace 1> - lM1Ur1Thoil U to Ave one of As itai'zens rrach the tvsi ,i:boi 100 yeqarka, ltiit certainly looks ie a i401 that the Villalge of Orollo wil be-,Cn uodiva i Vhis coauss un June Astf, wlen Mr C o. ttn a e. J. Htghsiýon will cel.eh)i:Lte lis ldoiScool j0ih'i eu tuclhers proe.~ hir'thicay, lance of 4A. Mr. Huîgheson nt the presere tUme ,ii a~ .P is enoiî farygood d beau ll, andcIln oi) o 4ýth Mr. te a year or so aigo useid bc take a! man on psielay. short stIol' whien thelicuamter was Severn! mmbers nica, and noM tihiai t he rwveather sis tended the Croel parming up again me woirid not bea îng 'at Caniton on. aupplad to soe him agiain on M%%. a ad MrsiE. our (Main sitroiet. tir. 1inghs'on sfijli cfToronto, Spai hues a raimarleable mmd, houg(h not and Mr's. Rfoy Nix as gond as soue years al, but any- churs. L. Holidl o'na visiting em il at hs homne enjoy spenit îSu.idr y w41l lis tialk vory mnch. Gb er of Ochiams. Arrmînigemîaints ha-ve beren Wmnie Mon 5peame Pi 'week by nem ar ad Pa'yne viWtied 'ay ite past Eeiw vlla on Saun'cbay. of cr citizens to honior Mr. Uuiglh- M ua P s ono hiuacoriinîg irthday, an lie followvinig conimitte mas appoinited: litait t(hehome i Massa. O. W. 11o1p1; W. J. Ri dd'eU, s'on, port Illope. J. l)-Br p- ÏR.1H B'rown, M. J.- MiýssHeleniiayc Tamblyn 'and R. A. Forrester, orocloul f The coimmiittoe hais decideci unani- tUIieit zpenit ta mîoiusily thnit it woîll haa iie gs and Mrs. E._ai tare to prC;eant Mr. H %gvo ith a Mr. and M.ri pursie C'ofnm'oey, anici dona,-tins Vii anld 31M's.Èe rg be rieiveîd' by any of the aho-ve- spenit Sunîday wli ienHtonidecosamittea. Tina surn 1Parcy HosJia of 7 Wantaci is nîne lýhunldred- dollars, or Tie Cemeýt'ery evan more if possibl,_e. TIrera will ha homne of Mrsa. E. n cavsii or thiicony, Soj IVondy iight and is left to the rîden1itis' oDf th1e com purchase P lm mullity t-o dunae ul what they 31C andi Mrs V ree jiie LUus AcoutictePort lape,aid lie feai ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ci iig atu i otiui M MW.A. tMed( sm-ethisg Sorthon specil occasion tIlinois, visiîtaiodnv wiich mîay neyer happen again in 1 aPîayne on oixr conrnamnliiit'. Bring inyo0-r11coni -C ributions as aarly an possil e aRthuC(ilT tiAre lagetting short, W.M.S. MEETING', Ir.T. J, &nrii 'Thea MayMetn of tIrýe MWoiiaans il, o ro, îite MsîrnaySociety ws lielci on Tues- day tiia 6fth, wth the pre ilident, IVI .1 s.pd. Relie, pybeidng After tne openiag MisiDor1coihy Si, hyrn r Ms.Dïe e anounceici the visibailtirMr.-a hibemie of tIreeiti'i W c as. i. "Mie VWorM lon Olîr ,Diooi-Sitep", . Ld îM 'ifsE 5mbi rend a short sethappepriate to uep iiti i tIe subie it. Thîiîs r'aas' foloîwed itli Loiwery viist1,on Si pryrbýy Mas. DeIve.Chs owan A va i rende ad vocal soo Uas Mc an'd Mrs. Sung by 'as Staîl Bet Win hMrs. family vislied auiti R. iBrawn aetla piano. Hendry, 01 BîocunL s.n Porter, Who is assitant 'teSciry o rep-ort Mdiss Giîlifill'ani, literatuire sacretary, Kn q sanoii niti told of a lidiiag lilii ary hein-g sn yquicky. Ao OrcoaAuxiEary fronr tire FPreiaby- brwaa li terjal unitl Juna is, anîd urged iailu er msa m the niainiem WV take a book home t)Voinvriiiilýty Clubi read.Ilit vs doicii îthita supply &day. eaî ICafli od Worild Féclenieha sen for, for the Patterios, was use ofTlie Milsaion Banad, and glaie a eiP'y Mirs. C. Wood, 'as i-aid ,ihen in i- lii neIai treduced tIre subjeot of thee meeting, ame nîg wil1 bc lie "One Wotld on1OuirDorte. heîjI, anîI Mmlj. Cec sýa1d for, yeari3s ie have looked across tn i wflIe Oti tha saven sýeas Vo distaýnt parts fd the ___ woîcli, as me sougit Vo îuild tr World ChrlistJiIn cowmudty. Tm- day tih euan-iaof theiaealbhlhave been ENTER birougîlit t our very dooirisip by, blie cmigof foraiga students. They 1Mils ha.,ar are tIre leadlers of tihe futures. Tiéns i tM. i la the banner yar for foreigu sin- geît itM.1a denta in Canada w:Iao are aitendîng!MiesSi hilrloy Mo anny of the -univansites, bad cf Eas- 1Hîarold Ransfber'ry, tema and IWeslerî Canada and prac-,MraidMs ti.calu ai gradnate ccourses. While I n ie they airewili busn n y isil nake tieasosBwmav1 fatefuil decsiona bimen hrst o r enta onaSuIinday. scmiTlu t s up te us to help t'hem %rom lier relUtve ami -wacan. Sunday afiernoon. Mrs. Wvood lthlen lle'd onMrs. W. Mi, 'anci M'ars. S. Chlbldîliic,n reac tîha story of Oriono ivoire visiti. Mr Pdiiaahhn(nicek nanred Pa"), Mmv MaD'hlle-y on 5ý a stA'nît roim Indîe a vo wilh eght others make up a ýgroup at thle On- Munid Mrs. i tïari-o Agîcuhiturl Coillage, sevn ,onOslawîa, vih ti b scholarsiripa cf ,,rtre Inîdlan Gvem-week-end îwlt;h har mnen. They have provan Vo ha a pop- Rancheîiry. uCar grouip, taking to Caendan ways Oui teaiclie, MI wlith intarisit. iss M. -Da ey £gava tended ýlthaeIbanque sketches of twn gi studanht fran th, Couaty Teaich às atdtanng tehaTmooatin Unîvaiy. evianlig. SIre caae i ira shlrshpfront Ciamibridg Unlivarity a-ad fo'lowing May Ratio liai ui-ivavsýity couise plans itaiing la liirary wr.Tire other stdit iMiss Gildys iCutitergoon,who la is t- M'ay lst u ,ýln.ding WîianiagL' Univerity, i> buttar coupon., fal pianing ,w-han tuhouglr tha unitiv-er- Clay 8 -Butte Sity Vo mue a soiven yeaa's madical May 15- Gann course A'dthan go tuVo r.,adia, theY8,V4 aniiY5; B liandclcfber miotu'r'a hiaîtir and immi- May 22 -Buti 1star Vo thne oiranof India, Mals. îDimnnondl, CrsinStew- nrsiipacîeit-r, pokalonthea aew thuroughl. M Dr buLingplan tHat las îbing under- a fai w-ordLýS on1 Italk ep, hy thaoW.MI.S. ihsyear, (On-e thelu cen ly a t P