nastcr SULKY MEETING signing me xx bat FriaylWat le lih). -çen or ma on; i y srtng ga te, designieý Is A Lot ling Money 'ott prescuts wiil probahiy ounts coni- ixas Times- visualize a d iioilr lo[tngitI luw Io al Ii f «youl boult il tkil toYCunt a vacation, and tIu dolar býi lauy years ago nain asOf fer- s iu goid if lie tnl t o ne(- iapaii lfroîi emplig. H eC tic pile %,'as 1M. Srnithi, Los An geles inustrialist,, ushers il, thce Wýestern Hîarness Racing d Paklglewoco d, Calif. Th'le gade, split in the wmiddle, sitraddles the tracl, powered bjy tostreamliined automobiles. VOICE 0F THE PRESS Hlouse and Lot wfih their lotifty olgea -MiIwave Journal. Brliltain anud the u nited StatesIv I.ili so thIat GernIany-v iilu br r, il beabie to îmake reprtin Russa. Sreiywe ave had cenough! exerene fthaýt In etfiuacing Far MreDangerous eyr do îinsby h)alves.A n iihalý it drul bh Iind thewhee of a- motor car is farI more c îgr ous han ne, hiois dcaid di Il<.k 'twil soo1i bu picnlic time aain and o douibt smepcl ate the( grouind withppecrdor plates, ikinK:Ig cups ud Iie r mýains of a ma.-ooî tr To ()say no,-tinig of the 1 lifh Ec destcionb ie Answer to Prop'hets theSoietUnon il ot iplannIin1g wathat eenif it wsit i', in nio stat t g il, thaýt il Is evenI more afraid nf an at1ac,-fmlý ,ie Un1itcd Stia testhnh tui S ta tes isfrm t.adttthe vlho 1talk so insanly o If the ex war' are he nerypeope xxho u- consýciously ar dingmot to b monte il. -taaCtzn Still Fighting Luoks asif [the biýg powers areL, going to ',spend 1as lmuich tim f. ighll- 1ng tea Cilother ovecrGrans futurte as the(Y did fighttimg a xx ar IScotland Protects Unng1 The Golden Eag-le cie otIs-ýorouIgb hei oring 0, carefultc- kreward ,of £10 )is luhc, ofW r every golden egescrefroi ichliIleyun ar able to f ly ely, sy h dnugiSos for 1hi The et ofasceefotc chers andWadsai )f '1hP Royal Soce chu ofBirdsi. tliniof ird \Vatcii- ionIaC also abot rc fer the better pro- y, audý mard iiad e fo £3to £10 arc ~ 10matuiîyor fuidg cie lands and bas tion wili be ipaid lfor - opqlryad ai Sounds Logical Ifbussare lice Anid mouLes are mlice-, -,ud ou sýayv ltata guy Wt to sousl ad spice? -St.,hmsTmsJunl Maybe a a Ispe $840. -.d1o buer i IkeIl 1 stik ot hs ecl an aick for-a Too Dear the obeefahihigteor "dea.r" frcom uies tr aua tions. I l wul boib h "da"from pieit vldb À î xx (a adian cliIe xii bacipron d riailig fi t xIl soo lmkeils bld l ord arc war.Imprtsof scb h reea h cad xvhei GerIlle oqus sprad Caadan Illeets laWcrî mpîy of iiese IIýItems.d Oneledn cese lmanfcue h1ad iongthonideedte msiit of tdevelopdIngaCnda rd 1111I andc xoid maketiic an ad CheeCs. , Hle ia i on abrge,ýl -cid of lueo Cateomarîlbchee iisti of tise Borden Cco nîp ayL îd.o iip Frtenci) RouefortIs adle froau ice' mi b cîtnis i fr lto de r.o avuiaraie forul uratilz. c oysmu, nd todil-ï cah l by U 1m)rclanca mea"s"Ic a turgcotdîios f ieorncbi onre dy wI~e ish 7ý immi- granbt, Aidrs o Ilu, eaing at was aThluularyrefugce Befrelog ol Ilu xvasLou tue Cliaeanpa~mli cuage luiabî-a o t eerl. Nw frua Iced Earthworms Sh;pped By plane Te Save Platypuses A dockilled layîps laa qlueer bearngwiî a ail liku abeaer.lti lias teethwhenit !s boriand honbihlike :cplates vwh1en lit gro1s1u. t hidles witbîn its fouir t nlesa oison ap;liparatus. ,Anld stLrangcSl t of aI ie f!i seg instane andon fond such as erh wors l ti scýond, "ysthflic î Daily Star. I i r Butif t i qucrit lsois er and a Imla(ajdil i, a ery dcli- t * thatttce wicb thflirccorof for platypJu-ssvwa briliging to the Brou wee rnnîg sortof food as hei sip îeaedthe Panama Tic actioninvolved igingu 10,00 catlîwrmsa patypus ap- ssstcefrom 800 eartliwortis a day rom thei col u nt lu tair hf basmci to he lo hts a h mccl tic platypus-caryn se m r bc cartwrsatouhtc mid Is ccordîng 0ZOofcls Andmidwdwrsviiotd for pelu llpss Whilc her iced '-rs jrco the-vay thy xiii. cntinue 10o Pacifie crosing-a miuecof pb lumcor nîl, rcad grud lup piatyuseslu aspeciai talexher tiyna îi, bro r aea Ultra-Modem Otie of Nexv York City's largesî apparel stores which nxovcd mb ils mcxv ieadquarîcrs on Fifth Aveîiue reccuîly lias reached a nexv peale iii lulerior decoration. Sales- girls in oîîe dcpartuieut wear Nue green dro~o,, tlîaî match the grecu leatier ou tic bleaclîcd wood chairs. A feature îxhîch will app.~al 10 lie' 1 uilding's nuaintenauce crew is ~team colIs uîider tic sidexVaiks o hidi xviîl qnickly ~olve tlîe sîioxx rnîoxa I pmohfrni ucxt xx inter. Regrets ~T ;cl ~ cci hear that Joaîi had n ' Ic'i a self niacle niaîi .3 cs. 'sud iîo',v sue'-, wishiîîo î~ 'd cuîpio1, ed au No. i Opera Blonde Tne ii1. blonde of opera is what they're calling Dorothy Kirsten nowv, a iti'e vot ed her at an In- ternationail £leut'y Show in New Yorlt. A di poftap; tlle washer of ilig the water 'tff1atthe mai, has Litg f only six part', it is bast'ed on1 a'q c prinecipic rsIigfo warim avacesl-,hyd1ra uli c ma e f n wsyntheitie rsi1ient Sealing îsefecedby \vater pres- sure. Afle'r turued on and off 1,00,00 tmesin laboratory tests -th eqivaentof 40' years0of houehld se thetp wasq as, good 1as ew The StcHlogi'sHtl S b r n u d Tt ýi ee p h o n e *0on FeOd. t Dlltand Daine- TeL. RA. 41t1 FUINISIES $150up HOTEL METROPOLE I OFF -C. N. B SIATIOPN Bcoceis often caused Lbly klJney" action. When kidneys get out of order excess. 2eid-3 and poisons remain il, the systeml. Then. backache, headache, rheumatic Pain, dis-. turbed reat or that 'tired out, feeling May acon follow, To helP lieeP your kidneys. worldng ProPerlY...use Dodd's Kidney Pills. .T'me-ested, POPuiar, 2afe, non-habit-form-, ing. Denand Dodd's Kidney Pilla, iii the bitte box wiffh the red Lantd. SoW d evervwhere. ii: 12TALETY ~DRUGCSTORES AETTNchera Hwmîserable you feel whcn your- Sleýep is distu1rbedl, iee,,achey, lîstless -al day log. Why not cake Gin PiIs--an oid reliable rernedy- for relieving9 kidney trouble? Com- ponnided (o help sooh,- and tonem up the kidneys Gin P'ills are sold on a satiIacton-r~moey.iackbasis, i ij "-.,;5 s Dirip-Proof Tap