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Orono Weekly Times, 8 May 1947, p. 4

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LOWDEN -- ii~iovi'g ei deair Piusbi-a urd Fathie M. Lswde, opasseda cf a May! -Ever reimnfeei't by ls Wf an'd Daug0ters. IN 1MEM,,ORlAM A - PMP ln ,wleviloi o OUI- 0.a, throisgh i9Q42 BOARD1 freim Mr. are aIl w' fle wisheis niany Oro- yaction con WhVlen days ae iýjL and friends f ew, 'cd by Mr, an Thurs today!, - May 7-8 "The JOLSON STORY" Fri. and Sat. - May 9C-10 'Farme-r's Daughter' witht Loretf a Yotmng and Joseph Cottenl -Mon-, Tués. - ïMay 12-13 "Jt's A- Wonderfol Life" With James Stewartl, I»nqa Thur., iMay 14-15 With StewvartGrne and Jean Kenit Besides neeffing thý,e noney, à or ten nilce te hear freil sO any ofrîendcs cf Oen thalt usýed te) %id ber e. Foi- scine r-ascn or he e s place wliere yeu 'iwere bjorn adw ,a s seeu-is a littie mrelike Paals n. an~y place yoýu wiLl ever see, Tiho Parkibs added a lot te Or Lein every way, but it nieeds mroney, i your cdensatien i-i'ith Miss A Cm ýrý toMin l R. R. WýaddEli1's office or ii n11 yuur cheque te Ik- The Orono Commuinity of Mýemoqrial Park Bo e- N. F. porter ........... lie Milfred E.-:Sherwin..... , s Carlos Tamblyn........... 1 as- Mr-ai-iad Mrs. Hlesper Dean 1 anýj Ilarry Grady....... ..... .. y. Dr. W. W. Siherwi.........-- ty R- A . Fo iroster...... ive Jas. C. Taniblyn. .... Un- M. 'H- Stales............ 11 - F. 0. Cooper..... ........ i b' ,e C. H. Proste --..............- 0d . W. Rolph ...... ........---- yt Albert West -......... ....... itDr. A. F. MeýlKenze ............ V edMr. and Ms H. A. Thomipson, a.t C. B. Tyrreil......... ...... 1i S tan payne...... ........ P.H. Lunn...............$ i mm C. T'. Miller ....................1I J. E Armstrong.....---«'......-il R. R. WVaddel -........... 1 CalW. Billinsgs........... Roy 1Winters............. Lena-and EraRentwick.... M viss -Minniie H1all .......... .. F. F. -Merris Co,............ Chas. S. Wood .............. M isnHall..---- ............ Corni-sh nnd ---- -er.......-.i Miss Viola GilfiJllan ............ 1Mrs. J. J. Gilfillan ...... IA. R. 1Hal. ....... Canadian Banii: cf Commn-erce 51 John Blue . ...... ... ... W. A. Reid......- ---... ..... JT. 'E.Hawke............. H-1 . M Mercer.............-- i W. ýE. Arsrn ..........11 L. Lyal Lowery...... J. 'C, Gamiey------.......... J. J. MVellor.ý...............--- Teen ÀAgors.............. Bob. Ga.m-s!)y......----..........I -A. W. Mag-uire........... .. I o Steinto......... ... Mr. nnd rs. WV. E. Davey.....I HaroldJ C. Goods ..---..........1I I K en. - ---s-y -----. --------- Layton G. MiGna. ...... Totail te date...........$------ TEN NEW MEMBERIS JOIN .1 ORIONO ODDFEL1LOWvS1'Lon lit) Oronno LO.5F. Degree Tenii con- ferred tflae initiatory degree on toen new emer joining their 1,odge on Wednedcflast weelk. Lastilit s these s nevv sew bers rcie i te llfrst degree tek Bownmanville W F Lodge. Bl.F. Goýodrich i mis unlike nny .. ft i. made ,w kind eCt euh. signed and en. in agi entlreI- EARS TIRES -b -, _g-h.. eha ýhas P(ia-h SÈ, United Ohurch Sunda(Iy ,!,d Sc'hool Aýnniversariy ,Se-rvices 1-i b 1i ve" held on Suwia.y, lVfay 25tfh. 1)rn W. the p Fle hr 1 l b he Wuestt seaker ayr bth ining and evening. Tihe Orouo Pulblic Opereta und'er t1he direction of . Neil Stew- o airt, wiIbe lheld i fie -I To'wn all, rave ý0rcnio, on Miursdlaf, Mtay 15th, et aiîdreni accomnpanie by p,,renýts free. Keep in riiind{ the daté, Atay 21st, aadand celrne to -Khiby to a ccliMea >adsuipper anld go'd progTrainnme. Watoh 5.0for paiiticudars later. 5.001 The Orono Bantam Hockey ClUub, 5.00 Eastern Ontario phmions, are 5.001staiging a Concert an~d Dpnqe on the 1.00! e'venig cf May 9tùh, atk te Drono 5.00 Tewn Hall, fe'aturng JRoy Fori+ester, 5J00 1and his popular d~ance corchestra. 5.00? Wat-eh th,ïs paper n ext weekr for fur- 10.00 ther Particulars, of this great niglit 5.00 in Oronio. 5.00: Wili be halîd -lath~e Uiiited Churchi 50.Sunday Sebicol, Nfeste on Wed- 5.00 nesday, May 14th, at 8.00 o'clock. 0.00 Refreshnenitsuts. 2k.; childrmi 5.00û under 1J2 and cointesItauts free, 5.00' 0.00 For SALE 0.00 Good Juality Caob 1 er Potatoes, 5.00 growil froirn certified &àeed, $1.25 per ,5.00 bag cf 75 lJbis. A. -1. Keorie, phone 1.00 51 r 8, 'Orono. -6-p o ~~GIRSON'S BARRED ROOKS 5.0 Buy yovur Barred Rock Chi'cks fromi 5 0a rehiable lm-saise ~BS 5. -00C Breeder H1atehery ,)f over 100.0 blocd- 5.00 tested birds. For bre*d-in )fivahility, 5.00 early and cont'inioui proldm'tio- of 2.00 large egdo't everlooiç1our strain. 0,ý00 Take yourrMsisa aoýthearlier if 5.ý00 poSssIe. HIatcells telýy. Write for. 2.100'-j iaend pr ise ý,A i inuiries- 1.0ansîwered' prom'-ptly. /Donald E. Gib- b oson, E&wmn l, '0,ntario; Phwne 'y0 FOR SALE 5.0Afew bushels f Ccorl r Potatoe, 5.0 Ither for table 'ue or seed. Jack n n Capaan phone -:, Ltr1, *Onosoc-17-p FOR SALEI M.-H. ider, 6 ft. eut', la good shape, niew canvass; Cockshutt 13- tooth Spirin'g ultivyator, -praýctially piiactiîcally nei- ; Iid Bansgaroo Plow, practically n .-fF M'wr,5-ft. eut, practicai w. Apply to Mr. Ratymrond Meoad phonoe 62 r 2, Leskard. --p W97iihul, Bray 1shitchery lias cscs da-ldsand aîso saimehey re cockeaos (2-8-4 wcelk old) forprap shpmnthey nsis you place your order - now for June d.ellvery, pullets, nosn-,axïed cscelics, to get breed and deifiery date dÎes-iird. Ask, for par- ticulars, agent JacI Hjudson. Ororo. FOR SALE~ Large lMuscovy D$ucks, 2 Dae a'd3 uu-ks. -sAilýpy te A. Neilsion, Lers'ard.,phone 1 r 2, oropv). a-16-p. FOR SALE Seven gocd Y r1-slhi rt fgs we'eks ol. Apffly N4'o ~o ry Phone 6 r 7, Orono. N c-18-c. FOR SALE Onle SÙsw, due Md 12ý, T 1947. Apply to Z.E.Slierwini, Plion, 6 i,12, W ANTED AIl types of Live -Poultry a.nd Yeathers. Top prices' Pa iia M. Flett, Bet'ha.ny, R. R. 1, Phone 7 r 13. WHEAT AIRRIVED Loclnuwood Bros. have reiceived a ,carload cf vweat, ,£,ure yourre- quiremIents no'w vhlé' ~sJppiy asis. SINGER SEWINGMAHN co.MP 4ý\NfY 47 WALTO1\ ST. POnT EOPE REPAI1R SERVICE Sewing, Machines EXl,"PERT ýVORKMANSRIP -Ail Work Guaranteed PHONE 1015%w Radio Service! ocexperienCe, com- plete datlaH almakes, alla modem test*quimentyulensure PROYMPT' REÂSO)NABLE AND EXPERT REPAIRS R. L. MYLES Ph«o.T r - ";e Profes.sional Directory MEDICAL A, F, McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIAýN and SURGEONM Office, Hour- : 2.00 to 4.00 p.m.; 6.30 te 8.00 p.M. Sundays and Wednesdays bY appointment ontly PHONE 47r1 - ORONO Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMAN VILLE, ONT. Office 688 Home 553 W. F. WARD BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY Phones: Office 825 Residence 409 BOWMNI IVILLE, ONT. VETERINARY DPL W. W. SIIERWIN VETERINARY SURGEON O ffi Ce Main St- Orono Phone 63 r 7, Orono JL C. GAMNEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Automile and Liability OROIO - ONTARIO TOUR MANUFACTURERS LIFE REPRESENTATIVE will gladly assist in plaànnin-q fiiankcial security for yourself and -,Our family. DANE FOTJND Phono 8r1 ORONG Monuments The RTJTTER GRANITE COMPANY Phone 5M1 - P.O. Box 62-9 Port Hope, Ontario Monuimen.ts, 'lravemarkerr,. TED JACKSON Autioneer and Valuator Conducts Auction Sales3 of aýj iszeo -and at reaso*nabie rates Communicate with hlm at Poet Perry, Ontario, or seec hie Clerk, A. E. Morton, at Orono, for datýe. J A CK RElD Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farm andi Furniture Sales Consuit mie for terms -and dates Phione 1620 - Clanke Do You K'ý.now That, for a man age twenty-foier, The Imperial Life Assurnance Com- pany wiIl guarantee his family $5,000-00 ia event of his death prior to age sixty, for between 2% and 3 of tîtat amcuiit yeariy. And fî ho lives to age sixty, thse Company wHi pay hum the $5,)000.00. Why not consult your loc-al representative FRED LYCETT te seec what a plan Such as tMs wMl do for yen? When you are hi need «f printiuýg> cali the Tilnes office. W.I priM!t ererthinmg infine iprhiîting - Ë1*. tesihaads, Enivellopes, WdinOta- tionery, ledger fornis, ekateinelt Idais blttrprgmmes, fut, 1-

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