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Orono Weekly Times, 8 May 1947, p. 6

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~pIcs 7=us=SAASBy BARRYý wve turu the snollit on Sinclair Jr., or tobcok 100. L Te youi.ger Gorso filng the shes ofis Fuher, Gordon Sinclar as se T CFRBý, Toronto, wei, and, i be so dsrs e Higb SchIool as aStu- is co-dit ) f tbe school rites a coWumufor Ana- b News aud another week- hecn does the dily rod int in jth aganin CEhi y, youn icig ydr Is on theý 1of a, goodjprnlit Ad 0o one con argue but s Off tl a good staru eM arei outfCau Thecu addsegosaîig fc au er s s Accordiug to oetgisw on li the t dous i. lev ito n,,there w-re feer arrstsii o96fta i 45i oeofCn tbe auieie s len pai gat pat S jlýresilt-tf tbe . i crime ains gat the momend nisr ufs Onarioisaplateku lnea Jack ber if st get n we il run s s t& n exyr id forthesu( - remembe1,r, bend suld ýixhen1-1y ou oili sb'ove it wil !IC it is de :e suifs (wben ce a little pep- z like <h e.-.' 'i. mae ilk for ~jkn n~~~ailtim-'na w nkl towtr atThe GINUEt FAR a~ ~~~~u Sulusriotrnbr leave; 300ebek nIDU sx -runn empy cal in;a otr robin sItting on ther et -ertern dor on louside; a on1 bac cobwe hauig frnît the frot date n ecaleuar. Sygns that are notof sprig!A nýigh-u f or nesbet boiling lkettle;wht fosun the( roof tops ad o Iegrass; thin ice on pulddles and ater f11ows goose flesb on"I' one's prsn s n rîes in the mrnmlu]g ito ut onth fie:bare tres nd a cold windq blwn;and ,. .oh welvul, ltssk1p it - etstalk abcoutsoeig eay.Lat husdyforin istanjlce, J wainx'liited to ia specia! l meeting,1 ,f a local banh o celebýrateth FititbAnivrsryof the Wo\Vc- mens utitue n aniadaî. J was a iti dbjous as to hebe ~budgo snce I amrfot iin te )tbtoflain chicks, for any nent f timet( for thec flrst two- -weevkS. Hwxe,Prehogi heu could looý_k after e-oay IWC w"et(My bat and P) mih anI- other m-vileberforçcomnpanyjý, iwa S I rgmzea good progIrmme -pro_-ý vieand filnally therewasth anld abonldant. 1I describ, e the t ýin tha;t order bcueto m111 ay of tiknit is a1atter or co- Probably eeryone bas been At a udlunhswhere the foodý wbee te ervcewasxev por wbile youtbisted ,U forite scon cup of0tes ilat"neyer sanIe ? Or perbapa the tea arived but tJe tIn)Ik a il[Hese!,usocial affira tbeý aor cof"n f ce sloud be the irsf on sidationGý rully the lmt tird ad tirÀ, sd (nueo anici- pute louiîîli tat gonýd, bot clip of te whilî we hoe is iihe tea or I dii" Hoevr!ut 1hs es t11here wa%« uotbng llcet!hat. Everytig a a4ls-o Afjri cun i v'ilets ïin Pots-to deortetb ts able. B iEu- of neryevr omsn pesen The gu'Iest sekrchioseas lher tiete evils, of seýLf-pity ascont pard ithte flueisa of life vbc coînes fronî livnsd wrigforý (d it coujd stiueyvebeen fouind lu tlis, atiuu brandjci 'of the \\.I. 'Tlhis birtb11day celebri-ation couildni't ]bave beenn pa dif the wolu bad il)dlge lu islf-Plty lu faiCt the brsuýlilcb1, as a whle wbich tis nwa iveasud ener getic orwganization, is acu li i stnce ecuewomen durî(luilg the ýPa St fify ear, adgiven of tbe!i(ir time, thleir svork asud theciretbism Litn Icbear a trac.(tort! Tbat mneauls nuof iouir ueigbiboui s ont pýlougiuilg. Partuier must !have bea0-rd Î, ton for ie bas 50nsf i oue lie is goioig up ito the back field to, see wbat fli ad is like. Fart,- urs are ail atike.!Ltnue of thei numlber s ta rt ploughIing, seig m igOr ctigcrop, asud tIhe_ res-t canulot be bappy util tbey are at it ton. I bave Seen t happen go outen. Hiarking back te tbis crine of self-pify. I rmust coufesa I.bav ben iudutlgîng lu it qiefel wbhiýLe ypiug thiis copy. Thie cea- son ? Yesterday 1 cut my finiger on a sardine cam. Tbe cu iýs dee.p, ragged sud cight ou top nf the finger,ý Try typiig. sonne day withi a sore Ihiger aud you hill know whaf In1u. mEven wben I sort of wrap it arotînd the niext finger if gets in~ the way. And if I %cc.,*- deiily tise ifto (ýtap a key-- auch! P&ttser is ak fdom his tour J i ieH-e reports thse cemains ofa snowbank in one fence corner, hepaetcas lu anotiser andI more work everIwhre ti u e likes to con- Be#ae ut the round la de- *.JABL Press -l,--ure -_,Cz-ikng Cookng nderpiissor balbeniu makers thrc Lý Ugbu aîd.Te baxe ben ble n becCn ino se sro, to uppmirs it i a e advsutages ftiS. metodi alsn. snc he per iiie smitoh e i the ae lu tbe ne stalr prssur ce- p ,ian, dvia eady11, willng su abhle to use shevnd 1e O1t1lIq lc,,à s IIij ime is a a t (r ot grat i 2uougbbs clu a day mtoesccm pliSilte ssks thctray ! on lie sudrs Sof cthis nwmto of cookiug id otbaikbtabote ber h timespetoerthe tove 1 tb itcen, il ouled ten an also rodues foos who god fia- vour ad caour, i p lease boe faiiysudcesoebn cowrdskpIlcî ig mterviless tied faBijrbecued rCSi!parerinbsîù,.ý 2 b. prei 2 cupa canned toiftesî-d Satad epp ern 1/8 teaspoon ury powder /8tpoo ofa pprk 3 taIsof celer saivogatsp 3 tabiespoons coppsed oio 2 sallpcrot sltiny ce iteaspoon Wret tale. lsoondirctios gve 2cupa whternv eu '/ýlb.sai prk dîced or smked pork fator d 1-,,i/A taoosait Pick ver esd psouk lu wav I) te vrigt. Drain aïptm boîto1Ct o pesues fcps ithe Canada To RiseI1A-O 2,olioO Fund For11 Mrs. Walter C. Rean "ýLastfiall we pliuedto'cc) up thec reconistruiction work, of thse "Reall «ywork amouigat tbICyouthm o)fErp is Jusf getfing started. Tlisre la a tremneudous job ahead. 'The moat pressing ueed noi ta get youtb centres going throuigh- out Euïrope. This manespeciaily, building r 1epairs. 1lu.Praguie, for inista.nce, the Association basb at least been a;bie to 1n1ove bkto ifs old premises but repairsa sud decor- ations bave not yef bCeen complAefed. In Berlin a centre bas been Openied wherec younig giris nmay brng their sewing sud mndinig; this was-donef partîculanly witb tise hepi- ofa Swiss worker. The money raiserd in Catnada duinig thee ncxt nioiti or so, Mrs. Rean said, wiil be apportionied ta al the various needsarsising out of ftise reconstruction weoek of thê erd' Y.W.C.A. E~~ TAK Binrte'. i servng q 2 lb, xta;ls, cut in2-"r pec-es1- Vacup flour Il/s cups bt wate IYS cups canned tommeo 1 teaýspoon sit î 1/8 tspoon )pppe i taspoon celery sai Peeof baY 1ea 1V cups diced carrots,ý s cup copped ornlon an olpieces oïxai i lour, Saute iin the ]bta ntepsur saucepan utl wel bowedAd water, tmte n e îîg and co ne rsuefr5 minute s. Colprsresicejan aoito dretinsgîen by co'i unde1ýr preCs5ure for 5mnue mre. Six erius j .S. Army Unit HORIZONTAL 1 Depicted isC insigne of M, S. Army= Divïsion 6 Spain (a. 8, Bchiud 13 Silly 14 Early English (ab 15 Postpone 16 Baronet (ah) 17 Simpe 19 Clothamer 20 Self1 22 Zodaiaa constellation 24 Linconus1 nickuamie 1 26 Insurgent 1 28 Cog"nmns 2 30 Eler son flo Isase (Bits.)2 31 Let it Stand! 32 Great (ah.) 33 Type Co! mcoth 34 Formai public assembly 36 Chew poni 39 SpaiQh name 40 Asiatc kingdom- 42 Sheltered sîde 13 Inform-ation 18 Be! re (prefix 49 Near 51 Ceremiony 52 Syblfor tellurium 53 Pertainig le a tula 56 Mrusical note 57 More ratonal nanie 60 Bablona-n dceity 61. Eýuropeani VERTICAL 3 eahymen 4 Powerfui ex- plos iv'e-(, . 5 Him 6 Appearc 7 Persian iy 8 Paiid notice 9 Hioney nmaýker 10 Ablaze Il Symbo'c"l for ir on 12 Atternop5ï 17, M y se1f. l1 Hif-emn 21 Drivinig commi-and 22 G-ormiandizeýr Lat -Sprin1g 'Me:,r orhaihb os peut of ancry morcing nulk doca rlot'an, seeif the wav-rble of the irs blebir dos fot thril x u uwthat tbemrngan .pigo ~our lifceare as. hu you ma feel yourpus"-er On CERAINDAYS' fMnh This ine mdicin is ery effectù'e te relieve a md tired, i'- vou, irhritable feelings, of suds dadY- wheii due to female functional -monthiy' disurbuce. Tousndsrepo-rt beefi'tt I V!! f IEL'iuI'DvEGETABI £URfI.VI A, 171aicoNV811 ISSUE 19-1947 Ary iiow D; Exie Erum 29 MUkeU'S'1 amns5ePiineo 34 English r iver pest 35 Patterna 52 Greek leter 37 Subjoin 54 Symbol fr 38 Armned rbu conufl ict' 55 Registered 39 Gree-k nre a phiosoher 57 Seniior (ab,) 41 Loo'ks askanice 5-8 Diminutive 14 Either o! Edwavrd For generations Crown Brand Corn Syrup has meanVthe syrup wvith the deiîcious flavouir to homnemakers, Today the quality snd flavour of Crown Brand Corn Syrup Lî preferred by more Canadiau familles than ever before. Try it today-as a deliejous spresd on bread; toast or sconnes; on pancakes or waffles. ýMany h9sWvsprefer the distinctive flavour it gives their baking, wlien used as a Sweetener. uJTe appreciate your loyaity to Quality." CROWN SDRA-ND-CORtN Syîtqp- THE CANêADA STARCH COMPANY LTD#. M0-NTIEAI. - TORON$TO Also Mczjwfàcturers of Canadaz Corn Starc1h eug Gi

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