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Orono Weekly Times, 8 May 1947, p. 7

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Fam-ily: Don't c c r; z 1Lc Lvls sMa r rFCag e Chptr .:îIoevy sy i'rt Vrroir butiimtIIdr wao a fo en fud lidca nneAs"oon's-Doievydepr ;1 Oa i sd Rcçy rsh ot )-Liearli fort t iePri o todkanon Coryei pidred wî. a oiaas. m]idie lieaee tufs itapinfeates Sharifyn n ws.ime wav sclr A bein tbrW tbe re ilg ifig wn on te cffe abe e Rjde or Iawyr is oing te knew stgouts ponTc. Yensondhae anedyor tr t sick. Yon'rUe At w o'clocký,lie tuirned te bier' again. She surprised hlm by be(- ginning ta tlkahlmostimeaty S're bad -foutll hewig at alaî- bad some oman abc came theme te Oscec hilm, semeeoisgisdas Vernica. She denierd she vas 1the wVOMan.She dd't kaw.adn 't ÉtesliîgbiCtstidea wbo conbld bave 1een cbccignoupon ihlmi. No, bo ever ýwas watchinlg eictibad te tink týHa- Only Veronîca went Ther h ias ariyrationlal, be- ciause yvou'd tbînk the niy person ta whemi it woupld matter wonild be Veronica haerslîf. Làteýly Ithe woml- an hadn'î clceainy more ence ilic wig wbIchse ïhad fonnld. yo t ill?-" McCale akd "l've playcd withi the idea ha yen wmereonce bis ife," A scrt look heind the acr ïold iml he was righit, bunt shie sid nivÉbing. He get alp, reachling -,or blis bat on a nearychair. At de door he turned, bis dark-eyeýd faýce aIlthr POints and edges àe tbe ligbt. "Yco'rc ln a bad 5spot.", cetried te0 contraI tbe lbardness lu isi ivoice. '~d îlckthe door ifi ilwere yen" t B~~~~J-e saw, feýarbunnbrgtlbe "Is thlat Itle advice yen er1C go- cag to give m? "Yus!" esad He e canie deadiy sr¶us omec- Ilow le bad ta gel tbrougbte0 ber. -He sliped a business card fom bis walet and placed t on a ncîlarhy f able, "If yen're frihtend orjîs lat toi talk," Le said, "caIlîl se a thez iumbem on thal cardt. Yo ealyv sho1uldI taîk, yenu knew. t mca»l Mme toan yien'ctaldsefar. I know yeui're ldfinig back semec- thniO prasmtig that is da ng e rou is ta scýomeee. J, tink, youi're planning ,te sclI tlat iniýor- i~ijîi~~ !i~e~3pcmail1ma1b. lng vwith a Cold-bloodled mudeer You're ludangercMiss Lyonu. Yen She Iaugbecd odybstrcl. "Yeoi foo0l',"she screamed. "You '-..--îfink yen kniov a lot. W(-11, wbalt do yen knlow? JusI a 1lto et hnnk ttel,] yeni. Yen tink yen_011Cam scare nie imteadmlittling somltb)ing.1I(cal, jtake came oet myseif. What'reyenU trying te do? Gt ont! G;elt" The hn)tzzer sonnldcd inthe eter( office. MeICaýle Ioo)ked at bis aatcli t wvas tbrceeilu the momining 1 1e eýpened theC office dloar, looked eut into i thbal, and wodrdwbo Conîd bec lling at Otather Sharp, lefl clicks told hllm itiva a oma comýliing op the stairs. The beýad girl swatIled iin turswt acw conceaîîng 1niost cet1hem face',rs Geut eof esakel Shle sawhilm, urriedtoar ;weto a shortltigh sud ste pped i'l- îL of t br Prin a coat and be saw te black !airan Beardsley fa, fVictîr.a igeew amste-ry womian," sh said, giving1hum an amused sinile. He idnt sileback. "0f course ye o y',e probabiy been foi- iAboutmy beîg folîowed bere," she said, "hav ne tar. The police d(id't even put a man on the hanse. (jl1d uninspeachiable tamilytnfif." 4'oucan't be sr. '~Snr enouh." heshrtngged theic * He~vathedVictoria witb a bor- cd xpessonas she fingered a bako he desk, 1"It's late," be said, breaking the ilence. "Yencamne te sec me aboutsomebin It miust be Im- por'tant i f o enta caîl at this heur. i haleCu t brry yeni, prasye'l tel me wb-t tis is ail abolt."ý Shie turned abmnptly anîd camne "I antyenta do somcething for 1.ia triIdu fur you?" His voîe as urgenit and exasperated. "Wei"-~be um-bled for a phrase -"e'lprobabily have an-an op- pertunity te go throngh Curt Val- laincourts tbings, won't yeu?" Ile ]ooked np, pnrsing bis lips. WXe-e-ll." -Better net tell ber the cuph)oard vas bare. 'There issomietbng et min- that is, Cuit 1bad somne letters ta bcjlîng fte me. I thngt-" " HaLLlniigbt t ake îbcîen eut trammiundem t- eesetofthle police? l'mi atriaid w1 uîn'thave the chanceý. PBy vthis lime, the place bas been gene oýver Witb a vacunum cleaneir." "Bt hy uînt jiistbe in any omiyplace. 'm sýure he had a bidig plce lsm uweeinuthat aIpatrîmen A list-eî or-or '~l onb il Ilscelms perfttly obvoîc)tal uenha v e lready looked 1iii uvery aalbeplace," TLut, tut-Yu ntnto gave enaa. "Myyn'ecever, aren'1tye? "Lt s sywlltand. Yen iisied \aiîancouî eten? " one n 1wiîe for cocktails, vwith arý 1e1Jind. Shc was oui-,ber abon LIt forlsometingtat was minie." -"Valla Ié ur w sbanging ato -1be xbydidn't î yenjust ask tor il?-" "I dd, bt bed ony lanigb suid say\- be'd give tin l Uback wbeni ber lower lit)suîlenly. "Wbienble ,nas safely married to Veronlica Bfige-low, l'Il wager," -Y'C - r c qite the Sbherlock, aren't yeni, iiter -isteni, can 1 or can I net buivy enr services? I1 want thslettersDo get tbem? stared hilm lu the fae blla iperýib itenisity iluber eves. Fo r ai moment, McCaie gazed dcIeply iiic bler icieulýittle seuIl. "Net tram me." His voie iws as cold as sel fi me d awa((lý%Vy tram bler wtb a brmsquenecss initended te convey ýbat he wavs bogwihterite initçryi.îw, niil aible al nlice girl tyino he(rseIf IIin knts feas tat pîlnmp g ir l vmwyilav bis shotq for Whait ap * These a!rebe ersfrgotms * -o dlancing', patiesmoviesan ý' ports dalztin1g fîrst onet lad anýd * thn anteranid takîng ber ownC * te if v1ic1Iî, II ,,n an * 'an1dsý. No wonder shes"ie * pa wida nd oes'tknlow *weeto trn"HerfniiC ~ al plibedupanld Laitîjin o * erderte.A ice youniIg chap * wit a ood jobi, !Io bsIl!l the 1 ir oesnI't love bim.II *LOTS 0F TIME Wihy doesn't she love hmAht, thaýet's the secret.. Another lad is eýn.shrined in ber heart, one who's2 beemý away, anyd whomi she hazsn't seen for a long, long time, 511e doesn't even kinow that he returns her love, but thiere is a sn-sal hope smouldering within lier, and un.til that is ectinguisýhed shec cannot persuade herseif to vfew aýny otber maie as hiusband material, Yet s;he confesses she is afraid ,0 dismiss the main ber fanily a-pproves, "for fear I won't find anyone else!" A generation oyr so ago, ifa girl reached the agc of 25 with- oiît being mrarried ber fate wa's seaqled. The custom o f marrying early stilîl exisîs ilu many famnilies, C.N.E. BLLE TIN Bride's Budget Will Win $100 Are yoiito 1be!a biet-e If so 2ter'sa ride[,'s Budget Cotes,,t sosrdby the av dlian NationailEhitints year. The xvnnr ill nt$0 cahprize mny Prospct!iv'e br ides enter 1 îng ttie bud(get cmptiio ay oban nry frmsbywritînig Exhlibition edqatesat thec C.NE. roudsToronto. Ail entries must sL tate tb. brie-lec'sfive mies for biiy marige osts of ail tos sea i temns sbould be isted on the Wedding budiget, as well a- teCest f linien anld the amounlt the bridle-to-be epects lber pa- rtt spenid onthe weddîing. Juidgeýs for thle Ibrid's cme tition will be( a gronip of 1appily m-iarried wme.Kate Aitken, Djirector co sumnsAtiiis tOnsout htarneet ba<ve naw been 1madý2eofrsiia gaqrmjents ndcaedin the prize- -,vinnlïing bde ebe displa1yed for a11l C.N.E. visiters ta) see. Brighî yonn1Ig ladies of today are crefllte mke p thir edigbuldget in lac n yfil~n ~00(or be(r weddinig plan thiesyer Uc sp'foke qgîetîy. "l'ni sarrV.j -Ali rigLI, xisb yvo'd take My Word forit do'bee tat there -are noueetfyonr letters yetres at the V ýallainconmt apaPrtmeneli. No net a wall letters etf any kind, in tact." la the wbeîOI 1She eycd him narrowly. 'You've "The polie been 'here already." Î'l badly He nedded. btr hy "Tbanks, bult I den't believe yen." Te hM~ SoM be went on xxearily, ceme,1Bt I asur .noting there Tbre' ;afe or asldn pae 0 Be ontinnued cikes You Feell uck Better The Vfammn Bi Tonc îoss ot sleep, nervous indigestion, irritabilily, anaemia, ChrOenie' ftigue, and exhaustion leth nervous system. O î. Ec nomy siz e, 1.5 60aCse'ev j Mped.I a daýughterrels she is praýcticalIy an o2utcast, discour- aged iu auy career that 1mnay apr- peal, and treateCd as a disloyal mreberIo refýuses to accomp- 3ii lier main pu:rpoCse ini f e! it takes situhborui courage and adeep failli in on*s self to figlit the whole famrily Padstli keep, its good wVill.Soaniethin1g tells me this girl bas both, and that she wil eeP Qol uurigiing ber hope ,ýthat thenai» she rmm bers wîiî soon retuiru, and wt love in hiý, heart. To "Diana": om of the haýp- piest w,,ives I kniow did flot mnarxy ntltheýy were 3.Dou't let your famnily get you down. Let ,ilis 'boy know he hias no chanice, with youL, but keep him asa fredif lie and your peoplei- sist. M,,eanwhile, strîke rout eon your owvn, study and rmake some- tingtý of yourse1f, and let the question of marriage wait-. 0owCal B-y Aune Ashley A.Use qal 51parts Cet raw lin- suerdail andtrptie Pour inton a bott1ciend .shake, Put a littie etf the oui on r1 cheelt, mb ever 111e ntir suraceanid poýiiSl1 it goilnbwn A. Tbe fat C0f bacon sbld bel drind mqntly se )tha-t thba ),t- omfet tepan jis onIy- velga- ed. Reoefrom thian wtîeinth bcnis ight gldenbrown anid uvenîycisp). Q. ow canI rmoeln tae il eain fora t ew nts nd then r iins,Do net appfIY ta finishl- cdwood 1or frntre s Ibis kre maves the1cvarnisb.1 Q., How can Iii',elan;l iedvl A. caea ialqtsanttity e Fme-nCbch calk ever thie soiled sots aPnd tenbrnsh w -1-îtih astiff buh Ail dirt wlli be rcoved w 01b e Sunay The Struggle Ag,:ainst alm Go1 nTxt- rmeT od ta t hn at tbe ord Gdcan !tatthu1 stt urnedt thLeirlbeart Ail throtgh the Od Tesamen to Wood andstone, in i.-i wbichman aredte saytht e was made nth maean(ikns of God Wbreermelbd hiccncp towLardom iehin-'etet -D trsitiswtbab agnand bisgreesqteand iglbecse orsbipLa 'n. L , hool The Lord reminded Elijab Cin.i ef Baal, tbe sun god tbat tberiý ineto Baai, bywcre he11](' daw t tage onigbt !ta bave ke(pt thm tru? For pmecisite sime re-ason thiat pepetumt Taisegods andtas waystody-tb un etilat r- rite bd licetionsani mraiyde are dfferet, bn tbe aliremet sam. vey aily pe, sils news M oiuns reflec, tbe moil, tieee als bow' pagan ',1-cllc tilis ina that si ol uld- Recipe Price Last CÔctober it a, pounld. Toja<y ponn3d, w ii 33prcent ;in a prîce ruse o: no~tbs. w O L LPTDN'SBRISK-TASTING TEA GIVES YOU TI4AT * Ves it'srealîy exhuilarating-thatde ligh-tfi lLAvolt-LIFT YoU gel With Lpe' Tea. It's a grand comnbinatio-c of ih full-bodied tea flavr. ,.,plus a lift that just makes you féel good al ever. And onty Lîpton's Tea giVeS yOU this LAVý-ORý- LuT... because it's ili1e lead that maikes Lipton's and the blend îs Liptonb's own secret! Try Liptornes! See whab a d- liciauis, bris-tastîng tea il is. .. hat o sitinlating lift if gives you! Ask Cor Lipton', te With te l4VO-LFT a aor grocer's td

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