o 0 ON 0, 0O. ONT.. O)rono hiardbali lieai on Thursdny P-ýEvening of last -we ek dfatdthe -KXendal teain hy,,a.score of -18 Vo 8. Th3is ir as the irst hardball ga"ine -paedlera for' somec years andm er !y tire hundr-ed spectators were on hýan-d toevtus the revival of bard- aiinOrono). Caran ornsh started on the niudFor the homne teain, holdinig teKendlal players Wail lu chIecký for b rfirst thrcee iunings in whieh lowdonIy oua nbit, that to Roy Gass in the third inn.1ings. Oly tan] bat'ters faced hlmi- in' the thra ini-, rings, three àn the first three in the se-cond sud four in the thirdi. Elmr Elliott mas on the mnound for Ken- 3a0, when eight Orono battes facedt hmin the first innîings;,, scoring fouri runs by F. Lycett, R. Gilbert, VT. aoprcan E. Middletoni, givinig up, five bits, on-,aabggr and o)ne walk.j' luth(, second!inninigs the Oi-rno bat-i tara m eiat out in order, whila lu the tidtbey scorad four mrore mshy 11- Cilbart, Bunl Fa ga-nE. MiddIleton ý.nd Junior Wast lu this, innýings Oro'no secu2red three bits', ona a tio-1 bagger,-hile onae atarBun Fagn w-sht hy a pitched llwho laterJ tha ,1 frt of the fourth iKendal,1 ed tio uns-,*han iCornial renced to lose coutr'o'l ising aks t te first twýo onhttars, oux~~~~~~ ad any wh fnal dtbiough no hits maere gîvn p ising, errors paved the wayv ,st hiaîf of the 4'èurth m--ith six by Lyca-Ptt, Gilart, V. Coper Control 0f Late Bight 0f Tomatees ln.Ontario Owing to the erou outbreak Of La,-te Bligh:!t of Toanatoas in 1946, it is recomendd tat growers protect tbe plants' dui the sec-clheds hy spray- ing. or, hy dust: 'ing, and aiso ha pre- parad to spray or dust in the field. SeePd Bed Spray or cdust, depending on equip- menýt aalal,--th a fxdcopper. For spaiguse such monsas Coppe - A Compund, Cuprocide, COCSBasiîCop or TÏ'îcop (Tri-, 'bc copper sýuiphate). tFor dusting' -use such cuponsas CO.S.îo 'Be sure the plaents are thoi-oughly covered1, iuýcludîing the undmersides of th1-e bavas. Sprayin i s more effec- tive. If a hig.h resua prye l used, do not briiug éMie spray nozzle doser thian four feet to theplns Apply the first spray or-, dust whrbe the flrst truec leaves are 1alfomd lu txasln i la ona hefore thel, 1fir-st true leaves are well frcei e- liay tha fil st alictu fraou n weekafrtrnpatig Repentappiaiosaey o1 days. The lest aplcain holdh made 3 or CL' -dayvs 1before cplauting ini the fed Field Tt is rcmmeddtlat-ail toma - toes hab planýted in rows 06 feet npar~t with the -plants 2.L1feet apart ilu thel ru ws Ti s viii greatly facilitate1 Girls' Softball Game, Or< Hardball Team Wins Opeiungý Federation 0l f Agric Game On Own Diamnond an, ~r -r,, -Art-M ereesp s;Ca.Ke sUd 2h); 11 d p); John TI ail, 1f; Bill D rl ,>lke d " ý LataPýç Bfight mséy ha coiltroflied ilu a. sngla Vth I e flld y apra ing or by dusVîg-; roux mth a Pailgis rmore effective. lise thec tthan toop ëfxed coppers inidicatLed abOya for u'se for Orono1. in t'ira eebd ýcingz Gillbart T'O be effeciive tha' eSpraing or stedMich dusting nst bhaclone i nbawa i-aýo. Rnsas tothorougly cover nuailaove- ZUton case s, grund lparts of the plants, inchUdrIgý and ElINStV. hthsides of ,hc leaVes, 'tii the O1rono Apl Mîefrst spray or cbist amben Uns e oar tie isea-se is firat repor ted in thie Ironld duIties (i St," iri c Contjjiuaapp'lications at 7 whole Ooo a10 day intrvnls, espeiallydu Î- Bun Fag1an peiosof cool, met 'eather. ut J. as forolo-gJdpriods of ht, dry 'wea- -Iibttng for ther retard the spraadî of the disease singed aiso a nd heunce thie intervals btireen ap- beiug isuied lication1s Imay Tha l eugthen'ed. Ar- scored by rap»geets are bing -adA to infr and R. 104C- groars miieu tohegn srayor dust le sj X t h Roy pliaios Art e er Nota,: Be- sure to dlestroy ailpat dia Courouxý not used in the field hcueVe ha S. Knnuyi Elliot bit muay ha a source of the dîseasa 1o ls Plans suspectad of heing dSae raiig the an'd requests fori thr info-mtio gamie m-ing slrould ha sent to Dapart-meni t of Boýta-ny, O.A.C., of -, 3h Eddie Guelph, Ont, or- Doni. Lat). of Pllantc nuy, C~~ El- Pathoogy, St.CtaieOto ward uan-to D)o, Lah). of Plant Pathology, o ýom-p>son l'h: HFarrow, Ont.1 aringtou cf; Lycett, Vance Elmar Dean Gar- ,orono ---- 4 O4 Keual -0 0 0~ Umpie'-iyal A. E. West, -hases. s who haIve beaui unable to seediug -owing t'o vmet mes- acdvised by the Crop. Sed ,ds Braneh of the Ontario ut of Ag-riculture to giv ion at th s timue Vo so0mi ng of their aeCrea,-e Vo a mx barley. 'Over a six year the Ontario Arclua NIr M.N!cead pints out, a of O.AC .2M hlyand ats yialdad -2,363 ýpoundîs par a mixture of OA.C-. 21ba-,, E tIhanr oa ts yielded 2,3 r acre. Nobaib barley sud its niixed togather yile ýnds par acre. The recoin- -ae of seed for- these mfI- approxÏmately '50 pounds ofs pounids par acre. abi cara particularly recoin- 6 4 x-1 17,8 26 0- 2 regard to -yield of grain suld quality of feed for llivestocli as beau poves.i Howvever. 1V must ha empbasized that these rasuits mare dbaiedonY hy thle u'se of the poe propor-tio-nsý of varlous grains and not by baphazard niixing. Each grain should41ha growni separately and mixad each year. Ifi the seed on baud is mxeit is sug-1 gested that, the facilities; of thenar est seed cleauiug plant ha utilzad toi saparate the mixture. After the s'eparatiou bas beau made, the grains maf aN-era-mixed in their propar pro-l portions. Every hushal of homne-gron grain unieh e aproduced tAnsyear Wl! he roquirad, therefore it is suggested that a chance ha taken in sýowing the ahoa-eutoud eedl mixtures dur - iug the uext tiro meeakýs, iseed, sou sud weathar conditions are deal, goed yelsshould bha obtainud wtonville vs C. J. Hughson C Hundredth BD talio The Durham CountyFdeaio-o Arculur et at the 'home of 'Mr. and 111 Ml"s. ChaiS. Os one, suthao Courti_'ce, on Thursday, JutieSh, iri î reula-r imeeting. There wýera wny There was great ,intest shown in the coming -picnic w1hich willebéheld on. Saturday, June 2l1st, in Orono Park.. Plans wr made forsor, soi, testing and] fariu, planning ex- hiiand it was annouinced that M-. 3artin, of the lVassey4liaris firm would be on h1and to szpeak. After hearing reports on the sacv- eralprjcs the follow,ýin)g decisions aere made. That wa.coninu our interest and fimancial aid ini bahaif ofth Hospi- talization schame. Tha1t copies of the nwpapar !ha maqilad- to ail rurzal peopfle in the, That the Fedaration show- its ià- teiest in thle formatsion off a County Co-.op.. and sponsor a genera mneeting in the -County when desiralae. T1hat a peÉtîi be plannied aind passed1 aroundl at our pei for sig- natu"reý, igfor the ontnuaceof T. B3. testing for cattie. That Mr. Linitonbha asked te con- tinue the practicae of cnutn par- ties through the Forestryhb- truck on thaerno of the picnic. That if pmosile a f ootball game between Courtic auad Orono ha play- ed during the afte noon of the picnic That the usual sportsý for hide ba conducted. It was also decided that tHerg- lar mreetings for July and AUuust îbeF called off; and thattthe ieegnuarmet iNg on Sepehr 4thhaeheld at the hcome of PM1r. and Mrsý. RselWite Clarke Townehiîp Councl ClankLe TwshpCouincil met con ing, in ithe Cu Cl hamb e r. Tli& mntsof the prev omeeting wr r eWa ad on ml-otion a1pproved( as rend. A latter from tha(C.N.ÇR. re thae carrying capacity ofdthe bridge lie- twéen L ots 8, and, 9, Bricanei Front, was rend and thea Clar.k was -ask ed to repý1)ly 1that tha a nsblt of ini- creasinig the strength oüf this bridge wïas notthrs Thau question of the NeWtonvillaÏ Monuent as aid over for, furiber consideration. C. Glenney and E. Barchard ap peared before the Council asing that a itch ha improved. This mat- ter was referrad to thle Road Super- intendant. The condition of the, Town Hall iras again hrought to tSa attention of the Counjcil, and th11e Reea2 n Claerk appointed aiomttato sea wýhat acto old 'ha týa ken ime- diately. A latter from J. B. Bantiay re wead1 controli was ordared filed. Mr Goswot1 adr, sd the !ouncil r culet W;m. Riddacll d rsedthe con - e the establish- menrt of a d1ump, s;howinýg the noces- sity- of su1ch a plance and requesting the council topuc0 sesa-ma The mactter of a suppamsetal.y l1air for furýthier expeuse on r oads( wa:s left ln tha bauds ýoU fite Rae Moad Superintandeut and the Clark irb1o aré to cnul Mr."Na r Sdce-n, M9unicipal Enginear, ThU fohlig resoutions w"e passed 1369: Agreeing to accept tue offari of the Departuient of Hiagiwnye S o PS70: continuing the PuhbicILia- litmy Insrance. withi J, C. Gamey. 1371, Continuing Y C. .AWre n Tax Collector up toaJuy Sti Thefllwigbulis were ordered paid : lr.E. J. Raudil, R vs F_. 32.00 After care for 'June------10.00 J. ..Mellor, sahilary nd mi- dentals- -----------44 Couints T 'reasurer, hos-pital-. ization-----------96 Ont, Provincýýial Trf;esu-rer-:ý_ Carl Paynle, sheep kilildand damnaged lby dogs.s---------2M M,ýax Stapletonà, 2 sheep k1,illedà hy dogs ------------0.00 Clarenca J. Ailin,3trp as -va1luer-----------...- ----- ---- 9.0 0 Oshawva City Treasurar, re lief----------- --------------61 Orono Weekly Tinies ------ --45 Orono HydroC omissio, estimilatePd -ed tVurued e betireen thlen again onea a dIollar into the1 bing the average 1V Consa agrast mn a lhardb ai catcher, gloves foi bats alnd Ihallsý, n a sum at tire pr, Theincuonthiis -c travelling expens, gaies, asothei At an average of home gaine the ould ca SO Wa vould take a Van fin~e some s heme money Vo coverî asoiainwould Nom, if everyow gaines lu the futu aiud tbiuk of the a belIl enin of t a quart"r io ta a nickel, than Mm and wiud up tMe dabt over thair he bail gaine is morL '0 me louve it up bard Ailtogivs gaine is morth to tii i in~ de this d For Late Sowing Are Recommendedý Vol. 11 ý No. 21