Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Orono Weekly Times, 12 Jun 1947, p. 3

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AGENýTS VWAýNTIED fotaleyerl ieoeJohn R. Cireasy flvorig xtat, ïpack-ag il drt*g, soapa. rootonfor lthoee who cen uualfy for oe -~~ a odite exclusive resydeaershîpawhchare nlow aalbe This is a pleasant. rfial anld woen Wite todaY for fullprtclas giiga fe dtali aot; John ('ô Cres 11Conlay, - 15à26 W. ondý'as 1t. es.Toronto 3, Onario., MUR. WOOL GROWER Weoperate a Goverumen Lcese Wool Wýarebouse aud are prepared 0 iandie 'your woill elihr direct or through our colleectors. 1o1coMppY ail Or Part Of purwnoolcredit sgans banetpurehases, We do1 not bondIe used oollens ifor customs rk THJE STRATHROY WOOLLEN MILLS LIMI1TED Strathiroy, Ontario dEUe ourC w bos. rie-frïfeefo~r prangasuccessft ni bus'tniese 0f your oo Srin luioli o pr iosthm.No persnl UlI 0îln itl r olnvetmient ce- cluired. Send fr rYour eopïY tda National BuýLsiness Entierprisee. 471 Coîbourne S t.. 1,lodo;n. 0Ot. 1lim-. le xp, ruer ,,iI ri,vesîmtent q ecessary, Se'ld, onW $ 100 loday forcom- A. G Hery,10118 îaio Ae S 6 cinialilants. Wor 1,upto 05.12 On Hn 6rd7fBos tre.Weeaoigwî B BAB HIR STARTED CHICXS 0Duc prîtes for !Baby Clieat tneiCih will su rpri se pou, Ail 'COuis Iroins loE testti sock. Caneon tstcr , Ir'alau prsî its On ,' oj" 9c XTCHupdwith th-ese CIC tatti ic, lWis, ocsu,ý Y iQ,iRcs. Whle Lebn . a tew Hc.apebie, AIile e horu X arret -ok.AeimpbîelcX Whîîe T,7Lebotua. 1u7traWltltc. Ligh Suese1 X Banedi ck weksp te aia. wedl CieIlelheie Liion toti, Fergus.Onlarîo. Sc HRTNDALE CHICKSA li T{URONDLETPLETS 9 17.9 eilsBee tis anti Lezv gh.1.,J oclie4 A acEttui st. 1a ý -17. Ivc Breeti Conkercîs C000 BREDES ot eect6oýc, a c eti b igvpdiretiboda Xie sock 3IIanx cstess e port w-1'. noiter u suces. "e lChieke I Rie Bti. SARED ECHICKS ANC hi ULju LETa t Sc ý atsarti94r~Sr Roo -KNewsud ENCLOS 1,at1tpýe teI 4,cempe. Oc. ail,]other heIv, Huro. ndleCh ckHachery,1 Tave sone s r i chie,2-3wees 0ad. wite, LAKEIEW 19K 9D pour opportu l.(lege)b(, hgh altystc etIes esnabPlices. Pmuure oe.S - Ilerne , Rclais, es Nw lapa Leghoens. arge Type hte aleghsmxt $1200 er 1 il".ss read m deti 00 e Lakeview PULLETS 20c Wmiei einka. Tw etwer. oltiaitic. T -RE t'ili ie1 otwedeCece Tfhe Jure ciet ehoulti beamoes îske i!, er. Toue fectI bille -ivIli1'be lwer svit!, yo.Tbt m if pumat sr our eik noms fomfi-n ..elly ieos t sroit clmeat apseval on Tw.eIttdsOlîit for fIc res Inday ol11, lw', antithee-1, ee-U nid Al-ople Ignieek eîpta et e Agrcolurl Iseticdes sray, Ollwders, C~.LFN0 il nvîîd. oN , aainIlue î2îetî no prdîtinaEletri - o peCar Seni oc llîsiatd ,fldr.ûato m- a-i Linîted.104 pera St. Ottva in FAT ELIN Ol Brer leti Boe Also pîîiubîn fiture avalabe. itîorma-1 sud6 fot 00 JakeFast Oye sewn SOti comuuip r hme ip lyla 'a goodj ailuti Sendt Trri amui faimîing istictin tATi l, I. Pis e Lr N . 6ito, sîso ste- l anii 1'. 1p-nrîC l u a ceb Ine s F r pr iiculars Wr it e r Cbapaa.Mt ll ox 2. GASO INE PWER NIT La hev dt"0uM batipwe ak It val ablentrme soc. Wite Ata , Pele mC etet o tr. a"e. V 1 men T atiaeSbelsp1cn u im n t for A. C.' lr iîi. orrae Ot.i U VY SIliTrY bts vagon, lseui xo ciclrGeryJob ie . Itooni 505 Plza d a.. Olqtawa. Ont. al tjlp e On etel or 'ubbe ornuer te teianr î. 1.Fleing& Ot . tehen.Dstiuo TIRES AND )TRE S-$OPo tisg. D ale Want e lp Tr u ,,or î C.. 70 Quen w s, Toronto. an 'VatG, ass, 'lirs. Lusrlis. 1Eileyi frc CmitîI, lris.d[tis sd tae a nt [tsIc ostinge. Ec. Deef rs wa eti Weor ,Waro Ocase&0a Liitei. Troo o r Longbeaîky ool $ 0 udrti 140 SOE EQUIPMEN Tiatc ii. 'lnîoîig0!, s. scei le ts $27 re Be ewF001 Ce.LtOîtd. 19 UtorW .Ii -un,ý tl OLTIRES i1se arel eaolei a h seeltt50 Tires. F, l-CO TIRE orrer 1uecuSTi M T G OI LES R ForSome' Cttge. ermSbolat Cap.1 ' ib uei K-îo wîaîtraun YOR SALE serer SI., OtwOt 2.1' WOD Panes, lutraWood SI- 414" asusril. Portabe sm lfpo ieed onue write: Gioff!in Ouaci P.O ox 75.Tor-.111 n01t. -EAN Hirirssnate r.1so Iformatonrouetregard-.guce Robrtsn'sHartiesaneAcademiy, 1,7 nue Roati, Tornt REGISTERE D NURSES, W AIDES For' geneat ulin C1bdsmaatie ceatiV slsr, lusful minenace we k,4 we' vctooît s, at ~2, 4,& 6 Week Old Pullets As sxOchicles3 sud ce ees Alralseti lu brniuwarcniiuDybrder plant onider Ideat1 cond iti ons. Setifr Weekly Speclal List0 attori hlck Lakevlew Ploultry Farm. xteontario, Of Importod IBathroomà Outfits FIRST QUALITY BATHROOM OUTFITS ÇOMPLETE SConsisting of: TUB1:515 recess. Cast Iron porcelain with cýhrome fittings. Shower andi ShowevPold, Ti LET: Two-piece sitreous china s,itk ea and coi er. B iASIN: Vilreous or cast iron. chrome centre, ater , spoly sud ifitngs, coinleteý. Al VAILABLE ln lots ion"euete ten ouIlle (C-niece unit$) or Tubs sud -Bainsg (wHi SINOULE unit inqttirie>, %dllbcb audled througb a rliablo dealer' in pouir district. Wvriote e HJ.PARR & COMPANY tIàperturs - Whoîesale Distributors P..Box 694, London, Ont. ARM Srpls:Steel boxes. mateecellent tt-i 1- Iiz.5e:, 211/2lb. x 9k/ l5 pknyLimied, rocliville. Ont. ATTENTION IrARMERS ForSALç;'iI;-Tractor Tires, matis of rlsbbpr, stbefor bollig on stel weeu. 1600, eseh, rr whv'ýeels: 61.60each, front whiesls. Wbe oreris sat dinseeranI width of shfre Av.Toot.O. rILwFODS. genuine ici Iate. ou ,Uds. hneOre tm okt.zs BÏer eloin 4400deivereti. llney refunde READth-Eeyufee ftsuac Pain ori Neuritîsshonîtilyp ix rtHe- cdv. Monro Drug Stot, !u",io Otaa Posîpait Si. 00 Y-O-U-R S-K-I- hp uile, Ie h1 lalsorenal',n sou, ma"(il 1Oe llarMfrIthe Ieierus t 01 1x 1 4, Termilrin l A, JTi rv sud reuîandc rimentwhenBreeato ee. VAT ER T ISN<6 PAi-OPTHE,, te ever bueCompansy l luen, tios nt f11 nfr 1tin9euIl Kiregs Thsi f7iBaniSteetoOlag FET1ERSTNALH & oesa atnii 11e9le 31,k11ol Iforatin o reiur D u e b a î n .Int a r i. PTRMPT MAIL TSERVICE A'MT TOERPRICE Dau'l rie'l-,ou"dflms. Senti thrm 1tm DES EOPE!> anil lI'LJ",10, Reprhinas lîm oritg1xe e Sports - And One Th--ig or Another By FRAlN ANN HARRIS ("A Sixbilt Critic") OneC, of these days, if-We-c pr et round to it, un are goîug tlaWrie a ~'thrilhing murIiider Storyý. *Rilîow s. WCcn otlyve yott the Cplotu ~ nuthell-vhîchmightbc h mî Sapproprialte containeri, at ta.Ay walt starts offeyiîhtis husbanid ïi asid wife goiug to Thorocliffe îRa-ce rcktoether. His a deep Su- t. dent, Who sitsup aul nioit orkinwg is adcpgfgrs oto1 splaces of decimrals; while sde kows 'a, so uti[le of horses iltIshe th iulks a qure-cakis a guy vhlu!Cals!ý Su te-,t-Iloki regarding baud bets t DICK, wli bows voiî fiihe ii duces a $2 fias WýoB melýrrily-sic gSvilin Di suces ithat bis Ps a ting cali- e $1 has -eye s 'a/'s aud the Raghtlv d-is-' betsy f 'rmiapainig mioing brok,-. et' and shoot's ber pltmb though thei slf tat there's eohîgîoembu thist/tit thctu sort 01 thing that cround AUi you licar t/te b/g court- wholias been Iýcarftlf P/ on/ /îrs-plyeri-on tf!.e Jury..ftates tu ipefacts cof /tlie case; qaîtdthLt cide-." T/ie ta/ îdstilits Jd him.ief a placeLpar/nyCAdiex- presing egrt lt h l qie u itgive Mehe subàn e eda lad w Wîk tft/e; w/Il <lie SHE Ir IAD fIT COMI GC * * e tý CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING on Stace Gootjî, o - Made ei il mlust bc mli * - WANTEDAi kýd o psrces1-lo p bledsý. oehC e-'ultny Deut . 21Danfi, ihA (%bes do, rosIons ret àilgi. din,21) or 22"ctndr i Iciret. na 'dt Nro, lt $ Vhfo rerl liard on but if tl dufl't sBjý îng.' WITI 08 ISSUE MUTT AND JEFF--Hot Do-! -r'o MaVýEj -ri-IL LAJN 16E TS-I/ )nions By BUD FISHER , . t 0 i , Doubtfrul Eargan joncs: 'J1lstar syo uPbotig chea theother d ay. How, au, ,! gettrg on a Wjt i? Smih: "ia î1il Wfe1iW, Wad àtisto lut avea.agsi WIIAT A BEK Ifhe same upr vel l "louse coffe M Mn eaImr the Sul- Vacuumî? Tin (Drip Regular Grîid) or Giassine-ined Bag PurposeGrinid). SAPErs È prstee4yeîsr BOOKS anîd C, iroxI5 â-- II R ad~j HI)VS BE A HAIDRESSEIR, lOINCANDASLEAIDINO SCII1OOL Great Oprtuinlly Learo Itaildessing pleasan t dignllqed ;profess,in, goot ags thousand , successfu!. Marvel grdata 0lgue free. Write or Cal IAPITEL H RDESN & 4 Idau2tee. lt, qA I I101 7sytlnïg tessiLs Ieor or-leae lng?ý 'Write te ss fr Ifor mao.W aI e ladti leanswer yeur Quest-ions. Depertemst 'a. ar teýrs Dye Warks jLimiteti. 791 Toage Steet, ootOtre DiXO'S Rined-ForNeui,Isud Ithen- Ding tore 215Elgîn. ,Ottawa otat 1 TO ESE hat orcble aincaused b'y arth- ril se'uaLnme'. arehtl K12,PO Box114 Saîint.1ohn, N.B.

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