ýTION SALE Wodn Roiur; igned bas received iazge size,flW T uctfjins from new; Iternatxonal OLLIE DUT'KA nw 4-sectionHa puiblic atuCt*ionat Mwr e;Kiîc .ý -10, Clanke Towship nar ewý; Cocksbi ith of Ponitypool and nearfIy iniewvv; M Co0r [le west>ý, onPeter HritnSvee JUN 16 197 MHH.scufle; Cock Horses ooden VWheel Wag cm o0!Cyides, 8 anu 10 fewseparator and on Mare, 3 years oId; il n Mare, 8 yeýars oldTE S Cattie Sale at 1.0 ' ,a rn Co w, 3 y e ars old, Jack1 G rey Durham Cow, 4 nt foot; 1 Grey Dur- strong, neaýs lu goo ootetnw e held 1 .Tnnp Cm ReIl. ,] -w11 have Special ijok-WIAVWBEP.RY FESTIVAL Re-The W. A, of Park St. Uýnited ~ra-Church are planning to hold a Strawý- berrv ýsivl n the ne2ar f utu re. jDate to be announced ntr One-"r. SALE REGISTERS MJaek, Reid hais reeýeiveýd inr,- structions frorn Mr. Wesley Browvn and Soný to se-lU by public auction at - di 6 anid 7, Goncessioni 4, an 1lTownrsliiip, on Wednuesday, June 18th, Arn- bis boises, cattie, swine, ponitry, har- ion at nes, uaehinery, also the fanm, con- sisting of 200 acres (more or s) "wls.ubject to a reserve hid. choolJack Reid, Auctioneer. P rli Te ndrsgndhao., eelved lin- h01 str-uctions from MArs. WmV11. S tutt, fýýrrne church J St.South, Oronoi , t s by luni- pblic aýuctiOn On Satur1day, Ju1ne 21, 7,8' herý hoLiseholl effeets. Sale to be sb' -1O0 leld at the fair groundis. Termis Cashl. r. Jack Reid, Auction-eeýr, NOTICE I 't' a and woo4 over 1 n any St or wove: 5per cor vrius anr to abov, ýy, but r )ile fabri( yarns ai nd skinsf type ore, ýor use as s cf al uthetic 1 SPAPER d building 1jPIe s'nd ýuracel undwood ached sul, d for ther newspr nt per. IES ANDF .S pac donvce re sale :5, whel abrie a esc lks. nerai merch asehold goodi rigapparel; ýiuding rental &d aniciilary s processîng ciý -age plants. Le, suppiyingo epîng accomr comnbined ec; Cfli supplied b, o his employeu ough a serva by a hiotelà ýard Order No ic packing or j yr other manufi ns in -respect ý bject to maxi- Commission bI eatîng âtl - ladhes- 1 .2 inches in tte, whether I n,. containing nt by weighit I threads re- e, including ot inciuding cs.I -d fabrics. I flom ailnimais di.inarily pro- sa leather. I kind, other eathers. ýept ades, lescofbieatch- I candurii-. phite grades manufacture ýt r han-ging Lkaging and ýeSof atypDe Cor ipment j en made from I and inciuding 9 elopes, foid- of goods and td therewith. ry storage of handise and is other than ýcold storage, I ai of ioc-kers services such harges in coiçi of m-eais witii nodations fori harge, exceptI y ani employ- ces, directiy ,or ant or agent,I as defined in of any goods immprices, j .on 'a custom Ii basis. ased bagging I e r al, Classified KENDAL S. S. tNNIVE"S-ARiV will be heLld on Sunday, June lSth, at 11.0 0 a.rm. àan d 7.30 pm. Thie Rev. H,1. S. Cohib, of Ohwa will be at il-oth services. Musie by the Sunday School OCboir î.inte niorning, and AI- lin'Cs Quartlette from- Newcastle in the even.iing. On Th-ursda,-y, June 19 an Tee Cream Festival wil be ýheld (hoie-adeice crea.m). 'Mr. C. R. Carveth will show pictures after the sýupper, Children of Sunday School free; Aduits, 50c.; Children, 25c. TAKE NOTICE After Thqjursday, Alay 29th, 19417, 1 will not be responsible for anly deÊbta Contrac-ted by Mny Wife or fani- ROI' STACEY, C-21-p. WANT-ED AM1typ o f Live Poutry aud FoaVhIerS. Top prico-s paid. M. Flett, Bethamy, R. R. 1, Phono 7î r '13. 30-P, FOR SA1LE Solld OUI, Kitchen Ca inei frt clau ondtin.A. E. ý 3Mrtoii, phone 14 ýr M, Oroino. C-21-p. FOR SALE FluyBsol Sprin ,g-Tooýth ýScuf- fiers at $90Otaco tif-ot cf fiers with Hillers, Otaco Road Maste-r ýTraiter W,.ogan at $137.00, Wagoni Wiheel Set s, Autotrae Attachments andil repairs, Cow Bo-wls anpipig reconditionied Massey CultiVat0,or Wag, onris, etce. Phonre C a r1 T o dd, Im - 1 plement Dealer, Clarkce 15-20 c e-22-p. FOR SALE Nui- C crne.-nttiue forns. Ap-l piy to George Fonhbes, R R..No. 2, ýOrono, P'hono(- 57 r 16. c-22-C, TENDERS WANTED Trenders -wiII ýbe received for the pucaeof the hiay crop oni the Pair Grounds at O)rono. Hay to be remor- ed and grounda ileft cdean. Appîy to the Secretary Agriceultural Soc'ety, Bray ratchery has, Chnicks for -1im)- mediate delivery-pi lets, non-sexed and cockerels. !Also some started, mosît varieties. We sU1ggest you coni- tact -us soon. And if you wnnt Au- ustche, they shouid be ordered row too. Ask us for price-s. Agent, Jac"k ~ HdaOronlo. Two yo-É g cws, mïlking, Apply CThe Beatiful POR""lT HOPE Wed., Thur., June 11-12 Janet Aines",' Wtýith Rlosaliind Russeil and e,,lvyn Dougla 101NiGHiTs" (COLOR) Sonat 8.25 OniyV Fi., Sat., June 13-14 "UNDERCO VERMAIE "FOR THE LOV E Of' RUSTY" W'ith Ted 'Donaidsont Mon., Tues., Jun1-e 16-17 'The Outlaw' i Staitiinîg Janle Ruseli Wed., Thur., June 18-19 "THE PERFECT MARRIAGE" -TME LOCKET" ,ý4T EXpT 40 Radio Service! poedata on aU makces, Lnd mrodem tezt .qul-pm ent will onanre Pï%ûlePT, leAT">SONABLE AND EXPERT REPAIRS R. L. MIYL ES phû. e 4 t -oko'NO 1 BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY Office 825 Reuidence 4M BOWMANVLLLE, ONT. VETERINARY DR. W. W. SHERWIN VETERINARY SURGEON office Main St. orono Phonoe 63 r 7, Orono JCGAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Automobile and Liability oRtoNO ONTARIO t- -TOUi iMANUFACTURERS LIFE wiii giadiy agssitlaplnnn financial secni-ty for yoursütf and -your 4faly. DANE FQUND Phone 8rI ORO monuments The RUTTTER GRANI ITK COMPANY Port Reope, Ontarlo Monuments,Grem ke, Engraving, CGoldleafîng ThD JACKSON Auctionee-rand Valuator Conducts Auction. Sales of alil slso and at reasoDnable rates Cozoilmicate with hlm Bt pea ýPerry, Ontario, or see hie, Ciork, ~A. E. Molrt-on, at Orono, for date. J A CK R E IDE Licenised Auctioneer and Valuator SpecializeminFarmand Furniture Sales Consuit me for termns and dates Phone 1620 - Clarke Do You Know 4 That, for -a malk age twenty-fouir-. The iimporiai Life Assu ruance C-ý pany wili guarantee bis fam.iïy $5,00000 la1 event of bis deatb prior to age jixty, for between 20/% and 3 of that amouint yoarly. And If hoes to age sixty, the Company wiII pay hlm 'lle $,0.0 Why nût consuit yonur local reprosontative F RE D LYCETT to Fe0 what arplan sucLh'as thia wll do for yen.? -inyo re Ilu neo--d o 0 ll~, eauI the Timos olpflee. e pigàt over-'ythirîg lu1fine p>inhig -- !*- terhiads, Enlvelopes, Wddu Bt- kinds, bbetters, programnmes, hl# lin.etcoz,>-. - MEDICAL A. F. MýlcKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIAIN and SURGEON Office Hours:- 2.00 tu 4.00 p.m.; 6 .30 to 8.00 p.mn Sundays and Wdesasby appoinitmlent onily PHONE 17rl - ORONO LEGA-%L Lawrence C. Mason, .A. Barrîier and Solicitor BOWMAINVILL, ONT. Phons : office 688 Hiome 553 W. F., WARD"- 1