You Can" ~cade or so. heyare no0 p- b!y Jilam nI 1,6 Pictu6ed ibSevls forertJ.S.gment SecretayioLý 2South Ds 10 HGreek iett)rP3e nseatedý 22 l lunge 14 RLevel 1 As i6Gfbe 15 îscievus Bot pd9 child 8Ci')w Tsa 25L~ 26 Ren 31 Staggoeed 3r 34 Erro1-). 3.5 1Inne di siik[' child 338Godofý ibol for Piii cete.roiooAu1 cana - -By BARRY MURKA-R 5JUE1T co ULUN BY SUSIE s.) Pns ~ el ar ial eî fr' a25 re)e dgeting hlm1-1off. s IEYmoîerind aîi a ui îc r otfd Iar o k fr ad t a ( uJa y ont; so vw Il - )On't lIl redes, va le shie iln lit r- w ould do but t at we li tise 11Cano,,e to te siibatind 1have aice rde, Wr w ce reaivciiping aound the lakelc bnigontlo bolli se a 1djBarrv waxiga ý1!,1t 1the ýgana ýs vwc ficw b.hseerdasmhug w,- cv lw at fth vav udbouc Ihe est.Afîe lio rmvb f leu inte Iist)oltuje,- C.ary askecd if we couid ride in the sal- bo1 1 a hde(,b fbats 11; t4t-n) ofuf ?I'celngipic bee ienlcy ;lt me ff. 1sat, on Ille beachi andatd for OhIsilr 'l'leyv scccd to bc îakng thecor- i1ers imuch oo fast for, myv i!iing, ý,Aud 1xa lto le on dry liud. Tbcy eriy îipped five limes, but .,t was xvorry ing îme morè . thlain tle boa îîpiug as Ithe girl i îh the houuv coliurcd 11i ai ai the ltri ;1bjatbIiîsg suit. Darvs uite wt as sttiuýg beidebe. VWb(n îheyL. lanedhebepe hr uontand too thiceelaghrr qite exciîcedlv. ei 1 iutippd oxer andput a sto'p b ay ieastha rngb ropup, and tiîigs rsume Ilir usual fshion 0sav ![bt Darrx w a"ýs lbacik onte scene aga-inl. This iebyîipho iiiu Iforlxx(cti, oiatilhe ba lf i xed. Th mn at1tisega- age had t îvo bear eubs, aud Barr ~ouî sng lisat oiur ium Isti ik thc stret uflsu ujustiSc irn andth barc h&cokF t hu011la saunein1g oerbrr ( lr upe ryîbing was n ra vr îb.WlIco ti iùadv ; ofIîs 1sn;,Iîo' 1~seodfcde WLi[, and 'go NHOICIIES OF GINGER FARM By Gwvendoineý, P. Clarkt head, ad menwttr udrfot Storm wîndowsstili on and ithe oilly cmotai oom in thebos the kthn-htis unes te ur once is calpit, asià oftenAs len I get thcdofuheing cold rand wc oiur- mon p eugl neg y ui o gathýer wo~and chips for quLick .heaîîniiig says heis loigfra~ owu trSo uc c ao be1a,0 nin !fiehoe iihim good fuci. 0fcourse 'IIthcehaebeundýays ha cpeetatd heMedn skiesaud we av benfoolisish enough to- gel And we c el stil, i morecher chei We liotn to the Mpr as told by AnaniaS, the wahra. W wanmi." And "oorw ewk upt and filid ccr am~eî more f a dream than ny wehd in ounsep Theforgoig vas wnitten lasýýi night. By the ime I had got thus ba x ith rny ýSpeel the furnace 1had burnt fte famiy weré already undere covers. \Ve slept iIiin bissfi ignoranc'*.Ie of wýviud auid watcr>Bt 1ibis morn)inîg (:,e look oltside was cnough, brokn skes; pparentwly it had hemc r-aiilg ail ni Jî.Thecreek A had fl"iooeditS bnsand par of he vwere the f1ar side ,of the cicek!Nr allv hecoxv'swak rog th usalv sallow creek bcatîse thiat keep'ls the bck jane uf rom b1)c iug cbuîued up tirail Ithe lime. Tis îmorn- ingbccuseof the VOi!ollwars Bob trfiied to drive !ibe cow 'S I10lie te afIbte ba-ck of-',the ficIJIhi doci dothle lanle. Do you ,tbnIk they oudgNo sm . . cows man be tbe StupideS'sî, stubhoruesîtbîgson thec farrni. They boeaac am1e 1runnînlg back to the ICcreek 'anii pngdintio thc e swir-linig w ,I w as w atcbug f rom th ac f Ot biouse. The f irst cow -com-'pletey is- appearied fra iimiit-1Itbouight she was drownedi-then 1 saw the waîer cwburig and the cow scram- bled to ber feet On this ide offtice crm.Th e rsl of the cow's camei aftCenlber and Sxxam theicrek.Ait Ibat is. ex:cept one. Eva wîi neyer as mnuch as puti.ber focot in a puicddf of xacr if she carielp It. That cow bas personaHiy. She alowed Bob to diveber downn the Mae te tce brige. Bwut icrws moretrU-m ble. Brutsl and debis swept do 1 r by ithe fast floingcreek ad dam- étî1 mcd tebridige.Te vteas xva- ter "10viii d ivrtd tscorsand fsowed oi acoas de Iane Pbeio c h Inci odcnai efoe ny nilin n1w d asdnaIi lmo1rmn,! the meonIpid- No i is ten, o'clock, stii riuu aud (jthe water Sto ii nising.A ditchl at tHc býac:k oflt(ebouse liasnic higber than he çotlet ipipe f rom ihe cellar so water ;Ishckïiug uintoilý the ýceiiar. Things arc biuiug il,,to look mîlighty serionsý. But lik t bîmseif unti hle met ,a man xibu any feetso WC in oisdisrcthave tornaýdo as'tcorn r xva, wreck- cd ouir homes oriiled eilesvic- tims. 1Tbou1ghits turued iuward and con fined tg ihe bound11cari2s of our farm and family are bound to be lseifshanid despondent. Butif we Ilekoutw and and -onxxard it ismorec thn ikely our ow rube viii grwlsa as we coneto a better undersanding op, and Mae aDkeaner sympaîbilly for, ithose othcr fl nose jos are so ofîumuch rae than Our oc=n Hihasandbrdedvlod hyKinig Louis XIV anNapo1,)eom are sii i n ser ice 1,nrance. TO BE POPULAR insist on servîng'Maxwell Bouse coffee. Tt's packed 2 ways. lu Super-Vacuum Tinre (Dripor Regular Gindi() or Cfassine4iîned Bag (AIPurpose Grind»ý A dual-upsDDi Pow., derMixd ithwaer o)ne pound makeS onp gall1-O f Barn Spray OR' five gallons ofî L7vesiock Spa n theqr moiffec. sive fOrm Coà,rveni ,ent,'ý economcal adpo fare 0 AVE TO TAKE OFF iVOUR BOOTS7- Y""agiO EYWL>IIGT USE "&NUOGET"t DAILY, IT GIVES A I~1,LASTING, WATRPROOF SHINE. 'S BRISK-TASTIN TEA GIVES YOU THAT 0ffyu'eneyer tasted Ltonr'078deýlioug bris)k favor ... if you've neyer fel"t the exhilaracting Ft4VOIR-LIFT 1you get with Lîptoiz's TeaY, you'V:e goït a real treat coming' For LpoIyl.thie Only te that gives you brisak, snellow flaÉvo-pl»ua a lift Iliat picks you rgtup.- It's the blend tht i akes% Liptn'sandVheblend la Lý,Iipn'a ofn osecret. WhE'never you're tired or depressed, drink a cup of Li .ptoi's and 8ee how mauch better you fe!Ask far Lipto,'-thie tea with tise FAO-I'-ty grOcýer'8 ody Coyih!97 To ý Z Lptoü 1Lit»Is