DAD ONl ~~~~. ~ ~ y an vlsIiec d and M's, E. W il.iE i day Hvnig. aona Langmal'n dlst u k-end ýwith Mrl 1. qikr Mi- Jo at-i -rsary rd at veli, Gowanviilie, il. and Pete Kessier Lis. 3r. and -Irs. £Vorley -t bînson en.- ion aie friends to Sundadý, linner. iay - Xi at report that M>,_W A. ilai- a bwèlei is able to fte ujp arond again. tire M. Bennett, Toronto, viited dl i, ~parents,-Mi'.anMs.Jake Hai- wr- el - 5f Ar. and iVrs Danny Shutika,, oý yead Osbawa, visited Mr. andÎMrs. Llew, Halloweil. and tirse Fred Todd spent a few *d'ys ieir wit'- hr sstrMrsý. %Wlden, of ianilalmiltonl. výth Mr. 'Boit), rtonand frjiend(, of O)rono, 5fr. and Mr.s.RLusel Savery d a1 nrd Betty, with IvIr. and iMrs. Ewart tt!e Roinison. of Mrs. tWm. iMartîn bas returned dru~ frowm Fenelon FaIls to spend the 1.ismmer with her daughter, Mrs. me ý ini Fails. _t _Mr Dan'y Shutka, wbo has' finis- 1ew- edi bis first year at. Toronto Univer- to, s ýity, hs been¾ome beping fhîs fath- or- e , 5Mr. Mikýe ShutIka. Mfr. a "dIls, Arthur Faits an io- fai]y, Bowmanivile, 5r and Mý,rs. a Harold Littie and!(1,Gary, Oshawa, mlpetSundaatiThos. eýFalls. Uas Shiloh nnvesayservices WUifl e Qrs held on June 22, Pt 2.30p.m.and U 'ty 7 30 p.m.The jnir h ijl il ig har in the afternoop and the %sborne 'aýy these atlgt ath. The W. A3. imet at the homie of MrF. keEatRcbinson on Turesday igb t day With a good atendance. Plans were eru made for the anniversary and con- a ert. Mrs. Rc inson sýerv"ed lunch and day, mrýs'W. \A. Hailowell i-vited the t h- ladie's to ber hom[e fo te Tjuiy meet- wip in -1 1g Ail Preiumttr, Blatck; E -roiledl passed, wbich i will sadthroiigi Lsed fo the me r atis stale at th&e Pue edmiiStation Stýreet, Orono. Tern [172,To insure a livingfo, $10,0. FATHERS'y DAY This Sunday, June I 5th RAZORS and SHAV G BRLJSHES Packard Elecýtric Razor, Valet A-ýutostrop it lades and stro4p --------$1 25 Uillette Rar, it 5 blades- -- --- ----- --- -49C Gillette Aitca ao (ýeue piece razor) with 10' blades------- -----$6.001 Ruibb)ersjet Shaving Buh es,, prÎ(eed at 59c., 75Ïýe, $1, $3 CIGARETITE LIGITERS SrmI- ý------- --------- .--.-$10 Rsio m ------ -----------$50 CIARETTE S Ail ippular bad,5'.0 PIPES abepipes, eahL10ti, $1.541 $301and-- ------ -$ ... ... ,7, 00C Thep Air-cool IPipe, ofigh aittlim----------$6.2 TO GO FARTIIER WITII FATHIER, GIVýE HMM A WATERIMAN PEN AND PENCIL SET Attractive Wr ting -Sets at $3-9-,-$5---- $3.95 and $5,'554 each Miiitary lýrush. Sets, each -------------------- ------- $2.75 to $71.00 Billfolds---------------------- ------- ---$1- ï. 2- $2 50, $3.75 -Matchinig Billfi1ls and Key Cases,.oi leailer---------- $5 9ý5 Leather lJtility Cases ----------- ---------- --------$501and $-704 Bachelor Toilet Stsfo'- imen, attraCiveiy parlkageâ ---7 5 Cte $5.04 Brownie Reflex Caea------------ ... ----------------- -------$92 Send COJTT'S BETTER FA,ýTI-IER'S DAY CARDS New A ta tv ein, each -----5-------c------to 25C 1ChalesB. Tyrri Agent for Jackmian Flowers RK..0s. DIESEL MECHANICS 14- Diesel course offerS exceptioniopr Lifiiiy for th, aver-age experieacedmto ecai.Shop wvrk, w4ith acobain : 'thcory-, covers ail phiases of operati on, and: 4lesigned to gi-e the student al estsen!tia-is vailabie lit Ilamilton o01,1Y. ocinltraining eo'sneS in the arts, professions and trades aïrc oaerduttraining acenitres lo 10teJ : in efoown cities and towns in Ontario, TOr-onto, Hamiït on, D-:,n Kitchener, Windsor, FM. Wiliamn,: Brockvill'e, Nerth Bay, Ottaw'a. e e.,., ee~ e,.e........ Phone 68 * Oronto, Ont. FATIIER'S D-AY, JU1-NE l5th Seorgift cýouner of presents suitable for, father, also Fte' Day Cardýs, pricedi 5c to 10c Sm-all sze G£anze Vash Plastic Place Mats, in lace and c2olored patterns, each..... .. 39ec ----- Glass Measuring Cups, 2 for.. 15e New- designs Glass Tumblers, rose and stripedi patterns, each ... 10e CigreteLigteseach....9 Ladies' Silk Panties, color-ed, si1z e s PLSH smallmediumOr large, pair.7c LT Ladies'Prn Aprons. 65c and 69e Ladies' WhV1ite Cottoý,p Briefs, med. or l!arge,' pr 8.5e MnsCottonade Tw,ýeedl Pants, sizes ;32 to 42-,$26 GC,,i,ý'ERY FEATURES Quick uakerOats vwith Cup andSacrpk 31 KelggsConFlakes, large boxes, 2 for...... 27,c SPCIL-rid prcosor Pahs /lbpkýg 10te Nabob Cofflee, 1-2 lb....27c i lb. 5il.. SO bel, 1-2 lb, lie Large variety of Aymrin- fanit's Food)C, 2 tin s....5 & Bens,20 oz in.....a5 ~St ok elys VnCapSpa- ghietti, 20 oz tin.....14,c Speejal - Km an il pork pr'Oducýt, tin......35c Shleriff'is G)oclTod Moring Marmailade, ingrýedients of raneGrýapefr-uit and Lemon, 129 oz jr 110 coup3ons .......................27 MVaple Leaf,1 Toilet ýSoap at the old price, ck .6c Eavioi ,with Meat in sauce ingredients, Flour, Tomnato, IBeef, Eggs, Mushrý.ooms, Onions, Car- r.otsý Butte r, Celery, etc, tinii ........35,e URONO 5c. TO $100 STORE- MYOUR POPULIAR SHO PPING CENTRE Northcutt and Smith Funeral Directors nnd Furniture Dealera KINDNESS COIJRTESY SERVICE ElquiPPed to take care of tie. modO.'t furerai ré the most reasanable c:harge as. wel as thie largest Eand - moat exactinz Telphoe:Offic* 65 - Reideae: 28and 72e -ws ML-- uni , a Teiephane Collett - i and ý