a job an;31secm hope htsm turned Ult dow is flnaily landed very happy. I îy the man who bec~ause cf bis what a uostake cn et a littier pu 1l l ahead fth btifbs (ldikwsomby thecrePI'msn. Vear Cftheinlecteotr feliow bas, th1rough bis ownor onrh, nre oif a young 11 'mn h asïpe i fur rfix% ce vears c ceihauive stuy n ebe flunk- cdn cusioeiaehai' l or Il w\ithl tle brfýa ins V"ill wn èe ifuence. Doni't kiîd you- self. Every rnan a s bspi and if ouï r op isbuy;ig-frnta certaý1 In fn-ni andthentrie toget lus e a thais j es is-c'ne easyv -en vbu yer- lnseif. AShort get a jobias 'a liedr up. Wi,- litr rnd àt l less othaàn' 11fathe potr i Unes in-l a a lecr C tg, antid e bard te icýope wtbut ete)-se mlake yenr"mid mne te wsbyeni -sdalsô te oc- ile ; are stili op1. J-er prize, $2,500tne aon GI1N CEJ' F ARMN Dy Gwzedohnle P Clar Iirdtewit hisceuue- uon :lin iu't about uga-t cx ri îeu ft e-er bt.N the sun'isshiingantiI 1ed muc bette et eastI doaslogai stavindors.A littie xvhile ao weniteferd thýe cIiIeens a-I lu tca il ia lklelig na \Vhy il the chiciscus din'7 'de t dantwp jîist ablouitas fast as xvc put c alm îpa raýticly fexx'. Thbas )bren if doci Aio 1i bu w hie a1 ý,ie nmîaiuag(dIte kecp aIlly fron t. mna acx, L ti'kvylnt feeIiugt Achisyer. 'ihe prier of cxrnr:a -ed, tirc , oeut of peotnt ia wux'c gtforchcusadcgsSe itaIo etgiv ing tue eii ick lhgh the rouhs rr ilileti lp i \illa mitrof rolet what ani cts frent our wngrain e ourea night tbry a r.fed srih xha. '1]fh basbrn itheir meu ince !slcy vwm ri, urletive weeks ol,. Up te tula tulle texwee edcet W meciaýI ehck salr.Obt iJ 'frgot;ee illpol tant. it em-tise/ - ,j ttalthe seur kim ticlsey i dink ntit i- lapientyl tur pont-it incti h repugbs- v ooetr~ ougbx -aioug with the JrolIl ran \,\ lut v i; i bce 1tCe finial ou 1o Idon fkîex.. i c cbpas laSU, but atileasýàtti cf the littie rasCais w cntit I st xrkbuit terarr stili s: nnn suLggcýste'd i tat I n tour icf lthrm tirst. The fîrstthîngwa, 1te cath ias it gallibvanteti nin ndaeut alnollg thle cows anti bifer. Ten I caliglit lolt of ts coliar - -tbey ail hvestraps -arouni theil ncks ike dogcolp arsAmtee h alway' somieth-iiug t'Ghang onin t.Ire- iatl e1vlt-bs ht-lie red fellow f eR Now, as chilren would say, haab Ut pienie , meaning cf! baýsket. For them, 'antd ohers ho might be mehtioWned, eangwt great gustotho 1 1,dth Igs brouight ,froi n home reall1ymae tle piScn. Ile home 1economIistiof 1 te Consumer Sectio f theDomii Departmnt cu f Agriculture have done, soIte plannlling for your Do- miinn Day (or any other day> picnlic ini their testinIg kitceen. iere is one of thir picnic sup- pers which 1may arppeai te ýyen. TOMA4'ýTO jUICE --Left in the cn n d chîlld in rier or lake. PICN'C APRSALD LET-,,TUCE, RARDISHIES AND GRVEEN ON(JIONS. CHEEBREAD - Plain ôr FRIUIT ITARTS. MJLK~ -For theGrowîng. gave a sut"Iitien vwst vwiCI i leten my grip o thaï: only imyine finlger wv'as ieft holdingfthe collar. Then le diti anIotjer m'Irrry-go- roundbut f- Course in Gthe op- posite tirection-anld Itou1 nîly finger bad .iust ýaboiit hat ifi. Horcit ontly eot a b)ati twist but when I fiinavladt4m ieAd in hiýs stal I tieciticti that that Nwas enon)Igb for- me(-se I tolti Part1uer he could put the others in bi- lu1cidenitally, I was just ielling iPrte Iws wriin 0abot Imy tuç l xith hecatif and lbe sait- W a ae youI talkng about 'bui or- thiat rd caif is a Oh ýwel .. teI re ai l ce My r obins over thle ront door buoe Ct eIt thir net twas funi wvatchbIg thent l M other jRobl)in bartily tayrd mwitomenat aid te lact fW\vdavs-and the fietglings Mx c fibtig among thMselvrs c Ilhe nest becaInc ur rodei Naàtur-ally as they, jostieti for po- sition tbey fretiech other euOt tintil there Ihey oer, ut sittin-g on One Itge omer the doorOn «t ilhey reetereI backand forth, fair more ucCItaini of their feet 0t,11 thei wigs.Presentiy i openiI Ille front door e see i f Mt Robinwar any wherc arountiand t.mysurprise Ithe youing robin fi-,scoldiug, tu the grounti. MIiother billwasright on lhanti teý proteet theïlt sud tiîry al stq1ughtt he sýhelter of fixesrus That was týhe last I saw of then buit Istil! !hear thin ui th at same] sicînt. TALKS *e,,( TEýA OR, COEF-FE - For the Picie Hampj-er Saiad 2 cups diced cooked hatn, tongue or ireal 2hard-cooked egschopped, Scup canned peas, Weil draîned - cup choppedI pickle Salati dressi'ng Sait and pepper te t asbte Toss eail nrde t gether. dressînIg 'te moisteuISeveon !et- tuice witb radishesaid green 011101ns. Cheese Bread 1 cake compresseci yeast ori- tablespooni fast rising dry yeast 2 cups liquit (,wateýr, miIk tor potato water) 1 tablespoon sugar î tablespoon sait 6 cups siftedai-upsflr 2 cups grateti cheesL 3 tabIespoons fat, meltled. Scaiti liqjuiti, "then cool -te luke- wr.Use 1,11 cnp o cfhelkar WHEN YOUIRE 1.0W AND FEELING BLUE- ONL-Y LIPTOt4; BRISK-TASTING TEA GIVES '(OU THAT 0 What, a h/ti you get fronta Lipton's Tea! It's Liptoni's FLAvoRt-IFT. . a deliciOl, sinult ing combination of brisk, mellow flavoi- . . pluis & lif/t that sends exilarating niew eDergy righit throexgh you! Lipton's Tea is a wonder fui 'pick-me-up"--woiidlerfu1 anytime, morniing, noon and nighit! And oniy Lipton's gives you that iîtvBLr-bcuei's the b/end that' muake ip a', nd Lipton's who nialke the bln.Asi for Lipton's at yc>ur goe~tdu is nat te be, r theca 50, 000 GALLONs i nero 1 WAR ASSETS Exte-rÉgr Paints, EnameIs, Lacquers, Varnisheî; The maioufacturers are Lowe Br-os., C.I.L., ScarFes. Sh erwin -Williams, Berry Bros. Suitable for Woodl, Cement, Metals, Etc. OLIVE DRAB PAINT-5 gallon can........$1.5C gi. DARK GREEN PAINT -5 gallon can. ..........$2.5G' gai. MEDIUM GREY PAINT-i and 5 gallon can....$275 gai. BLACK ENAMEL-1 and 5 gallon can ........$2.GC gai. MED. BROWN PAINT-S gallon can.......$.Oigai. RED OXIDE PRIMER-I and 5 gallon can........$50 gai. ZINC CHROMATE (ail purpose primer> 1 and 5 gallon cati ....._ ............... ......_$2.50 gal. ZINC CHROMATE THINNERS-1 and 5 gallon cati $1 75 gai. ALUMINUM (lacquer enamel)-5S gallon can .....$3.00 gai. PEA GREEN (lacquer enamnel)-5 galldh can .....$2.50 gai. BUFF (lacquer enanel)-5 gallon cati.......$2,00',)gai. DARK EARTH (dark brown spray paint)- 5 gallon cari..___ ......... ..............2.00 gai, LIGHT GREY (lacquer paint)-5 gallon car.....$2.00 gai. MAROON (eniamel)-5 galion can..........2.50 gai. CLEAR LACQUER-5 gallon can............8$2.50 gai. LACQUER THINNERS-5 gallon can........ $1-75 gai. -CLEAR "COP-AL» VARNISH-f' galion cati, 2.0gai, CLEAR "COPAL" VARNISH-45 gallon drum ...$2.25 gai. 3" PURE BRISTLE PAINT BRV SH-ES, SUES ..'75c eachi 4" PURE BRIS'ILE PAIN'T BRUSHES, SUBS __.. $1.50 each THEABOVE PRODUCTS ARE' THE BEST THAT MONEY CAN BUY-THE GOVERNMENT USED THE BEST- - TRY A SAMPLE ORDER CLIP OUT THIS ADD FOR FUTURE REFERENCE 4 Gal. HEA VYDUTY ýARMY TOOL BOXI YOU MAY? SEND A. DEPOSIT OR REMIT IN', FULL THE BALANCE WILL BE SHIPPED COD. 5.ýi7 Queen Wesýt Toronto, ont. -t. liqidtedissolve yea, Dssiw sugar and saitinYrmaiing Eluil and add to yast mxure, Add 17% cups of thie fl1o7r. beat mwell and add mel[dbut-flot hot fait, blcndîn;ig throghy.Add rmiigf lotir, ixd withthechees, mking a stif dogh.Tos on floured board and kneaiCI yiceina 1large grea',sed bw1 n ltricutil shape jute aves, Ce es ini a warm IIplace te rïisc îmtldoubie 37 '-F, tuntîl theia\ssrnl frorithe sudesof the Pan and gi', a iollow su ;lw tstd- abouit one our lac fnemedicie bsvol,,,,effeCtwe t reiev pi,nervoua distre--a nd weMk, "dralgged 0,uC' reoLle3q feeýlinga, 01, "crtindas"when due una t k~/ I