PROCLAMATION WHIERý'EAS, tuberculosis is a communicable disease which took 6,00 lives iii Caniada in. 1946,1 and WHREREAS, there is a very defiite daner of infection to our residents if active cases are allowedim to go lirdetected, and WHEREAS, faci1ities are being- made available whereby ail residents of Clarke Towa nship may obtain a free x-ray, TH[EREFORýE, 1. Reeve of CIarke Towns,-hip, do hereby officially desig-nate from July 7th to July l5th as the period for this free x-ray linie and earnestly request that every citizen respoýnd m1ost whoeeartedly to this campaiga, first by having an x-ray and then hy supporting the project among their friends and acquaintanices hy word of mouth. By so, doing, you will not only protect yourseif and your family, but make Clarke Township a heaithier' place iýn whieh to live. Reeve E. R. WOODYARD: COLD STORAGE SCENTIFICALLY REFRIG"5ERATED Herman's Fur & Cloth Garments COSTS NO MO0RE TO STORE WVITIIU Agent -idell's Bar.ber Shop New Service Cleaners & Dyers, Quteen Street - PORT HOPE IRED &WHITE STORESà HOLIDAY SUGGESTIONS o ilbr PEANUfT BUTTER -~......16 oz jar MýcLareni's STUFFED OLIVES....4 bottie SWEET MIXED PICKLES CHICKEN SPREAD............ 2 tins "FRESH-IE", makes 10 glasses of soft drinks, assorted flavours............each GRAPE JUICE............-...bttie ORANGE and GRAPEFRUIT JUICE, 48 oz. tins . ........ ...........tin KIPIPERED SNACKS ........2 tins 39C 25e 29C 25ce r* ad Mr. V.T. Býiownin Guelfphi Mr. V'erno-n Saur ders spent Stin, with -isprets Mr. and Ms Aithur Saunlders. .Mr. and M -rs. Airthur Saund(ier,ý c eIl ebPraýý ÉediIth e ir 40,th ,veddlinrg A nni - veiSrsary iast week. 31r. Ja's. Ea'giýeson is îitedL hiaz cou- sin', Mis. Bï DwsnatBailieboro, over the wveek-eind. M1iss Augustýa Thonton, of Mill- brook, vstdfriends - in tuw the poast week-end. Mrs. F. O. Cooper was t-aken to Bowmianville llosvita on Wednesday of las, week to neroanl operation. Mrs. ý'Lloydl Crabbe was takeun to Bowmanvielie Hopita on Frriay evening of last xeek, *Mr. and airs. John Patterson bave taken Up residence lain Ms.MWm. Stutt's holli, SouthWard Orouno jr S sft<alteam dufeaited the Courtice girs'1e-mOn Wdnes- lay cvening last by theoe of 10 to 9. lirs.IW. E. Reid and *augters Jun and Elva, Crooked Creek. spent the eekendwi1h MVr. anid s.T. A. Red!. p Ïi). y Mrs. C. Woo ddGwni Phasey attended Decoration Day Ser- vicesut Pmeerooun SUnly lst. Dr. MKenzie, Percy Lunn and W. . Dveyleft n We.nsy asýt fracopedy on a ftýshin-g trip a uiber of litte playmates ut a tea 'laicty 1 d hnur ofhis flfthb Mr. Pae F o und attended U the 1 nuM atulr er'S Life Sialesý Meeting at ov Sick LkForest 1Hill Hotel, Mu koka,the foýrePart of last week. AtedteOvonoChabe of Co- merce SorsDay ,in th calpark Sofball nd ootbal!l 111 bu payed. Mi. adMrs.ChsTyelatnd ed the O. R. D. A. Conivettion at the Royl Mskoka Hotel, usoate forpar ofthis weelk. * r1 Mr ad Vrs, oron Major and Penny Jycof Bownanfville, -%vere Sudyvisi«tors at thfle home of 'Mr. an M3s, Russel 3Major. 'J". adMrs. VrteWilson end famy weoenanow ne citzensWho nteddte General iVitors pienie past Saturday Mi, andi Mrs. Egerton Haneock and Mr. anid Mrs. Ialx acc and daughter Sharron, Newcastle, wer scr f19 tU-,17. MCecil ocwodbas ïrturned e News( 33C. 29e Order a ROAST early rd For1tuÎe Week-endI CA-&NNEDMILK -- take your choice of Car- nation, Libby's, Borden's,.Nestle's, large tin 12e Small ins *............. * 2 for 13e KRAFT DINNER ,......... 2 pkgs, for 37e FREEZ-EASY, Ice Cream Mix ...... pkgý 10e LARGE LEMONS, 210, 6for..........c TOMATOES, firm, ripe per lb........ 1 BANAN AS, lb ......4 AVMP4't motF~f k/ irnanv. Toronto, the home oi' Heai Otfice. Mr. and Mrs. Larry H-ardeastle i anj ýfar.ily, ad iesr.Howard I Wýood and Don Evans attendedi th e Goodye-ar Picnic at Rfc'hester last Saturday. Theexuso party trav-- e-lled by cýar and bus from Bo'wan- ville to Cobourg, and by lake ferry i froini oougtoRochesýter. Lawnvrridge R,"in:iaster Nor-a, -125280'-, a Jersey eomwwe by 'Dr. Wilfred W. Shrerwin, Orono, naro has ,omnpleted a reco)rd at 6 years of age cf 7,796 lbs. mik 4G5Phs. fat, in 30ýlr, days with an averag2e tes-t of 5 6.Nora is by the oultstandfing, sire, Avon;igi Riniginaster -91954-, bcred boy Senator A. C. Hardy, Brocklý- villehOntri-,andJ Nor-a herseif, Cornes froni the well-known hlerd of Charles F.ý Wooid & So-ns, Aurora, A ro ng t he Sevenrsea whogad rzated 'l' PetcCforo Hovtlon June I j The Orono Flour Mill wiil be CLOSED 'both Monday and Tuesday,'June 30 and JuIy 1, LOCKWOOD RBROSe' OronoOntario IWe have fresh STRAWBERRIESj arriving daily at reasori&ble 1Prices