in cashj ni op who()fotmd (ïtis,dulck -tri, t- in AnïeesC-if. gc rime(i rs escortia li takesoci ulai e\vI(Ilce d bYteepicture'-s his owner',cs tavern-I, Atft;i ý mbchheturns antîd place s brede r xvlo he'lped ow i 'er If's fuil speed ahead foi' this rooster as it e\I)eriences a new tbrill by saiiing doivu the tloGded Main St., iii Canton, Mo,, on a f1oatin~ boaixl, 0f Schcol Age Dawdling Drivers j Must "Sp~ed 'er Up" 0 atý -,-Urio nhl~e)wg) betweenR whereIX vveen people anld agd514. 5 liai emreac pe-ople thaztaei per- 100,000 popi- b st ang older ces in tbe group year i ut o cxi y25 1 n rodixers got into den inoîvngdcatîî, ini- -rprt damage. figulresare no niere Tîyaeofficiai staiistie, d by Hlon. Geor 1ge H. Doni ntsio \Iiiiter of i- n uegng saety o moto atety litý of Scampain againslslow disrson itbc j biglways. n ibelog n, nIma do as mluc to cl dwnt11 acwen rae s It,- prOSecut1i, ýio c otor-is The iýProvincia lPolice arec not se t tigapr ceC!lent w ýillb Ibi1cmain Treis a sect:in of1tblOntini' TafcA ct tbalay wndt l1ý,i ý l'Litci c -n di1wbepoIcecbc!k bî n lp l"be 'fis, tat's' hr .ilcaing (be lasv[and ccondýl,l m itcl, flic Intime be made( l a longtp linsîf,, and li Il i ar hng i saidabot îb dadlcn ,ics RighMolcffFuateeciom tîjisc C laîeiîdia, wbat', ril tbe I 'iccpary S ,flcs-", lThe answ er iade dean byMn. tilîa tb i,v Stv trIled hy ge'iing t'elix regý imes Hîîus orc tl-'aksîanor b i in inde pdenilt, ii(itiiot iîLsh ice- aeni maliîtanig basesvoir basions - - ~ I . 3.COLLINS Uncjueca=me smppgno the kitchenmak5ing about as much 'loise as malhedo, cattue, "Here! ýýYou becarfl"An Martlha w-rneal wavinga large hav e"ed setin.' And wipe your feet, do'vou dare raps in Ilere frmthtdirty obld barnl yarid," "Gidm it, wmaou puit wht ias gon o say dean out should sdi u ad go blix nto . àhr wsafaraway ookin bis eys l(dhe'-ugt'f ail the pesrsut etrmet Perhaps adeaeourihome just o suift'a whim f frs ua ettewle j(ciidaot o or ed"Tlier was fialty iil lbei xie. Yoi areeom ,i li ng e o upr AIl We din't ax ethe ligbtes1 inlî f bt Unle bad 1sug - gesre unti suppr wasiîeary oxer tb(Jrn i nov 0 O1. i o ir.") Thefii4 bin w knive11 werc 'nvoî cdiî aifîl cal 5 çtle tre agaiitilkînt arîba, utï sh am _______ 1y J. MILLAR WATT i-A t: ~.1 ginveýt by Mail Invetorsdesiingto'ilurcla'se, sei or obtain quotations and iniforllation eadiginve'stments are fin 1ited to thi dume1e f tlie services of anid Cor1poration sucutie-s forwardedd gladly uipon rcque'it. Tolma oI!Iot Ik lu-J leu ;ral iculd-be buyers camne to ap- pora-ise rtbe farm and flnally one of themil said he would buy it, Uncie -Toc-ani(jAunlt Martha had been sýhoppinig ar-ound trying to tind a biouse inm town but getting one was a tougbier proposition than tbey'd Evnulythe sale was complet- edadthe -new ownelr boughtthe farn opletith st'ock and im- lemen1(lts for ten. thousandïi( dollars. He( toid Unclieo'the couldhave aohraddit-ionial two xý,eeks to ïid îoueand ove Earlynejt olnilg we were cover atthir -place and into the job Lof packing upil. About nine- thiurty fhl ne owner drove ont and hailed UeJoe. "'ebeen ltinking it over, Mr, Quinn, andthis place doesn't qite .ýsit mer. How would you P l,, tobiiy it back at the same -nle -, si t of looked at bim pupye ,d-c dli crowdcd around: "We l sir!,jiust don*t en momiilitoACown 'atanld Ibxnt'An MarLva1sllg 1ber arms around exciedly ."Yu bu itback,Je xva norelctancç in, Uncle joüe's, * ic and gtteppr ie Wewcnt ,outside eain.Aunti _Martbla crying sottIlyinJunn'.s ari, wtcbeùd thin d rive away anid UnleL Joe asgrininýlg for ah bec ivas worrbl hom,Jenny said 'It was lucky the mian w\antetcý o ehitàback. Neitheronc'ftbetilllwanted fte was ustplain coniiigonUncle Jc')C part, flie made anliagr-eemenýrt 10, pay the on iane tra tou- sadif bdcome .ouit 2andJs ay wblat he id, Don't say ap word to Aunit îarta, 'e Id me tokecp itý ueli, watdo you know,"Jen- f3LaugbeI)d 'ceis siil a bit t<,f Maîb ad a 1 ad aid the new owner 1ve hundred dllarcs to seil Checking U12 onLis faîbciýr's knee C in a crowded buslooed ard at flbestout, bîled L(1ini and edged jherselt intoù (hel(ny set Leit, Iben belurned-iu( to blis obr bibdeai," sid bIis mothder. Put,> Mummy," he sh ,Irillu, ou mît si oDd Waee thsobet cmigi 'I